
Reawakening of the Nameless Dragon

Nameless, Unknown, Forgotten in the passage of time. A man suddenly awakens inside a dark place, crawling out from a suffocating Coffin. With no memories about his past. Driven by an unyielding determination to survive, the man sets on a journey to recover his memory. With each step, revealing a fragment of his forgotten and dark past with the help of a being inside him contently speaking inside his head, and the people that he meets in his journey. A journey that will change the shape of the world because the man Knows one way to answer any problem. Wrath and destruction. *** Hello everyone this is Pride from Shadow Library. First I just want to tell you all, that this is my first novel and English is not my first language so there will be some mistakes. second. I hope you enjoy the ride with me as we delve deep in the story. my goal is to write a story I want to read later and I hope you share this passion with me as a reader, and always remember: The only thing that matters is a good story. One more thing, the story sometimes delves into dark themes, especially when the MC displays his brutality, so please read with caution. *** Discord: https://discord.gg/g5MxH7mkAB Contact Instagram:@Shadow_library_ Support the author: https://www.patreon.com/ShadowLibrary

Shadow_Library_ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
169 Chs

Chapter 112: Operation Shadow Strike

"Everyone in position?" Scarlett, perched on another rooftop, inquired, clutching a dark feather in her hand.

"Alpha team in position" Kasumi responded, landing gracefully on a balcony on the third floor, accompanied by nine other women and Viper.

"Beta team is set," Freya confirmed from the shadows of an alley across from the building's entrance, accompanied by the rest of their group.

"Roger that" Inspecting the black feather in her hand thoughtfully. Scarlett glanced back at the young kid behind her.

'What an exceptional skill.'

Raum, in his human form, sat in a meditative lotus position on the rooftop. Like the others, he trained tirelessly in that mouth, mostly solo, taking occasional trips to town to absorb the negative emotions. It was during one of these outings that he stumbled upon a newfound talent: telepathy.

By infusing his feathers with mana, Raum could establish a mental link with anyone who held them. Currently, he has crafted three such telepathic feathers, around which Scarlett and Kasumi formed the teams.

The drawback, however, was that Raum had to remain stationary, maintaining a steady flow of mana to his feathers to sustain the connection. Nevertheless, the advantage of utilizing Raum's feathers over traditional communication crystals was significant; the crystals were far too easily detectable.

Assuming the role of commander, Scarlett, with her unique skill "The Scout," was ideally suited to plan, coordinate, and oversee the operation.

Activating her skill, Scarlett's senses expanded, her awareness extending beyond her physical form. She could now perceive the surroundings with unparalleled clarity, every detail etched into her mind with precision. From the subtlest rustle of leaves to the faintest whisper of wind, nothing escaped her notice.

"Alpha team. The coast is clear; proceed with caution," Scarlett's voice resonated in Kasumi's mind via the telepathic link.

"Understood," Kasumi replied mentally, turning to Viper and whispering, "You're up Ghost."

Viper—now codenamed Ghost—nodded silently, activating her invisibility to erase her presence from the world. She swiftly unblocked the balcony door and slipped inside, alert for any traps or barriers. With her invisibility being undetectable and her expertise in traps, she was more knowledgeable than most members of the team.

Meanwhile, Kasumi approached another member of her team, composed of the most talented individuals who had made remarkable progress during their month of training. Among them, the standout was the woman Kasumi now addressed.

Kasumi was intimately acquainted with this woman, as she had been one of the five imprisoned by Vincent in his dungeon for posing a significant threat to his clients.

"It's your turn, Spider," Kasumi said softly.

The woman—codenamed Spider—nodded silently, pulling back her hood as she approached the balcony door.

She had long light-pink hair, large with no pupil round eyes of the same hue. Her skin was pale as the snow, and she appeared to be skinnier than normal. Evident by the visible cheekbones.

Crouching down, Spider placed her hand on the floor, her expression focused as she prepared to execute her part in the operation.

"Spread out," she whispered, and her command was met with swift obedience of a miniature light-pink spider emerging from beneath her palm, scurrying across the floor inside the guild's building.

Their movements were synchronized and precise. Each spider moved with purpose, weaving through the corridors and rooms of the building with remarkable speed.

"Brrr…no matter how many times I witness it, it's still creepy," remarked one member, an Elf, in a hushed tone to her companions. Yet her whisper was audible enough to be heard by all of them, including Spider, who kept her attention solely on controlling the tiny spiders as they navigated the building's interior.

Despite the comment from the elf, she remained unfazed, her determination unwavering, doing her part in the operation solely for her beloved master. A man who accepted her despite her race.

The woman belonged to a rare, all-female race known as Arachne, characterized by their half-human, half-spider physiology, which some scholars categorized as evil creatures due to their nature. Possessing remarkable agility, strength, and venomous capabilities, they were formidable adversaries in suitable environments.

Despite the risks, Arachne corpses were highly prized for the rare and high-quality organs used in alchemy, particularly those obtained from their human-spider form, which they assumed upon maturation.

As a result, they were relentlessly hunted, with Arachne quests available in every guild and town. Mercenaries and adventurers eagerly accepted such quests due to Arachne's evil nature and reproductive methods, which involved kidnapping human males.

The Arachne's evolutionary cycle followed a straightforward trajectory, beginning as wolf-sized spiders before maturing into their half-human, half-spider form. Surviving Arachne who consumed sufficient prey could evolve further, attaining a full human form and the ability to shapeshift freely among the three forms.

However, rarely a unique Arachne could be born, known as The Royal Arachne, born in fully human form, with their evolution going in the opposite direction of the regular Arachne.

This brings us to Spider, whose real name was Aria.

Born a Royal Arachne, she was mistaken by hunters for a rare demi-human race and subsequently captured and sold into slavery. Unbreakable and untamed, she passed from one master to another until catching the eye of Vincent, who recognized her true nature.

"All targets located," Aria whispered after ten minutes of reconnaissance.

Kasumi immediately utilized Raum's feather to communicate with Scarlett. "From Alpha to Apex, first phase completed."

"Copy that," Scarlett responded via the telepathic link, her tone calm and authoritative. "Beta team, prepare for entry. We'll engage on my signal."

"Roger," Freya replied enthusiastically, eager for some action, turning to Marcus ordering. "Rhino. It's time."

"Understood." Marcus cracked his neck and assumed a charging stance at the end of the alley. Activating his ability, Rhino Skin, he hardened his skin.

He was clad in a full suit of steel armor crafted by Balin. The armor was thick, focusing on defense more than anything. Marcus had one role in this operation: breaking the enchanted guild gate.

To accomplish this, Balin made the armor's right shoulder piece larger and thicker, forged in the shape of a ram's head, designed specifically for ramming through obstacles with incredible force.

The initial phase of the operation was crucial. Thanks to Viper's intelligence gathering, they obtained comprehensive information on the White Falcons, including their members and activities.

Aron's order was clear. "Eliminate the ones responsible for the kidnapping."

Which means the innocent must be spared. Scarlett compiled a list distinguishing between the guilty and the innocent, recognizing that 70% of the Falcons members, like Pethra in the past, had been coerced into joining due to debts.

This was where Aria's abilities came into play. Utilizing her spiders, she identified all targets on the list and prepared to administer a specialized poison.

The poison itself was harmless, merely causing a temporary pink discoloration of the skin to facilitate target identification.

It wasn't a surprise that all women refused to execute the operation solely through poisoning; while it was within their capability, it ran counter to the purpose of the mission.

Aron wished to assess their development, and the women were determined to demonstrate their prowess, earning his acknowledgment and the privilege of remaining by his side as loyal servants.

Scarlett took a deep breath, surveying the scene below through her enhanced senses. She, like the rest of them, knew that once the order was given, there would be no turning back.

The weight of their mission hung heavy in the air. Lives would indeed be taken, but they were lives tainted by wrongdoing, lives that had caused untold suffering to innocent victims.

"Beta team, commence," Scarlett commanded.

With her signal, the Beta team sprang into action.

Thud! Thud!

The sound of Marcus' armored footsteps reverberated through the deserted streets as he charged toward the enchanted guild gate with relentless determination.

"Alpha team, await my signal," Scarlett's voice echoed in Kasumi's mind.

Observing Marcus's progress, Scarlett waited until he reached the midpoint.

"Now, Alpha!"

"Spider, do it."

Aria nodded, swiftly directing her spiders to bite the targets on their ankles or necks.



"Something Bit me!"

Panic erupted among the White Falcons as the effects of Aria's poison took hold, slowly changing their skin color. Members scrambled, clutching their ankles and necks, trying to shake off the sensation. However, their panic was short-lived.


The sudden explosion rocked the White Falcons' guild hall as Marcus, charging with relentless force toward the enchanted guild gate, collided with it head-on. The impact was tremendous, sending shockwaves through the structure and shattering the gate into a thousand pieces.

"Come at me, bitches. I WANNA BREAK SOME NECKS!"

The smoke cleared, revealing Marcus standing amidst the rubble of the shattered gate, his Rhino skin pulsating with energy as he surveyed the chaos he had unleashed. His eyes burned with determination, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Momentarily stunned, the Falcons struggled to comprehend the destruction of their enchanted gate.

"What are you waiting for, fools?! GET HIM!"

Someone in their rank yelled, snapping the rest from their stupor. The White Falcons swiftly roused into action, drew their weapons, and charged at Marcus. Who stood firm and unwavering as he waited for them to descend upon him like a wave crashing against a cliff.





"It can't be!"


Piercing through the Falcons like a natural force, four stone guardians crushed through the walls with their long spears and tower shields, impaling those unlucky to be on the first and the second line.

Panic and chaos quickly erupted as the stone guardians began cleaving through their ranks with ease.


With a resounding roar, Freya and the rest of the Beta team surged forward, charging through the shattered remnants of the enchanted guild gate. Their determination was palpable as they plunged headlong into the heart of the chaos, weapons drawn and senses heightened for battle.

"Alpha team, NOW!" Scarlett commanded, and immediately Kasumi and the rest of the team dashed inside the building, picking off the unaware and sleepy members of the Falcons.

In an office on the third floor of the White Falcons' guild hall, a blond man sat behind a desk, engrossed in paperwork. His features were sharp, his gaze focused as he meticulously reviewed the documents before him.

"Hmm?" He paused, lifting his head as he sensed a powerful shockwave.

"What's happening?"

As if answering his question, the door burst open, and one of his guild members rushed in.

"S-Sir, we have a problem—" The man's skin had turned a peculiar shade of pink. Before he could articulate further, his head rolled off his shoulders.

The blond man's eyes widened in horror as he watched the gruesome scene unfold before him. Shock and disbelief washed over him as he struggled to comprehend what he had just witnessed.

Before he could react, a shadowy figure with violet eyes emerged from the darkness leaping toward him.




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