
First Day of School

I was learning so much math that I think I would honestly throw up if I see another cos or sin problem. Mr. Aizawa was a very good teacher, but he was also really strict. My days passed quickly, learning the content beforehand, and going to UA to show Mr. Aizawa my improvement. Last Thursday, he told me that I was done with the tutoring classes. I was all caught up. He had given me a black backpack, stationary, a laptop, textbooks, and my uniform. He said that I would be needing these for school.

I had packed everything in the backpack, and it was lying next to my room's door. Tomorrow was the first day of school. I looked around my room, seeing if I had missed anything. My clothes I would be wearing, the UA school uniform, was folded on my desk. My phone was charging next to my bed. Everything was ready.

I flopped onto my bed and closed my eyes. Tomorrow would be the start of my new life as a student of UA.

My first time going to school. I wonder what it's going to be like. I'll be seeing all of the UA staff again. I hope this is going to be a great year.

I looked at my bandaged hands. UA... They were the first to accept me as who I am. But what if I'm not the person they think I am? Will Mr. Aizawa still trust me? I don't know. I can only hope that the truth is never revealed. After all, some truths are better left untold.


Class 1-A, this is my class. I opened the door to find three boys already in the classroom. The green-haired boy was talking with the boy with glasses, and the spiky-blonde hair boy looked like he got up on the wrong side of bed. Seeing that no one really noticed me, I found my seat. Seat 19. It was by the window, I liked it.

Putting my backpack down, I observed the classroom and my classmates. I caught sight of Mr. Aizawa in his yellow sleeping bag, something I learned that Mr. Aizawa liked doing after my tutoring classes with him. I watched as my other classmates started trickling in.

"Hello, I'm Momo Yaoyorozu. What's your name?" a girl asked for my name as she walked past me.

"I'm Rey. Nice to meet you." The girl sat down behind me.

The green-haired boy from earlier approached me. "H-hi! I'm Izu-"

"Go somewhere else if you want to make friends. This is the hero course. It took you eight seconds to be quiet. Time is precious. You guys are not rational enough." Mr. Aizawa said, standing in his sleeping bag.

The class was stunned by the man before them. Mr. Aizawa maneuvered his hand out of the sleeping bag and unzipped it.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Now, come get your PE uniforms and meet me on the field."

While the other students were still reeling in shock, I stood up at the back of the classroom and walked towards him. I took my uniform from Mr. Aizawa and went to get changed.

"Alright, you will be going through a Quirk Apprehension Test today." Mr. Aizawa drawled once everyone was out on the field.

"What about the entrance ceremony and orientation?" Uraraka asked. I learned her name from her conversation with the green-haired boy.

"A hero doesn't have time for such leisure events, so neither should you. UA does not restrain how classes are taught. I get to run my class however I want." Mr. Aizawa chuckled. "Now, I assume everyone has done physical assessments test before? The country still uses the averages from students without Quirk usage. That is completely irrational. Bakugo, you scored top of the entrance exam. What was your softball throw score?"

The spiky-blonde hair boy responded. "67 meters."

I looked at him. Not bad.

Mr. Aizawa threw a softball at him. "Try it with your Quirk now."

Bakugo stepped into the middle of the circle. Moving his hands in a swinging motion, he hurled the ball into the air while his hands ignited into flames. "Die!"

"Die?" The green-haired boy muttered.

My eyes followed the trajectory of the ball. An explosion Quirk? Interesting.

"750.2 meters." Mr. Aizawa announced. Hearing the score, a lot of the students started exclaiming in excitement. "So we get to use our Quirks whenever we want? That's so fun!"

"You think this is fun? You have three years to become a hero. Is that the attitude you're going to have?" Mr. Aizawa growled. "Whoever comes in last place after eight tests will be deemed as no potential and expelled from the school."

Aizawa pushed his ebony hair back, revealing a crazed expression. "Welcome to UA's hero course!"

The first four tests were simple and passed without a hitch. I took note of my classmates' Quirks. With the buff I received from it being daytime, I took 5th place in all of the tests. There was no need to compete for first or reveal my Quirk. I was satisfied with my ranking. The fifth test, the ball throw, I was contemplating what score I needed to keep my ranking when Uraraka got a score of infinity. I was impressed by her creative thinking.

It was the green-haired boy's turn next. I could tell he was nervous. He took a deep breath, and he threw the ball. I immediately notice that an extremely powerful energy was flowing through, but as quickly as it came, it disappeared. The boy only got 46 meters. I threw a glance at Mr. Aizawa. I thought so.

"I erased your Quirk. The entrance exam was not rational enough. Even someone like you got into UA. You can't control your Quirk, can't you? I saw what you did in the entrance exam." Mr. Aizawa said.

"You erased my Quirk? Those goggles. I know! You're the Erasure Hero: Eraserhead! You can erase a person's Quirk just by looking at them!" The boy shouted.

"Did you plan of incapacitating yourself again? How do you plan on being a hero when you can't even save yourself? People like you will only be a burden to those around you!" Mr. Aizawa cut the boy off. "Even if you have that reckless passion to save people, your power will only allow you to help one person and cripple you forever. You can't become a hero, Izuku Midoriya."

Mr. Aizawa sighed and released the boy. "I've returned your Quirk. You have two more tries. Hurry up."

The boy stood there in silence for a moment. Registering his teacher's words, he picked up the ball and prepared to throw it again. This time, I could sense that the flow of energy was different. The boy threw the ball into the air. His score was 750.3 m.

I realized what he did. The boy had accumulated all of his power into his index finger. He had taken Mr. Aizawa's advice to heart and adapted. What a terrifying comprehending speed.

After the boy's turn, nothing strange occurred after. I placed fifth again, and after my turn, I approached the injured boy. "You're Izuku, right?"

"Yes! Yes, I am!" The boy stuttered.

"Let me see your wound." I gestured at his finger.

"Ah? Oh! Here." The boy was confused but still held out his hand.

I gently touched his broken finger with two of my fingers. My fingers started to glow white. I winced slightly at the pain I received from Izuku. He had really mangled his finger. A few moments later, his finger was healed. "It's healed now."

"Wow! Is that part of your Quirk? Wait, what's your name?" Izuku asked.

"I'm Rey." I returned to my spot. Izuku Midoriya, I hope you can bring me more surprises in the future.

After everyone finished the remaining tests, Mr. Aizawa announced that no one was going to be expelled and his words were only a rational deception. Izuku deflated like a balloon after hearing his words as he had placed last. I trailed behind the rest of class back to the classroom, and I saw Mr. Aizawa talking to someone behind the building. All Might. The number 1 hero of Japan. We meet again.