
Reaper: The Paranormal Adventures of Zach and Evelyn

A student by day and the Grim Reaper by night! Follow the paranormal adventures of Zach Reaper, son of Grim Reaper (the Grim Reaper) and the next in line to become Head of the Reapers, who doesn’t want to reap human souls. Instead, Zach works as a paranormal investigator, dealing with the occurrence of mythical and magical beasts in his hometown, Nestant Town, by reaping their souls. From ghosts, to Devils, to Supernatural Investigators after Zach’s bounty, NOTHING is off limits here in this supernatural action-comedy! Chapters every Monday/Friday at 4pm EST, starting January 1st, 2024!

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49 Chs

Case #11-The Harvester’s Genocide, Part 4

"The Reapers…killed my family…?" I ask, my voice trembling in the form of a soft whisper.

"Yes," Aunt Lucine sadly answers.

"The very same man who raised me for sixteen years, who said he loved me, is this very same man who slaughtered my family?" I ask again, my voice still shaking but growing louder. "That bastard lied to me…" I tremble. "It's no wonder he didn't tell me about the Harvesters' Genocide, BECAUSE HE FUCKING DID IT HIMSELF!"

"Zach, listen to me," Aunt Lucine says. "The very words that I am about to tell you know...no matter what happens to you or between you and your father, never forget these words: Your father was opposed to the Harvesters' Genocide."

My eyes widen.

"I-I see…" I sadly reply. "Yeah, that makes sense…why would my dad hate the Harvesters if he had a child with one…"

"With every fiber of his being your father despised the genocide plan," Aunt Lucine continues. "He even defied the other Reapers by adopting you as your son, raising you as a Reaper as opposed to a captive Harvester. Your father loved you, Zach, and he wanted no harm to come to your family."

"How come my dad was the only one who didn't hate us…" I whimper. "Why did he care so much about me and the other Harvesters when the rest of his clan despised us?"

"Sort of how you're the only Reaper who didn't want to reap human souls, your dad is the only Reaper who doesn't hate the Harvesters," Aunt Lucine explains. "You and your father…were both black sheeps."

"I only didn't want to reap human souls because I'm not a Reaper…" I grumble. "I'm not different, I'm not special, and I don't have a greater heart than any Reaper…I'm just a Harvester…"

"Because unlike you, your father had a sense of duty and knew that if he didn't become the Head Reaper, then the entire world would be thrown out of balance," Aunt Lucine continues.

"So Ezra…just up and vanished?" I ask.

"Yes," Aunt Lucine answers. "I had assumed that he was killed as well, but now I know that Ezra left with a vengeance, training, and growing stronger, and planning to massacre the Reapers, just as they had done to his family."

"So what will you do now, Zach?" Aunt Lucine asks.

"I...I'm not sure," I answer. "I don't know how I should approach my father now or how to feel about Ezra. Our conversation today...really made things a Hell of a lot more complicated."

"In this time of uncertainty, there is one thing that I can promise you, Zach," Aunt Lucine begins to say. "Under my guidance, I will train you to become a powerful Harvester. As the only living Harvester aside from me, I will teach you everything that there is to know about Soul Cultivation, the Harvesters' powers to consume souls and manipulate the Soul Energy from the souls that they eat to increase their strength. I will also teach you the strongest weapon of Harvesters, the attack where one cultivates every last soul into a single point in order to fire it out: the Soul Cannon. And if we have time, I will teach you my technique, Soul Displacement. As the strongest Harvester and the one with the most mastery over Soul Cultivation, I am the only Harvester to date that is able to use this technique. But I think that you will be able to become the next Harvester to use my Soul Displacement, Zach. By the time our training is done, you will become the strongest Harvester. Not because you have any particular talent…"

"But because I am your teacher."

My eyes widened.

"The strongest…Harvester…?"

"After the genocide, I left to go train, and devloped skills far stronger than any Harvester known to date," Lucine explains. "And by honing these skills…you will stop Ezra for us?"

"But why me?" I ask.

"Because only you can relate to Ezra."

A sad expression washes away my confusion as I stare at the ground. "Yeah…I know…" I answer.

"Now, Zach, step outside!" Lucine booms. "Before you go home for the day or begin your training, I want to measure your control over Soul Cultivation!"" 

"Yes, Auntie!" I exclaim as I stand up to face my aunt.

"Don't call me Auntie!" Aunt Lucine exclaims back.

"Yes, Auntie!" I reply, causing Aunt Lucine to sigh, as she leads me to the backyard.


"Before I test your strength, Zach, do you know how to use Soul Cultivation?" Aunt Lucine asks.

"I think so," I answer. "Before I knew that I was a Harvester, I was using an ability called Reaper Drive, where I used the strength of the souls I consumed to boost my power."

"I see," Aunt Lucine replies. "Now, consume a soul and show me your strength!"

Aunt Lucine reaches into her messenger bag and pulls out a soul and consumes it. I watch in amazement as blue Soul Energy begins swirling around her entire body. Everytime I eat a Soul, jagged Soul Energy bursts out of my body haphazardly, but Aunt Lucine's Soul Energy seems to be perfectly swirling around her.

"Don't just stand there, move!" Aunt Lucine snaps.

"R-right!" I stammer as I reach into my messenger bag and consume a soul, as a burst of Soul Energy rushes from my body.

"We'll begin by giving you the basics of Soul Cultivation," Aunt Lucine begins to say as she crouches into a running position. "First, I focus Soul Energy into my legs and feet in order to get in close to my opponent," Aunt Lucine continues as her legs and feet begin swirling with Soul Energy. Aunt Lucine then dashes forwards, and in the blink of an eye, she's upon me.

"Next, I transfer the Soul Energy into my shoulders and fist to attack," Aunt Lucine continues as her back, shoulders, and arms begin to swirl with Soul Energy instead. Aunt Lucine then launches her fist outwards, and before I can defend, she socks me in the jaw, causing blood to sprout from my nose as I'm sent flying into the air.

"And then, I transfer Soul Energy back into my thighs and knees for a follow up attack," Aunt Lucine continues as she crouches down low, her thighs and knees begin to swirl with Soul Energy instead. Aunt Lucine then springs into the air above me.

"Now, I transfer Soul Energy into both of my fists," Aunt Lucine explains as she chambers both fists, which begin to swirl with Soul Energy instead. Aunt Lucine then launches both fists out, landing a rapid-fire flurry of punches upon me, and sending me crashing to the ground.

"And finally, I'll break my fall by transferring Soul Energy into the soles of my feet," Aunt Lucine finishes as her feet begin to glow blue instead. Aunt Lucine then drops to the ground in a giant crater, sending dust and smoke flying everywhere.

"So how did that feel, Zach?" Aunt Lucine asks as she stands up to face me.

"Ow…" I groan as I sit up and rub my back. "Everything…hurts."

"Here," Aunt Lucine says as she sticks a hand out to me, helping me to my feet. Swiftly, Aunt Lucine then twists my hand and flips me over her shoulder, slamming me back into the ground.

"Oh come on!" I groan.

"I will warn you now, my training will be brutal," Aunt Lucine says. "Now…after seeing the power of the strongest Harvester…do you still wish to continue."

"Yeah," I sigh, and Aunt Leucine helps me to my feet at last. "I won't back down now."

"Good, so then I will teach you the defensive capabilities of Soul Cultivation, this will be our first lesson for the day," Aunt Lucine says as crouches into a fighting stance and brings her fists up, her hands and legs swirling with Soul Energy. "I'll attack you. All you have to do is try to block using Soul Cultivation." In the blink of an eye, Aunt Leucine uses her soul Cultivation to appear before me in the blink of an eye.

"What?!" I cry.

Aunt Lucine then launches a fist towards me, and swiftly, I bring my arms up to block. But I'm unable to transfer Soul Energy into my arms before Aunt Lucine's fist slams into, and I swear I can physically feel each bone shatter as I'm sent flying backwards, my back slamming into the tree behind me.

"OW!" I yelp as I rub my sore arms.

"Come on, Zach," Aunt Lucine says as she brings her fists up again. "You need to block. I won't go easy on you, just 'cause your family." In the blink of an eye, Aunt Lucine is before me again.

"Shit!" I cry as my eyes widen and I bring my arms up to block. "Come on… focus…focus…" I grumble, and then, my arms begin to emit a faint blue glow. "Yes!" I cry, and then, Aunt Lucine's attack sends me flying backwards again.

"I did it, I did it!" I cheer as I hop up to my feet. "I used Soul Energy to black your attack!"

"Are you sure?" Aunt Lucine asks, and then, a shooting pain courses through my entire body, causing me to drop to my knees.

"Ow…" I grunt.

"Now, come on," Aunt Lucine says as she brings her first up. "You attack me!"

"Alright, you asked for it!" I shout as I scramble up to my feet and charge Aunt Lucine. I launch my fists towards Aunt Lucine as it begins to burst with Soul Energy. But Aunt Lucine brings her Soul Energy infused arms up, and completely blocks my attack. My fists slams into Aunt Lucine, sending shockwaves of Soul Energy and air flying everywhere

"It seems like you do know some Soul Cultivation," Aunt Lucine says as she kneels down next to me. "But where you transfer Soul Energy when you attack and defend and how much you use is all wrong. You must not know how much raw strength Soul Energy converts into. That attack could have shattered my arm if I didn't use Soul Energy, which is completely improper for sparring. But if this were a life or death battle, this would be an adequate attack. Just don't use Soul Cultivation when training with anyone other than me."

"THEN TEACH ME!" I roar as I launch a fist towards Aunt Lucine again, one swirling with a massive amount of Soul Energy, but just as before, Aunt Lucine brings a single hand up…

And catches my attack.

My eyes widen.

"Like I said, Soul Cultivation can be used for more than just offense," Aunt Lucine says as she lifts a knee and lands a Soul Energy-swirling snap kick to my stomach, sending me stumbling backwards. "Now, come at me again!" Aunt Lucine booms.

"Right!" I roar, and then I charge, pouring Soul Energy into my fists.

I aim a right jab towards Aunt Lucine, but she raises her right arm to block. I then try a left jab, but Aunt Lucine blocks again. I then raise a knee for a knee kick to Aunt Lucine's stomach, but Aunt Lucine brings her knee up as well, countering my attack. I then pour a crap ton of Soul Energy into my leg as I twist my body, going for a back spinning kick, but Aunt Lucine ducks under my kick, then jabs my nose with a Soul Energy punch, causing me to stumble backwards.

"If you knew Soul Cultivation, that attack shouldn't have injured you in the slightest," Aunt Lucine taunts.

With a frustrated roar, I aim a flurry of jobs towards Aunt Lucine, but she blocks each one as well.

"This...isn't going anywhere," I say as I take a step back and pant heavily.

"Well then, if you're tired of fighting, I'll take this chance to show you my own technique, Soul Disclament," Aunt Lucine says as she reaches into her messenger bag and tosses a soul towards me. Aunt Lucine then claps her hands, and instantly, she appears before me, landing a punch to my gut and sending me stumbling backwards. I then peer behind Aunt Lucine, where I see the soul that she had tosses floating behind her.

"What…happened…?" I ask.

"Allow me to show you," Aunt Lucine says as she claps her hands, and again, the two of us swap places.

"Woah!" I cry as I look around.

"My Soul Displacement allows me to swap the positions of souls when I clap my hands," Aunt Lucine explains. "It works on my own soul, the souls of others, and even the souls of Purgatory that I draw from my messenger bag."

"Woah, no Reaper Soul Techniques can do anything like this!" I comment. "Though Soul Displacement doesn't seem too helpful in combat."

"If you truly think that way, then allow me to show you," Aunt Lucine says as she draws three souls, flinging them towards me.

"First Smash!" Aunt Lucine shouts as she claps her hands, swapping places with the second soul, and landing a punch to my gut, causing me to double over.

"Second Smash!" Aunt Lucine shouts as she claps her hands again, swapping places with the second soul, and aiming a punch to my ribs, causing me to split up a glob of blood

"Final Smash!" Aunt Lucine shouts as she claps her hands one more time, appearing above my head and slamming her fist into my skull, sending me crumbling to the ground.

I then aim a Soul Energy infused punch towards Aunt Lucine, but she parries the attack, and aims her own Soul Energy infused strike towards me, but I bring an arm up to block, infusing it with Soul Energy. When Aunt Lucine's fist collides with my arm, shockwaves of air and Soul Energy are flying everywhere, causing me to stumble backwards again.

"You used too much Soul Energy to block," Aunt Lucine comments. "So when you do…that's what happens. If you use too little, your bones will break, and if you use too much, you'll waste energy and and lose control, just like you did now."

"It's difficult measuring the correct amount of Soul Energy that I need to block your attack, so I just poured an excessive amount of Soul Energy in," I explain. "Just in case."

"But that leaves the rest of your body defenseless," Aunt Lucine replies as she sweeps me off of my feet.

"Think of your Soul Energy as a percentage," Aunt Lucine begins to say. "You should start off any fight by using one hundred percent of your Soul Energy spread throughout your entire body. If you attack, you should lower your percentage of Soul Energy defending your body and increase the percentage of Soul Energy in the parts of your body that you need to attack. If your opponent attacks, then you should use an equal amount of Soul ENergy to defend, not too much, and not too little."

"But how do I know how much Soul Energy to use?" I ask as I push myself up to my feet and bring my fists up.

"It depends on how strong your opponent is," Aunt Lucine says as she jabs a fist towards me. I bring my arms up to block, but I don't pour in enough Soul Energy, causing me to wince.

"Too little," Aunt Lucine says as she jabs a fist towards me again.

"Yeah, I know," I snort, as I bring an arm up to block, but this time, I use too much Soul Energy, causing me to stumble backwards.

"Too much," Aunt Lucine comments. "How about this: for the rest of the day, I will attack you with varying amounts of Soul Energy, just so you can practice how much Soul Energy to use to defend."

"Alright, sounds good," I smirk.

"Good," Aunt Lucine replies. "If you can perfectly block an attack…then I'll allow you to go home."

"Huh?" I blink

"By the time I'm done with you, you'll be stronger than you can ever imagine."


"God, am I beat…" I sigh as I weaky crawl up the front steps of my house. Currently, it's almost midnight, and I've spent the entire day training with Aunt Lucine. Of course, I never actually managed to perfectly block one of Aunt Lucine's attacks, but after the fifth time I blacked out, she let me go home.

The second that I enter my Purgatory Castle home, I find my dad sitting at a chair in front of the doorway.

"Ah, Zach, you're home!" My dad cries as he jumps out of his seat.

"Um…yeah…" I reply as I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Well…dinner's ready, so go wash up!" My dad laughs, and I can hear his stomach growl. He mustn't have eaten since I left.

"Uh…no thanks, I'm not hungry," I reply.

"Oh, okay!" My dad cheerfully laughs.

"Um, dad…?" I ask.

"Yeah?" My dad smiles as he stops laughing.

"I met Aunt Lucine."

My dad's eyes widen.

"What did she tell you?" My dad asks, and his smile instantly fades

"The truth," I answer. "The truth."

"I…see…" my dad gloomily replies.

"Why…didn't you tell me…?" I croak.

"I've already explained why I couldn't tell you," my dad frowns.

"It's still messed up…" I mutter to myself as I stare at my feet. "I've been thinking about who you are to me," I continue, causing my dad's eyes to widen. "You raised me like a father, but you're my uncle, and we're not even related by blood."

"So what are you going to call me?" My dad, no…Grim asks.

"Uncle Grim," I answer as I look up at my uncle. "Uncle Grim."

My uncle frowns, I can tell that his feelings are clearly hurt.

"I'm tired of the lies," I continue. "After tonight, I won't be living with you anymore."

Uncle Grim's eyes widen. "Where will you go?!" He cries.

"Aunt Lucine said that I can live with her for as long as I'm training under her," I answer. "As long as I don't bother her, she told me."

"Zach…are you sure…?" Uncle Grim asks as he reaches out to me, but I step backwards.


Uncle Grim recoils.

I take a deep breath in…then out…and then, in a perfectly emotionless voice, I say: "I fucking despise you now."

And then, I leave Uncle Grim standing sadly alone in the doorway as I storm up to my room.


Knock knock knock.

Mikoto hears a knocking on his apartment door and opens it, finding Raiden standing there. Mikoto's eyes widen as he stares down at the young Storm Wizard.

"Hello, Mikoto!" Raiden happily exclaims.

"Mikoto, who is it?" A drunk Yamata calls to his brother.

"N-no one!" Mikoto stammers, before pushing Raiden back then shoving the door behind him. "What are you doing here?!" Mikoto exclaims.

"I'm here…to ask you to train me to use Lightning Magic!" Raiden exclaims, causing Mikoto's eyes to widen.

"But we're enemies, why would I train you?" Mikoto asks.

"Because you seem like a good guy!" Raiden answers with a beaming smile. "And you told me that I have potential."

Mikoto pinches the bridges of his nose and sighs.

"And besides, we're not really enemies," Raiden continues. "You may be a member of the Twelve Zodiacs, but your wish was…really noble! You don't seem evil, unlike the rest of the Twelve Zodiacs!"

"I…shouldn't be seen with you," Mikoto replies. "If Sagittarius finds out, then-"

"Reaper's Paranormal was disbanded!" Raiden exclaims, cutting Mikoto off.

"Oh, well that changes everything," Mikoto replies.

"Well…only for the summer, but still," Raiden adds.

"I see…" Mikoto replies as he rubs his chin. "Well then…sure, why not. I've never seen a Storm Wizard with such potential as you."

"Really?!" Raiden excitedly cries. "You'll train me?!"

"Yes," Mikoto answers. "I know a place that will be perfect for our training, it's one of the highest mountains in the world and is storming year-long, meaning that it's brimming with electricity and lightning magic. It'll be perfect for your Wind and Lightning Magic."

"Great!" Raiden replies. "When do we go?"

"As soon as you're ready" Mikoto answers, causing Raiden to smile.

"But what's in it for you?" Raiden then asks. "I didn't really expect you to say yes, so why would you bother training me?"

"Ever since I was thrown out of heaven, I've lost access to my Storm God powers," Mikoto explains. "And seeing you, a wizard with storm magic, reminds me of my youth, it trends me, of me in my glory days. And maybe I'll never get my storm powers back, in fact, I don't count on getting them back. But at the very least, I can take pleasure in training a storm wizard such as yourself in order to truly master lightning and wind. You're strong, Raiden. But I can make you stronger."

"Thank you!" Raiden booms as he bows to Mikoto.

"Ah, bowing. A good Japanese tradition," MIkoto smirks. "I've missed that." 


"Do you...really have to go?" Circe sighs.

"I'm sorry Circe, but...after our crushing defeat against the Twelve Zodiacs, I need to get stronger," Raiden answers. "I have to get stronger in order to help everyone out. I'm tired of doing nothing."

"Alright, by promise that you'll call…" CIrce whimpers.

"Of course I will!" Raiden beams, causing Circe to look up at him with a sad smile.

"Actually, where Raiden and I are going, there is an electrified current that'll block out all cell phones," Mikoto explains.

"Oh, come on!" Circe groans. "Well…just promise that you'll be back soon…"

"Two months!" Raiden answers with a smirk. "I'll return once summer break has ended."

"Alright…" Circe replies with a sad smile, and the two hug.

"See ya', Raiden!" I exclaim as I give me a firm handshake and a pat on the back so rough that it causes him to flinch.

"Bye, Zach," Raiden replies with a sad smile as he takes my hand. "Thank you for everything."

"Don't say that," I smirk. "You make it sound like you're leaving forever. We'll see you again soon."

"Right!" Raiden smiles.

"I'll miss you, Raiden!" Evelyn cries as she wraps Raiden in a tight hug, causing the wizard to go limp.

"Ack!" Raiden grunts. "You're…choking me…"

"Sorry!" Evelyn yelps as she blushes and lets Raiden go.

Circe growls at Evelyn.

"Bye, Raiden," Crimson waves once Evelyn has let go of Raiden.

"I'll see you later, Crimson," Raiden replies with a smile, before turning around to face Mikoto.

Koga is still nowhere to be seen.

"Ready?" Mikoto asks.

"Ready," Raiden answers as he looks up at Mikoto and smirks, and the two begin walking away.

"Goodbye, Raiden!" Evelyn cheers.

"You better get a lot stronger, okay?" Crimson shouts.

"I'll be waiting for you!" Circe wails.

"Raiden!" I say.

"Yeah?" Raiden asks as he turns and peers over his shoulder at me.

"Just remember: no matter how far apart we are or for how long, you'll always be a valuable member of Reaper's Paranormal!" I say. "You're my right hand man, and you always will be!"

"Trust me, Zach. You better do good in your training too, because if you don't, you'll find that I will be the strongest employee of Reaper's Paranormal now!" Raiden smirks.

"Hey, maybe we should spar once you come," I smirk back, causing Raiden to laugh before turning back to face Mikoto and jogging after him.

"You're really going?" Yamata asks as he raises an eyebrow at Mikoto as Mikoto and Raiden walk past Yamata. Even Yamata has come to see his brother off, despite his protests of Mikoto taking Raiden in as a student.

"Yes," Mikoto smiles as he passes by. "This is what I want to do. Maybe you should find a pupil yourself."

"I'd rather enter rehab," Yamata snorts.

And then…the two are off.


"So you're back," Aunt Lucine smirks at me as she opens the front door of her cabin.

"Yeah," I smirk as I toss my backpack to the ground. "Now…let's get back to the training."


Ghosts, goblins, ghouls, and ghasts. Lurking deep within the surface of this normal-seeming world, exists a strange phenomenon that science can not explain. While during the light of the day, humanity rules the world, but during the night, they come out to play. They with their supernatural abilities and inhuman appearances. They who's scare sightings invoke fear within humanity. They spark the creation of folklore, myths and rumors. They who some believe in, but others don't. They who are known as 'supernatural creatures,' beings who shouldn't exist in this world, but in the small town of Nestant, their existence is impossible to dispute. Supernatural creatures who have claws, fangs, and horns. Supernatural creatures who prey on the weakness of humanity, and weed them out. Supernatural creatures who oppose good. In Nestant Town, a town with an unnatural amount of paranormal activity, within these inhuman monstrosities, exists a young man. A young man confused by his intensity, but will stand at the top of the Supernatural Creatures, and to fight to save humanity. His name …is Zach Spyridon, son of Soul Spyridon, Chief of the Harvester Clan, and the adopted son of the Grim Reaper. Armed with his scythe and his messenger bag of souls,, this boy is known as 'The Reaper'. And wherever exists the wicked, corrupt violent monsters of the underworld, he will be there.

And he will Harvest their souls.