
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

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The pact with the wolf goddess

Once some had gotten used to having the goddess visit, they all turned their attention to Millisa and her big day. With the blessing of the goddess, she would now be able to become a werewolf whenever she saw fit and transform at will. She then proudly presented herself to her family and the pack, with everyone applauding and rejoicing.

Merlin and Mortis wondered if they had anything to give the girl. It was her birthday, after all, and it was customary for humans to give gifts. This was true even if they could turn into werewolves - in their eyes, they were still human. Lykfrafnir observed this and wondered how humans could stroll so relaxed among wolves and werewolves. However, when she saw them wrestling small gifts from the camp, she realized that they thought of the werewolves as humans. She would never have thought that there were humans who would accept her mixed race, who she assumed were cursed, into their own ranks.

When Mortis and Merlin then stepped forward to congratulate the young werewolf, Mortis handed her cloths he happened to have with him, thinking of Jasmine. But Merlin only had a ring that he had captured from a skeleton. Millisa gratefully accepted the fabric, because as a human she often went into town with her family to trade and so she could make clothes. But when Merlin held out his ring, the room became very quiet, as it became clear that they had not abandoned human traditions. A ring means an eternal bond.

The father next to Millisa turned white as a sheet, grabbed Merlin by the collar and asked, "What are you going to do with my daughter, you dog?" When Nightshade heard his designation being dragged through the mud, he became thorough and growled at the father. "Um, I mean, you toad, what do you want with my sweetie? Just because you saved her doesn't make her your property." Mortis had to turn around to hide his grin and laughter, because even though Merlin is intelligent, he forgets what customs some have, especially with rings. So he could only gloat as he watched his buddy put his foot in his mouth again.

Merlin stuttered. "I'm not planning anything. It's customary to give a present for a birthday, and I don't have anything other than provisions. So I'm giving her what I got from a dungeon. She could just sell it and buy herself something she wants." Merlin smiled sheepishly and watched as tempers calmed.

But Lykfrafnir had other plans and said, "Well, this girl accepts the proposal and will go with you to the human realm. I have been thinking about relocating this tribe for some time, as the world is changing and the change in the human realm would be good for them. Since they are a cozy tribe and don't like to fight, the other continent might be better for them. Besides, werewolves should return to their own kind and join the human world. For far too long they have refused to step forward, causing conflict with vampires when it is unnecessary. As the human continent evolves and grows, other tribes will follow. So why not marry the daughter of this tribe to a count?"

Millia's father became nervous and said, "Are you trying to disown us? Are we no longer worthy of the pack?" But Lykfrafnir shook his head and said that they were not. But they were actually humans who were trapped in a druid form. Even if he had raised his daughter well, according to tradition, she still missed other people and loved the city. Unlike them, she wants to travel, which is why she thought twice about giving her the blessing. But now she is safe. It might not be wrong to send her to the humans, as they will go through a big change, like some of my children. They might need it with the direwolves too, as they have been trapped in this place for too long. The vampires have also evolved and settled the disputes, with the exception of slave drivers and a few maniacs who would love to see you stuffed, in werewolf form. Also, vampires and even dwarves are with the humans. So I think they're happy to take their kind.

The werewolves were shocked and debated, but in the end they didn't mind moving into the cities. Many were even excited at the idea of walking with humans and no longer fighting bloodsuckers with whom they had been at war for centuries. Ragnar realized that he hadn't listened for a long time and that the werewolves saw themselves more as humans and wanted to live among their own kind, in homes and interacting with humans.

This was a huge shock to him. He had assumed that everyone was happy with their lives in the forest and that the forest gave them everything they needed. The women in particular seemed curious about the idea of city life. As he pondered how he could accomplish this without causing problems, Lykfrafnir relented.

"Ragnar, don't worry about it. If you're looking for a place that suits you, I'm sure these two can help you. Even if my interest outside the forests is limited, even I know about this young man here, the king of the southern realm of men. He has given the dwarves a new home, creating a new world tree for the world. Oh, and while we're at it, a few guardians for the World Tree wouldn't go amiss. Surely some wolves would be suitable, don't you think, King Mortis of Bayaroma?"

Mortis knew he was fighting a losing battle. He realized that this wild wolf goddess had her own agenda, namely to use the cohesion of the humans to get to the World Tree. Like the other gods, she probably wanted to find out more. But Mortis didn't play along, because he couldn't either. Otherwise it would attract attention, especially if this snooping goddess already smelled a rat and found out that he was Aeternus, the god who gave his blessing to the new World Tree.

Mortis cleared her throat and said, "I'm sure we'll find something. And now that Merlin has his fourth wife, there must be room for a new village in the realm of Bamberg. After all, he doesn't want to disappoint his father-in-law. As far as the tree is concerned, you should contact the High Priestess Aurora. She recently received a good book of laws and miracles from her wonderful Lord Aeternus. From what I've heard, she's also teaching new priests to take care of everything concerning this along with the new Order of Rebirth."

"Hey, who says she's going to be my fourth wife? Lina, who you just sent to me and who revealed that she was my third wife, was already hell for me. I took a beating from Opara like there was no tomorrow, and now the next woman is coming. Leave me alone with something like that."

"It wasn't me who presented the beautiful black-haired woman with a ring like that. Or do you want to shirk now and shame this tribe and Ragnar, who was so kind to us with his daughter?" Merlin turned and looked closely at the girl. She was athletic, well-built with long black hair, and her eyes were dark brown, almost black. With her dark complexion, she looked really good. Merlin said: "Oh, why not? She's pretty. And when I've had my thrashing, Opara calms down quickly. She's pregnant too. Maybe I won't feel it so hard this time."

Ragnar handed Merlin the ring and said quietly: "Then do it properly. And when I realize you're playing it wrong, watch out for any shadows." He smiled darkly and watched as Merlin got down on one knee to propose to Millisa. Merlin hoped he would get lucky, and since they didn't know each other, he expected her to back down. But to his horror, she accepted the proposal and threw her arms around his neck as if she was really happy to have him.

Mortis then said dryly: "First a fox, now a wolf. I'm almost jealous. You are a true animal." Merlin smiled, saddened, for once again he felt betrayed and sold out.