
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

BlueScarlet · Fantasi
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287 Chs

The goddesses of victory

Mortis was just about to take his new companions to an inn when bells rang out from the sky and a divine announcement came from heaven. A writing, so that everyone could read it, shone above in the firmament, and it read: "The dark gods are retreating and abandoning the sandy continent of Osmirniss, along with its temples and sites. He is replaced by Argentum Mortuum, the new goddess of death. The battle is over and the heavens thank the people for their faith in the good gods. Over the next few days, blessings and gifts will be brought to thank the brave people who fought for them alongside their gods."

With the sound of the bell, all enemies disappeared, whether monsters, dark followers or the undead. But in the lower realm, all hell had literally broken loose, for once again they had failed and disgraced themselves with the support of Osmirniss, while the heavens celebrated. Primus also made an appearance there, along with her husband and sister. This shocked many at first, as the second goddess of the first great gods was now present in their small world. However, the rather sluggish goddess didn't care much for contacts, but simply took a seat and looked curiously at the young god, who couldn't really concentrate his power. She didn't realize that it was the son of her beloved sister, and Primus didn't say anything either, as she was at least distracted and preferred to celebrate the victory with the young gods of this world. Even if she had to make her way down immediately to bind the continent to her and free Mortis' women from their mission.

After a brief cheer, Primus hacked into Luxia and disappeared with her, where they made a small entrance into Delhi and came floating down from the sky. As the cheering died down a little and the people were about to gather and find their lovers, Mortis, who was meeting with his friends and entourage outside the gates, sensed the arrival first and looked towards the sky as the two goddesses descended. As they did so, a melody of hope played and Primus threw a scythe to the ground. In doing so, a powerful divine force from the center took the entire continent under itself and claimed everything for itself when it came to death. Thus, all souls were to find peace in their realm or move on as the soul demanded. With this, Osmirniss' power was completely banished from the continent of sands.

After this display of power, Luxia approached the people of Delhi and spoke, "My brave children, I am proud of you, no matter how backed into a corner you were. You did not give up. You believed in us and in yourselves, you let the light shine in your hearts and you did not give up, no matter how much the darkness seemed to overtake you. Yet you held your weapons high and fought as our representatives and supporters. I, no, we all thank you. You brave people have amazed us once again, and your gift shall be great. We will discuss what is best for you. I now take my leave and thank my priests and paladins who are so faithfully at my side. Farewell and never forget the day when it was you who drove away the darkness." Luxia floated to Primus, who waved to Mortis once more, and then they both disappeared into a golden portal.

Many were surprised to see the goddesses, but not Mortis' friends and entourage. They were more curious about Mortis' two new companions and wondered how he managed to find the most beautiful women on this continent in such a short time. While one had pink hair, pink eyes and soft pink lips, the other had scarlet hair, red eyes and fiery red lips that every man wanted to taste. But even though they tried not to gawk, Mortis couldn't blame them. These two women had a charm about them that was truly peculiar.

When Merlin joined them and saw the two women, he knew exactly who they were and somehow he felt cheated. But he swallowed his anger, patted Mortis on the shoulder and said, "It seems you've found Lina's siblings." Mortis laughed and said, "Not the siblings, the mother and sister. It's hard to believe, but the redhead really is the mother, even if she hardly looks older than us. So, may I introduce you to your mother-in-law?" Mortis turned around, waved the two women towards him and said to Merlin: "These are my new servants." Then he turned around and looked at them questioningly, as he hadn't asked their names himself.

The redhead introduced herself first: "Pleased to meet you, my name is Silvia, the one next to me is my daughter Mia." Merlin nodded and greeted them both in a friendly manner, while he also wanted to introduce himself. But Mortis interrupted him: "And this is Merlin, the fiancé of Lina, a red-haired vixen. She's young, but this wolf just couldn't help but see her as his, which is why he even bribed Faral." Merlin wanted to wring his neck. As always, he was being paraded around and used as a pawn. He didn't even know who this Faral was supposed to be. But when he saw how the two women in front of them began to tremble and were on the verge of tears, it seemed as if the women themselves didn't know what was being played here. This almost made Merlin even angrier. But Mortis said quietly, so that only they would hear: "We still have some things to discuss, but first we should get some rest. Maybe we'd better rent an inn or two first. After all, most of them would probably like to eat and sleep. We'll leave the cleaning up to the locals. We've already done enough here." No sooner said than done. Mortis ordered his men to follow and rented five inns that were close together. Many had to make do without beds or other luxuries, but at least they had something to rest on, while the cooks and neighboring stores that still had something to sell were bought empty, whether by William, the dwarves or Mortis. Everyone bought enough to feed everyone, even Solaman and his wife Maria followed.

Mortis took the last inn for himself and his closest friends. But as soon as he reached the inn, a crack opened and a huge dog with two beautiful women and a healer jumped out. It was Nightshade, Mortis' faithful mount, but it made the two beastmen get down on their knees and beg for mercy. Nightshade could see and smell the two women and also growled as a reflex. But Mortis stopped him and so the dog remained calm, only the two women on Nightshade were now growling. They jumped down and stood in front of Mortis, while Elysia even grabbed him by the collar. Mortis was startled, but when he saw her look of anger at the women, he was unsurprised and said, "They are little Lina's relatives. Don't worry, I was only thinking of you. I didn't know what they looked like myself, and now I'm taking them to safety." But Elysia didn't calm down in the slightest and said: 

"Yes, I know that safety. But now it's over. I don't care how much is added, and fuck the reputation. I'm going to take a shower and then it's my turn. Don't you dare think about her or anyone else." She let go of him and stomped into the inn, taking a room, unaware that Mortis wanted to stay here anyway. Elara said nothing, just shook her head and followed Elysia. Mortis looked at Merlin and his friends, wondering what this meant. Then Jochen raised his thumb and said: "It seems that your sleep is not going to work out. It seems your wife is on fire and on pins and needles. Have fun." Then his friends moved on and laughed. Mortis grinned, not thinking that his two wives were so open. But it seems that competition stimulates business. So he went to the inn and ordered two rooms, one for himself and one for his two new companions.

He then stowed Mia and Silvia in a room, gave them food and disappeared on Nightshade to ride with him towards Genesis and fetch the child and her servant. Faral and Lina were also startled and excited when they saw Nightshade. At first, they did not dare to ride along on this majestic animal. But Mortis simply pulled the girl onto it and said to Faral: "Either you go with us, or you can see your mistresses again when you get to Bayaroma." Faral thought about it, lowered his head and cautiously entered this rare and exalted beast. He hardly felt worthy to even stand near it, let alone ride it, but Mortis was in a hurry. As long as it was Mortis' will, Nightshade was not interested in who rode with him. So he rode swiftly along the Path of the Dead to get quickly to where his master wanted him to go.

Honest thoughts:

I've been writing irregularly lately, and I'm faced with the decision of whether I want to continue this story. It's not because I don't like the story or because I lack ideas. On the contrary, I'm worried because I don't know how the story will be received by you, the readers. I can't see who is reading this text or whether most people have stopped at chapter 100.

I doubt whether it's worth continuing. Maybe I'll revise the story and start somewhere else to see how it's received there. If it doesn't work, it might be time to end the project or start a new one. I just wanted to share my thoughts. Thank you for reading this.

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