
Reaper system in another world

Reaper System in Another World follows the journey of Mortis, an ordinary man who gains access to the eponymous system and embarks on a path of constant improvement. As he strives to reach the pinnacle of power and master the art of reaping souls, Mortis faces numerous challenges and battles formidable foes. Along the way, he forms alliances, falls in love, and uncovers the secrets of the world around him. With each step, Mortis grows stronger and closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the most powerful reaper in the land.

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287 Chs

The fight in the fog

"Mortis was brought by the mages over the earth wall, which was erected to protect people from the enemies and to imprison them. Hardly he had overcome the wall, he was already attacked by small gnomes and other demons. But Mortis made short work of them. As he marched further inland, he observed how nature itself seemed to despise these demons. Everything slowly decayed and the vegetation began to wither. What lay before him had probably once been beautiful, but now a dense fog was spreading, making the plants and trees look ghostly. It seemed as if life was being sucked out of this place, so desolate was this once beautiful forest.

In the forest, the animals banded together to fight the intruders. They sensed that something was wrong and nature was retreating. Together with the magical animals, they tried to drive the demons out of the forest and destroy them. But it wasn't long before the monsters rose again and pushed further into the forest. While Mortis rode his bear, he collected the souls that had succumbed to death, giving the animals a chance to continue to fight back without having to intervene themselves. Mortis made his way to the nearest graveyard. Although he would love to drive the demons out of the land, he first had to make sure they couldn't keep rising. He couldn't be everywhere, so he had to solve that problem first.

The fog grew thicker the closer Mortis got to the graveyard. He also encountered isolated ghosts, which he brought under his control as soon as they outnumbered him. This time, he didn't want to be sloppy and collected all the ghosts he could find along the way. When the graveyard was already in sight, he seemed to react to Mortis. The ground began to shake and zombies, skeletons and other dead creatures rose from the earth, trying to stop Mortis and prevent him from reaching the cemetery. But Mortis summoned his attack force, along with the 50 or so spirits he had gathered, and charged toward the legion of undead.

With his scythe and skills, Mortis had little trouble slaughtering his way through these foes. However, not wanting to waste any time, he left his clone there and said to his spirits, "You guys go ahead here, I'll go ahead." So Mortis jumped onto the shoulder of a zombie and then double-jumped toward the graveyard. But as he passed the gate to the graveyard, it seemed as if he was trapped in a dungeon, for the outside world seemed to be cut off. Not even the sound of fighting or the groans of zombies could be heard.

Suddenly, Mortis saw a clown stuffed animal on a tombstone that turned to him and said, "Welcome, oh hero. This dungeon was created just for you. You are a thorn in the side of the evil gods and especially Osmirnis. But this is where your journey ends. Don't worry, there are no traps or little monsters here. The only thing waiting for you is... Oh, let me surprise you. But at least it's 1 vs 1. The winner gets the crypt and thus this land. Now then, I wish you a painful death! Hahahaha," said the clown.

Mortis slowly advanced and got deeper into the center of the compound. Instead of a crypt, however, a small arena awaited him. When he entered it, he suddenly found himself in a coliseum watched by masked creatures. Mortis didn't care if these beings were real or created from the depths of the dungeon to give the arena some semblance of authenticity. But something struck him as odd: Where was the boss?

On the stand where the big boss normally sat, a figure in black robes stood and raised his hand, whereupon it became quiet as a mouse in the Coliseum. The figure then spoke, "So we meet again, champion of Primus. You're getting strong fast, I'll give you that, but unfortunately not fast enough. Today I will show you what a true champion looks like and what he should be. Come on out, my champion Mongama."

The bars opened and a young man, bald and without eyebrows, with snow-white skin, entered the arena. He wore a black robe embroidered with numerous black beads. In addition, a huge beaded belt hung around his waist while he held a candle in his hand.

Mortis wondered if this young man was even alive. It seemed as if his opponent was not even breathing, but simply looking ahead motionless. But no sooner did Mortis have that thought than all the gates and bars opened, and the mist that floated through the land seemed to come toward his opponent and be sucked in by him. Mortis watched in amazement as his opponent sucked in the mist.

After about two minutes, when Mortis was beginning to get bored with the situation, he asked, "Can we start now, or is this going to go on forever? After all, there are other things waiting for me. Come on, polished one, get a move on, you stupid wanker. You really need to get out in the sun."

But when the fog was sucked in, the young man changed. It seemed as if he was convulsing and breaking everything, while suddenly he became four times bigger. Demon wings of spirit energy formed behind him, and countless spirits with weapons and claws stood behind him, staring at Mortis. They were just waiting for their opponent's starting signal to charge at him immediately.

"I am the champion Osmirnis!" roared the bald man, holding his hand with the candle forward. A huge jet of fire shot toward Mortis, but he deftly dodged it. But at the same time the spirits attacked, and Mortis exchanged blows with them, while not taking his eyes off the champion of Osmirnis to observe his intentions and abilities.

The champion rose with his wings and tried to bombard Mortis with ghostly feather blades, each of which was as sharp as a sharpened knife. But Mortis was able to easily dodge them or even ensure that some of his own spirits were hit. But to Mortis's surprise, those feather blades couldn't hurt the ghosts, and it got worse, as the ghosts pulled the feathers out of the ground and now used them as weapons, looking like they were wielding giant swords.

"Look at you! Besides dodging and dancing around, you can't do anything! And you dare to stand in the way of Osmirnis or me? I'll show you why necromancers have always been among the most feared!" the bald man roared down at Mortis from above.

Mortis, however, just smiled, jumped up and used his double jump. When he was at the same height as his opponent, he held onto his opponent's ghost wings and said, "As you said, you are only a summoner. No matter how you change your form, in the end you're nothing but a worm."

Then Mortis yanked on the wings with all his might until they gave way and tore off his opponent's back. As they both fell, the bald man yelled to his spirits to catch him. But Mortis, sinking down with his wings, roared to the spirits, "Back away and no one will catch you!" And the spirits stopped on the spot, turned around and obeyed Mortis' orders.

"What are you doing?" he asked, but it was too late. Baldy hit the ground with full force.

Mortis crouched down and said to the boy Man. It was clear from the beginning who would win, or do you think that a champion of a lesser god is more powerful than I am, but know that you have nothing to fear because real death awaits you. Before the boy could really move or say anything Mortis decapitated him because he didn't want to let him suffer any more.

The whole audience was beside itself. One half cheered, while the other complained and grumbled about the fight. But those who were happy for Mortis laughed at Osmirnis. Some even reached under their masks to blur the tears of laughter. Mortis was clear that these spectators were not part of the dungeon. He didn't worry too much about it, however, and set off on the path that led him to the crypt, where the statue of Osmirnis was already waiting to be smashed.