
Reaper of the Nine Worlds

A Lonely Cultivator a being forsaken by the Creator, a Broken Soul Without a Soul, a mortal without a Destiny, not bound by Fate or Karma. A perfect anomaly who cultivates body, soul, and mind to imperfection. With the power to transcend Samsara, distinguish the illusions of Reality, shatter space with a palm and reverse time with a glance. Yet, what's the point of wielding such power if you can’t protect your loved ones from a dictator, who hides within the darkness controlling the lives of trillions across the Omniverse? Or the inevitable fate that awaits you the moment you try to break free of the shackles placed upon you by Fate and Destiny? Forged to stop anyone and everyone from uncovering the truth and halting the gradually collapse of the Cosmos. So join us as we unravel the secrets of Rin’s enigmatic past and the truth behind his persist pursuit of freedom from Elizabeth. While traveling through the Cosmos like a Wanderer without a path.

CJE_Reaper · Fantasi
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152 Chs

Birthday - Part 5: The Wager

Ding! Ding! Ding!

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming today at such late notice to celebrate my son's 15th birthday! Following his return after a five-year survival trip with his uncle, who sadly could not be here with us today due to some complications, but anywho thanks once again for coming and I hope you all have a wonderful time!"

Crystal said as she stood up and lightly tapped her glass cup three times to signal the beginning of Rin's birthday party, after gesturing to her son to get up and come cut the cake.

'Sigh, just when will this end?' Rin wondered as he neared his mom and stood beside her before finally getting the confirmation to begin cutting the cake.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Slice... Slice... Slice...

With every slash of the knife, a piece was separated from the 3-layer chocolate vanilla cake and distributed to a guest around the room, allowing everyone to have a taste of this heavenly cake.

15 minutes later...

With the main segment of the celebration out of the way and people getting ready to leave after saying their good wishes and having their fill. Eveline suddenly stood up and asked something most in attendance wanted to see, however, would not dare to say as it would be an omen of bad luck if he failed after his recent show of strength.

"So, Crystal, do you dare let your son undergo the Test of the 12 Gods?" Eveline asked out of nowhere as she glanced at Rin with lust and infatuation, 'Hmm, just how long has it been since I last found such an eye candle with such strong blood essence and yang energy?'

"Eveline just what do you want?" Crystal asked as she gazed at Eveline with wariness and caution.

"Nothing, Crystal I just want to spice things up, considering that this was a little reunion and celebration of your son's 15th birthday. I cannot help but feel this was just a tad too boring, wouldn't you say so, Gabriella?"

"Yes, Aunty… so Rin, would you dare take the Test of the 12 Gods as I'm sure for a savage such as yourself this must be quite boring?" Gabriella asked as she stared at Rin who was currently dozing off.

"Hmm," Rin said as he opened one of his eyes and glanced at Gabriella, a short Caucasian who had greenish-blue eyes, blonde hair, and was wearing a blue crop top with a white miniskirt and heels. That helped outline her petite but hourglass body that was still developing.

For a moment before sitting up and cracking a smile as his eyes flashed with the slyness of a beast, 'Oh, now this is interesting so, Rose just what is the Test of the 12 Gods?'

[A set of tests administered by the One of the Twelve Zodiac Gods which most align with your star and character to see if you are worthy to be an apostle.]

'Oh… and here I thought it was some grandiose challenge that only one in a thousand every year,' replied Rin a bit disappointed to hear it was just a set of tests to determine if he is qualified to be an apostle for a God.

[Rin you do know only the descendants of ancient clans, powerful sects, and organizations in the Cosmos have ever been known to pass the test given to them and become apostles.]

'Welp, while that sounds challenging, it could not be more challenging than the Tutorial could it?' Rin asked with curiosity to get a sense of how difficult the test might be.

[Not by a long shot, however, I would still exercise caution as Gods can be eccentric beings so just expect the unexpected, Rin.]

'I will, Rose, plus when have I ever done something I wasn't sure about?'

[Well, since you are suffering from amnesia, there was that time in…]

'On second thought disregard what I said, Rose, and just have faith in me.' Rin uttered quickly before finally addressing the situation at hand, "Sure, but what do I get in return if I pass the test and am chosen as an apostle?" he asked as he sat up and glanced at Gabriella.

"Tsk well, for starters I'm Gabriella Angel, heir of the Shinobi Clan, mister and if you do succeed then my body is yours forever, Rin. However, to earn my heart and mind you must fight the greatest geniuses of the Nine Clans for a chance to earn a droplet of Void Blood, a month from now?" She stated as if she knew no man alive could resist the temptation of having her along with the opportunity to glean insight into the realm above True God.

"Sure, but I don't need your heart, mind, or body, Gabriella," Rin claimed as he picked his ear and flicked the wax away as he did not need another ticking time bomb on his hands.

"Hmph, you say that now, Rin, but in the future, you might just regret losing this chance," Gabriella uttered coldly as she could not believe there existed a man who was not tempted by her beauty.

"Hold up, Rin… so Eveline, if per se my son was supposed to lose what would you get?" Crystal asked calmly as the temperature within the bouquet hall began to decrease by the second causing small snowflakes to start appearing. 

"Well, Crystal, if your son was to lose then he would just have to be my bedwarmer and disciple for ten years," Eveline said with a smile as she licked her lips at the prospect of him losing.

"Preposterous! How dare an ungrateful little piece of..." One of the Kurama Elders abruptly shouted as they stood up knocking over the table and shattering it in the process.

However, before they could take another step forward and attack Eveline, Adam suddenly appeared next to them and smiled, "Relax, Fredrick there's no need for such foul words, so please calm down and return to your seat as there's no way my son won't be chosen as an apostle. So, in consideration of how late it is getting, how about we meet here again tomorrow around 1 pm for Rin's test?"

"Could you maybe change it to 11 pm, Adam as I have to preside over my niece's ascension to Demigod tomorrow at 1:30 pm?" The Head of the Winter family, Brent Winter asked as he gazed at Adam.

"Sure, Brent, and thanks for coming on such short notice," Adam said as he bowed slightly.

"Well, then I guess that settles everything, so thanks for having me, Crystal, and Adam," Brent said as he stood up, "Oh and Rin whenever you get a chance, please do come to the Winter household."

He said with a wink before disappearing as everyone began to congratulate Adam and Crystal one last time before leaving as well in preparation for tomorrow's spectacle.

As it was not every day you got to see the process of someone attempting the Test of the Twelve Zodiac Gods.


Later that day…

"So, Rin just how confident are you in succeeding in your trial tomorrow?" Adam asked after getting Crystal to calm down and have faith in their son that he will succeed.

"I would say 80-90%, Dad, however, that is only if my trial is not too crazy or anything," Rin replied confidently even though internally he knew his trial was bound to be far from anything normal.

"Well, then good luck and you got this as I have faith even if it turns out to be something way above your level, Rin. You will surely find a way to succeed as a Kurama never gives up until their last breath." Adam said as he stood up and patted Rin on his shoulder before walking upstairs to confront his raging wife.

"Thanks, Dad, and good luck as well," Rin muttered as he knew his father was about to face a trial way greater than his in the form of a mother who would burn the world if it allowed her child to leave comfortably.