
Reaper of the gaming world

Mito_Senju · Game
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1 Chs


A little boy is seen walking around the streets with his parents. They pass by lord of booths selling candy and cards on this fine halloween night. The parents led their child to booth after booth but he didn't seem the slightest bit interested. Just when they where about to give up hope and go home their son started to pull them by the hand to a booth that hadn't yet seen. It was a man no older than 19 years old yet the scars on his face told a story of a lifetime. They noticed that he wasn't alone and that he had an audience filled with people of all shapes, sizes, color, and race that where sucked into what he was saying. But they weren't safe as they too would soon be sucked into his magnificent story telling.

????: Tonight would be a very special night though it still seemed like any other. The wind still blew the same chilly air while the moon was still shattered in the sky. There weren't any aliens attacking at this point so what would make this night so special you may ask. Well to answer that question I'd have to ask you another one. Do you like stories filled with passion, love, devotion, sacrifices, and turns that will leave you on the edge of your seat?. Oh you do? Then sit down right hear and let me tell you a tale~".

We start to close in on a house with the lights turned off except in one room. This particular room had three people in it. These three people where a pregnant woman a man that seemed to be her husband and a Dr that was telling the woman to push. Dr. Martin: okay now Ms. Martha I'm going to need you to push! that's right now push!!!" with a pained shout she replies "I'M PUSHING GOT DAMMIT!!". David: Honey I think you should try and calm down a little" says the father with a hint of worry in his voice. Martha: HOE ABOUT YOU PUSH THIS BA- AAHHHHH SHIT ITS COMING ITS COMING ITS COMING ITS- AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!". Dr.Martin then pulls the baby out and it doesn't instantly cry instead it looks around the room in a curious manner. David: Is this normal doc y-you know for the baby to not cry or anything?" dr. Martin sighs "It's completely normal sir all we have to do is *smack!*" the baby then starts crying as the doctor the hands him to the mother. Dr. Martin: I'll be going now so you take care oh and congratulations" he then packs up his things and walks out. David sighs with relief and turns to his wife "What should we name him darling?" he said. Martha looks up at her husband with groggy eyes and manages to say "We should name him Echo after his great grandfather, and his last name Kane after my mother" she then passes out. David takes the baby and cleans him up he then cuts the umbilical cord and clean up the room. "That is a wonderful idea honey" he then kissed her on the forehead puts the bay in the crib and goes to sleep in the chair between his wife as well as the baby.

4 years later

"Mommy mommy can you help me color this picture?" says a 4 year old Echo to witch his mom smiles "No honey I can't help you right now because mommy is cooking but daddy can help you". David then looks into the kitchen with his mouth filled with popcorn "I can?" David says with a look of surprise. "Yes you can David you've been sitting around lately watching that show all the time you need to be more active" she says with a chuckle. "Hey! that show is called invincible and it's AMAZING and plus what do you mean I need to be more active just last night you said-" she then gasps and throws a ladle at him "Echo is in here you can't be saying that" says Martha with a chuckle. "Daddy what does mommy mean by that" David then freezes "Uh uh...w-well I mean that-" just then there was a knock at the door 'perfect timing' thought David as he jog to the door. "Coming!" as he opens the door he see's a man who's has on a dark green tattered jacket with tan cargo pants as well as a dirty white t shirt and messy red hair. Stranger:Can you please help me I'm starving and I haven't ate in days" says the man with a slightly weak voice. David: Of course come in hear take this blanket". Echo then walks towards him with his stuffed animal in his hand. Echo:" Hi mister I'm Ech-" his father then cuts him off with a concerned face "Echo can you take him to the guest room please". Echo: Okay daddy" as he walks closer to the stranger he starts to get a strange feeling in his chest.

He starts to hear whispers in his ear from an eerie but calming voice. ?????: Don't trust that man he isn't safe" Echo starts to ignore him until the voice says something that gets his attention. ??????: Echo his name is Clay Morris he's the man that's been killing families and selling them on the black market" Echo then freezes and comes up with an excuse to not get near him. Echo: Daddy why doesn't he stay out the room so that he can eat dinner with us?" David then looks at his son with a warm smile on his face "Good idea son come on and let's eat mister??" the man chuckles and says "Just call me Mr. Morris". As they sit at the dinner table his dad starts to make small talk with the man "So what have you been up to?" Morris starts scooping the pasta on his plate " I've just been visiting family" This was the last straw for Echo "He's lying get out of our house Clay Moriss".As he said that the father looked at his son in confusion then the man smiles and laughed at his statement "I'm not Clay Morris that man is a very bad person" he says with an innocent smirk. Echo is now fuming with anger he stares at him and out of the knife holder flies a long kitchen knife "I SAID LEAVE!" Clays face then turns sour "How do you know that you freak no one has seen my face ever!!" he yelled the father looks in worry with a mix of astonishment as the mom drops her fork on the kitchen. Echo: I said leave Clay now" he said. His father then reacts with a quick tackle after straddling him he knocks out Clay.

David: How did you know son he didn't seem to give any clues away of who he was?". Echo hugs his dad " I heard a voice tell me who he was it was kinda scary at first but I listened to it" says Echo with his face barrier in his fathers chest.

12years later

Echo and his parents found out he can do allot more than tell someone's identity he can read the minds of the guilts, tell if someone is lying, has a very powerful sixth sense, as well as has the ability to see and hear spirits.

"Son you can't not join in the business it revolves around you" walks closer to him then gives him a one armed hug . Echo shrugs his shoulder off and stares his father in the eyes "Dad you know what I'm leaving you only want me to use my abilities for your own needs and mom to" he turns towards her with a warm look on his face "I'm leaving in an hour". With a worried face he rushes towards him "Hey hey hey don't be so hasty how about we sit down and have some tea this will all blow over soo-" Echo then pushes him "You can't change my mind David". As he sighs he tries to get him to stay "Son don't go we need your powers I mean we love you and and and...Okay fine I want you to stay for your powers happy now!" yells David while throwing his arms up in the air. Echo: No (starts to cry), every time I get a new power you want me to train just for your own selfish gain" he then rushes to his room to pack his bags.

One hour later

Echo"Good-by Mom Ill miss you" He stairs coldly at his father "Ill see you in hell" he starts to get teary-eyed from looking at his mother. His mom rushes towards him to hug him "Echo please don't go come back in the house" she pleads while balling her eyes out but the father just looks at him with a disgusted face expression. "We could have been millions airs Echo! yet you chose to throw all fo that away...for what huh?!??!." he then spits on him "Your mother told me to except you for your abilities but I never could get over it. You lived in our house for 16 years BUT YOU GET MAD WHEN WE WANNA EARN SOME MONEY OFF OF YAH?!". Echo in the heat of the moment let's loose a blast of cold fire onto his fathers face. With a look of shock he picks up his bag and runs away.