
Realms Reborn: The Legends Left Behind

In the world of magic, a young warrior was born. His youthful tribulations sent him on a quest to spread the word about his mother. Dive into the world of pain, suffering, and resolve.

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297 Chs

A Quest for Help

In the heart of the Dwarven capital, within a chamber lit by emerald flames, a scroll, penned with urgency and hope, was being sealed with the crest of the united races. This message was addressed to the human king, pleading for the assistance of the human heroes in their desperate hour.

An elite raven, trained specifically for high-importance dispatches, was chosen to deliver this crucial message. With a swift motion, Aldric released the bird, watching it soar into the sky, its dark silhouette contrasting starkly against the light of the setting sun. The fate of their mission now rested on the wings of that raven and the hope that the human king would respond positively.

Days turned to nights, and as the third day dawned, an air of unease permeated the Dwarven capital. Whispers of concern echoed in the corridors and halls, and as the fourth day ended with no response from the human kingdom, worry turned into a pressing urgency.

Gathered again in the war room, leaders from all races deliberated on the next course of action. It was then proposed that if they could not reach the human heroes through letters, they would need to seek them out directly.

"We can't wait any longer," the Elven leader, Lyria, declared. "The clock is ticking, and every moment we waste gives Valarian a greater advantage."

It was unanimously decided: Amukelo, along with the elite heroes from the Orc, Elf, and Dwarf races, would embark on a mission to the human kingdom to rally the human heroes.

Aldric, looking directly at Amukelo, stated, "You have the gift of persuasion, Amukelo, both with mana and with words. We trust you to bring our allies to our side."

The sprawling cityscape of the human capital stretched out before them, its spires and domes glittering in the midday sun. As Amukelo and his companions neared the central palace, anticipation and tension weighed heavy in the air.

Once inside the palace, they were greeted by Lord Brennus, the king's esteemed advisor. His sharp eyes assessed them quickly, and he greeted them with a firm nod. "Heroes of the united races," he began in his deep, authoritative voice, "I trust your journey was without incident?"

Amukelo wasted no time. "Lord Brennus, did a letter from the united races reach you? It concerns the imminent threat posed by Valarian."

Brennus's eyes showed a flash of recognition. "Yes, I received such a letter and promptly handed it to the king. I was under the impression the heroes were dispatched days ago. They should have reached the Dwarven capital by now."

Amukelo felt a sting of worry but masked it with gratitude. "Thank you for your swift actions, Lord Brennus. We shall now consult with the king."

The urgency of their mission was clearer than ever, and every moment counted in their fight against Valarian's dark tide.

As they approached the ornate doors to the throne room, two heavily armored guards halted their advance, crossing their spears in a show of authority. "Halt! No one enters the throne room without the king's express permission."

"We bring urgent news concerning the survival of our world," Amukelo implored, the gravity evident in his voice. "It's of utmost importance that we speak to His Majesty immediately."

After a brief exchange of glances, the guards uncrossed their spears, allowing them entry. The vast throne room echoed with their footsteps as they approached the seated monarch.

"Your Majesty," Amukelo began, bowing respectfully, "we've come regarding a letter sent to you about summoning the human heroes. We were informed us that you have been made aware."

The king, a robust figure with a stern yet fair countenance, looked momentarily puzzled. "I received no such letter," he confessed with evident concern. "However, given the gravity of the situation, I will not delay. The heroes shall be summoned immediately."