
Chapter 2: Unveiling Truth and Regret

As Hiroshi delved deeper into the vast world that embraced him, he found himself increasingly captivated by its intricacies. The Cheat Skill of Infinite Possibilities granted him insights and knowledge that surpassed the comprehension of ordinary beings. With each passing day, Hiroshi's understanding of this new realm grew.

One sunny afternoon, while Hiroshi was exploring the bustling town nearby, he stumbled upon a familiar face in the crowd. His heart skipped a beat as he recognized the tear-streaked visage of his younger sister, Aya. Confusion and concern swirled within him, wondering why she was crying and why he had been unable to find her until now.(goddess allowed him a chance to view his own world before fully breaking the contact with it)

Drawing closer, Hiroshi discreetly observed the scene, overhearing a heartfelt conversation between Aya and a close friend. A wave of regret washed over him as he listened to the painful truth: his sister had been mourning his loss, devastated by his untimely departure from the mortal realm.

Memories of their shared past flooded Hiroshi's mind, his heart aching with sorrow. In his previous life, he had always believed that Aya had grown distant, ignoring him ever since she entered high school. He had assumed that she no longer cared for him, causing a growing rift between them. But now, witnessing her genuine grief, he realized the truth—he had misunderstood her actions, blinded by his own insecurities.

Overwhelmed by remorse, Hiroshi yearned to comfort his sister, to tell her how deeply he cared for her and that his love for her had never wavered. But alas, he was now trapped in this new world, his voice forever silenced. The weight of his unspoken words crushed his soul.

Driven by a newfound determination, Hiroshi sought solace in the divine presence of the Goddess of Rebirth. He pleaded for her intervention, his voice resonating with both regret and genuine concern for his sister's well-being.

"Goddess, I beseech you," Hiroshi implored, his voice tinged with sorrow. "I have witnessed my sister's pain, her longing for my presence. I wish not for power or glory, but for her happiness. Please, grant her a life of fulfillment, where she can find joy and forge her own path. Take care of her, for I am unable to do so."

Moved by the pureness of Hiroshi's plea, the goddess regarded him with compassion. She saw the selflessness and devotion that had characterized Hiroshi's life, his unwavering commitment to his sister even in the face of adversity.

"Child, your love and sacrifice for your sister have touched my very essence," the goddess spoke, her voice imbued with warmth and empathy. "I shall grant your request. I promise to watch over your sister, to guide and protect her in this world. She shall not walk alone."

With her divine blessings, the goddess assured Hiroshi that his sister, Aya, would be embraced by destiny's gentle hand. She vowed to guide Aya on her path, ensuring she would experience a life of fulfillment and happiness.

Hiroshi's heart felt lighter, a sense of peace settling upon him. He knew that his sister would be watched over, that she would thrive under the goddess's care. Though he couldn't be there physically, his love and wishes would forever accompany her.

As Hiroshi gazed upon the world he had been reborn into, a renewed purpose ignited within him. Determined to make every moment count and honor his sister's future, he set forth on his journey, not just to unlock the mysteries of his cheat skill but also to create a legacy that would resonate throughout the ages.

Chapter 2 marked a turning point in Hiro