
Temple of Love III

Finnegan would shake his head in disgust if the situation did not look so dire, for only a few feet above the struggling and crying woman, floated the shadow, its red, blurry, and shifting eyes regarding its prey. Now that he had time to better study this phantom in good lighting, he recognized it.

The malevolent spirit from Castle Wyvern!

Although this phantom had no mouth, he recognized the icy voice that now spoke, "You will give me a true body. No longer will I be a guest here... You will merge me with the soul of one born to this world. Who will make this offering?"

"I will, my lord." One of the figures stepped forward and reverently took off his robe and mask and set it before the altar. It was a man in gleaming plate mail armor. Baron Tertiau! Finnegan looked over and met Athena’s eyes. Evidently, she was just as surprised as he was.