
Realm of imaginations: Where dreams come to Life.

Death_dragon · Fantasi
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: A Journey Begins.

In the small peaceful town of Mandrina, nestled amidst rolling hills and lush greenery, lived a woman named Ariana and her son Tobson a young dreamer. He possessed a broad imagination and an insatiable thirst for adventure. While others were content with the ordinary, Tobson yearned for something more a life unbound by the constraints of reality. Tobson grew up without seeing his father, his mother tried her best to take care of him, Tobson can be characterized as an energetic child but was seen as a troublesome child by others, they criticized every little thing he does but he never gives up.

Mandrina was a place whose routine dictated the rhythm of life. The townspeople went about their daily tasks, their dreams and aspirations confined to the boundaries of their minds. Tobson's mother was a trader of fruit's and she always wanted Tobson to assist her in hawking of fruit's and convince him to forget anything about adventure but Tobson's spirit refused to be contained.

He spends hours exploring the picturesque surroundings, letting his imagination run wild amidst the enchanting landscapes

One fateful day, as he wandered through the town's bustling marketplace, Tobson stumbled upon an ancient bookshop tucked away in a corner. It's weathered sign read, "Realm of Imagination: Where Dreams Come to Life." Intrigued, he stepped inside, him heart pounding with anticipation and excitement.

Within the shop's dimly lit interior, shelves lined with books stretched as far as the eye could see. The air was thick with the scent of parchment and the whimpers of forgotten tales. Tobson felt a tingling sensation, as if the very atmosphere was adored with a soothing magical presence, trying to figure out the sensation he was feeling a sudden breeze directed his attention towards a dark aisle leading to another room, with a burning torch in his hands he went into the aisle and behold he saw books magical books that has been long forgotten of untold stories waiting to be discovered.

At the center of the room stood an old wooden table adorned with a leather-bound book, its pages shimmering with untold wonders. It seemed to call out to Tobson, its presence radiating an otherworldly energy. Drawn to the book like a moth to flame, he approached it cautiously, his fingertips quacking of excitement grazed the books delicate surface.

As he opened it, the cold and magical atmosphere circulating around the room seemed to hold its breath, as if aware of the significance of this moment. The words on the page seemed to shimmer and dance before his eyes, forming images of enchanted lands, harmonic quests, and magical creatures. Tobson's heart soared with a mixture of awe, curiosity, and anticipation.

While he was flipping through the book at the ending part of the book he saw a page that looked like a green thick Forest filled with life he was so intrigued about how an old book has so much detailed images, trying to get a clearer view he adjusted his hands in the process he placed his hand on the picture of the forest then suddenly he felt a sudden change in the room, looking up he saw part of the room changed, out of confusion he looked around then he saw little signs of light eager to see where the light was coming from he stumbled upon a doorway boldly labelled—a doorway to the Realm of Imagination. Beyond that door thrives a world where the boundaries of reality blurred, where dreams manifested into tangible experiences. It was a realm where the impossible became possible, and every corner held the promise of adventure.

In that moment, Tobson knew he had discovered something extraordinary. The book was a key to a realm where imagination was the currency, and dreams were transformed into reality.

With a surge of excitement, he made a silent vow to himself a vow to embark on a journey that would forever change him life.

As he closed the book, a surge of energy coursed through his veins. The bookshop seemed to come alive, the shelves whimpering secrets and the air filled with a sense of anticipation. Tobson stepped out of the shop, his mind buzzing with possibilities. he had found his purpose and a sense of adventure he has always longed for—a purpose to unlock the dormant creativity within himself, to uncover endless possibilities and dreams.

With his new found discovery and determination came back home happily, his mum was surprised to see him this happy she asked him why was he so happy all he said was I had a wonderful day so hearing this his mum thought of it as just one of his adventures around town. Tobson went to the room packing up some things he might need for the adventure singing and humming when his mum came in the room and asked him where was going to that his packing some stuffs, he answered saying "the dream and adventure I've longed for has come and I can't just watch it go" his mum hearing this burst in tears and forbid him from going anywhere that his all she has and he wants to leave her for a stupid adventure they argued back and forth with each other she blamed his father for everything that has happened Tobson hearing this got annoyed and frustrated he let out how he really felt angrily "do you know how it feels not to be loved by a father and in my case I never met him, I grew up seeing other children with training with their father's, I get insulted every day by other people are you always there to defend me? I hoped you'd support the only thing that makes me happy and you say these things to me? I ha!!! he felt his mother's hand covering his mouth and hugged him passionately, Tobson seeing this ended up crying in her arms like a baby while she was looking down at him and told him that you're a strong man and am proud of who you've become as you set out for your journey go with my blessings. Tobson was so shocked to hear this from his mother he hugged her back and thanked her, he then kissed her on her forehead.

The following morning, Tobson set out to explore the depths of the Realm of Imagination. He went back to the bookshop to start his journey, but then he noticed that nobody comes to the bookshop it seemed quite creepy or invisible to others getting into the bookshop he saw that everything about the bookshop has changed as if the bookshop was built newly, trying to navigate his way back to where he left the door he got lost because it seemed the bookshop expanded, trying to find his way back he encountered a shiny white ball floating in the air, astonished by this he tried reaching out to it only for it to start bouncing all over the place, Tobson ran after the ball of light and to his surprise it led him to the door he was looking. He thanked the ball of light and then he proceeded to open the door opening it a strong gush of wind welcome him with a cool breeze astonished by this the ball of light that directed him came in front and just floated about Tobson asked it what it wanted, once he asked that all of a sudden the ball of light turned into a majestic and beautiful little figure, feminine in nature, the sight of her transformation was lovely, letting out a yawn she looked at him with her pale blue beautiful eye's she introduced herself as Amelia his spirit guardian, they exchanged pleasantries and went on their way. Amelia warned him that the path ahead would be filled with challenges and unknown dangers, but he was ready to face them head-on. Guided by his unwavering spirit, he embarked on a journey that would test his limits, shape his character, and lead him to a life unbound by the constraints of reality.

Little did Tobson know that this was just the beginning of a grand adventure one that would not only transform his own life but also touch the lives of countless others.

The Realm of Imagination awaited him, brimming with untold stories, magical encounters, and the power to craft a life unbound.

And so with the rise of a new dawn, With a heart full of excitement and a mind filled with dreams. Tobson took his first step into an unknown world, ready to embrace the wonders that awaited him on his adventure.

As Tobson moved deeper into the Realm of Imagination, he found himself in awe of the limitless possibilities that unfolded before him. The realm was a tapestry of vibrant landscapes, each more breathtaking than the last. he wandered through lush forests with trees that whimpered ancient secrets, climbed towering mountains that reached toward the heavens, and sailed across crystal-clear lakes where mystical creatures danced beneath the surface.

Every step Tobson took brought new encounters and challenges. Instances when he encountered mythical beings—wise wizards who possessed ancient knowledge they , mischievous fairies that flitted through the air with laughter, and noble creatures that embodied courage and loyalty. They became his guides, teaching him the ways of the realm and urging him to embrace his own power of creativity and imagination.

From the wizards, Tobson learned to cast spells that could shape reality itself. With their guidance, he discovered he had magic within him, tapping into his imagination to conjure visions and transform the world around him. He painted beautiful landscapes with the swipe of his hand, gave life into characters with the power of his imagination, and wove intricate arras of dreams with the threads of his thoughts.

But the realm was not merely a place of enchantment and wonder. It also had it's danger's which tested Tobson's resolve and strength. He encountered formidable challenges that pushed him beyond his limits. He faced treacherous paths that demanded his courage, riddles that tested his wit, and battles that required him to summon the depths of his determination.

In each trial, Tobson discovered more about himself. he learned to trust him instincts, to persevere in the face of adversity, and to embrace the unknown with an unwavering spirit. The realm became a mirror that reflected him growth, revealing the depths of him potential and the vastness of him imagination.

Along his journey, Tobson was by the lake when he heard a loud sound it sounded more like an earthquake or explosion, he could see birds and animals fleeing from that direction, Amelia appeared to him to report tell him what is happening, she reported that a strange and powerful beast appeared in the forest and it's oozing out negative emotions, hearing this Tobson picked up a branch on the ground he enchanted it and used it to fly hurriedly to the scene to his surprise he saw a creature he couldn't describe and from his judgement this beast was conjured of someone's negative imagination or dream approaching the scene he saw some group of people fighting the creature and he could tell they were adventurers and they were losing badly to this monster, he hurriedly conjured up two huge golems to hold the beast down for the time being because the beast must be destroyed from the source. After successful holding down the beast he came to administer aid to the adventurers but they seemed scared of him, they screamed out "stay away from us you evil wizard" hearing this Tobson was shocked he tried to calm them down but they were to scared to list one of them tried to attack him but he dodged the attack they tried again so Tobson thought the only way to convince them is to allow them hit him so he came down from the branch he was floating on and stood still for them to attack him but when they saw this they stopped asked who he was. Tobson introduced himself as a fellow adventurer that they have no reason to be scared of him, so he offered to heal there wounds so they can work together to find who conjured these beast but they declined stating that one of them has healing abilities.

After they all got healed they apologized to Tobson for their actions and thanked him for coming to their aid, so Tobson asked them what happened and one of them being the leader stepped forward and introduced himself as Stones (Swordsman) the leader of a band of five adventurers called blazing blade's, the rest introduced themselves namely Dreyfus (Lancer), Emelia (Healer), and Zeke (Shield bearer) Tobson noticed that they are four in number and Stones said they are five adventurers so he asked what of the fifth person, Stones sighed and explained that they were on their way to the clear springs when they came across a dark wizard in the forest furthermore he explained that the last member of their crew missing is an elf and has magical abilities to control all animals her name is Teria, the dark wizard tried to collect her ability but they fought him back, but he overwhelmed them and he cast a dark spell on her that made her lose control of her powers, immediately he did that he disappeared with a very wicked laughter fading into the forest, taking their attention back to Teria her entire aura was screaming out negativity, she tried controlling herself but the spell used on her was to powerful to overcome, her powers went haywire she let out a strong negative aura around which caused her so much pain and it seemed to be that she went into like an unconscious self defense mode thereby conjuring up that dreadful beast they tried getting close to her to help her, that's when the beast attacked them. After Stones finished explaining to Tobson, he called on Amelia to find out if there is a solution to these madness, she said that there are only three options for him to choose which are:

Option 1: He learns dark magic to cancel out the spell which in turn might corrupt him.

Option 2: He kills her then the source of the beast will be destroyed.

Option 3: He finds the dark wizard and kill him.

Tobson hearing this option was left in a state of confusion but he had this pressing urge to save her, so he asked the adventurers to be his companions for the main time to save their partner, they all agreed but they asked him what he would want to do, Tobson replied them saying "well from all the options given we are only left with one choice, which is to find the dark wizard and put an end to this". Together, they embarked on quest to save their partner.

On their way Tobson was wondering what kind of person Teria is when one of the adventurers brought to Tobson's attention that they have no idea where to look for the dark wizard, what he said dragged Tobson back from his imaginary thoughts of Teria he sighed out loud saying "that's quite true" he then asked "if you want to track down a rouge wizard where would you go" then Stones replied saying "probably he must have broken out from a group of wizards" Tobson thought of it and said "luckily I know a group of wizards" stones asked if he really knew a group of wizards, Tobson pointed out that well they were the ones that thought him how to use magic, they were all shocked because In the Realm of Imagination wizards don't just teach you how to use magic except you are special, they were astonished and respected and feared him the more. Then Tobson said to them am a just a simple adventurer with a broad imagination, a taste for adventure and seeking to unravel mysteries and unraveling the threads of destiny. Hearing this they were a bit relived so he pointed out that they best should hurry because it seems the golems can't hold the beast much longer it's powers increased with every moment, they headed out towards the Forest of mysteries where the wizards reside. They walked for hours arriving to a green beautiful forest but the entrance was so thick there's no visible form of entrance into the forest but Tobson just walked right through the it like as if it wasn't there the adventurers got scared but he came back out and told them not to be scared that they should follow him they reluctantly followed him in, when they entered they could not believe their eyes the place was so beautiful with wizards flying around beautiful house's in the air beautiful animals moving and flying around, their sightseeing was cut short when they could see a figure flying towards them with full speed they got scared and went into defensive position only for them to see Tobson floating towards the figure to with his arms out wide as if he was telling to stop but to their greatest surprise he hugged the figure with seemed to be a happy old wizard delighted to see Tobson, they were so happy to see each other they got of talking about a lot of things, the adventurers seeing this were so confused and stunned so they coughed out loud to bring Tobson attention back, Tobson realizing he got lost in the moment Tobson stepped back a little and Introduced the old wizard as Marcus The head of the Wizards and introduced the Adventurers to Marcus after exchanging pleasantries he ushered them into what seemed to be a little house one of the Adventurers asked how these small house will he able to contain them, Tobson smiled and told them to come in, they all followed him in and when they entered they were amazed and speechless inside the house was so big, beautiful and highly decorated which was highly expected of someone who's the leader of the Wizards so they apologized for the statement he made, Marcus being a friendly and a kind wizard playfully just talked him of it saying "its quite understandable young adventurer but have it in mind not everything is quite as it seems" Marcus looking at Tobson he asked him if they would be staying because he senses that they are not here for sight seeing, Tobson answered him saying "we would love to stay but there's an urgent matter at hand that needs his great assistance that's why they came to see him" Marcus replied saying " I thought as much it's a bit disappointing (sigh) I was hoping you'll stay a day" Stones bent with his head facing the ground saying "Please oh great wizard we've come for your assistance to help out a member of ours who a spell has been cast on by a rouge dark wizard " Marcus hearing this was so shocked to hear these he asked "young adventurer did you say a rouge dark wizard?" Stones replied "yes my lord" the shock on Marcus face was visible to everyone, Tobson asked what the problem was, Marcus sent out a call for one of his court wizard's.

The court's wizards name was Arma accompanied by his two apprentices Nik and Vince, when they arrived they were happy to see Tobson but the atmosphere in the room at the moment was obvious it wasn't time to exchange pleasantries, Arma asked what the problem was, then Marcus casted a spell on the his to block any form of interference or spy then he took all of them to the inner chambers and told them to sit down, they asked him what was wrong Marcus started by saying that "long ago they had a Bright apprentice Sef who was so brilliant and excelled in magic so much he out bested his fellow wizards, he so loved magic that he started dabbling into forbidden magic (Dark magic) I noticed somethings changed about him I cautioned to thread carefully but he was already far gone, he has already been corrupted by dark magic. Sef continued practicing dark magic when he conjured up a sinister beast that wrecked havoc and killed some wizards it took days before they could seal the beast many wizards died fighting that beast " Tobson interrupted him asking him what the beast looks like, Marcus answered him saying there was no description to give that kind of beast, Tobson looked at the Adventurers they looked at each other could that be the beast that attacked us? Marcus said it's impossible the seal they used on it was powerful then Tobson called out Amelia, she seeing Marcus bowed down and called him my lord it was weird to Tobson but thought of it as a form of respect since his the leaders of the Wizards, so he asked her to show Marcus a the beast that attacked them, when she displayed it Marcus was shocked to see it so was the Arma they both confirmed that it was the beast Sef conjured, how is possible? Marcus asked then Tobson asked what was done to Sef ? Arma answered saying "they caught him and brought him for judgement and he was sentenced to death outside the forest, two wizards took him out of the forest for execution and they came back and told us it has been done" Dreyfus pointed out that it seems they have been played that they should look for the wizards immediately to interrogate them so Marcus led them to the houses of the Wizards to find it completely empty then they realized that they were followers of Sef.

That was when Marcus realized that they've been compromised, they were confused on what step to take next that was when Marcus looked at Tobson told him he has the key to finding Sef but he has to pay a price to achieve that he was shocked to hear something like that but his strange determination to save Teria made him ask what the price to pay was, Marcus went ahead to tell him that "to achieve this ability you must sacrifice your humanity and become a full fledged Wizard and him losing his humanity means he'll no longer be normal and will never be able to return to where he came from" Tobson hearing this didn't shake him he agreed to it, Stones asked Tobson why going so far to save Teria who he has never seen before he couldn't give them a direct answer but all he said was "what have I to lose". Then he told Marcus he was ready to do it Marcus took him to another room in the house hugged him and told him he was proud of him with tears in his eyes Tobson was shocked to hear these words it gave him great courage them Marcus drew a large spell on the floor and told him some spells to recite it "De pulvere terra formata est, de aqua sedis formata septem miraculis mundi supergreditur humanitatis titulum".

Then he closed the door behind him, Tobson chanted out the spell three times suddenly the room was filled with so much wind but calm he started floating, he could hear chants from different directions he could see different kind of spells, enchantments, magical items and areas of concentrated magic also while that was going on Amelia appeared besides him and she seemed to be undergoing some form of transformation to since she was his spirit guardian, she grow in side to match a human form and she grew out fairy wings. Once their transformation was completed Amelia bowed down before him, he was surprised by her sudden change but nonetheless he told her to stand up, she obeyed then they stepped out together when they opened the door they met everyone staring at them in amazement Stones pointed out that the Color of Tobson's eyes turned blue and Amelia figure was astonishing then Marcus came to him with tears in his eyes and hugged him and sighed out your mother would be proud to know you surpassed your father, Tobson asked what he said Marcus changed the topic telling him that he should hurry and find Sef now that he is a wizard, Tobson asked him how he could do that then Marcus told him to close his eyes and sense where there is a concentrated amount of magic, he tried and all of a sudden he started seeing places that looked like flames rising up Marcus asked him what he was seeing, he replied Marcus saying he could see places that looks as if they're on fire Marcus replied saying that they represent each locations magical energy that he should look for anyone that has dark flames representing dark magic, then Tobson looked around and saw a forest with large amount of dark flames that looks like it's climbing up to the sky in the forest of Illusion. Then he opened his eyes and everyone stood stunned at how powerful his become. After much preparation they set out to go defeat Sef.

After Tobson found out that dark wizard and his apprentices were taking refuge in the forest of illusion he thanked Marcus and Arma for their help so did the adventurers, as they planned on leaving Marcus pointed out that even if Tobson is ready to face Sef they themselves are not well prepared to face him so he suggested they undergo some special training at least to prepare them for the battle ahead but before that he made the take an oath not to use whatever they learn to cause unnecessary harm to others or for their personal benefits, they all agreed and took the oath then Marcus directed Arma to take them to the great oak tree to train them.

Arma obeyed and took them to the oak tree, then Marcus directed his attention to Tobson asking him how his new found power felt and asked him if he was sure of the decision he made was the right choice to make Tobson answered him saying "am trying to get use to my new powers it's quite powerful to handle but with little training I'll get use to it, but as for the decision I made I don't regret it a single bit". He went on to say that "in the small town I lived in a small town called Madrina with my mother and I was never loved I grew up without a father people mocked me and called me names and said a lot of bad things about me and can't take anymore I'd rather stay here than go back" Marcus asked him "what about your mother" he let out a big sigh saying he'll find a way to bring her here once his successful with his mission Marcus added on if he want to see her for the last time? Tobson surprised to hear this asked "is this really possible?" Marcus replied "yes it's possible but will need a drop of your blood to cast the spell" Tobson agreed to it, then Marcus started preparations to enable Tobson see his mother for the last time as Marcus was about to take Tobson blood to perfume the spell Amelia appeared in their midst so scared they asked her what happened she reported that the beast broke one of the golems Tobson used to hold Down the beast so she tried using her powers to suppress him but it's getting stronger by the moment which means the dark energy following out of Teria is increasing with each moment and at any point in time it might break loose and start to wreck havoc. Tobson hearing this had to tell Marcus to change the spell he would want to cast a spell he saw during his transformation Marcus asked if he was sure that this is the online opportunity he has to see his mother again, Tobson smiled and looked and him and said "he has all the time he needs so he'll definitely find a way to see her" Marcus hearing this changed the spell then he told Tobson it was ready Tobson then told Amelia and Marcus to stay back then he stood over the spell and chanted out some spells Marcus and Amelia could not understand all of sudden they could feel the house shaking Marcus asked what was going on Amelia being a part of Tobson had an idea of what he was doing so she used a transparent globe to check where the beast was located to show Marcus what was going on only for Marcus to see great and mighty pillars in form of triangle with golden chain like structure holding the beast down and it looked like the beast lost all strength to move amazed by what they've seen.

After Tobson casted that spell he fell to the ground not because his magical powers reduced but because that was his first time casting something so powerful, then Marcus being concerned told him to rest up a bit and practice his newly found powers while the other's train, so he agreed to do so.

Meanwhile at the oak tree Arma was teaching the group of adventurers some protection spells and abilities to protect them from Sef's attacks, they showed great promise towards training especially their leader Stones so he directed one of his apprentices Nik to train Stones privately Nik specializes in attack magic and forgery so his a perfect match for Stones to train with. Then he looked at Zeke who's the shield be bearer and Arma also instructed his other apprentice Vince to train Zeke since he specializes in defense magic and earth magic.