

( just another abandoned story. an approach to harry potter with a realistic touch. as mentioned it is abandoned and not complete. while I will not call this one enjoyable it is worth reading. ) Harry returns to Privet Drive after 4th year and finds it...empty! What do you do when you can't go to your friends for help? Additional Story Notes FYI: a. AU Summer before Fifth Year Fic, b. Not particularly fast-paced. (harry potter belongs to JK Rowlings. and I am not the author of this fanfiction. all credits for this fanfiction goes to wish weaver. this story is available on fanfiction.net)

whitethief274 · Derivasi dari karya
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81 Chs

Chapter 79- it takes a village ( part 2)

"I'm okay, Tom," Harry assured, rising when the old wizard neared and peered worriedly at him. "I woke up a bit ago and felt much better."

"Yes, so rather than wait until a decent hour to get up, he decided to nip down here and ready the dining room," Molly added, smiling as Harry fidgeted under the older wizard's concerned stare. "At least he had the sense to leave a note so I didn't panic when I found him missing."

"Oh, I have no trouble at all believing that," Tom said, pulling Harry into a brief hug then stepping back and holding him at arm's length. "Merlin's beard, boy, it's good to see you on your feet again! I was sure you still had a bit of mending to do when you arrived yesterday, and now look at you!" Harry smiled in pleased embarrassment.

"Thanks, Tom," he said, then indicated the teapot. "Fancy a cuppa?"

Tom nodded, but stopped Harry when he turned toward the kitchen. "I'll get it, lad," he said, sending Harry's basket of place settings into the kitchen and summoning a teacup out of it. "Seems we don't have to get right to it, with you setting the place up already. Have you seen Hedwig this morning?" he asked as he poured. "I sent her home with Steve last night in case he needed to get in touch." Harry shook his head.

"I haven't seen her since yesterday. She wasn't in my room when I went up for a wash," Harry said, then nodded at Molly and reclaimed his chair. "Mrs. Weasley mentioned Steve and Madam Pomfrey came by when we were talking. Is everything all right? Why did they want to see me?" Tom sighed and sat on Harry's other side.

"We have a bit of a problem, son, and Madam Pomfrey isn't sure how to sort it," Tom admitted, holding up his hands in a placating gesture when Harry stiffened. "Now, now, Steve promised to send Hedwig to us if anything worsened, and if I know that owl of yours she'd have come on her own even if he hesitated."

Molly nodded from Harry's other side. "Trite as it sounds, no news really is good news sometimes." Harry nodded and gave her a little smile of thanks before turning back to Tom.

"So what is the situation, exactly?"

Tom sighed. "Something we should have caught onto or at least considered yesterday. The short of it is, when Janet and I became your guardians, your folder stopped using you as its primary power source. Madam Pomfrey was able to verify that last night."

"So it's stopped hiding them then? Is that what you mean?" Molly asked, grimacing inwardly as Harry paled beside her. Tom shook his head and laid a reassuring hand on Harry's arm.

"No, dear, it hasn't stopped hiding them. It's just stopped using Harry here as a living wand core." Shifting his focus to Harry he continued. "There was some alarm system tied to your folder that went unanswered for a very long time. Madam Pomfrey can fill in the details later, but for now she thinks your folder has been augmenting itself with your magic since you were a small child. Ah, well look who it is."

Surprised by Tom's sudden change of subject, Molly turned and saw Hedwig winging their way from the direction of the Leaky Cauldron's small owlery. She dropped the folded paper in her beak in front of Tom then turned to Harry. Molly smiled as the owl accepted a piece of scone and leaned contentedly into Harry's hand while he stroked her feathers.

Harry smiled at Hedwig, but there was an edge of worry in his eyes. "What did he say, Tom?"

Tom opened his mouth, then hesitated and closed it again. Oh dear, Molly thought. Bad news. Harry, it seemed, picked up the same vibe.

"Please, Tom. Just tell me. What's happened?" The old innkeeper sighed.

"As near as we can tell, after Janet signed the papers your folder gradually decreased its pull on your magic and started using hers instead. Madam Pomfrey and Steve came by last night to see if you and I were all right. The folder is pulling a little from me, but not a lot. I reckon it's holding me in reserve, as secondary, you see." He paused and handed Harry the folded paper. Harry wasn't trying to hide it from her, so Molly shamelessly read the terse note along with him.


Poppy wants us to go to the hospital wing. (Precautionary.)

Options presently unknown.

More as I know it.

Fill Harry in when he wakes up. Poppy wants to look him over too. She says to send him by flue or port-key.


"That can't be good," Harry muttered, glancing between Tom and Molly while getting to his feet. "I have to go. This isn't right. Everything's ready for breakfast. Tell Ron-tell Ron and Hermione I'll be back later."

Before Molly could offer to accompany him, Harry drew a surprisingly familiar Phoenix pendant out of his collar and disappeared with a whispered word.

Harry landed in an unfamiliar part of the hospital wing, and took a second to get his bearings. He was in an empty 10-bed ward off the main one. Harry frowned, trying to recall the area, then finally decided it must be charmed to camouflage itself, rather like the Leaky Cauldron. It made a certain amount of sense if injured Order members used the Hogwarts hospital wing for assistance year round.

He took a step forward, then stopped, suddenly unsure of what his reception would be. Madam Pomfrey wouldn't have moved the Wrights to Hogwarts on a whim. Then again Steve had said "precaution." Perhaps she simply wanted the hospital resources available to her.

Feeling approximately equal parts hope and trepidation, Harry peeked out into the main ward and blinked in surprise at the incongruous sight of the Wright family cuddled together on their sofa. Steve was sandwiched between Janet and Kitty with Becky on his lap and all of them appeared to be sleeping. Creeping closer, Harry felt a smile tug at his lips in spite of his worry and fright. During the time he and the girls had been ill he'd spent a fair amount of time in a similar position. Only then Janet had typically been between Kitty and himself with Becky on her lap. Steve had been about of course, generally seated next to Kitty or himself, or else standing over the lot of them and asking Janet what she'd done to deserve "all that love and attention."

Madam Pomfrey didn't seem to be about. Harry found that odd, but didn't dwell on it. After all his dealings with the school mediwitch he was quite sure she wouldn't leave the Wrights alone if anyone was in immediate danger. Harry glanced around for a visiting chair but the beds were stripped down and the chairs nowhere in sight. He was just contemplating taking a seat on the couch when Madam Pomfrey came flying through the main doors. She headed for the little ward initially, but stopped short at the sight of him and bustled over to the couch.

"Harry! I wasn't expecting to see you this early!" she said, wand already out and weaving the familiar motions of a diagnostic spell. She paused to look at the results then smiled at him. "Feeling a spot better, I'd wager?"

That's an understatement, Harry thought, as he smiled and nodded. Now that he was rid of it he could fully appreciate how the pull on his magic had worn him down. Aloud he said, "I feel much better. Brilliant, really."

"And how was Tom when you left the Leaky Cauldron?" Poppy asked, casting the charm that queried Harry's vital signs.

"He seemed fine," Harry reported. "Bit tired, maybe, but that's not unusual this time of day." He looked over at the the still somnolent Wrights, feeling a little worried that no one had so much as twitched. "Madam Pomfrey, what's wrong with them?"

"I put them in a magical sleep to make the trip easier, and kept it on long enough to update the headmaster and Professor Flitwick," the mediwitch said, casting Finite Incantatem at the end of her statement. "Portkey was the tidiest way to get everyone here," she went on, tapping the sofa with another Finite as Steve shifted his shoulders and yawned.

"Are we there yet?" he mumbled sleepily, then caught sight of Harry and became more alert. Frowning, he tried to free a hand to consult his watch. "What time is it? How long have we been out?"

"You haven't been out long at all, Steve. Less than half an hour," Madam Pomfrey reassured, stopping his restless movements. "Harry wasn't mending as long as I thought he might. As a matter of fact, he must have come almost immediately after receiving your owl." Steve nodded and slumped back into the cushions, looking at Harry with tired blue eyes.

"Sorry...long night," he said, after another jaw-popping yawn. "Poppy wasn't expecting you until late morning and the whole sleep spell thing made me nervous," he said, glancing at his family before looking up at Harry again. "Wow. You weren't kidding about the healing state, were you?" he commented, nodding at the mediwitch before addressing Harry again. "Seriously, kid, you look like a million bucks! Any chance you can share some of that with Jannie and the girls?"

"Share?" Harry glanced at his own hands distractedly, then refocused on Janet, Kitty, and Becky with growing dismay. Steve had come around almost immediately but no one else was stirring. "What's wrong? Why aren't they waking?" he asked, fright making his voice sharp. His tension cranked up another notch when Madam Pomfrey sighed.

"Did you get a chance to chat with Tom at all?" she asked.

Harry nodded. "A bit. He said the folder had been drawing on my magic for ages because of some alarm, and after yesterday it stopped using me as its main power source, and-" Harry cut off and stared at Janet and her daughters with slowly dawning horror. "No..." he whispered as Tom's words came back. We have a bit of a situation and Madam Pomfrey isn't sure how to sort it...

Oh, no. Oh, nonono. Harry shook his head feeling his pulse and breath quicken. His relatives had always been rather irrational about to magic in general and him in particular. Learning the truth about his heritage had always been source of comfort, especially the bit about them bringing most of his accidental magic on themselves.

This was different. This was a nightmare. I can't believe this! It's been what...less than a day? And things are already messed up? Harry squeezed his eyes shut when his vision began to take on an odd tunneling effect, remotely aware of glass rattling and shattering somewhere to the side. Janet and her girls had every right to fear magic now and Steve must surely be furious...

"Mr. Potter! Control yourself at once!"

Brought up short, Harry opened his eyes and found himself face to face with a very stern Madam Pomfrey. "Come now, it's not as bad as all that. Breathe with me now, deep and slow," she encouraged, making Harry aware of his own shallow panting as she Accio'd one of the visiting chairs from somewhere and pushed him gently into it.

"I'm quite aware that the situation is untenable as it stands," she continued, wand out and waving again, "but Janet and her daughters, are in no immediate danger."

"Poppy and your headmaster tried to modify the magic last night once we realized something was up but it didn't work," Steve added, absently shifting Becky. Harry noted with cautious optimism that while the older man was obviously worried and not at all happy, he didn't seem angry or afraid.

"What happened?" he asked, feeling brave enough to risk a question.

Madam Pomfrey repeated the test she'd just performed, then put her wand back in her apron pocket. "The transfer process was gradual, so at first we didn't notice anything. I understand it caught you by surprise as well." She waited for Harry's nod, then went on.

"The folder seems to know how much energy it can draw without causing injury, hence the spillover from Janet to Kitty, and finally Becky. Janet is much better now that the load is balanced between the three of them."

Appalled, Harry glanced at Janet who was leaning limply against Steve's shoulder, then his stress and fear got the better of him. "Better? This is better?" he asked, looking between Steve and Madam Pomfrey. "Why are you letting this go on? End the charms! No protection is worth this!"

"They wake up now and then and Janet's stopped having breakthrough seizures so yeah, this is better," Steve retorted, making Harry instinctively flinch back. He watched warily as the older man visibly cut himself off, then closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened them again, he steadied Becky, and reached out a hand. Harry hesitated, then leaned forward to take it.

"You're where I was a few hours ago, son. I pestered this poor woman to death even after she and two of your teachers determined your folder was going to have to be tinkered with," he admitted with a rueful nod in Madam Pomfrey's direction. "It's a wonder she didn't slap me silly."

"It was tempting," the mediwitch returned dryly, "Fortunately I have ample experience dealing with hysterical loved ones."

"I'm sure," Steve agreed easily, giving Harry's hand a squeeze before releasing it. "I don't like this any more than you do, kid, but the girls are okay for now and everything that could have been done has been. Your headmaster even contacted some friends of his on the night shift, but the Archive doesn't have any after hours contacts or access procedures. Short of a break-in, which I was all for incidentally, there's no way to get your folder until they open for business."

"The folder's magic was studied while you were missing. That's when we realized it was hiding you," Madam Pomfrey added, retrieving her wand from her pocket and waving it in Harry's direction. "Professor Flitwick and Professor Dumbledore have been researching the problem and preparing strategies all night to save time. As soon as your folder is available, they will try to modify the existing charms and preserve the protection. If that can't be done in a reasonable amount of time, the existing charms will be ended and alternatives will be considered. Clearly the magic can be divided among several people, so efforts are currently focused along that route," she continued, absently running her test again.

"What is it, Poppy?" Steve asked, gesturing at her wand. "You've done that six times in the last ten minutes."

The mediwitch sighed, huffing out a little laugh at the end of it. "Actually, this situation may have solved a puzzle that has baffled the Hogwarts teaching staff for the last four years. No one could adequately explain how Harry here could struggle with the simplest spells one day, then be a veritable powerhouse the next. Given what's come to light, I suspect the folder's pull on his magic was a contributing factor if not the main cause."

Harry nodded, considering the matron's words. His difficulty with the Summoning Charm last year had been doubly frustrating in light of his success with his Patronus. When he glanced at Madam Pomfrey again he found her eyeing him speculatively.

"Do you have your wand with you, dear?" she asked. "Very good, You know the Repair Charm, yes?" she continued when he answered affirmatively and produced the item in question.

"Yes, ma'am," Harry agreed, thinking of the Burrow. The spell was something of a staple in the Weasley household. He'd lost count of the times he'd seen Ron's parents and older siblings cast it during his visits, even before he learned to cast it himself.

"Very well." Madam Pomfrey gestured at the broken glass with her own wand. "Give it a go then."

"Okay," Harry said with a shrug, standing and surveying the mess he'd made earlier. The damage went further back than he originally thought, radiating out in a circular pattern from where he'd been standing. Madam Pomfrey was being uncommonly kind about it, but it was clear to him that he was to clean up the mess he'd made. Best get on with it so he could get back to sitting with the Wrights.

Turning to the right first, Harry executed the required wand motion and cast the spell, putting his back into it so he could get as much as possible in one go. Realistically he expected to cast the spell several times put things to rights. What he didn't expect was the invisible but palpable wave of magic that swirled from his wand and filled the Hospital Wing. Glass containers instantly reassembled and leapt to their places on tables and shelves. The mattresses on the beds grew visibly fluffier, all signs of wear and tear disappearing. Even Madam Pomfrey who was looking a little rumpled after her overnight stay with the Wrights was suddenly standing in attire that looked freshly pressed.

Harry tried to reign in the spell, but it wasn't finished yet. Little imperfections in the Wright's couch vanished. Minute cracks in the ancient walls and floor sealed themselves, and the potions and medical supplies the mediwitch had evidently been sorting jumped into the rubbish bin or flew back into her supply cabinet. Only after everything was put away and the Hospital Wing gleamed like new did the Reparo fade and disperse.

Gobsmacked, Harry turned in a full circle, stopping when he saw Remus Lupin, Padfoot, and Professors Dumbledore and Flitwick standing just inside the door. Remus' attention was diverted by the like-new robes he was sporting, but the two Hogwarts professors and Sirius were staring straight at him. Harry turned back to Madam Pomfrey. "What's happening? I cast wide but..." Harry trailed off indicating the Hospital Wing with a frustrated wave of his non-casting hand before anger surged in again. "My magic has never been like this, never!"
