

( just another abandoned story. an approach to harry potter with a realistic touch. as mentioned it is abandoned and not complete. while I will not call this one enjoyable it is worth reading. ) Harry returns to Privet Drive after 4th year and finds it...empty! What do you do when you can't go to your friends for help? Additional Story Notes FYI: a. AU Summer before Fifth Year Fic, b. Not particularly fast-paced. (harry potter belongs to JK Rowlings. and I am not the author of this fanfiction. all credits for this fanfiction goes to wish weaver. this story is available on fanfiction.net)

whitethief274 · Derivasi dari karya
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81 Chs

Chapter 21- Replies(part 2).

Harry blinked, a little shocked at how well the werewolf perceived him, and touched by the genuine fondness in the letter. He also appreciated the little clue Professor-no, Remus, had given him about his mother. Perhaps when they finished their current business, he could arrange a visit with Sirius and Remus. In the past, there had always been some pressing matter to attend to when he'd seen his godfather, and Remus had been his teacher, and not exactly accessible. It might be nice to have a chance to listen to their stories and just relax for once. With that in mind, Harry turned his attention to the second page of the letter.

Dear Harry:

Well, first of all, I want to thank my dear friend Moony for getting all of the heavy stuff out of the way up front. Perhaps I'll let him start all my letters. Let me simply echo his sentiments, and state that I will always try to be there for you if you need me, so we can move on to other topics.

Are those muggle relatives of yours treating you all right? Moony and I have catching a certain rat on our list of things to do, but unfortunately, it isn't our top priority at the moment. I'm hoping that it will be soon.

I see you're keeping busy! A summer job, eh? Pretty neat trick. How many additional wards and protective spells did Albus have installed? I was under the impression that you were going to be kept close to home this summer, but I'm glad you're able to get out a bit. You always struck me as the "take action" type, even when you were just a little thing. I'm also very impressed that you've already started doing your summer assignments. James and I were never that punctual. Lily was, though. Remus, too. They would start immediately, and get their work done straightaway, but Prongs and I liked to take it easy, and finish up a little at a time over the course of the summer.

Oh, speaking of assignments, take a friendly word to the wise: You might want to start looking over your old material now since you have your OWLS coming up this year. I can tell you from personal experience that those are a bit of a challenge just because of the sheer volume of material covered. You definitely don't want to get stuck cramming for those at the last possible minute. It isn't a pretty sight, believe me...and NEWTS are even worse. "Nastily Exhausting Wizard Tests" is a very apt description, though your dad's version "Never Ever Wait To Start", (studying) is good as well. James always did have a way with words.

Well, I want to get this on its way, so I'll close here. Take good care of yourself, and if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask!


Harry smiled fondly as he folded Remus and Sirius' letter, then slid it back in the envelope, and reached for another.

July 7, 1995

Dear Harry,

Good to hear from you, mate. Hope the muggles are treating you right.

My holiday has actually been extraordinarily weird. For one thing we hardly ever see Fred and George. They've been holed up in their room most of the summer-Ginny and I can't even dig them out to play Quidditch or Exploding Snap. The first couple of days of the holiday they went to Diagon Alley, and Ottery St. Catchpole for "stuff," but they won't say what they bought, or what they're working on, or even where they got the money to go shopping in the first place. Do you reckon Ludo Bagman finally found his heart and made good on their World Cup wager? Or at least refunded their savings? Mum's been in a right snit about it, but I think she was more worried about them being out alone. Dad has been pretty cool about the whole thing, really. He reckons its their way of dealing with the stress of You-Know-Who being back, and is willing to let them be as long as no one gets hurt, and the house doesn't fall down from all the explosions.

Speaking of the house, Mum and Dad have been working in the evenings trying to get the Burrow "safe" so you can come visit. Bill, Charlie, and Percy, have been helping as much as they can, and Professor Dumbledore has even come a few times to see what he can do to hurry things along. Evidently laying protective spells, and constructing wards is a tricky business. Not only are the spells difficult, but they have to be cast in the proper order for maximum effect. They've had to take everything down and start over at least twice, but I think they have the hang of it now. Dad said Professor Dumbledore asked Minister Fudge if he would allow a team of Aurors to help, but he refused, the prat.

I suppose they could have been finished by now if they were just warding the house like they talked about at first. Mum and Dad decided to do a proper job of it though, so they're enclosing the yard, pond, dad's shed, and paddock as well. The good news is, once it's done, it's done, and the Burrow will be almost as well protected as your uncle's house with regards to magical attack, forever. The bad news is, its just taking a little longer than expected.

So you have a summer job, do you? Doing what? And bloody hell, Harry! I understand you may be feeling a little mental what with recent events and all, but did you absolutely have to tell Hermione that you'd started your summer homework? You've got that girl in a right state because she thinks you might finish up before she does! And if that wasn't bad enough, she wants me to start on my assignments, and start reviewing for my OWLS now, too! You've created a proper monster, you have, but I suppose I can forgive you just this once.

Well, Mum wants me to help de-gnome the garden, and that was all my news anyway. Take care and write soon!


Harry laid Ron's letter aside, wearing a troubled frown. He'd never intended to be so much trouble, and yet... He reached into his jeans pocket and retrieved a small muggle notebook. Since he couldn't predict when would dream of Voldemort, or be able to "listen in" th inch (or 7.5 X 12.5 cm if you prefer) spiral notepad and ball-point pen he'd purchased a few days ago had become his constant companions. They resided in his shirt or pants pockets by day, and laid on his bedside table at night.

He flipped rapidly through his entries until he found what he wanted-the entry he'd made just last night:

July 12 - Death Eater Mtg

SS promised V his memory potion by week's end. SS is to report to V when potion is done via portkey. SS was punished via Cruciatus Curse for delays.

Planning an attack on Privet Dr.? Me?

LM reported that Mr. Weasley and Mr. Diggory are trying to gather support for Dumbledore in the Ministry.

V plans to use the Ministry's inaction to his advantage-planning a surprise attack. No activity (muggleborn attacks?) until then. V doesn't want to raise suspicions in the Wizard Community.

Harry had seen the meeting in a dream, or vision, or whatever they were. The curious feeling of traveling to Voldemort's whereabouts, and invisibly watching the dark wizard's actions that he had initially experienced in Professor Trelawney's classroom was back. Voldemort's punishment of Snape had been meant as a warning, and he had not put his full might behind the curse. Harry had been dimly aware of his scar burning sympathetically as Snape clenched his teeth to avoid crying out, but the discomfort had not been severe enough to awaken him.

The major issues with his scar's painful reactions, and his new eavesdropping abilities seemed to be proximity and Voldemort's mood. Harry could always tell when the other wizard was nearby, because his scar reacted painfully. Now that distance was a factor, Harry noticed he could hear Voldemort the clearest when the other wizard was agitated, or angry. When he had visions, the intensity with which Voldemort cast his curses determined how badly his scar hurt. It was almost as if their connection acted like an invisible wire, with Voldemort transmitting, and Harry receiving. The level of Voldemort's pique determined how much energy was pumped through their connection. It didn't appear to be bi-directional, and Harry had mixed feelings about that. If the connection worked the way he suspected, and strong emotions transmitted the clearest, Voldemort would have been drawn to him like a magnet his first or second day back from Hogwarts. On the other hand, it might be childishly gratifying to blaze his own anger and frustration over the link, and let Voldemort deal with the headache for a change.

He glanced at Ron's letter again, reminded of something. Hadn't the headmaster mentioned preparations? Was he referring to the wards then? Harry bit his lower lip. Dumbledore said he had a source, and that had to be Snape. Surely Mr. Weasley and Mr. Diggory had been warned that they'd been mentioned by name at a Death Eater Meeting, and were therefore in danger of attack. Arthur and Molly Weasley must be doing such a thorough job to protect their home and family, then. Surely they wouldn't enclose their entire property just for him!

Harry snickered a little when he re-read Ron's complaints about homework and OWL preparations. Sorry, mate, but Sirius says it's a good idea too, he thought with a shrug. And really, Harry was at a distinct disadvantage in some ways. Professor Dumbledore had canceled end of term exams as a school treat his second year, when the Chamber of Secrets mess had been sorted out, and because Harry had been a TriWizard Champion this past year, he had been excused from exams again. It had seemed like a wonderful idea at the time, but now he realized he had no practical measure of how much he had learned two of the four years he'd been at Hogwarts. And face it, Potter, you were in another world entirely a good deal of last year, worrying about that stupid tournament. Who knows for certain how much you retained. Perhaps he could get with Hermione and borrow her exams and study notes while they still had access to muggle copying centers.

The bit about Fred and George being on Diagon Alley was unsettling as well. From the sound of it, they'd come while he'd been doing his stint on the night shift. He'd have to keep an eye out for them-and anyone else he bloody knew. Harry twisted his mouth to one side, while he considered this. His disguise was pretty good, but Harry wasn't sure if it was that good. Oh, well. He'd find out soon enough. In a couple of weeks Hogwarts letters would be sent out, and he was sure to run into all sorts of familiar faces.

Fawkes and the Hogwarts owl distracted him then, when they flew around the room once, then out the open window, chattering cheerily at him as they did so. Harry waved at the departing birds, and called his thanks, then returned his attention to his remaining two letters, while Hedwig and Pig perched on the headboard, and settled in for a nap.

The next letter was from Hermione, and by all appearances, he had fallen out of her good graces.

July 13, 1995

Harry James Potter!

Of all the stupid, thoughtless, juvenile behavior! I can't believe you spent the entire day in London, with my mother yet, and couldn't spare two minutes to ring me up to say hello! You could have easily reached me on Dad's mobile phone! Best friend indeed!

And while we're on the subject, what did you tell my mother about Hogwarts? She's been absolutely insufferable, and asking questions like mad! When I asked her where she heard all this, she just smiled, and told me you two had a nice little chat over lunch. If this is the kind of behavior I can expect, I must insist on being present for any future lunch dates you two have planned!

She did mention you bought some nice new clothes, for your job, but she's not telling everything she knows. I can tell. What are you up to, Harry? All she'll say is you have a surprise for me, you think you'll be able to visit again, and that you have very nice teeth.

Oh, well. I guess if the Dursleys are finally getting you some decent clothes, this job situation is for the best. What are you doing anyway? How are you liking it? Will you still be able to visit Ron's family?

Speaking of Ron, I just finished a letter to him. I'm glad you finally seem to be taking your studies seriously, Harry, but I think we (you, Ron, and me) need to start reviewing for our OWLS immediately. If you'll just think it over a minute, I'm sure you'll agree. I've gathered together all my homework papers, texts, and exams going all the way back to first year, and I'm shocked at how much material we've covered. Reviewing all this adequately is going to be a real challenge, especially if we want to have any free time this year. Plus, the tests also include the fifth year materials we cover to that point-stuff we don't even have access to yet! Oh, and just so you know, I've finished my Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, and Arithmancy assignments.

I suppose that's everything that's been happening here. Mum and Dad and I haven't made any firm plans about going on holiday. To tell the truth, I've rather enjoyed having some down time. Hedwig seems anxious to be on her way, so I'll close for now. Look after yourself, and owl or ring me up soon!


Harry let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding when he got to the bottom of the letter. By the way it had started, he'd reckoned he'd have better luck getting Malfoy to study with him than Hermione, but the longer she wrote, the more she seemed to calm down.

Actually, Harry had considered calling Hermione-Dr. Granger had even offered to give him the number, but she'd also said this was Hermione's once a year, all day, father-daughter outing, and Harry had been hesitant to intrude. And he hadn't thought he'd told her mum anything that horrible. Sighing unhappily, he laid Hermione's letter with the others he needed to answer, and picked up the last envelope.

The writing on the thick, creamy parchment was completely unfamiliar-an old fashioned calligraphy, written in a strange ink that was metallic and iridescent at the same time. Curious, Harry flipped the envelope over, eyes brightening with recognition when he saw the wax seal with a large "G" stamped on it. This must be the information he'd requested from Gringotts.

The dark-haired teen shook his head at the memory. Visiting Gringotts had been a real adventure. After he'd finished talking to Dr. Granger he'd told Tom where he was going, and scurried off down Diagon Alley. As it was still quite early, the street was mostly deserted, and it wasn't quite time for the bank to open. Harry had leaned against the white stone building beside the burnished bronze door, trying to look nonchalant while he waited. In reality his brain was buzzing with questions as he tried to work out what he thought things would cost, and how much he should withdraw. He didn't realistically know how much things like glasses and shoes, and muggle clothing cost. He'd been too young to notice how much Aunt Petunia had paid for his current pair of glasses, although he did remember how she'd carried on about the expenditure, and threatened him with dire consequences if he failed to properly care for them.
