

( just another abandoned story. an approach to harry potter with a realistic touch. as mentioned it is abandoned and not complete. while I will not call this one enjoyable it is worth reading. ) Harry returns to Privet Drive after 4th year and finds it...empty! What do you do when you can't go to your friends for help? Additional Story Notes FYI: a. AU Summer before Fifth Year Fic, b. Not particularly fast-paced. (harry potter belongs to JK Rowlings. and I am not the author of this fanfiction. all credits for this fanfiction goes to wish weaver. this story is available on fanfiction.net)

whitethief274 · Derivasi dari karya
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81 Chs

Chapter 2 - Arrival at King cross station(part 2)

"Don't be daft child!" she cried, her brown eyes snapping furiously. "Have you lost all sense? We can't leave you here alone! It wouldn't be safe–even if You-Know-Who wasn't lurking about!" she continued, shaking a scolding finger. "What are you thinking? There's no telling what could happen! You could be snatched out from under our very noses–subjected to who knows what!" Molly paused a moment, and leveled a glare on Harry that was usually reserved for the twins. "And just in case you've forgotten, it's the adults' job to protect the children, not the other way around! Where do you get such ideas?" she demanded flinging her arms wide in exasperation.

Harry for his part, found himself unable to do anything but stare dumbly at Mrs. Weasley as the fiery redhead expressed her displeasure with him. He wasn't enjoying getting lectured, especially in front of Ron and the others, but this was different from Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia's scoldings. The Dursleys constantly ranted about how they'd been saddled with him, and told him regularly how worthless he was. Mrs. Weasley's tirade, though not exactly pleasant, was infinitely easier to take. Even as he winced at her scathing tone, Harry marveled at the warmth he felt, just because she cared.

"Well, I guess that makes it official," George announced before his mother could continue. When the rest of the group looked questioningly at him, he grinned wickedly and said, "Just what this family needs...ANOTHER ickle brother!" The rest of the Weasleys stared at him in surprise for a few seconds before dissolving into giggles.

Harry grinned at George, honestly impressed. From what he could see, stopping Mrs. Weasley when she was on a roll was like trying to hold back an avalanche with your bare hands. Obviously George was well practiced in this art.

"Looks like you've lost your guest status, mate," Ron hooted thumping Harry on the back. "Now she'll be giving you chores, and nagging you about your marks!"

Harry blushed a little, and smiled shyly, as Ron and the twins began to speculate wildly on what would be expected of him as an "official" family member. Ginny even made a few suggestions, much to Harry's surprise, and hers were the most creative of all.

Molly finally cut in when the expectations crossed beyond ridiculous. "That's enough, now," she said crisply, after Fred told Harry he would be locked in the attic with the ghoul if he dared put one toe out of line. "We need to finish loading the trolleys and go. Arthur will be worried."

Harry watched the Weasleys pile their belongings on the remaining two trolleys feeling torn and indecisive. Normally he would jump at any excuse to spend time with his favorite wizarding family, but with Voldemort back...

As much as he wanted to go, Harry was terrified of putting his friends at risk. He could deal with his own life being in danger, but not theirs. Never theirs. Additionally, Harry had promised Albus Dumbledore, that he would wait until 'preparations could be made' before visiting his friends. What these preparations consisted of Harry wasn't sure, but there was no doubt in his mind that the canny old wizard would know if he disobeyed. The boy cringed at the thought of disappointing his headmaster. He had done so only once before, at the beginning of second year. Professor Dumbledore's grave expression and quiet 'Please explain why you did this' was somehow worse than the loudest yelling.

On the other hand, Harry wasn't sure he could convince Ron's mother to leave him behind–promise to Professor Dumbledore or no. In all honesty, he wouldn't put it past Molly Weasley to simply Stupefy him, and drape his unconscious body over one of the laden trolleys if he tried to argue. She had a valid point, after all. It probably wasn't very safe for him to be on his own just now, but still...

Harry raked a hand through his unruly black hair in frustration. Of all days for Uncle Vernon to be late!

"All right dears, let's go then," Mrs. Weasley said, herding the five teenagers toward the exit.

Harry nodded absently and grasped the trolley handle. He took one last look around the platform before starting after Ron...and spotted a familiar figure walking toward the spot where he usually met the Dursleys. Apparently Uncle Vernon had made it after all. Harry grinned in relief, then stopped short and snorted at the absurdity of the situation. Nothing like a little moral dilemma to take some of the sting out of returning to Privet Drive. He was actually happy to see his uncle for perhaps the first time in his life. An historic occasion.

"Harry? Are you with us dear?" Molly called, noticing he had fallen behind.

Oh. Oops. Harry trotted over to the plump witch. "My uncle just arrived, Mrs. Weasley," he said, his conflicting emotions showing clearly. "Thank you for everything. It was really good of you to stay..." Harry trailed off and looked down.

Molly's heart went out to the boy. She bit back a sigh, and forced herself to smile cheerily. "Well, he must have been held up by traffic after all."

Harry gave her a lopsided smile. "I suppose," he agreed without much enthusiasm.

Mrs. Weasley put her hand on Harry's shoulder again. "Would you like us to walk over with you?" she offered gently.

Harry quickly shook his head. "No, thanks all the same," he politely refused. "Uncle Vernon will likely be angr–uh, in a hurry to leave." Harry didn't want to subject them to the man's foul temper. Besides, Ron and the others had already witnessed him getting one public scolding. Harry wasn't eager for them to see another. Even if Vernon didn't chastise Harry, he would almost certainly be rude to Mrs. Weasley and her family because they were "wizarding freaks."

Molly's eyes flashed dangerously. She looked like she was about to say something, then changed her mind. "Well, we'll see you very soon, then Harry dear," she said hugging him again. Tomorrow if I have anything to say about it. "Keep in touch, and let us know if you need anything."

"Bye Harry," Ginny said, turning back to her trolley. "See you later, mate," Ron gave Harry a little cuff on the shoulder before following his sister. * Fred and George stepped closer. "Bye, Harry, and thanks!" George said while Fred nodded enthusiastically. Harry winked at them and waved as the Weasleys continued on their way. He watched until they rounded a corner, then squared his shoulders and walked over to where his uncle was waiting.

The first thing Harry noticed as he approached, was Vernon Dursley was remarkably composed. This struck the boy as very odd. Vernon hated delays in general, and reacted explosively if there was the smallest wait. Since he was already running well over an hour behind, Vernon should have been tense and impatient, and not in the best of moods. Harry had actually expected him to come storming over while he said goodbye to the Weasleys. Whatever Vernon's reasons, Harry was glad that hadn't happened. Mrs. Weasley vs Uncle Vernon wasn't a spectacle he cared to witness.

Stopping a respectful distance from the man, Harry waited for Vernon to acknowledge him. Vernon, however, took a newspaper out from under his arm, and flipped it open to read, oblivious to the dark-haired boy.

This didn't tally with Harry's experience with his uncle. At best the man should be glaring hatefully at Harry for inconveniencing him in the first place. At worst he should be hissing threats and insults from between clenched teeth. The yelling would come later, after they were safely in the car or at home. Can't cause a scene in public, after all. In any case the two of them should be rushing toward the exit, not standing around like this. Harry raised an eyebrow in confusion, and ventured a little nearer.

Vernon glanced up from his paper when Harry sidled up to him. He gave the boy a polite nod before returning to his reading. Harry, meanwhile, was almost beside himself with shock. The man was Vernon's approximate size and coloring, but he definitely wasn't Vernon. Now that he was closer, it was obvious, but from a distance he'd missed the details.

How in the world could... My glasses! My prescription must have changed! Harry thought hard. When was the last time my eyes were checked? The last screening I had in muggle school? How old was I, anyway? Eight? Ten? Feeling Harry's eyes on him, the man peered over the top of his newspaper. "Are you lost lad?" he asked kindly.

"What? Oh. N-no sir," Harry stammered, shaking himself out of his daze. "My uncle is supposed to be picking me up. You favor him at a distance," he tried to explain before he finished lamely, "Sorry to trouble you, sir." He swung the trolley around, and beat a hasty retreat.

"No harm done," the man called after him, before returning to his reading. Furious at himself for making such a stupid mistake, Harry wandered back to Platform 9¾. He thought briefly of trying to catch the Weasleys, but they were probably long gone. I hope Uncle Vernon gets here soon, Harry thought tiredly as he settled in to wait.
