
Reality Drift

  Kaye’s life always has been cruel to him, and then he met who literally spirited away every single problem from his life, his girlfriend. Yet life laughed at him once again taking his reason to live. It fully devastated him. He tried to commit suicide, but he heard her voice one more time while he was drowning in the water telling him “Not give up yet, try to give life one more chance”. He did as guided by her voice and found himself teleported to another world. He starts to live a normal life in a fantasy world. But one day he finds out the world he lives in is no way as close as previous one. He found the truth of the world that every single thing is possible in the world he lives.   The same truth led him to believe that he could also bring back her girlfriend alive once again. So he searches for his girlfriend’s soul and his doings plunge the world into chaos without even him knowing. ******************************* Author's note: Hello guys if you are pondering about whether to read this one or not. Here are some points which will help you make that decision: 1) The Main Character is overpowered but not in the sense of world he lives in or what he wants. It can be said he is unique and he has no use for his power most of the time.  2) The story is more about his goal and how much he struggles achieving it. (A better analogy would be daenerys targaryen, but Kaye is not trying to achieve any kingdom throne) 3) The story doesn't include any harem element.  4) it is more about the mysteries, shocks and tragedies he has to face. 5) The story emphasize on vast world building but slow progression, details will be revealed one or two at a time.   Here are some famous title which inspired me to write this:- Game of thrones, iron man, that time i got reincarnated as a slime( most of the rpg isekai) and other few.  (Oh boy i really wrote those titles up there as inspiration source, what if my story won't be able to touch those titles' awesomeness a single bit. it would be really embarrassing for me but I gotta take chances.) Lastly "It is far better to have negative comments than having none, so please pour your heart out"

Naash · Fantasi
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16 Chs

The Journey Begins

Next morning after Kaye had returned to Taartini, he woke up late. He wasn't tired or depressed. It was just he hadn't been able to sleep till late night, trying to find a new way to use magic. After entering the shop-front, he tried to use one of the magic tools which had mana stone. It worked like a charm. So he suddenly asked Theo.

"Master I want to learn how to make magic tools without using spell-enchanting?"

If I can't use magic then I will start from very basic. Magic tools with mana stone don't require user mana. I will make my own magic tools. Kaye determined in his mind.

"OhOhOh slow there! Do you know what you just said?" Theo replied in surprise.

"What happened? I have seen you make them many times. I know you can make them."

"Forming the pact with weapon was one thing, but to make tools without using spell enchanting. It is quite the work you are asking for yourself."

"It's not a problem if I have to give a harder test. I want to learn it at any cost." Kaye said desperately.

He saw Kaye so desperate about learning enchanting Theo started explaining to him.

"You see there are three types of enchanting techniques: spell, carved and lastly runes based. First problem is you yourself. A 'Sentian' asking for learning runes based enchantment, go worship Lady Synthia maybe she will give you blessing of rune-crafts. About how many years it will take? I really don't know."

Theo saw Kaye making expression like he asked him to do something impossible, and he basically did.

"But then again it is not impossible. As I said before 'everything is possible', I heard a legend about it, by worshiping lady Synthia someone achieved it." Kaye's face brightened up.

"It goes Like {About 2000 years ago Sorcerer King Zaki-Ne-Peru worshiped Lady Synthia for 200 years through his sheer will and got blessed by her in techniques of runes enchantment.}" he said making a grin on his face.

Kaye's expression crestfallen Is he trying to piss me off? Kaye was furious he asked to himself.

"Now let's talk about carved enchanting, in this we simply carve the spells written in magical language Nreeti. But me teaching you that is a problem, I don't know myself how I do it. It is something which comes natural to us dwarfs, from our birth. You can learn it too, but seeing me won't do any good to you. You have to grasp the knowledge of Nreeti first and that is a problem."

This old coot Kaye cursed him, Kaye was never furious at Theo. But now if Theo wasn't his master, maybe he would have killed him I think he is doing it on purpose.

"Problem is no one really wants to learn Nreeti. Magic is so simple to use, no one really bothers learning it. Nreeti is too much powerful if you understand it. So there are lots of books out there written by great magicians of present and past. They are expensive; buying a single one is not a problem. But to learn Nreeti strong enough to have proficiency in carve-enchanting magic tools, you have to be a Lord of City and would have to spend all of your worth on buying books. Then understanding them would take at least 5-7 years. If you do that, then there are great chances that you'd be able to make magic tools using Nreeti." Theo was saying every single word like he meant it.

Now you are talking! he thought, once again Kaye's face brightened up.

"So I better suggest you pick up spell enchanting, it just uses your mana and you are done with it, all you need to know how to make an imprint. If you are determined as hell, then pick any one of other two methods." Theo said.

"Master I decided what I am going to do." Kaye said.

"So! What are you planning to make that much wealth?" Theo knew what Kaye was going to choose by his face, so he asked the obvious question.

"I am planning to go to your village." he said.

  Lord Dakita-Lehela called his son and Sir Rityal in his personal study chamber for some reason. There was one more person present his name was Neru. He was one of the workers in the company owned by Lord Dakita.

Neru was standing beside a table on which a bow was lying; it (The Bow) was 6 feet long just like an average man in height. The unusual thing about it was its length. It was twice as long as a bow currently in use within the army archer division.

"My lord you've called for us." Sir Rityal bowed his head in courtesy, putting one hand on the sword hilt which was hanging on his waist and bending his front knee.

"Yes what are your thoughts about that bow on the table?"

"My lord I think it is too long for any use." Sir Rityal replied with an uninterested look in his eyes towards the bow.

"Then I take it, you haven't appraised it?"

"No My lord if you are saying I must check it then."  

Sir Rityal gave a look to the bow and used Appraisal on it. As usual a virtual scroll opened in front of his eyes.


Entity: Bow

          Basic details:

               Name: none

               Type: Weapon

               Title: Dinka

               Attack: 200 Niyak

               Defense: 0 Baar

               Durability: 90 Galza

               Rarity: Absolute Extreme

          Advanced details: 

               Attack spells: none

               Defense spells: none

               Creator: unspecified

               Enchantment: none

"My lord its offensive capabilities are quite formidable without even any enchantment. It will pierce through any soldier's armor unless the armor would be enchanted by any wizard or sorcerer class magician's spells." Sir Rityal replied in one breath. His astonishment made the chamber echoed with the clanks of his sword and armor.

"And father if it is that capable I think our Kingdom's army would be difficult to loose in defenses of siege battles."

"But before it pierces through any enemy soldier's chest or ads in glory of Neptinian army, the Creator's slot must be occupied by the name Lehela."   

"But My lord for that you have to be in possession of weapon binding ritual."

"I am not the one who will be binding with it."  

As the words came out from Lord Dakita's mouth, Sir Rityal looked at Senleka who was standing next to him. Senleka was facing a demon at that moment or his complexion implied so. He was almost 21 year old, black hairs with slightly green eyes.

 "But My Lord, how will young master pass the test given by the Dwarf King?"

"Senleka will pass the test by forging this bow."

Senleka started sweating; He had been training to be a great swordsman who owns a company capable enough to fuel weapons to a Kingdom's army, Although Lehela isn't the only company which produces weapons for Neptinian army. And all of a sudden he has to do forging or whatever making a Bow called.

How will I be able to create that thing in front of Dwarf King? Sure you jest. Senleka thought but he wouldn't dare wording out that thought.                                                                   

"Mr. Neru will be teaching you how to make that bow from tomorrow onwards."

"Father I will put my all efforts to it."

"Are you certain you can do it?"

While stroking his beard he asked his son. He was looking straight in his son's eyes. It can be said he was threatening his son.

"Yes father I will definitely pass the trial, and come back with weapon binding ritual." Senleka replied to his father with absolute determination in his eyes which was constructed by fear.

The company Lord Dakita one of the Venerable Dukes of Kingdom Neptina owned was a company which mass produces weapons for army.

"You heard him Mr. Neru. Do you think you can teach Senleka in one month?" Dakita asked.

"My lord it will be more than enough time to teach Lord Senleka, how to forge a Dinka bow."  Neru replied merrily. He had been serving this family for forever, so it was a pleasure to him.

"Sir Rityal you will be accompanying my son throughout his journey then." Dakita gave order to Rityal.

"Yes my lord I will be happy to oblige. But before that may I ask who really created this Bow?"

"It is created by Mr. Neru in our Company's armory and the title Dinka is also given by him. Now then, you have got your answer disperse."  Everybody left the room.

My ancestors founded this company and served its productions to the Kingdom's army, but never did it produce a weapon which was created by my own ancestors. Cause they never been able to create one, worthy enough to be used by any army division. But now time has changed this bow will scream the name of Lehela Dynasty in the battle field. Dakita already started rejoicing.

  "I am sure you will pass the test by forging that Katana in front of Dwarf King, but to think you would make enough money to own a city would be far-fetched Idea."  Theo replied mockingly.

"Master I am not going there for weapon binding ritual." Kaye said and then thought for a second.

"Let me correct myself, I am going there for weapon binding ritual as well as meeting the Dwarf King."

"And why would you wanna meet Dwarf King?"

"It is because there are more things I can build other than Katana and never thought it would be useful. But since I need money now, I think I should go and teach them to Dwarf King. When he will be happy with me I will ask for Royalty on the contracts he would make with the other Kingdoms on those Items." Kaye replied nonchalantly.

"Hahahaha… You are a sly fox." Theo laughed and said "I should have told you The Dwarf King you are talking about is my grandfather you see."

Kaya felt like somebody striped his pants in a public place.

"But I think your idea is not that bad." Theo said

Kaye regained his calm after listening Theo's words.

"Master do you think you can enchant my swords to block Appraisal?" Putting his swords on the table Kaye asked.

"Sure can, and I was planning to add some attack and defense spells as well. Cause it seems you have almost one month left to head there."

"No I think spells won't be necessary. I need Appraisal blocked just that."

"Why would anybody don't want his sword enchanted and a sword as great as Katana what are you even thinking?" Theo asked curiously.  

"Master I think it is the time I tell you the truth, I am not able to use magic and that is the same reason I want to learn Nreeti to make magic tools. The tools I will make would remedy my magic ineptness." Kaye tried to be nonchalant but the undertone showed his melancholy.

"Boy you are handling through some nasty hardship there." As Theo spoke his eyes began flowing "Give me your swords; I know you will make your dream come true. You are a tough guy."

From that day forward both Kaye and Senleka started preparing for facing the trial, they will be given by Dwarf King.

Neru taught Senleka how he made the bow using layers of wood and reinforced it with steel plates, while Kaye practiced sword skills everyday like a man on earth would do, he also tried to reduce time taken to forge a Katana. And just Like that one month passed like a breeze.

  A black horse was standing in front of the forgery and aside it standing both Theo and Kaye, they were talking about route towards the Dwarf's village.

"You understand how you have to take the routes don't forget Okay." Theo was literally talking like a father.

"Yes I know master." Kaye replied.

"Now about your swords, I have enchanted both of them with appraisal block. Wait a minute I will be back." Theo hurriedly went back inside and came back with a spear and something else in his hands.

"Here I have two magical items for you which one would you like to choose? And it's not like I want to only give you one but the problem is the specified mana stone can be inserted into them. I only have one pure mana stone." Theo said.

Pure mana stones are just mana stones which doesn't have any elemental affinity, it just holds pure mana. And found quite rarely or synthesized by different practices.

"Can you explain which one does what?" Kaya asked.

"Sure this is a spear as you can see, it is enchanted with fire spells and this ring is enchanted with space spells." Theo said.

"I would be choosing that ring in that case." Kaye chose without even thinking. He would have regretted it if had chosen the spear.

"Okay I believe you have used magical tools before so it won't be any problem, but we are talking about space ring so it can be pretty dangerous. For using space pocket you have to think about a gate or opening as well as its size and it will be created as per your imagination." Theo explained.

"But you forget about the dangerous part?" Kaye asked.

"Hmm… good you have doubts it means you understand. Space is a dark attribute so whenever people get too careless with it, it sucks them in." Theo replied.

"Oh I see, now then I am heading to your village wish me Luck."

Sucks them in if gets too big. He thought and smiled. (LOL did i write it like this) 

"My Luck and blessing is always with you."

He took the ring from Theo and put it on and left on the horse.

  The same parting scene could be seen in front of Lord Dakita's manor at that day. In front of the manor a wagon was standing with two jet black horses, their black furs were shining like somebody poured oil on them. Just like horses the wagon also made up of black polished wood and deficiently decorated by blue ribbons.

"I am counting on you my son." Dakita said.

"I won't let you down Father." Senleka replied filled with determination, this time it was due to confidence towards his skills in forging Dinka but not by fear. He worked hard to achieve that confidence though.

"My Lord we should be heading now." Sir Rityal asked he was fully armored white and shiny. He had his usual sword on his waist, but an extra shiny metal blue shield on his back.

With one goal in mind both Kaye and Senleka headed towards the Dwarfs' Village.