
Reality Bender System, Marvel

Embark on a journey alongside Emelia as a bored god whimsically transports her to another universe, or perhaps even a multiverse. In this intriguing realm, she encounters a myriad of characters from diverse backgrounds. Immerse yourself in the excitement of Emelia's adventure as she grapples with her 'Reality Bending System' and unravels the enigmas of the extraordinary realm unfolding before her. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello there I'm the Author, this is my first time writing fan-fiction, please let me know what I can improve at! Also, to let you all know, this will be done in my spare time when i am not busy with RL stuff! I hope you all enjoy! FYI: I do not own Harry Potter or any other pre-existing novels/ works that i use within my Fan-Fiction. This does have a Harem, it will be purely Yuri though. (Since people have been complaining i am adding this to say that this is inspired by 'The Fallen Gamer'... They have accused me of Plagiarism, so, just to let you guys know I am not stealing from the other author only using some of the ideas and basic themes with a sprinkling of some of the same events early on in the story; mainly because they are some of the best and easiest to start from; even these I have made changes to.) My Discord: https://discord.gg/EVj54tc8dt

Alex_Simmonds · Komik
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387 Chs

Defence against the dark arts duels

Snape hurried into the duelling class for defence against the dark arts as I followed behind him, my laughing fit almost completely finished by now as the emo teacher cleaned himself up halfway to the class.

'I wonder if the twins came up with that?'

[Of course they did.]

I stepped forwards into the duelling class behind Snape. The room was relatively expansive where there were at least 100 students and it almost looked empty.

'They really did get the room dimensions off in the movies didn't they?'

[Yes, they did.]

"Ah, now that the whole class is here I would like to welcome the temporary addition of Miss Emelia."

I could here hushed whispers spread throughout the room, some pertaining to how beautiful I looked, which made me blush. Some of them however called me a liar and scam artist.

'Hmm, yeah, I'm getting out of here quickly... I'll get some more of the complicated spells tonight in the forbidden section.'

[Great idea sis! At least then you can get some cool magic before leaving.]

After several moments of awkward whispers and talking, Dumbledore once again took over the atmosphere.

"Now, today we shall be showing how to defend against offensive spells with defensive ones... Now if you have fully studied since the start of the year you would all have an idea of the spells in question. Now, for starters, could I have to volunteers to step forth up to the duelling platform?"

It was almost instantaneous as as several hands went up into the air, mine not included. They are seriously trigger happy aren't they, reminds me of the Americans from my world.

[Hey look there, there is a mirror!]

'Cool, got to take a look at my 'stats' as they say.'

I stepped over towards the mirror that was placed against the wall, it must have served as a tool to teach magic as every now and then it shimmered in opalescent light. I stepped to the front of the mirror the first thing to come into focus was the heart-shaped face with lilac hair that fell either side of my face, I turned my body to find that the hair reached midway down my back. As I stepped back to try and fully examine my body I saw my 'stats' I had relatively large breasts that seemed to stay perfectly upright despite gravities' best attempts. My body was rather lithe and seemed athletic. 

'I look way too beautiful! How did they resist trying to jump on me?'

[They are wizards and witches, they have mental barriers or spells to nullify magical charms and such, why couldn't they do the same to your looks?]

'You're right, that was a stupid question.'

[At least you know.]


"Miss Emelia could you please come back to the main group now that you have finished looking at yourself in the mirror?"


I walked over begrudgingly as every now and then I looked at the mirror. I so want to take that mirror with me when I leave so I can try out dresses and such.

[Don't turn into a narcissist sis...]

'Fine, I'm still taking it though.'

[Easy enough to do, all you have to do is bond to the Storage Ring you received. Do you wish to withdraw it now?]

'Will it be obvious I'm withdrawing it?'

[Not at all, it'll just appear in your hands undetectably.]

'Wait till tonight.'


As I was talking to my sis I noticed a miniature duel between a Slitherin and a Hufflepuff where both of them alternatively switched between offensive and defensive spells. A shield appeared around the Slitherin as a bolt of red energy hit it and dispersed, the Slitherin very quickly deactivating his shield and throwing out a Petrificus Totalus which managed to slip into the still forming shield of the Hufflepuff striking him and knocking him over, completely paralysing him for a few minutes.

I just continued to watch as the previous duo was taken to the back of the class and another duo came up. They stood for a few seconds as they whipped their wands to the front of their faces and began walking back about ten steps, turning around at the end of those steps. Yet another duel was fought both sides using relatively harmless offensive and defensive magic.

'Hmm, could I use my Create Magic Skill and create a spell that disintegrates defensive shields and then paralyses my target?'

[Sis you can do so but you have to invest MP into the skill to get the spell you require. The more difficult and complex the spell the more it's going to drain you. Not to mention that if you do it right now underneath Dumbledore's nose he will most definitely feel the magic being expended.]

'Okay sis, remind me to use my Create Magic Skill tonight okay, I'll use it to create an invisibility spell or something, make my life easier for my other plans tonight.'

[Kay sis.]

[Adding to memos you'll most likely forget about.]

'Stop that...'

The duel ended relatively quickly as one side managed to scare the other with the summoning of a large tarantula and then shot off a Stupefy, the consciousness of the hit student immediately being put to sleep.

"Very good use of spells young woman! Very tactical, don't you agree Snape?"

"Mmm, yes, very good."

It was nails on a chalk board for me again as I heard Snape.

'He should just become mute, it'd at least make him more likeable.'

[Now, now, calm down.]

"Miss Emelia, do you know any spells?"

'Urk, i should say no right!?'

"Unfortunately I do not currently know any spells."

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes ever so slightly before nodding. I felt cold sweat starting to gather in drops at the base of my back as I looked towards the duelling stage, away from him.

[Good job sis, you finally didn't act stupidly! Congrats!]

'Shut up you!'

"That's unfortunate, would you like to be given a wand and taught some basics by Professor Snape or Professor Sprout so that you may at least try magic out?"

I frowned slightly at the awkward position he was trying to put me in. No wonder Harry dies in the final movie this man has been manipulating everything. 

'Hmm, I'm not taking him up on his offer, way to fishy, plus he may use it as an excuse for me to stay and get educated, especially if i am way too talented.'

[I agree sis, just decline, do what you want tonight and the skedaddle.] 

'Thanks sis, let's do that.'

"No, sorry, I am not particularly interested, not to mention it will probably take a lot of time and effort to learn those spells, which currently I don't have a whole lot of time. Thank you for the offer though."

An explosion of whispers occurred within the class and even some of the teachers that attended. Snickers and derision painting some of the faces whilst the teachers talked about my stubbornness and lack of work ethic.

'Screw them all, they don't mean shit all to me.'

[He he. Look at all these dimwits.]


Heya, the author here again, Alex, hope you are all enjoying my story so far! Please feel free to leave a comment and i welcome any and all feedback!

If you wouldn't mind rating my novel, it would be greatly appreciated!