
Real life: Fiction Bringer

A man suddenly found himself suddenly being able to take things from video games, how will he deal with it? Let me clear a few things first: -The name: Although it's name has real world in it, it's not...really? It's our parallel world but with the supernatural in it? So in a sense it is a real world to the Mc. This is a slice of life fic so if you expect plot from the start then I will have to disappoint you.

Peck · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs


So, I'll be away from home for college entrance tests and you probably won't see me uploading for like a week? or so.

I'll probably write some drafts along the way but won't have time to focus on it because I'm focusing on studying.

The reason I'm uploading these two chapters is because I'm stressed af.

And I love to suffer because I was also wasting my time with Ai art to make some characters for this fic along with working on an original novel for contract and for some reason the character pic I uploaded here can't be viewed for anyone aside from me(Misty and Bella pic).

Also, I'll erase this book if it is still restricted after 7 more days and make it again maybe under a slightly different name? Because I have sent the reinstating voting function to webnovel and there's not much reply after so long.

Wish me luck.

This chapter is longer than I expected after some editing with the previous chapter then it'll feel like a triple release?

Anyway, enjoy.


A groan escapes my lips as I feel something quite heavy and warm pressing my stomach.

I tried my best to ignore the feeling and shut my eyes tighter while trying to turn my body to the side.

Before I can do that, I feel something pressing on my lips and something wet trying to force its way inside my mouth.

My eyes snapped open, letting out my inner fastest man alive and instinctively throwing whatever it was on me, away.


A voice sounded out as I looked in the direction of the sound while wiping my lips.


The girl in question flinched for a second before looking in my direction innocently. "What?"

My eyes narrowed at her. "What did you put in my mouth?"

Anya looked me in the eyes, her face reddening slightly, we looked at each other for a few moments before she stood up and rushed out of the room.


"HEY! NO SHOUTING IN THE HOUSE!" Came my mom's shout which made Melissa yell in apology.


Dammit, I hope it's not what I think it is. I grudgingly got out of bed and took out my phone to look at the time.


Turning to my slightly opened bag, I inwardly praise my decision of staying in my late-uncle's room.

Here, I'm alone and can do anything without someone disturbing me which made me remember to lock the door next time.

Opening up my bag, Bella and Misty flew out. I motioned Misty to use her sound-proof barrier(?) magic with my hand.

"Good morning, you two." I greet after Misty finishes setting up the barrier.


"Good morning to you too, hero."

Bella and Misty answered respectively. My lips couldn't help but curl up into a smile when seeing their bright expression.

Especially since I just woke up.

"How was the sleep? I hope it wasn't uncomfortable?" I ask.

They were sleeping inside a bag, now, personally I haven't slept in one but my logic says that it wouldn't be comfortable.

Especially when you are sharing it with other people.

"It was quite alright—"

"It's not bad!" Bella spoke, cutting Misty before she could finish her words.

Although Misty frowned, she seemed to be relieved at Bella's words which turned into a wince as soon as she heard Bella's next words.

"But lack of air made it very uncomfortable if it wasn't for Misty's magic, I'm sure I would've opened the bag forcefully!" Bella said with both hands on her hip and pointing her nose up to the sky.

Well would you look at that. I guess it's partly my fault, I should've find a game that has a thing that serves as a house while traveling.

I think I know a game that has an item like that, genshin impact and the name of the item is.

Serenitea pot.

Hmm, if I downloaded it now, I can take it out later if I have the chance.

"Well, sorry about that. Tonight you both will be sleeping with me on the bed, okay?"

Or I brought it out when we returned home. The Serenitea pot is not exactly small and I don't know if the pot will have Tubby along with the characters I placed inside…

"Okay!" Bella exclaimed as she flew and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Misty cast a disapproving glance at Bella before sighing and sent me a grateful look. "Thank you, hero."

"It's fine. I should have done it earlier but I'm too tired and fell asleep." I spoke and gave her a pat on the head.

Misty accepted the pat with a smile and nodded.

"By the way, I didn't ask this yesterday but how long can both of you keep your invisibility spell?"

My words made Misty and Bella look at each other.

"Easily, almost a full day." Misty answered.

I nodded.

I don't know how their magic system works but keeping a spell for a full day must be impressive.

We both then turn to look towards Bella who had a sheepish expression on her face.

"Uh, a village away from half-day?"

Let's see, full day is 24 hours and half-day is 12, so below that is still like a few hours long, that's impressive.

What intrigued me was the village thingy, a village away, that's like an hour or two maybe? Could also be a few minutes to half an hour.

I turn to look towards Misty to see what she thought about this. But all I saw was a face full of disappointment as she sighs and shakes her head.

Huh, am I wrong?

"Bella, it is known that the invisibility spell is the easiest to learn and most fairy can at least keep the spell working for half-day or more."

Misty spoke while looking Bella in the eye causing Bella to avert her eyes from Misty.

"I know that your magical capacity and power is not the problem. If that's not the problem then... "

Bella then flew towards my bag with impressive speed and immediately pulled the zipper, thus closing the bag and leaving a tiny gap in it.

"...you must've not paid attention to the Fairy Princess carefully or you didn't study the spell seriously." Misty finished, she sighed as Bella shut herself inside my bag.

"...i-it's not my fault okay!" Bella's voice came from inside the bag. "The spell was easy, I thought I could practice it later and continue observing the pri—researching, yes, researching ancient gear!"

Misty and I raised our brow at the suspicious tone but we stayed silent and let her continue.

"Then that 'hero' caught me and I'm on that bottle before I can even finish my study and observe—reeesearch!"

I held the sighs that threatened to escape my mouth. Bella's story made once again question my power.

What power do I have?

Is it just simply taking things from games?

Or the game universes are actually real and the game serves as a 'window' for me to cross reality and take things from there.

It's frustrating not knowing the answers to these questions because my power could be the former or the latter or somehow it could be both!

"I see. It's okay." Misty's voice snapped me out of my thoughts as I turned and looked at her as she already stood in front of the small gap of the bag.

"That means that you just have to train harder. I promise to teach you, don't I?"


Misty chuckled and I was a bit confused at Bella's hopeful tone.


A blur flew from the bag with impressive speed and hugged Misty which Misty returned with a smile.

"I'm sorry if my words hurt you."

"No, I'm not hurt. Just embarrassed."

Misty chuckled which made Bella yell at her with a pout.

Seeing this moment in front of me, I wonder if now is the right time for me to speak. The barrier seems to stand strong even though it's almost two minutes.

Maybe, Misty improved it after the short time she used yesterday? She must be a genius.


I coughed trying to get their attention.

"Now that that's settled. I want you both to hear me out."

Bella looked at me with a slight confusion, while Misty's eyes immediately sharpened as she looked as if she's giving all her attention to me.

"Uh, as you know. Me and my family, and probably cousins too are going to a funeral."

They nodded.

"Well, I can't take you because unlike before where I have all the backseat myself…I have to share it and if I were to bring my bag then…"

I don't have to explain as they both nodded.

"So I want you to stay here and stay hidden until I get back home. And take care of Ship in the meantime."

Bringing two fairies and an alien while you are trying to hide something in a place where many people gather is not a good idea.

"Ship, boy. You can come out now."

The alien dog squeezed itself out of the bag and reformed before jumping at me.


I caught the cute thing and started patting him. "Haha, good boy. You're a good boy."

I then hold him up to face me.

"I need you to stay at home with Misty and Bella, okay?"


"I can't bring you with me. I don't want to risk it."


"Oh, don't be like that. I promise to bring you after I return, how about that."


"Yes, I promise."


Ship became excited as soon as I promised him, I patted him a little more before putting him down.

"I'll leave my laptop with Jarvis in it so you guys won't be too bored."

After saying that, I went outside the room, locked the door and took the key with me.

In the living room, I saw that my brothers looked clean and fresh… out of the shower.

"Where's mom?"

My brother turned away from his phone and looked me in the eye.

"Cooking, also we'll be leaving soon so take a bath."

After that he turns back to his phone.

Is it me or is he looking mega angsty today. Nah, it must be me.

He grunted when I moved to pat his head and the youngest simply smiled at me when I patted him.

My father is still sleeping, so I went back to my room and grabbed a towel along with a change of clothes before going to the bathroom.

I was surprised that the room was empty when I entered and just grabbed the stuff before going out and paused again.

Thinking for a moment, I decided to also grab the books from [Idle Taoist] and cover it under my clothes before locking the door again with a smile on my face.

As I walked, Melissa was peeking at me while hiding behind a wall.

Just a childhood crush, Kris. Even you have tried to kiss your classmate's hot mom when you were a kid.

Well, on the cheek. Because I didn't have enough balls to kiss her on the lips.



Melissa ran away when she saw that I noticed her.

I just shrugged and went inside the bathroom.

After making sure that I lock the door, I hang my clothes and towel before looking at the four books in my hand.

[Hundred Nether Claws] Secret Tome

[Demon Banishing] Sutra

[Three Purities Sect Physical Spell]

[Three Purities Sect Shift Skill]

Before I started reading the book, I turned on the faucet, just in case I let out some weird sounds.

"Okay, let's do this."

As the water poured out of the faucet and filled the room with water pouring sounds. I opened the [Hundred Nether Claws] and read it.

Streams of information come to my mind as the book flipped pages after pages by itself.

It didn't take long for the book to reach the last page and closed before disappearing from my hand and appearing inside my inner world.

That was freaky.

I closed my eyes and found that I can actually move my life essence(?). It doesn't move much but I'm sure it will improve as I practice.

Then there's the technique, according to what was shown to me. I can apply nether properties to my life essence(?), or should I say death?

Death properties in life, funny.

Though it's awesome that the book can make me able to apply properties to my life essence but there is only the method, and nothing that explains about the nether properties itself and how am I able to use it. I wonder if other books can too?

But do you know what my thoughts are about it?

Don't know, don't care(?).

Anyways, by directing my life essence to my hands, shaping it into the shape of a claw…hmm, with this technique the claw will be stronger than steel, possibly even stronger if I use more life essence.

And applying nether properties. The attack will weaken the life essence of my opponent until the life essence inside loses its energy or is dispersed by the opponent.

Also with enough life essence, create hundreds of nether claws, killing the enemy with one attack.


Hundred claws counted as one attack?

Meh, let's just ignore that.


This technique is quite OP, especially if I find a way to apply the nether properties in other attacks aside from the claws.

A fist attack which sends nether energy inside my opponent.

Or an energy beam with nether properties…

Hmm, definitely on my top priority list to train it.


Another stream of information came to my head and another book appeared inside my inner world.

I didn't even take the time to process the information before moving on to the next book.

Then another one.

And two.

With this another two books appeared inside my inner world as the last stream of information appeared inside my mind.

Let's see, [Demon Banishing] Sutra. Information on vital energy control methods, cool. Demon or evil banishing properties…Is this like a holy attack or something?

Whatever, at least it's not limited to demons. As long as it's evil in nature my attack will be more effective against them.

And… whoa! At a certain distance, I can even sense evil intentions!...from demonic/evil beings. Bummer.

That's good enough I guess.

Let's see, [Physical Spell]. Advanced body conditioning training method, three purities body technique.


One is a training method and the other is a qi technique.


[Shift Skill]


Advanced footsteps training methods, three purities movement technique.

"Okay, these are what I actually need right now. These training methods and qi techniques will be a great addition to my training montage when I return."

Though to be honest, it was a little disappointing. I was hoping for other unique properties applying methods.

Well, at least the qi techniques are not that bad. Like its name [Three Purities], the physical and movement technique are divided into three accomplishments.

Which are:

First Purities

Second Purities

Third Purities

Seems grand and all but all but in reality, each time I reach an accomplishment, aside from the technique getting stronger, my base physical power or movement/speed will increase too.

Which will also purify my body and remove the impurities within. From each accomplishment, the increase are:

Small increase

Big increase

And great increase.

After that the technique would be useless unless I put an effort to comprehend it…or just forget about it and search for better techniques.

I sigh, my hand moves to fill the water dipper with 'water' before pouring it over my head.

There is a lot of information for me to process. My head hurts a little from the streams of information that keep coming to my mind.

I should have processed the information first instead of immediately bringing another one if I knew this would happen.


At least it's worth it though.