
Divinity of trust Part 2 should we trust?

Yes, we should learn to trust. Nothing good comes from suspecting everyone around us or treating people as potential traitors. We should learn to trust, but more importantly, we should also learn to direct it in the right direction. 

It's not healthy to keep people out of our lives because we are afraid of being betrayed, it leaves us more vulnerable than having people around us. 

Having some to trust gives us hope, confidence and Keeps us going even in hard times. 

God didn't create anyone in isolation, he created us for an assignment and that assignment need us to rely on someone at a particular time. So it's not that we shouldn't trust, it's who exactly should we trust?

Yes, I'm sure you know the answer, It's God... 

But why God....

Why not build relationships with people that can stand the greatest tests...

The answer lies in this 

Ps.21.7 For the king trusteth in the LORD, and through the mercy of the most High he shall not be moved.

Romans 15: 12 There shall be an Heir in the house of Jesse, and he will be King over the Gentiles, they will pin their hopes on him alone.