
Reaction Fan Fiction Ideas

This will be where I post my ideas for reaction type fan fictions. Nothing too crazy will need to be specified, only perhaps the characters involved and to make the reactions realistic and true to said characters involved. This will also include video games and other things like that, so don’t expect just anime. Even so, that should be fairly rare, like only one or two at most by the end of this. I won’t be updating this very frequently after the first couple chapters, due to me only really wanting to see these types of ideas done for series I really enjoy, and because crossovers wouldn’t make as much sense here as they do in my other collections of ideas. They are technically still possible to do, however, so I might do some in the future. ————————————————————————— This was previously titled using the term “requests” rather than “ideas”, so many ideas I have will reference that term. I apologize if by labeling them as “requests” I have made people think I was taking requests from others for my ideas. ————————————————————————— I’m still going to update this every now and then, but for now this and my other collections will be updated pretty infrequently.

Jackson11111111 · Komik
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14 Chs

Toaru Series (A Certain Magical Index/Scientific Railgun)

Despite me having been fairly interested in this series lately, and thus knowing quite a bit about it, I'm not exactly sure I'll be able to explain what I'm looking for here. I will still try to explain it all, however.

Basically, I mainly want the cast to react to the most important moments in the series of "A Certain Magical Index", and for them to react less so to "A Certain Scientific Railgun", but still react to significant moments in that series, too. If you want, you can have them react to both series on an episode-by-episode basis, swapping back and forth between the two series, but personally I'd prefer if you just had them react to the most interesting moments; the scenes that they'd have the most of a reaction towards.

(There's a little bit of a rant on my views of what a good watching-the-series fan fiction shouldn't focus on below this; you can skip it by going to down two paragraphs, if you'd like.)

I'm aware that a really good reacting-to-the-series fan fiction already exists for "A Certain Magical Index", however there is one major problem with it, in my opinion. That problem is this; like most fan fictions that focus on such things, the reactors eventually become more used to everything that they see, and they start doubting things that happen less and less. The reactions become blander; the characters experience character development, but most of said character development, especially in the case of females, revolves around the main character's personality itself and not the actions that the main character takes. In the case of "A Certain Magical Index", that character is Kamijou Touma. Without him even being in the theater with the rest of the cast, he unknowingly acquires a larger harem of females and a larger group of friends that support him. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it can be when overdone. So far, I've yet to find a good, still updating or with a lot of chapters, watching-the-series fan fiction that doesn't focus on the main character having a harem, and that, that is a problem.

So, this is what I'd do instead, if I wasn't so terrible at creating or utilizing characterization, hence why I never actually create any fan fictions despite my various ideas: I'd start by not putting the cast in a theater. You can still make some godly being appear if you'd like, you can still knock out Touma for the viewing or something. Just don't put them in a theater. Find some other, more unique way of having them react, whether it be due to an anonymous leaker of information regarding Touma, or due to CDs of Touma's adventures being put on a desk at a classroom in school. I'd say that you could have them view his memories because they "have to save him" after he gets knocked out or something, but that'd be difficult to implement, due to Touma's various occasions in which he has experienced memory loss. It could still work if you have a "godly being" restore all of his memories, and then have the cast view them, though. Maybe have the "godly being" be an unknown magic god, or just be God itself, since Touma's Imagine Breaker kind of proves God's existence in the Toaru series. (That may be false; I only know so much about the series, after all.)

You could, if after all major events are reacted to in "A Certain Magical Index" and "A Certain Scientific Railgun", have them react to other fan fictions, though you might need permission from the authors of those fan fictions in order to do so. In particular, there's one out there called something like "A certain search after the truth" or something along those lines. It has 12 chapters, and focuses on just what exactly Imagine Breaker might be, as well as focusing on the "invisible thing". Reactions to other fan fictions would also prove quite interesting, too, though.

This is the longest reaction fan fiction request I’ve come up with to date. Hopefully someone picks this up; if you do, please do read what my rant was on what these sort of fan fictions shouldn’t include, and adhere to those guidelines if you can, so that it’s not just a copy of the preexisting reaction fan fiction that exists for this series.

Jackson11111111creators' thoughts