
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasi
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716 Chs


Hearing her soft but firm voice coming from her finally broke him out of his stupor and brought him to attention. Though he was still hurt all over he could speak the very bare minion at best thankfully but it was a matter of whether he wanted to speak to her or what he should really do in this kind of situation. Of course he had interacted with people before but that was a very few times in the past and even when he did speak it was mostly just the most bare minimum he had to. Put that together with the events that were happening and he was at a loss.

"I'm not gonna bite you know?"

Seeing the boy still not speaking she proceeded to push him forward a little more to get him to speak at least some words. While she knew how he was like from all the time spent together they still had to have a proper conversation and she also knew he and herself needed to get better so in a way while pushing him forward she was pushing herself forward as well.

Seeing as how she continued to press for a conversation it looked like he had no choice in the matter and although he was full of doubts and questions the one thing that came to mind that he had to confirm was without a doubt who she was. Coughing a little bit he finally opened his mouth.

"Who...are you?"

"Who am I you ask? while the most plain and simple answer would be your saviour or benefactor."

Though she had no plans to hide anything from him she knew he wasn't in the best state of mind or physically either just yet to start throwing all the things she had to say to him just yet. So she left it alone for a little bit.


He was almost 99.99% certain it was her who saved him but it never hurts to be careful, which was something he definitely didn't always do and ended up getting nipped in the butt a lot of times which is why he decided to ask first just in case. Although it was a little too suspicious of something he wanted to ask one more thing as well.


"The Kaltae that attacked you of course."

"So the thing that attacked me was called a Kaltae." With that in mind he was pretty certain she was his saviour and not someone trying to trick him.


Though he wasn't exactly 100% thankful she helped him he still had to thank her because without her he'd be dead due to some flimsy stubbornness.

"Ahaha you don't have to force yourself boy."

"I'm..not forcing..myself just..."

He didn't finish his sentence in the end because when he looked up to meet her eyes he ended up noticing a gentle smile on her face that cut him off. Seeing that slightly forced him to give up his back talk and just let it go.

"Maybe your right."


letting out a long breath of air he finally relaxed himself slowly and started to look around his surroundings more. Unfortunately he was still surrounded by trees with all sorts of different sizes all around him wherever he looked. It turns out he wasn't in a room or anything of the like at all and he'd ended up staying right where he stayed in at the exit the entire time. Though when he looked back at the woman again he finally noticed the position they were in. He was tucked practically right under her slightly over average sized breast while she held him in her arms. "So that's what I felt." it turns out the soft feeling he felt was himself resting against her was body and breast.



Noticing that he instantly tried to struggle out of her grasp. He wasn't used to that kind of treatment or even more basic interactions with others so how could he possible deal with this kind of situation where he got flung into unknowingly for the first time. But alas the soft sensations wasn't leaving him because the instant he started to struggle even a tiny bit the woman holding him tightened her grip and kept him in place.

"No escaping boy."

"But aren't you uncomfortable? and how long have I even been like this? don't tell me the whole time..."

Looking down at him trying to escape because of his embarrassment but the care he was trying to show for her even in the state he was in brought a small little warmth that she'd never felt before to her body but she definitely didn't hate that feeling and she didn't hate the way they were entangled together either. In fact, you could say it comforted her instead. she had spent almost a year or so in somewhat similar positions with him over time and she had come to really enjoy and like the feeling of it. When she ended up separating from him for the whole period of time for his fight she hated it a lot more than she thought she would. Especially when she saw him getting pummeled and broken from all the attacks he had received from the Nature Spirit and Kaltae. Now that she had him in her grasp she definitely wasn't going to let him go any time soon and she definitely didn't because since the moment she killed the Kaltae she had been holding him in this same position for over a week now.

So she continued to hold him despite his slight struggles and complaints instead.

"I'm not the one you should be worrying about now, do you even understand how injured you were?"

Since her emotions were spiked a little bit with all the thoughts and worries she had she finally unconsciously let her voice turn more rigid and cold when speaking. She had been holding back the entire time and finally let something slip.

When he ended up hearing her colder tone and the tightening of her grip on his body he finally stopped attempting to escape and looked up at her slightly surprised. Well her tone may of looked cold she definitely didn't look that way in fact she even seemed slightly worried about him for reasons he didn't know. Which brought him to calm down and look at his body. There were bruises and bloody marks all over his body coupled with a couple of spots being impromptu bandaged probably by her who saved him. His body was truly in a wreck and even after some time had passed it still looked like that so it was bound to be pretty bad before, though he had no idea how much time had actually passed.

"Ahh....sorry, my bad. Though it felt like hours to me how much time has passed since I passed out?"

When she heard that she instantly lost control of her emotions she had and ended up reacting over harshly and said something she probably shouldn't of.

"YOU were passed out for an entire week you know that? Your injuries coupled with all the blood you lost should of absolutely killed you. But you're lucky your body is way more abnormal than normal. Really, do you know how worried you made me idiot.."

Hearing that confused him a lot more than anything else and he ended up ignoring her angry tone and looked up at her dazedly.

"W-what..are you talking about?"



Thank you for reading...

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