
chapter 1

it all started when Anna was born into a really reach family her dad working at one of the most biggest oil company and her mom being a woman of several businesses she had two older brothers who where always over protective of Anna... Jeffrey and candy. Anna has always been pampered by her entire family outside her parents and her brothers which possibly she grow up like that won't day she was actually really spoilt she could do some essentials and she couldn't do some, believe that kind of like a process or something like that.... okay so as Anna grew up was sent to one of the best Schools that's when everything that and average new teen begins to go through during her primary school times going to a mixed school and Anna being so beautiful and attractive tho being small didn't stop her from getting attractions de first time Anna could feel maybe love was in her grade 3 when she had feelings for Addie while would I really call it love cos they were little children what did dey know along the line another boy came in Owen and the were pretty close in here grade 5 nothing much happened tho just a little connection and more kept coming to Anna curious mind of exploring she got love and attention from her parents but not really enough that was really required she ended up leaving to a boarding school which that was when Anna began to view life from another perspective.