
Re:Zero Why Me?

It was supposed to be simple cosplay show. He didn't think much of it and only participated due to a friend's invitation. So why the hell did he find himself in this World? In a World where Demonic Beast, Monster and crazy fanatical cult are lurking around. SIOC! Slight AU!

X3nr0x_Starfield · Komik
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25 Chs

The Crystallization Of The Wishes Of Mankind...

Chapter 22 - The Crystallization Of The Wishes Of Mankind...

Night-banisher... Magical device that shoot ball of light not unlike flare gun, however instead of slowly fell, the ball of light stay in sky and act like a giant lamp. It was magic that used Yang or Light Element as the basic, and to be used the device need to be set properly, planted to the ground with firm foundation

It because to keep the ball of light in sky to keep glowing no matter what the device would need mana obviously, the source of the mana come from the cannon itself that absorb the energy on the earth through it foots, sending something that mimic signal and make the ball of light stay afloat

The second magic device is Magical Cannon, like it name it shoot cannon that made from condensed mana, the way it work also similar like Night-banisher. Each condensed mana that launched have enough power to turn a house into rubble and dirt.

Crusch Karsten originally only plan to bring four, however there extra help from Sage Miklotov McMahon along with Anastasia Hoshin, thus the cannon number become twelve instead four

And now that twelve cannon launching their attack, each beam capable to bring down house, combined together it would be safe to say that if they hit mansion at size of Roswaal's manor there won't be any left from it, such is their power

But it did absolutely nothing to the beast that stand before them


The beast howled in defiance and rage, it massive body coiled as it brushed all the cannon that just hit it as if they were merely piece of cheap toys. It craned it gigantic head, focusing it entire body, prepared itself to fly once aga-


A powerful shockwave hit it from the back, making it let out howl of shock, it not painful however it strong enough to make it stumble in it fly.


Another one come and force the demon beast to stumble again, it let out sound that heard like annoyed, however before it can move, dozens blur rushed toward it giant body and swords piercing the beast thick skin, painting the ground with it crimson blood

Or that how it supposed to be


The swords that they hold broke... Or most of them at least, few manage to pierce through the thick skin but majority break and shatter like fragile toy

Aaron who watched this had his eyes widened

'What the fuck?! That! That was not supposed to happen!'

Judging from the shocking faces of the troops they also share his thought. The blade that given to them is not cheap by any mean, and they also not weak, they already tested and the result was they are better than most sword. They going to hunt a over hundred foot size demon beast after all, so they need blade with little kick

But they all almost like only a mere piece of woods and pointy sticks when stabbed onto the beast


Aaron caught blur of green in the air, followed by screeching of wind before crimson liquid spurt out from the side of the beast body, making it let out howl of pain and spasm a little

'That must be Crusch's sword.' He noted as he hold himself

The pseudo Saber stumble a bit as the beast suddenly moving with increased pace of speed, this time it twisted and coiling almost like a serpent. He grit his teeth and raise his fist again, mana burst from his body, focusing to two of his offensive limbs and he bring them down like hammer of vengeance


The beast was big, undoubtedly so. Aaron estimate it perhaps around fifty to hundred meters, making it the largest whale in the World, the largest animal in his World to be precise, he doubt dinosaur even this big

And right now he wrestle with it

Gods, imagine how crazy his life now


Countless barrage of mana ray from the Magical Cannon hit the beast, followed them is barrage of pillar of flame, all of them bombard the beast, creating explosion after explosion that giving devastating heat around them


The white whale let out enraged howl, obviously hurt by the barrage of attacks and Aaron quickly use Excalibur to stab the beast then use the sword as a support so he not fall from it frantic movement that caused by pain. It quickly twitch it massive body to upward direction, it intention was clear


Another slam from burst of whirlwind prevent it from doing that as the beast let out roar of annoyance. Aaron glaring down and then he notice that the demon beast still trying to move upward once again, proof that his attack no longer effective

Aaron considering to use Strike Air again, he can still use it for more than dozen times or so giving his mana pool but he don't want to. He don't want to left total exhausted in this battle, his body not in his prime condition seeing he just recover from coma for two days. And Hakugei is simply sub-boss, not the main one, he can't afford to wasting so much energy against it

'If blunt force no longer work then, time to slice it up.'

He draw Excalibur and without wasting time stabbing the beast body, then he began to run, dragging the blade and slice more flesh, splattering crimson liquid to it own white body

He move with inhumane speed, his hands blurred and he give consecutive slash to the beast body. He hopping, jumping, spinning in there, all while never stop delivering attack and mauling the demon beast like a rabid dog tearing it food

Blood stained his armor, Excalibur apparently doesn't have problem in cutting the beast, as matter of fact it was so easy. There resistance but it not something his B rank strength can't handle

The beast let out pained howl as he gouged out every piece of it flesh, it massive body twitch convulsively, like a bull that raging, it trying to throw away whatever pest that currently rode on it back and hurting it

Arthur Pendragon is Knight who considered to be the best, surpassed only by Gawain in the Day or Lancelot in term of skill. He is like combined version of the Knight of the Sun and Knight of the Lake themselves. He is called King of Knights not without reason, so even if he fighting in uneven ground he still a force to be reckoned with, a man that still capable to take down entire army

Aaron Pendragon though? Not so much

"God damn it!" He let out groan as he loss his balance and almost fall from the gravity. Quickly he draw his Mana once again, surging them through the Invisible Air, he do not feed it enough so it become cyclone or hurricane but he give enough to make it have power equal to three cannon and then he jumped, his eyes locked to the beast head and swung the sword down

The wind roared and struck the beast, making it head cocked to downward in painful manner, it very far from enough to send it crash to the land but at least it enough to prevent the beast from flying and tilt it massive body to the sky

The beast cannot allowed to fly too high, the closer it to the ground, the easier it for them and-

Suddenly Aaron caught sight of the beast's skin twitched, then the mane that around it seems move aside and there countless hole open from it

The pseudo Saber eyes widened as he realize what about to happen

"Oh shi-"


Fogs erupted from there, like a gas that steamed for too long, they explode with a force, rippled through the air and expanded in unbelievable speed, covering the area around it and itself with the thick gas

The thing about fog is, they're not like any other gas. Fog is water vapor that cools to the point it become lower than atmospheric temperature. While true it not dangerous when you surrounded by it -other than feeling cold- but when it condensed into pack that strong enough to create mini 'boom' voice and very close to it, you are in great danger

Aaron feel himself choked when the fog hit him directly. It's not Fog of Elimination, seems simple one, despite it made from magic and his Magic Resistance should be able to brush it off but it doesn't change the fact it still take physical form, a fog

And breathing directly to it is hurting his throat

He loss his balance and he feel himself flipped, the demon beast finally free from him and now it soar upward back to the sky. Aaron coughed as he flip in air, trying to gain balance as he notice that he fall straight from thirty feet height

Not something he can't handle, it going to hurt but it was very far away from bringing him down

He crashed to the ground with "boom" and he feel pain all over his body. He let out groan that mixed with cough as he twitched in ground. Great Gods, it more hurt than he thought! He going to need massage after this


Rem's loud shout reach his ears and he push himself from the ground, he feel his joint popped and his muscles ache just by doing that but he brush all of them away. He let out pant as he smash his fist to the earth beneath him and he force himself to stand

"Aaron-sama! Are you okay?" Rem who ride on earth dragon asked as she approach the man who let out pant

"I'm fine, hurt and sore there but nothing much." He answered, his eyes wander around and he notice that the clear area now gone, fog and mist covering them. So thick and dense to the point he no longer can see forest that on reach of eyesight before

He swung his invisible sword with one hand and wind roared from it, clearing the area around him easily, giving him more sight to his surrounding

"Where Emi?" He asked

"Emilia-sama stay at the foot of tree with the other, they healed one that injured." Rem informed


"Yes, Aaron-sama probably didn't realize it since he was busy keeping Hakugei to near ground but it massive body manage to hit many men that try to reach it because it swinging around."

"I see..."

Well that can't be helped, it practically impossible to win this battle without casualty in first place. It fight against beast at size two hundred feet at least, there no way they won't be injured when get close to it

"You're fine I see, Pendragon-san."

Aaron turned and see Crusch on top of her white earth dragon, following her behind is her troops

"Karsten-san." He called back with nod

"Ka, ka, ka! That was to be expected from you!"

Another voice come, it was loud, brash and familiar too. Aaron turned and see another group come, led by Ricardo and Wilhelm. There bloods covering them, not much, he also noted that it not belong to them,

"Ricardo-san, I see you doing fine." He commented

"Not as well as yours of course." Ricardo grinned with fangs "Seriously, I was shocked when you slam down that giant you know? I'm sure my brain went dead for moment in there." He tapped his head in exaggerating manner

It was after that statement Aaron finally realize the gaze he got from everyone. The look that given to him ever since they saw him. The soldiers watching him like he is some kind of majestic creature or sacred being, there awe, astonishment and wonder in their eyes

One of them is coming from the old man with short hunter green colored hair, the man stare at him with curiosity and also awe. Aaron noted in his memory that this is the same man who express his gratitude to Subaru and one of Wilhelm's friend

Well... This is awkward... It's not like he doesn't like becoming source of attention, it just... It not his style... Not to mention he want nothing with fame from this World in first place

'Too late for that.' Aaron thought with sigh inwardly. Far too late as matter of fact

"And above there you smacking that beast, keeping it down no matter what." Ricardo laughed "I was about to call you when I above there but it seems you too busy on your own."

Is that true? Was he too caught in his own to notice there someone else with him? Well... He is not the sharpest person when come in battle after all, he only can aware if things related to his own safety mostly due to Instinct he gained

"Apparently it not good enough." He said dryly as he stare at the fog around them "It still manage to fly in the end."

"But we manage to give quite amount of damage to it as well." Crusch said "Though it not as much as we expected, the mane and skin is too tough for normal weapon." She murmured, her voice very clear show that she displeased with that part

"Well, it one of the beasts that has survive for four hundred years." Aaron commented "Can't expect thing always go according to plan in face of such threat."

"No, you don't understand. That part was impossible." Crusch almost growled as she grit her teeth "I had study about that beast for years, four days ago I even risk one of my agent to get close to it. I order him to shoot arrow to it with the same material we have, and it pierce through, granted it not deep but it still wound it!" She glared at the fog around them with intensity, as if looking for the beast and kill it with her gaze "And now, after only four days! The same weapon we use now barely wound it! It need extraordinary strength to pierce through it mane without risking our weapon broke!"

Aaron eyes narrowed in thoughtful manner. Of course he notice that as well, it was very obvious, he manage to catch glimpse of the troops assaulting the beast for a moment after all

"And it seems also have some kind of regeneration factor as well." Wilhelm commented with grave voice

"Regeneration?" Aaron asked, his voice contain surprise that cannot be restrained

"It not much, but I notice it when I strike that monster from close." Wilhelm answered "Barely give effect, but any wound that only equal to scratch and deep enough seems started to close just when they appear."

What the fuck is this? No, seriously what the fuck? Aaron can't help but clench his teeth and fist after hearing that. Having mane and skin that tougher is one thing, but regeneration power as well? What the hell Witch Cult did to Hakugei to make it improved so much like that?!

This battle is no longer like canon, for once they have greater number of army due to direct support from Miklotov McMahon who is Sage Council himself. The number of army probably doubled from the original and they also manage to get more magical weapon

But instead of making things better, it not do any damn thing. Aaron dare to said that right now they're more screwed than canon

For moment he consider to use Excalibur and end the beast in one shot, however he remember the warning of the entity that he meet in last loop, that he can't use his sword for some reason

If he died after killing Hakugei by using Excalibur then there's nothing change, he would return to the same day and repeating the same thing. Might as well said Return by Death and kill himself now to save him from wasting time

"So what should we do now?" Rem asked

"Regroup to the foot of tree." Crusch answered "After that we will make plan to clean this fog, then maybe we can use the chain once more to-"


Whatever Crusch going to said was being cut off as ear-piercing howl shook the whole World. No, it not howl, it almost like a screech, a voice that created by grounding iron against some kind of mirror, it so high pitch to the point it forcing everyone to clamp down their ears to stop listening to it

"Gahhh! My ears!" Ricardo howled as he clutch his ears

The other was not fared better as they hold their own ears, clamping them to prevent the horrifying noise to damage their sense

"Retreat!" Crusch roared as she hold her ears "Back to tree now! Back to-"

It was at that time Aaron's Instinct began to screaming at him and he not waste any time to let his body move and follow it. Mana flow to the Invisible Air and he soar to the sky with burst of energy

"Strike Air!"

The compressed wind burst out and turn into hurricane that roaring, it just in time to appear and meet wave of fog that come down and about to crash upon them and erasing their existence

The force of their clash creating kinetic wave that make everyone below them propelled away from their position, no one save even Aaron as he slammed to the ground with a force that enough to create burst of dust

The hurricane win as it blowing away the fog in instant, dispersing the attack and also banish great amount of fog that surrounding them, clearing the area


Rem who flung away from her ride immediately force herself to stand and ran toward Aaron who let out groan and buried in the ground. She stood by her side and quickly help him to stand as well

"I'm fine! I'm fine!" He groaned as he winced from his back that sore. Damn beast, he should knew it would target him in first place

"Rem glad." Rem let out breath of relief as she let the man now stand by himself

"Still... That was close one.." Aaron murmured as he stare at the sky

"Agree." Crusch who also just stand let out groan as she rub her shoulder. If Aaron Pendragon were late even only one second... That would be game over for her. She turned to him, she can tell the other also start to get up as well "That was fast move Pendragon-san, than-"

"Oh you gotta be shitting me." Aaron muttered, loud enough for everyone as he stare at the sky upward

Crusch stop her words for moment and she narrowed her eyes, then she follow the man gaze to the sky as well

And she paled while putting horrified look in instant

The fogs that surrounding them already gone, the hurricane obviously blow them away and make the area clear once again, that should be good thing actually seeing now they have good look at their target again

However right now few of them started to wish they never did that in first place

Floating in the sky, shadowing them from the bright light of Night-banisher's, is not only one but three White Whale

And each of them pump out fog from their top body, raining Fog of Elimination upon them, raining death upon them

When the battle begin it was one side fight

The Hakugei incapable of doing anything, unable to fly upward and unable to shoot fog to it enemy as Aaron Pendragon wrestle on top of it directly, punching, slicing and kicking the beast down. Not allowing it to escape and keeping it pinned to the ground

It was true that it mane and skin that more tough than it supposed to be, and many weapons broke when trying to pierce it. However the number of those who manage to break through is not small, not to mention after that there also dozens magical attack hit the place where it wounded

The mane and skin maybe protect it from magic, but when it exposed? The magic can do damage to it, quite a lot as matter of fact

And if it keep going it was clear that the Hakugei will fall in the end

Except it hadn't

The battle now take another turn, and the one got pushed back now the army

Fog of Elimination rained down from the sky, turning earth into wreckage of chaos and crater, erasing green from the field completely, erasing people from the existence of the World itself

The number is not many, the way the fog come down also not too fast. People still manage to avoid and dodge the attack, they still able to use magic to block and redirect the fog path from crashing onto them.

And yet they losing now

Two Hakugei from above raining death upon them, one meanwhile seems working to "clean" what the rain missed by blowing fog in here and there

No matter how far they run and dodge, they become tired soon, they start to slip and the fog swallow them whole. No matter how many times they try to redirect or blocking the fog path they too also become tired and engulfed by the mist, and after that nothing remain of them, not even their name for their existence was erased completely from the World

And no matter how they try to attack, they shoot, they never manage to touch their target, they never even manage to reach midway of their target. The beasts flying too high for them to reach, too far from their range. Even if they manage to reach them but they can be easily dodged

Few brave souls jumped through using each other as support, using wind magic to boost themselves so they can reach them

The one that come back is fewer

"We will be annihilated at this rate!" Crusch growled out as she panted after fending off another fog that descended

"Thank you for the pointing obvious." Aaron grunted as he run alongside with her, following the woman that ride on top of earth dragon. It's not much problem for him seeing he can run faster if he want to

But mainly it because he don't know where his earth dragon anymore

Crusch glared at him "Are you always this sarcastic?"

"Only when in bad mood." He answered "What? Don't look at me like that, I'm not Knight, at least not yet, so I don't have to be noble and honorable." He added when the glare intensified

"You..." Crusch right eye twitched "You are not what I expected."

"Thank you."

"That was not compliment!"

And what worse is her power telling her that he really mean it


Another burst of mist appear, it come down and only few feet away from swallowing Crusch, only for it to be blocked by burst of mana from the pseudo Saber invisible sword, changing it destructive path to another

"Your welcome." Aaron deadpanned

Crusch's left eye this time the one that twitched

It official, dragon or not, she have feeling she won't like the man much

"Hate to interrupt your two lover spat." Ricardo said as he joining them while riding his wolf

"""We/they are not lover!""" Three voice simultaneously respond back at him

Wait, three?

"Rem?" Aaron blinked "Where you come from?" He asked the oni in bewilderment

"Rem always close to Aaron-sama." Rem answered with straight face. Then she broke into smile "Aaron-sama want to ride with Rem? It must be tiring to run like that."

Aaron stare at her with flat look for a second and he decide to clarify what the first part she said mean "Yes, give some space."

He extend his hand and the girl grab him, then with single grunt Rem flipped the man in armor as if he is weight to nothing, allowing him to slip to the backseat

"Ricardo-san is right though, we need plan." Aaron said as he let out small breath "Where Wilhelm-san by the way?"

"Busy fighting one of them." Crusch said as she glanced to where group of people that facing against Hakugei that on the ground, Aaron also follow his gaze and briefly he caught sight of two twin cat demihuman that shoot soundwave to the beast

They are in very bad situation now, our army scattered everywhere, eight Magical Cannon also destroyed, the other four seems also broken, courtesy of the Fog of Elimination that eat them and the one whose handle them as well.

Their army originally reach five hundred seventy five but only five minutes after the Hakugei strike back they already reduced to around three hundred or less, almost half of their whole army gone by the fog

Not to mention the roar the beast let out moment ago apparently incapacitate many men who have weak mind condition, making them into a mess that almost killing themselves or lay in ground while frothing.

"We have to be grateful to Emilia-san, she is the only reason why healing and medic team still stand now." Ricardo said grimly. The healing and medic team is not out from the beast target, the mist was only few feet away from eating them before giant ice dome appear and block it, protecting the team and the injured from swallowed

"Yes, we will." Crusch nodded, knowing just how helpful the half elf presence in here "But right now we have to focus." She said "What happened now... There must be some kind of trick."

"Yeah, agree." Aaron grunted "Hakugei is big beast, there is no way no one wouldn't spot them if they were a pack."

Crusch stared at him, her eyes sharp and calculating "You know something." She stated

"I do, yes." He replied "I have face one of the beast in the ground and when fighting it, I notice something." He tilt his head to the sky, his hand blurred and send burst of mana, just in time to deflecting the mist that about to hit them "It was weaker than before."

"Weaker?" Ricardo asked

"Yes, to be precise, it more light. I remember how heavy it is since I pull it down from sky before but when I compare it..."

"It not as heavy as the first one." Rem said with understanding voice

"What does it mean?" Crusch asked

"It divided itself." Aaron answered

"Huee... That..." Ricardo scratching his beard "That was possible, yes, that could be it."

"Even so what good knowing this?" Crucsh asked "Killing three Hakugei even if they are smaller is harder than the big one." At least Aaron here could hold the big one to the ground while they attack it

"Not need to kill three of them." Aaron smirked "Only one." He then stare at the sky, at the two whale that flying in there "If they intent to wipe us out with less problem in first place it would be easier if the three of them spread around while spewing fog to us."

"That... That was true." Crusch murmured, it would be easier if they hound them to be together then finish it with one blow, it won't be hard giving the army current mental state

"It didn't do so because it afraid if it go down it would be killed by me." Aaron said. He doesn't mean to be arrogant but that was fact, he can go tango with the original one, if the smaller one now trying to wrestle with him? Aaron going to cut it into pieces

"That make sense." Ricardo agreed, his eyes also observing the beasts that flying while raining dead mist to them

Crusch grip her sword, activating it and making it glowing with magic, then she swung it and deflect the mist that come down and intent to swallow another group who close to them

"The biggest question is which among those two is the real one?" She asked while letting out small pant

"Good question." Aaron answered, that was the big question now. In Canon it only one Hakugei that flying above but there two right now

"The lower one." Ricardo answered

This make the trio turned to him who staring at the beast intently

"What make Ricardo-sama say that?" Rem asked "Why not the top?"

"I was thinking it was the top one too at first since it clear that the beast is recovering while it send it puppet down to us and it also the farthest." Ricardo said while keeping his eyes locked to the sky "However to recover it would need mana obviously, but right now the highest the one that raining to us."

"Which mean it carelessly throwing mana and make it another puppet." Aaron concluded with understanding voice "That was very sharp of you notice them."

"It wasn't hard for me." Ricardo chuckled and he pointed to his eyes with feral grin "I have good eyesight, one of advantage being my kin."

But even so... Once again it bring another question, how to kill it? Could he use the same tactic like Subaru, baiting it down and smash Flugels' tree to it?

'No, we don't have that option now.'

The number of the injured were too many, unlike in Canon, the troops number is more, and they can't bring it down without risking those who wounded, and there chance if Hakugei get close to them it could wipe them out as well

"Of all thing..." He cursed under his breath. The number of army become burden instead advantage now. How the heck he going to kill it? For once he wish he was EMIYA, if he have countless swords, he can rain them to it and made it into cactus! Instead he is Saber! Even if he able to reach Hakugei it will be hard since another one in there and ready for helping it real body



... He is not EMIYA, he is Saber. While true he is not as versatile as EMIYA but he is more powerful and strong, he also have better weapon than most of his armory


Oh God, he should do that in first place when he landed on top of Hakugei! How the fuck he can miss such obvious thing?! Look at the trouble he got now because of that?!

"I'm a moron." He murmured "Rem, slap me."

"What?" The oni blinked

"Just do it!" A little pain so he not forgetting such obvious thing next time



Flat side of sword smacked to his back, making him tumbled a bit. Aaron turned and glared at Crusch who smirked in return, her amber eyes filled with mirth "I did not mean you." He hissed

"Your welcome." She said pleasantly "Now mind telling me what idea you have?"

"Can someone send me to there?" He asked, he pointing to certain direction "Not need to hit or even reach it, just midway and I can done the rest by myself."

"Rem can." Rem volunteered in instant

"What you going to do?" Crusch asked "Bringing it down? It won't be easy since there another one in there."

"That won't be problem." Aaron smirked in here "You see, there tale from my homeland about this guy called Jonah." He said "He was man who swallowed by a giant fish and manage to survive for three days inside it belly."

After he finished the trio looking at him like he has grown second head and pair of extra arms

"You're insane." Crusch said as she got what he implying, it was obvious after all

"It only called insane if it not working, but if it did, then it called genius." Aaron snorted, then he give challenged smirk to her "So, you all want to know?"

Crusch stared at him, Ricardo stared at him, Rem instantly nodded without question. Then the second let out guttural laugh

"I'm in! That sounds fun to watch!" He stated

"Not like we have many choice." Crusch sighed, but then she smirked "Tell me what on your mind?"

"Things looked very bad for them there." Julius murmured as he stare at the battle that raging from far

"Yeah." Al grimaced as he observe the field "Things look quite bleak for them."

Few hundred meters away from the battle between the troops and Hakugei is Al, Julius, Anastasia and Priscilla. There no other person in there, only them. All soldier and troops already joined the battle in first place, those who make sure people don't enter this way so they not got caught in battle is also only mundane people, one that Priscilla provided

The two men obviously not join the battle because they have their own duty and job, to protect their own princess or future Queen

"This is surprising, who know Hakugei able to split itself like that?" Anastasia murmured as she use her binocular to see the battle, it was special one of course, from Kararagi and it allow her to be able to see the battle, albeit not to the details

It wasn't hard for her to deduce that, she only need to paused and take time to think for moment. That beast can't possibly be three in first place, if it did then it would be sighted by peope

So the only logical conclusion is it able to split itself or something like that. She not stranger to such thing actually, from her secret intel in Kararagi, the Great Halibel who is one of strongest warrior of her home continent have similar technique

"What should we do Hime-san?" Al asked

"Just enjoy the show of course." Priscilla answered "The battle is still far from over after all."

"Ah..." Al replied simply and he also seems not bothered by the cold remark

Anastasia merely cast glance to her rival in throne before she shift her gaze to Julius who watched things from far with tight expression

"You want to join them Julius?" She asked

"Ah? No." Julius denied "My duty is to stay and protect you. If my comrade fall in there then I make sure you escape safely."

"Hmm, but you still want to right?"

Julius face mellowed a bit, then he give bitter smile to Anastasia "As expected from you, you saw me through Anastasia-sama." He chuckled "Yes, I do want to join and help my comrade there."

"You can join you know? I will be fine in here."

"I can't do that, I have my duty and responsibility to you."

"Ah, so strict." Anastasia giggled at her knight response. She then turned to Priscilla who waving herself while sitting in her chair with neutral face "Do you think they will win?"

Priscilla shift her red eyes to the businesswoman, then she let out snort "Of course they will, that beast never have chance in first place. My Dragon is in there after all." She said

"You mean Aaron-san." Anastasia smirked a bit, the blond knight face flashed to her mind for a second "You so confident to declare him to be yours?"

"He is mine in first place, I already said that." Priscilla said "Before I know that Dragon part prophecy I already take him as my knight."

"Well... He sided with Emilia-san now."

"A temporary pact." She chuckled with mirth "Make no mistake, he is maybe not on my side now, but in the end he will be. Not belong to you fox, not to that lioness, not to that rat and not to that half elf, but me, he will be mine." She declared haughtily

Anastasia stared at the older woman, then she tipped her head a bit and pat her scarf, small smirk fluttered across her face "For someone who claim to have anything, you are very greedy Barielle-san."

"I'm not as greedy as you vixen, my desire is not infinite, I simply take what I like and what I want to." Priscilla said with smirk

"I won't give him without fight though, he is the key for this kingdom after all." Anastasia replied "And I also going to declare that he will be mine, not yours."

"Hmph, such arrogant from sly fox. Are you trying to oppose me who stand with the Heaven?" Priscilla shoot the shorter girl mocking smirk "Well, I shall humor you little fox, let see how far you can go."

Anastasia allow her smirk curled to grin, it show some teeth and there gleam in her eyes "And let see how you would like it when this fox started to bite you."

"Don't worry, everything will be okay." Emilia whispered as she hold her glowing hands to knight who moaned in pain, sweats washing over her forehead and she try her best to maintain her focus, knitting the wound together and make it not fatal anymore

She let out breath as she finished and the man seems fall unconscious with peace. Wiping her forehead, she slowly begin to stand, she instantly hit by dizziness and it make she stumbled in her steps

Pair of hand caught her in shoulder before she could fall. Emilia turned and see certain catboy smiling at her, his ears twitched

"You okay there Emilia-sama?" Felix asked

"I'm fine Ferris-san." Emilia answered with smile as she stand by herself "I'm just a little dizzy."

"You already protecting us few times when the fog come down and also healing many people-nyo. Please don't overexert yourself." Felix said, his voice light but there also slight concern "You can rest a bit if you want."

"I'm fine Ferris-san, really." Emilia shrugged off with smile. She is tired but she can't stop, people still need her help "Many still injured and need to be attended, I can't stop now."

"Well, that was true..." Felix can't argue with that seeing so many that injured. Seriously, he himself already healed over twenty people, this is the biggest healing session he ever did in his life "But overexert yourself also not good."

"It's fine really. If I did this people still able to fight after they healed, this is more important."

"What for?" One of soldier who leaned into tree as support snorted while holding his arm "What for we still fighting?"

Felix and Emilia turned to him, the latter eyes filled with concern while the former carrying hint of coldness

"How about so we can stay alive?" Felix asked sarcastically

"Stay alive?!" He screamed suddenly, making people that conscious and resting turn to them "Stay alive?! Are you crazy! That was useless! We're going to die anyway!" He shouted, eyes glazed with fear "Look around us! Half of us already wiped out! We cannot remember their names or faces! Heck, we not even have any single memories about them! What if one of them is our brother or family?!" He yell in anguish "This is insane! The World is insane! We going to die in here!"

Many soldiers winced at that, that was true, their situation is very bleak right now, some even injured beyond able to fight again as they practically become cripple. The Magic Cannon also broken and cannot be used anymore, thus cripple them from attacking the beast in sky

"Calm down please." Emilia tried to assure him "I know the situation is dire and-"

"What do you know anyway?!" He spat, the madness in his eyes replaced by rage "You're half elf! Half demon! Look at your silver hair!" He glared at her and the half elf flinched "The World letting demon like you exist is proof that it already insane! You shouldn't even be here in first place!"

"Oi, oi, you shouldn't said that to her." Felix narrowed his eyes as he enter the conversation, the catboy feminine face schooled to distaste "If it wasn't for her, we all already dead long ago."

"So what?! Her kin take more of us than the number she just save!" He said with jeer "And it was useless anyway! She only going us false hope! I mean look at us!" He gestured to their surrounding, filled with injured and wounded people, few even in crisis and close to dying "This is the end! There's nothing! We all going to die in here! Erased from existence! Our being is meaningless and-"

"You're wrong!" Emilia cut him with yell, her violet eyes glaring at him "You're wrong! Who said our existence is meaningless?! We... We..." She can't... She just can't accept what he just said for some reason

"I believe, that each person is unique and special in their own way. Every single person are not just someone who pass through our mind and be ignored. No, everyone have an identity, they have lives worth fighting for. They all have their place in the World the moment they born."

"We are not meaningless! We are something! We are special in our own way!" She shouted at the man, her mind recalled what her role model speak moment ago before the battle "Everyone is not worthless! We have something that belong to us! We have something that worth to be fighting for!"

"I believe, that everyone have potential to do great, to leave their story and creating their own mark in the World. Be it good or bad, but in the end what they did is a great deed, something that incapable to be done by other."

"Even... Even if we die in the end! Even if we lose.." She continued and glaring at the man in front of her, her voice become louder "But we won't die as nothing! People still going to be there for us! Even if we weak but we all capable to do great deed no matter what! Nothing is useless!"

She was screaming so loud in the end, and without realizing it she did that in front of the soldier face directly who trembling at her. Realizing this Emilia let out gasp and take step back

"A-Ah..." She let out sheepish and apologetic voice "I... Sorry for yelling?" She offered meekly

The man seeing the girl started to pull back seems regain his anger, he let out snarl and-

A hand clamped to his shoulder from behind, then with firm strength, it push him down and force him to fall to the ground

"What the?!" He let out confused voice and looked up, he then glaring at the old man with green hair that stand towering him "What the heck do you think you doing old man?!" He spat

"You're afraid and don't want to fight right?" The old soldier asked blankly "If yes then stay down, no one asked you to fight. You can escape if you want, no one going to stop you." He then turned Emilia and offer her smile "Emilia-sama is it?"

"Ah? Yes." She answered uncertainly

"Thank you for helping us but Ferris-san is right, you should rest a bit for moment." He said "It won't do any good if you collapse now."

"No." Emilia shake her head "I still can keep going."

"Is that so?" His smile seems become more sincere at that answer "Then, this old man won't stop you."

"The fuck you old man?!" The young soldier growled as he stand and glaring at him "Do you know what she is?!" He spat as he pointing his finger to Emilia

"She's a healer and fighter." The old man answered him with dull voice "If you don't like her then fine, but please be quite, some people who injured here doesn't want to hear your annoying and loud voice, let them have proper rest."

"You!" He growled "You-where do you think you going?!" He asked when the old man began to ignore him and started to walk away

"Where else?" The old man asked "I have beast to kill."

"Don't you listening to what I just said moment ago?! This is useless! You-"

"I'm listening alright, I know it useless and I'm probably going to die or worse cease from exist." The old man answered easily "But so what?" He said in flippant manner "I have something to fighting for, I come here to avenge my son, I come here knowing that I probably going to die or get erased. I come here because I have reason and purpose." He then rise his hand, then clench them into fist "And I will fight for that purpose, and if I die, I will die kicking and screaming instead of whimpering."

With that, the old man started to walk away, he grab one of flail and sword that unused in ground

"Oi Roshan!" Another old soldier yelled and also walk forward, one of his arm was missing and there bandage that tainted by blood "Where the hell do you think you going? You think you can survive alone?" He let out snort and approach him "Like hell you going to leave without me."

"Adelmar." Roshan narrowed his eyes "You going to fight with that arm?"

"Of course I am." He snorted "I had hole in stomach during the rebellion and still kicking some ass, this stump won't stop me from kicking another ass."


Their conversation was cut by someone yelling while pointing to the sky and they see the deadly mist raining upon them. Emilia brace herself as she called her magic once again, she take step forward and-

"El Fura!"

A blast of powerful wind soar to the sky, matching the deadly mist and clashed against it, they were locked in dominance for a few moment before-

"El Fura!"

Another blast of wind come and join the first one, it is no longer contest as the fog blown away and turned to nothing, banished by the stronger force

"You two talk aloud." Another elderly voice come in, Roshan and Adelmar turned and see someone around their age wrapped in cloak and also have staff walk to them "If you want to go then go, don't make ruckus."

Roshan smirked at him "Going to join us Don?" He asked

"Of course I am." The old wizard snorted "You two going to dead without me, and if you two did, I don't want to be left behind. Let's go." He said as he stride forward while tapping his staff "Let's show these youngster how we done it in old days."

The man who screaming moment ago stare at the three old soldiers who walk away, his eyes narrowed and he grit his teeth. Then he unsheath his sword "Don't get cocky old man! I'm the one who going to kill that beast!" He yelled as he run at them

Many soldiers began to look around, then, one by one they started to pick their own weapons again, determination filled their eyes once more

"I'm going back too."

"This is nothing but scratch! I got worse!"

"I'm going to peel off that beast skin and take it back to shown to everyone!"

"Eww disgusting! But I like it! I going to do that too!"

"You two are crazy you know that?"

They all started to stand, what once filled with despair and fear replaced with hope and determination once more. Each of them running and rushing back, they all take their ride once more

Emilia stared at the scenery with mixture of relief, joy and also confusion. She relieved and happy that many started to fight once again but she also confused what actually just happened?

"Hmmm that was good job Emilia-sama, nya." Felix said while giving her tap on the shoulder "As expected from Crusch-sama rival nya."

"Eh? Eh?" She blinked "What did I do?"

The catboy paused and stare at her. Then he let out snort and shake his head "Yeah, you really still need to learn a lot." He chuckled "But if you keep following this path, I think everything will be okay nya."

Emilia merely tilt her head, she become more confused as matter of fact.

Nonetheless it still make her happy that everything going fine. She let out sigh and turned away, seeking for another person that need help

'Still... I'm a bit hypocrite huh?' She thought sadly

When she said all of them... That was only spur of moment while in reality she also know that man before was true. Her existence is... Something that wrong in a way. Aaron maybe said it is not, but what happened now... Isn't it because of her?

The Witch Cult targeting her in first place right? They probably target Lugnica because of her, because she is one of the Royal Candidate

Every existence have a worth and meaning... Hers probably-

"Look! Above!"

Emilia halted from her thought as a yell caught her attention. She turned to above in instant to see what coming and prepare herself in case it another mist

But no, it was... A giant ice pole, one that she familiar with

And it soar to the Hakugei

Wind whipped around him, washing over his face and hair, he feel slight shiver at the coolness but nonetheless he ignore them and keep his focus

His hand gripped tightly on his invisible sword. He only have one chance in this so he can't afford to loss focus just because of cool wind

The ice he rode soar very fast -not as fast as him but since it can't defy gravity it was better in a way- and he soon see the beast appearance becoming bigger, he saw them turned their eyes on him

His eyes solely focused to the one that in lower position. He take one deep breath and brace himself

"I can Return by De-"

He feel familiar cold sensation creeping to his heart and he stopped. He feel the presence of familiar being and freeze in that single time. He feel her breath upon his ears, he hear his loving and very affectionate voice in there

And he snapped from them then not wasting anymore time

Focusing mana as much as to his legs, he kicked down the ice pole, shattering it with his strength and magical energy, and he pointed Excalibur to behind him

"Strike Air!"

Tornado shoot forward from the invisible sheath, roaring and raging, pushing him further and increase his speed by multifold, and less than second he alreay reached to the beast maw that wide open


He let out roar as he spun, maneuvering his swing, increasing their strength and keep shooting mana each time he move. And when the beast jaw open, he point his sword to the and he soar to the giant whale that opening his mouth to eat him whole

Excalibur and it wielder pierce to the beast upper jaw, the combination of the Mana Burst, Invisible Air and Aaron's own strength was more than enough for them to embedded themselves dozen meter deep inside the junk and nearly reach the inner organ

Aaron feel his ear drum broken when the beast wailing from the pain, he feel pain to his head as Hakugei howling directly to his ears like this and he feel himself almost die just because of the sheer of it loudness

He feel his body constricted by it muscle and flesh as he buried in there but he ignore them. No matter how his lung stop getting air in there and how his ears now practically deaf from it very loud howl, he ignore them all and solely focus to one thing


He yelled out the full name of the Noble Phantasm, using it full strength and push all mana he have to invisible the boundary field that compressing hurricane into form of sheath

And it answer his call

His World explode into red and gore


"He did it..." Crusch Karsten muttered with shock as she stared with wide eyes at the event above her "He really did it."

Hakugei, the White Whale, to put it in a word, it head explode

Gale of wind burst out from it head, tearing it apart from the inside, destroying and shredding it muscle, blood and very organ into red mist

Under any normal circumstance that might be impossible. Hakugei was too big, it muscle and organ was too thick and heavy, there is no way the hurricane would be able to killing it like that. Wounding and make it immobile? Possibly but killing it? No

However right now Hakugei not in it original state, it already split itself, it become less heavier as it weight divided into three, it no longer possess it original endurance

And so the hurricane capable to destroy it from inside like that

She watched as the Great Demon Beast fall from the sky, large part of head missing, only lower jaw and it massive body that remain as it soar down, like a stars that fall to earth

Cheer and yell of triumph appear as they all watched this. So loud and drowning. Everyone basking in victory that they finally manage to achieve

Not Crusch though... Because she realize one important thing

"Wait, how is he going to land?!" She asked in horrified voice. There is no way he going to went unscathed from doing that, right now he probably loss consciousness! Falling from that height, she doubt even he going to survive despite his inhumane power!

Ricardo and Wilhelm who on her side with their own ride had their eyes widened as well, the former become pale as he stopped his cheering

"Men! Go fetch some magician that able to use wind!" Ricardo yelled in urgent "We going to caught him with magic!"

"Even so how we going to find him?" Wilhelm asked with slight frantic "There many pieces of Hakugei's body, he could be among them." Going there would be suicidal since they risked themselves to be turned into smear by the remnant of Hakugei

As if realizing his situation from his place, another burst of wind appear in sky, followed by turquoise colored energy that crackling, albeit it not strong like before but it more than enough to tell everyone his position and it sending him faster to the ground

"He still conscious? Damn that man." Ricardo whistled, he really a monster huh? "Someone with wind magic! Hop to my back now!" He yelled

"Not need, I'm going to get him!" Crusch yelled as she lashed her rein, urging her ride to move forward

The earth dragon let out one roar before started to ran, rushing at their target. This earth dragon Crusch currently ride is special one, it can be said as the fastest one, rivaling Riger, wolf that currently rode by Iron Fang of Anastasia Hoshin and much more agile than them. It reach dozens meter just by few seconds running

Crusch unsheath her sword, her eyes solely focused to the sky, to the rain of red flesh and blood that come down. They searching for particular person, she use her Divine Protection to search her

One thing that caught her eyes the most when she saw Aaron Pendragon in battle is his sword, his invisible sword that covered by countless layers of wind, compressed into super-high pressure air with a massive amount of magical energy

Her Divine Protection of Wind Indication grant her ability to read the wind and to see invisible things just like the wind. However she can't see that sword real form, the wind was too much and the pressure themselves is no joke, not to mention the magical energy that cover it. It distort her whole vision and while she can see the length and shape of the sword but she can't see it real form

It was very unique and interesting blade in her opinion

That is why right now she trying her best to read the wind, to search that particular wind. If she found it then she would find him, and the search also not random as she have general idea where the man location is since he give it away moment ago

She found him

She quickly swing her sword, two times, sending barrage of sharp wind and slice through flesh and organ that blocking her view, splitting them. Then she throttle her ride, calculating the distance between them and also dodging pieces of flesh that already fall

She have to be fast since there Hakugei's massive body that already near. Aaron Pendragon must be using his blade to fasten his fall so he can get caught early before that body crashing

She sheath her sword and then order her ride to jump as she finished her calculation, extending her arms, she let out grunt as she caught the knight that fall, she feel her muscle protested but she hold it down

"Get us out of here now!" She yelled to her ride who seems understand and start running

They just in time to run as massive body of the White Whale finally fell down, creating earthquake and tremor everywhere with it heavy weight and Crusch along with her ride was thrown away from the shockwave that created

The woman clutch Aaron's body tightly and bracer herself, as she about touch the ground she roll herself to lessen the impact, unfortunately she forget that she clutching someone alas she still feel extra impact courtesy to Aaron's body


She groaned in pain as she feel her World spun for a moment, followed by crushing sensation on her chest. She tried to focus her bleary vision, blinking her eyes few times, she notice that the man now on top of her

She grunted as she pushing him, he is heavier than she thought alright, probably because of the armor. She gritted her teeth when feel her strength leaving her, apparently she still not recovered from her fall moment ago and she let out another groan as her arm dropped and his body once again pushed to her

This is not comfortable alright, he is crushing her! Granted it not painful or such thing but

He is reek! Reek of blood God damn it! Right now he was practically covered in blood from top to bottom! There even few flesh of Hakugei that etched to him somehow



That voice... It's Felix and the maid, Rem if she recall. Thanks God someone finally reach them!

She hear their footstep come and getting closer, she also hear there many that seems come

"Nya! Aaron-kyun you can't take advantage of Crusch-sama position!"

"Aaron-sama! You can't let yourself to be taken advantage like this!"

The oni and the catboy blinked simultaneously. Then they turned to each other with narrowed eyes

"What are you talking about nya? It was clear who take advantage of who in here." Felix said with sharp look

"What Felix-sama said? We all can see who now injured." Rem replied with equal gaze

"Nya, but we all can see who on top of who right now."

"True, but we also can see who right now grabbing who."

"That was not in purpose and you know it nya."

"And Aaron-sama also not in purpose to be on top of Crusch-sama."

"I don't care about who were taken advantage by who!" Crusch yelled from her position "Talk about that later after help me stand! Now!"

Seriously! What the hell is wrong with their priority?!

Much to her relief the duo seems realize their situation as they stopped their argument and approach her, then they lift Aaron's body from her and she let out breath of relieve at that

As she push herself, she watched Aaron Pendragon who grabbed and lifted away from him suddenly let out vomit that mixed with blood, seeing this she can't help but feel relieved once again

'It almost got me.' She thought with grimace as she stare at the puddle of vomit, she then sit in the ground, watching Felix started to work with the maid sit on Aaron's Pendragon side and holding his hand


Crusch turned and see Emilia ran toward their direction, there several troops following her, along with Wilhelm and Ricardo. The half elf face express nothing but worry as she immediately kneel on his side when she arrive

"How is he Ferris?" Crusch asked

"... Surprisingly better than I thought." Felix answered as he hold his glowing hand over Aaron's head who moaning "Aaron-kyun's eardrums pretty much burst nya. He have several bruise and fracture over his bones; mainly the clavicle, ribs, and scapula, the muscles in his hands also quite bad, they were teared apart." He listed the damage as he inspecting the man body "It clearly shocking that the damage only that far, maybe it because his armor as well nya. Nonetheless all those damage is not something I can't fix, don't worry, he will-nya?"

"Hm? What's wrong?" Crusch asked when notice her knight confused face

"He... He already started healing nya. And while the rate is not fast but it make his body versatile to be healed nya." Ferris spoke in mixture of wonder and confusion

"Ah, about that. Aaron seems liked by lesser spirits." Emilia informed "Even now I can sense they already start to work."

"Really?" Ferris asked in surprise "Like Julius?"

"Julius... Ah yes, he have Divine Protection isn't he?" Emilia murmured as she recall the purple haired knight "No, not really. Julius can fight alongside the spirits, Aaron meanwhile can't, he simply got healed by them."

"So it's like Reinhard nyo." Ferris hummed "Well, in any case it was good thing. He will be fine, probably going to need one or two day of rest but after that he can bounce back. I already restore his eardrums and..." He paused and narrowed his eyes "And his mana... Wow... Nya... It..." He blinked few times before he seems become pale a bit "It really... A lot.." He muttered

"A lot?" Ricardo inquired "How big are we talking about?"

"Like reaaally a lot. I can't even locate the gate due the massive amount of them! Nya, it almost like digging earth to searching for treasure!" He never found any case like this to be honest, so much mana to the point it cover the gate and the owner whole body

Suddenly Aaron coughed again, his eyes slowly open and he let out groan that filled with pain

"Aaron." Emilia called as she get close to him

"Emi." He coughed "Did I..."

"Yes, you did it! You kill the Hakugei!" Emilia said with smile

"Good." He groaned out "If that didn't kill it, then I don't know what else to do." He grumbled as he tried to stand, only for him to feel hand pressed to his chest

"I won't do that if I were you Aaron-kyun." Ferris spoke cheerfully "You are injured so it better if you lay down for now."

"... How bad?" He asked

"Not bad, you will have to rest for two days at most but even so you not need to be treated in bed nya."

'That was good then.' Aaron thought with sigh as he allow himself for relax for a moment. He tilt his head, seeing Emilia, Rem, Crusch and Ricardo smiling face. He narrow his eyes and caught sight of Wilhelm who apparently seems staring at the dead beast

"Onii-chan! Onii-chan!"

He perked up when familiar voice calling him and he move his head, from his position he can see Mimi and someone who very similar like her running toward them. He raise his hand weakly and waved in their direction...