
Re: Zero starting life in another world as an Apostle of The Demon God

Natsuki Subaru, a man that is said to have perfect timing, a man that is said to have high affinity for spirits art, a man that is said to have the eyes of a warrior who has seen death, known death, and over all experience death, a man that is destined to become a hero, or that was what his destiny was supposed be. Because one night his entire destiny changes for the better for him, but for the worse for everyone else who was destined to meet him, this is the story of Natsuki Subaru, a man who was suddenly chosen by one of the strongest existences in all of creation, an existence so powerful it is said he could wipe everything that exist with a mere blink of an eye. This is the story of how Natsuki Subaru met the Demon God of desires Asura, who gifted him various gift one of them been an omnipotent Gacha Goddess that could bend the very fabric of boundaries itself before her the impossible can become possible, watch as Subaru the Apostle of desire, become the greatest evil this world has ever seen, as the world before him suddenly become a video game. PS: Tanya, Ainz, Naofumi, Kazuma and friends will eventually join the story, Subaru is basically the gamer of the re zero world only my version of it.

Carcosa_Sensei · Anime & Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

The Drop

[Next day 9:15 A.M]

A young teenage boy was sleeping on a chair near his window till a very annoying alarm clock started to go off in his room.





The boy eventually got tired of it as he took the pillow he was sleeping on and trow it towards it to shut the damn thing up.

He then proceeds to rise up from his chair as he held his head in pain.

"Agh... fuck I feel as if someone hit my head with a baseball bat."

Said Subaru who was by no mean happy about his awakening for some reason he felt like someone trying to drown him in his sleep-- he then began to walk toward his door as he wanted to wash his as he could feel the cold that build up under his eyes, but he didn't reach far at all, why well it was because he felt added weight to his side.

So he made a halt on his movement to take the time out to see what that extra added weight was, and when he looked down he was shocked to see what lied on his waist.

Before Subaru was a black and red Scabbard that seems to house a claymore-like blade-- the sword had a beautiful color pattern although he can't see the blade itself since it placed perfectly inside the full black and red scabbard.

The guard leading all the way to the peen block was black and crimson red in color, the sword seem to be attached to a mysterious black belt around his waist as a magnet was attached to the scabbard and sword belt, holding it perfectly in place.

Subaru then look at the mysterious blade with his eyes widened in shock as his hand began to tremble slowly heading towards the sword-- and when grabbing the sword from the belt and a click sound was heard separating the scabbard from the belt.

As Subaru brought it before his eyes and look at it with all its glory, and the moment his eyes witness the black and red sword-- many memories started to enter his head all at once as the voice of an all too familiar childish version of himself started to go off in his mind making him remember a long and realistic dream he had last night.

"I see, so that is the root of your desires how interesting."

"You owe me a lot."

"You truly are slothful Su-ba-ru."

"This is the path."

"You can return by death."

"You have to get stronger."

"Become my Apostle Subaru."

"I am the Demon God of Desires Asura."

-- Thud--

Subaru drops the floor as his raging headache started to get worse by the minute as everything that happened last night in that weird dreams was coming back to him.

He remembers the beautiful wasteland where he lied uncontious.

He remember the beautiful purple hair girl.

He remembers meeting the demon God of Desire.

He remembers becoming that God Apostle after finding out the truth of his cruel fate

He remembers gaining abilities from said, God.

And after all that memory flooded his brain, the raging headache he had before suddenly vanished and all that was left was the sound of a tired boy breathing heavily.

"Puff, huff, puff, huff, puff."

And after about two minutes Subaru finally had control over his breathing as he closed his eyes slowly and open them back with new determination he never had before.

He then got up and put the sword back on the belt and made his way to the bathroom to wash his face and when he looked up he was hit with yet another surprise.

He looks slightly different, there weren't any major changes for say like an entirely new face but instead, his raven black hair was no more instead it was milky white-- while his eyes went from average brown to glistering gold.

He then looks at his muscle to see if he got ripped as well but sadly for him his muscle remain the same, but apart from his hair and eyes there weren't any significant changes so to speak, Subaru then said.

"It would seem that my encounter with Asura wasn't just a silly dream, after all, it seems that I have truly been reborn a new... hehe so I am now an apostle ha... hmm well at least I have twelve hours to prepare and also say goodbye to family, but it is not like I'm giving up on them its the opposite I want to face them when I'm stronger, and you better believe my Pride won't allow it."

Subaru then wipe his face dry and head back to his room, he was going to go to his closet to get dressed for the day but he stop midway as he notice something very odd on his bed.

Subaru then went toward the thing on his bed-- he gave it a confused look as he was sure he didn't receive this while inside Asura Path so what was and why was on his bed was the only question Subaru had in his mind.

The object before Subaru was a giant chest similar to those secret chests you see in Skyrim or any other RPG game, and this chest was a silver chest with a red demon lock on it.

Out of curiosity, Subaru decide to touch it, and when he did that the entire thing started to levitate as it spin around eventually a red light engulfed it and the entire room-- blinding him temporally, and when he opened his eyes again he notice the chest was already gone.

But a couple of things emerge instead as five items were now on the bed, which caught Subaru by surprise.

The first Item was two separate and individual letters probably there to relay a message to him.

The second item was a mysterious-looking red book that mark The Book of Truth

The third item was a long but beautiful Orange scarf.

The fourth item seems to be a black and orange X-Shape eyes mask with a single eye drop design.

The last item seems to be a single pair of clothes orange and black but the design was that of a full black robe, boots, and long pants

"Judging by all these items it's probably from Asura so I'm guessing that chest was akin to drop similar to that in RPG or an FPS."

"It seems to be mostly consisting of clothes though not that I'm complaining if anything I'm really grateful, it would appear that my god is a generous and benevolent God hmm I can't fail these people expectation-- it the least I could do to repay his generosity."

Subaru then made his way to the items and the first thing he pick up was the two-letter the first one was from well obviously Asura and the next one was from some girl named Daphne.

"Daphne ha... why does that name sound so familiar agh oh well I will just forget about it for now."

"Well, let's read Asura one first."


Dear Subaru,

Knowing the idiot you are you probably wake up thinking that this was a dream but sadly for you, it is not a dream so anyways that is not what I wanted to say to you if you are reading this then you got the treasure drop I send to you-- inside are four item mostly clothes and a book called the book of truth it is basically a book that will help you in your journey it keep your death log and tell you how you died, it also contains the world history and much more-- but the greatest function of the book of truth is that it has hinted on were many world treasures are located in the form of poetry.

While the clothes I send for you will boost some stats slightly, and by the way, I went over your stats and I must say it is a good head start but the thing is your divine protection is too strong although you have a great memory thanks to it-- your brains can't keep up with your terrifying learning speed and the amount of information you consumed will damage it if not moderately-- so I ask one of my familiar to make you a special visor or eye mask to seal the effect of the divine protection and since you can't turn it off you will see interface after interface making it really annoying so yeah thank me later since this eye mask will give you clarity.

P.S: Don't forget about your gate of existence


Dear Subarun,

My Name Is Daphne the Witch of Gluttony and yes I also exist in the world you are going to-- but if you meet me thank me by feeding me all types of treats and no that not me since the one you will meet or eventually meet is an alternate version of me, but anyways those visors I created for you is actually a mabeast it called the *Hydra eyes mask* it is the 5th great mabeast although the weakest in terms of strength it is the strongest mid wise it survive by absorbing your body fluids.

This mask will seal your eyes powers and is also capable of hiding your strength I also made it so no one can read your mind, hypnotize you, or tell if you are lying --Yawn-- well I'm getting tired Subarun bye, bye till we meet again


After Subaru read the letter he was shocked apparently the witch of Gluttony was kind enough to make him a pet mask to contain the immense power of the eyes of the player, while Asura yet again was generous enough to help him by giving him a useful book and some fantasy type clothes to dress him when he reaches the other side.

"The book of truth is definitely useful I will look at it later though what I am mostly interested in is the stats board I now possess-- I believed I still have 10 remaining LP to distribute among them, I wonder though I can't analyze anything as of now, nor can I access any information meaning that my eyes are worthless at the moment."

"Now that I think about it Asura did say I won't activate until it Synchronizes with the other world soul whatever the hell that means-- but I guess for now I should see if my stats can work at least I should be able to make it appear even if my eyes are not working properly."

From there Subaru then began to visualize so his stats can appear before him and just like he theorize it did

As a single full black screen with Orange words came before him and the content read as followed

[Apostle initial Stats]


Level: 1

EXP: 0/10

Name: [Natsuki Subaru]

Age: [18]

Constitution: [Moon Light Dictator Body]

Race: [Hybrid]

Occupation: [Apostle in training]

Class: [Saber, Ruler, and Rider]

Unique title: [He who holds the black holy sword]

Universal title: [2nd Apostle of Asura]

Element: [Yin/Holy/Moonlight/spirit]

Divine protection: [Eyes of the player]

[All skills]

[Final explosion, Zenkai-Boost, limitless potential, Hinokagutsuchi]


[Intial status board]

Remaining LP: [10]

Strength: 10/∞ [+]

Speed: 10/∞ [+]

Mana: 1/∞ [+]

Endurance: 10/∞ [+]

Wisdom: 8/∞ [+]

Charm: 2/∞ [+]

Luck: 1/∞ [+]


After Subaru read through his stats he also saw an ability log which basically tells him what his ability is in detail.

"I already know what my ability does but let's just double-check-- just to make sure."

Subaru then went to his ability log to check and see what his abilities do and it read as follows.


[Abilty logs]

Final explosion: I go boom and you all die

Zenkai Boost: I am a masochist because I get stronger with pain and suffering

Limitless potential: who decides that I cant get stronger

Hinokagutsuchi: Replication at its best, now you can bring your hentai collection along with you my fellow man of culture.


At the horrible attempt at an ability log, Subaru instantly close it as he said.

"The fuck did I just read --sigh-- whatever let's think what should I spend my Lp on hmmm well I need mana to make use of Hinokagutsuchi."

"Yea I'm just going to do this."

Subaru then presses the added bottom beside mana as he places eight "Lp" into mana alone and two "LP" into luck and the reason he did that was that the power of his Gate of existence actually requires luck but then and again it's a double edge sword.

After it was added Subaru felt a little stronger mana wise since he can perceive the mana within himself due to being a heroic spirit/Shinigami hybrid as he could tell his mana went up by several times than it was since he had a measly one for mana now it should be at nine.

From there Subaru then said to himself.

"Wel I guess it's time to test out the power of my Gate of existence If I remember correctly it is a luck base power."