
Sleepy Lukas

I looked at his slumped figure, but all I could see was his mop of hair.

"You're sleeping like this?" I muttered.


"... At least lie down or something…"

I'm not a bed, you know.

But Lukas did not respond after that.

Silence passed and I kind of just sat there on his lap, being hugged and used as a pillow. The longer the seconds passed, the more I realized how ambiguous our posture was.

I'm on his lap, for goodness' sake!

My mouth pressed into a straight line and I found out that I can't move because every time I do, his hold on me tightens even more.

Sighing, I succumbed to his whim and let him do as he likes. I will spoil him today, I guess.

I slowly patted his head silently. He does seem like he's tired.

Lukas then rubbed his nose on my neck, humming in satisfaction in response to my action.


Is he a cat?

More minutes passed, and I was starting to grow awkward.