

Void_Cosmo · Fantasi
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5 Chs



Crown Prince Vern did not waste any time after receiving the order from the king. He immediately asked his shadow guard to order the Second Division Knights to get prepared with all the necessary travel requirements and be ready to leave for the Holy Land.

" Greetings to the light of empire - Crown Prince Vern! "

" I am Vector Lisht, the captain of Second Division Knights. My soldiers and I are ready at your service " the captain greeted the prince.

" Let's leave for the Holy Kingdom immediately. It is a matter of urgent importance! " the prince ordered everyone to leave at once.

The journey on the horses would take up nearly 3 days of time to reach the Holy Land but that wasn't the end of the journey. To reach the Central Crad, one has to ride a ferry to cross the Bricksbern lake.

The journey went on smoothly and they were taking breaks in different provinces to rest and replenish the supplies. Everything was going on great until a group of Assassins launched an attack on them.

" Half of the guards go ahead along with the prince and protect him. The rest of us will defeat these assassins and join you later. Now go! " Victor ordered his troops.

There was a more important matter to be solved therefore the prince did not hesitate and continued the journey. Soon they reached their destinations and without any delay the prince rushed to the Central Crad.

Crad is the name given to the place of worship where people worship their Supreme deity. It is a structure consisting of four long towers one on each side and spires along with a central triangular structure covering the roof.

He immediately requested a meeting with the Archbishop and informed them about the situation they had faced in their journey. He requested the help of some Holy Knights who could go and help his soldiers.

The Archbishop immediately ordered the Second Division Holy Knights to leave for the place where the incident had occurred.

" Holy Lord! Are you sure we should help them? " asked the captain of Second Division, Emanuel.

" Are you questioning me right now? " the Archbishop replied with a oppressive voice.

The captain immediately left after hearing that. When they reached the spot mentioned by the prince they were astonished. All the assassins were dead but those were not the only casualties. The most of the knights who had remained there to fight the assassins were dead. Some were in critical state and others were slightly injured.

" Immediately carry them to the nearby hospital! " Emanuel ordered. All the injured were carried to the hospital but captain Victor could not be seen anywhere.

Emanuel went deep into the forest following the traces of blood but he was afraid to go any further because that area was forbidden to enter. The reason is yet to be known as it was an order that directly came from the Pope.

They returned to the Crad and informed the prince about the situation. They also mentioned that captain Victor still wasn't found and his blood traces were leading to the forbidden area.

Victor was one of the most loyal knights of the kingdom and his disappearance can't be disregarded. So the prince decided that he himself would go in search of Victor but he was stopped by the Archbishop.

" Are you aware of the reason why that areahas been declared forbidden? " the Archishop questioned.

It was a sensitive matter so very few people knew about the details. The priest explained the reason very thoroughly which shocked the prince. He couldn't believe that such secret was spilled so easily but that was not the main issue. According to his words, there lies a portal to the demon realm in the forbidden forest.

It was hard to believe that such a thing exists in the Holy Land which is considered as the most safest place on the planet. But there was no time to waste, so the prince immediately left for the forest

The prince along with the knights started searching in groups. Soon the group led by the prince found a weird cave. They weren't sure what had to be done, so they sent a signal and waited for the captain of Holy Knights to arrive.

When the prince informed them that there were blood traces near the cave, Emanuel warned him and said that he should be careful if he was intending to go inside.

The prince decided to go in despite the risks.

" Let's see what exactly is this Demon Portal " he mumbled.