
Too Kind

As Solomon was heading back to the library after school had ended he was reminiscing the early events. After the room had been colored blood red the students although they showed signs of pain they did not even let out a single shout. After the spell was over he gave them the Arch Devil Cultivation Technique, to which they started cultivating on the spot. He was filled with pride and happiness as he thought to himself "Those are my students!".

[I take back what I said earlier.]

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

[About their cultivation. Forget gold rank, I would not be surprised if they all made it to black gold rank, heck even legend rank might be a possibility.]

"Wait what! Doesn't that mean that they will be way stronger than me!? What's with the sudden change of mind anyways?"

After remaining silent for a few minutes the system finally spoke [I had thought they would not take it so seriously, after all they are just kids. I didn't expect them to put so much faith in you.]

"You underestimated me eh?" He said a little smugly

[Indeed, be proud, this might be the only time that I ever compliment you.] The system tired of his smug face got lost in thought. It drifted back to its old memories. His comrades had acted the same way when they were children, declaring that they would not let the other races push them around. How nostalgic the system thought to itself.

To be honest school had technically not ended, just with his entire class cultivating he had just assumed it was over, after all he couldn't very well stop them or just sit there and watch them so he just told them that school was over for the day.

As he passed Teacher Xiu's room could hear them arguing, oh is this when he exposes the Sacred Family's plagiarism. As a good hearted teacher how could he sit by? He might have a sinfully handsome body but he was a pure kind hearted teacher now.

[Stop being narcissistic, if you keep flattering yourself their argument will be over by the time you pull yourself together.]

"Right! I can always admire myself later on under the reverent eyes of my students!" He announced shamelessly. Opening the door he peeked his head in. He could see the Vice Principal and Ye Shuo, the elder from the Snow Wind Family. Despite trying to remain hidden he attracted the eyes of everyone in the room, he could only curse at how handsome he was.

"Ahem!" The Vice Principal Ye Sheng let out a fake cough "Is there something you need Teacher White?"

"Ah? No I just happened to be passing by when I heard some people arguing over inscriptions, perhaps I can be of use?" As he finished speaking everybody's eyes slowly drifted over to Shen Xiu, who was slowly turning red from embarrassment

"Damn, why now of all times did you have to show up! How embarrassing!" She could only curse under her breath at that damn Nie Li for putting her in such an embarrassing situation in front of the person she had a crush on.

As if noticing this Nie Li grinned "Ha, how does it feel to be made a fool in front of your crush?" Of course he only thought this and did not say it out loud. In his memories he found Solomon to have been quite an exceptional teacher and had even saved his life once, in fact according to his memories Solomon might even be demigod level being that he had even fought the dark guild master to a stand still. Glory City had only been destroyed in his previous life because he was out of the city during that time.

"Teacher White, I had simply corrected Teacher Xiu on the origins of their so called sacred family inscriptions, I did not expect them to be so shameless and accuse me of slandering their family name." Nie Li tactically replied, technically everything he said was true, and the way he voiced it sounded as if it was a coincidence rather than an attack on his part.

"Is that so? To be honest this spell dates farther back than you think. You say that this is the lightning fire volcanic explosion technique but I actually came across this spell in some ruins that date back 4,000 years. It's proper name is the Lesser Dragon Breath. It was called lesser Dragon Breath because it was practically a failure being that it was meant to be a legendary rank inscription. To be honest I am surprised that it's still around even though it's degraded to such a degree."

Nie Li seemed shocked at this answer, no rather there was nothing wrong with what he said. It could very well be from 4,000 years ago and what he knew was also a pirated version. In fact he seemed to remember an inscription of a spell called greater dragon breath which seemed to bare a close resemblance to this one which was a legend rank inscription. "It seems I was wrong about this spell, I did not expect Teacher White to have such a vast amount of knowledge you have truly amazed me. "Was the perfected version Greater Dragon Breath?"

"Close but not quite. The perfected version was Dragon Breath, but two generations later his grandson created this one which was slightly stronger than Dragon Breath so he called it greater dragon breath. Such a shame that what he did was based off a whim and he lacked the skills to be an actual inscription master."

"Is that so, thank you for teaching me Teacher White." Nie li thanked him with clasped hands.

"No problem, or rather plagiarism is quite common but we are all humans and humans make mistakes so don't be to hard on your teacher after all she is not to be blamed for the actions that her ancestors might have taken."

Nie Li just gave him a long look "Perhaps you are too kind Teacher White, you should not be so trusting."

To this Solomon could only chuckle "What can I say? I can't help it, it's a sin." grinning at his own joke which no one else understood he gave a courteous nod towards the back where the elders were sitting and stepped out of the class room before continuing on his way to the library humming all the way, as to what he was humming, who knew?