

As School had truly ended he could hear students walking through the halls and even saw Nie Li and his friends over at a table, noticing the stones on the table he figured they were testing their soul sea form and attributes. So he decided to go and have a chat with them.

"Hello, whatcha up to?" Walking over he took a seat at the end of the table as their group all took a look at him.

"Just doing an aptitude test." Nie Li responded, although he had gotten in his way earlier, to him Teacher White was a respectable person who was kind to everyone. It was due to his kindness that he could not see the evil side of people, or maybe he just chose to ignore it.

"Oh nice, new stones? Guessing you're testing soul sea form and attributes?"

Nodding Nie Li could not help but feel a bit of admiration towards this man who seemed to know everything. "You know quite a lot Teacher White, I can't help but wonder what you don't know."

"You flatter me, not to mention you're younger than me and know so much despite living in this city which lacks so much knowledge." To be honest Solomon didn't know anything about this world, everything he had said was true but it was told to him by the system rather than him discovering it himself.

'That reminds me, I thought that you were going to be an assistant teacher rather than taking on your own class, what changed your mind?" To this Nie Li was suspicious, the only thing different in this life was Solomon, he might even be a reincarnator like him.

"Not sure? My instincts told me that I should be a teacher and train my students to become stronger, I have always trusted my instincts as they have never failed me." It was a good thing Solomon had already prepared an answer to this question ahead of time or else he might have even exposed himself.

"Is that so…" As someone who also trusted his instincts Nie Li was quite familiar with them. "Could it be that my memories some how triggered his instincts?" Mumbling to himself he slowly lost himself in thought until his friends shook him to his senses. Solomon had long left and was indulging himself in books like the book worm he was when he was suddenly interrupted by someone behind him.

"Teacher White, may I have a few seconds of your time?"

Turning around he found himself face to face with Ye Zi Yun. "How can I help you miss?"

"I was wondering if I could ask you with some help on my studies or would that be to much to ask?" She asked nervously, she had been impressed at the knowledge that he possessed but it was rude to teach another teachers student especially when they both knew about them.

"Of course, I am always happy to teach as long as someone is willing to learn!"

"That's great! To be honest I have been wanting to learn the ancient but I don't know where to begin."

"Is that it? I got a book here that translate your language to the ancient one, as I have multiple copies you can have this one."

"Isn't it to much to just give this away!" Ye Zi Yun was completely shocked at such generosity, if one had such a book then that would mean they would have the keys to unlock all the knowledge inside of the library which kept them from learning more.

"Well to be honest it's not worth much to me since I've long memorized it and am already proficient in it since I was a child, and if a someone can learn from it than that makes me happy." He said with a smile.

Ye Zi Yun blushed upon seeing his smile, which left Solomon feeling a little weird on the inside he just wanted to say "Hey! I'm not a lolicon!"

"Then I will take it, thank you very much Teacher White." Taking the book she ran away hiding the blush on her face behind the book.


"Well then, I better check up on my students, what if they are still cultivating in that room instead of going home? Won't I be blamed for making my students stay over night?"

Much to his dismay his students were all still there cultivating and did not seem like they had any plans on moving. Of course he chased them out of there and told them they got tomorrow off so they could be with their families instead of being inside all day to which they replied that they would be cultivating all day.

What shocked him most was that all of them had already reached bronze one star. What shocked him even more is that their cultivation technique was way higher than his, it also focused on improving body strength more than it did cultivation, there strength was already nearing 5 Star bronze rank!

"My students are just to good. How can I let them surpass me? I must go and cultivate!" And like that, students and teacher cultivated through the whole night.

I bet you were surprised about the sudden mass release huh? Well that's what happens when I can't sleep in the middle of the night. Now then, I can take the next 5 weeks off since I released 5 chapters today right? No? Okay...

PrimalEvilcreators' thoughts