
Re: noclip - surviving the backrooms in another world from zero

After having fallen through the floor, and finding themselves trapped in the backrooms. Some of the cast will quickly have to learn to deal with their new situation, whilst the ever tormenting backrooms puts a constant pressure on them

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9 Chs

level 6 lights out

survival class: 4UnsafeUnsecureUndetermined entity count

-backrooms wikidot level 6


It was complete darkness in every direction; not a single photon of light. Recalling the folder Subaru guessed that this was level 6, on account of the name 'lights out'. Unfortunately the name was about all he knew about level 6, as he had not gotten the chance to look over it in the folder, and thanks to the current lack of light he doubted he would be able to now.

"-au!" a sound suddenly cut in as Subaru felt a force push into his side unexpectedly, causing him to stumble backwards.

Faltering about two steps back–he bumped into someone (which he guessed to be Beatrice from the sound of alarm she let out) causing him to lose his balance entirely. Now fully falling, the group of three attached individuals, ran into yet another person causing everyone to fall in a heap in a 9-person chain reaction.

-"hey get off! get off!"

-"watch where you're going i suppose!"

Being the one most on top of the group besides louis who he doubted was going anywhere on her own, Subaru was able to pick himself up and separate from the group, all sound vanishing immediately.

Well, all sound except–"uau! u ah aua!" the panicked sound of louis's voice could be heard as he was being shaken from the waist.

"Calm down, I'm right here." said subaru managing to grab louis's shoulders to stop her from shaking him.

"Uaha!" Louis wined, as she tightly hugged into him.

Beatrice: "-ubaru!"

Feeling a hand grab onto him, along with hearing the sound of his name suddenly cut in as if it were a video being unpaused, followed by a sigh of relief, Subaru seemed to realize something. "Beako?"

"Yes, in fact. It seems other than the lack of light, we can only hear the sounds of people who we're in contact with I suppose." Beatrice, keeping her hand on Subaru, moved over to his side and took his hand.

"Right, I was just about to say the same thing. We need to join with the others before we all get lost." Subaru looked over to where he thought was where he fell and began to feel around.

Soon after he felt something.


Hearing a sound of surprise from what Subaru could guess was tivey he quickly tried to reassure him. "Calm down, it's me subaru."

Mimi: "subaru? What's happening?"

Subaru: "we can only hear the people we're touching, common lets get to the others"

After a few more jumpscares and quick explanations they managed to get the group all together. They agreed to all hold hands so as to not get lost.

Subaru: "well i think this is level 6 but… I didn't get to read anything about it before we got here. All I know is that it's called lights out."

"lights out, how fitting" said Anastasia as she looked around, not that anyone could see it. She didn't really blame Subaru for forgetting to read about the level. They had all been stressed lately, and frankly she had forgotten about the folder entirely.

Petra: "So then what should we do?"

Julius: "Perhaps we should try to create a light source?"

Beatrice: "I already tried that in fact. I tried to make light, but I saw no change I suppose."

"great. So no light then." said Subaru sarcastically with a sigh.

Otto: "Well I guess all we can do now is walk around and maybe try to find a way out. And also hope that we don't run into any entities."

"Please don't make us any more stressed than we need to be." Subaru complained, "let's just go." With that, the group began their aimless journey through the darkness of level 6.


At first Anastasia felt a bit uncomfortable with everyone holding hands, but now it was starting to become a source of comfort from the sensory deprivation all around her. It turns out nothing can be something after all, as the lack of anything to stimulate her senses started to feel like a pressure pressing down on her from all directions. Trying to avoid the creeping dread forming around her, she focused as hard as she could on the hands she was holding, and the sounds she could hear from the others; as well as the feeling of the two triplets huddling close to her.

Subaru has gone through something like this before. The memory was fuzzy but he knew what it was; as well as the feeling of sensory deprivation which–compared to what he felt before this wasn't as bad. He could still feel things around him like the hands he was holding and his feet on the ground.

Petra however, wasn't so keen on seeing the bright side of this situation; as she along with louis, huddled near subaru, with beatrice holding his hand close by as petra tried to drown out the feeling that something was out there lurking in the ocean of darkness around them, that any moment–it would decide it was done toying with them, and consume them like the helpless fish they where.

Julius was also not exempt from the ever-growing feeling of dread within the group, but he knew he had to stay strong and keep a level head. But still, he couldn't shake the feeling of being exposed and helpless in this seemingly endless darkness.

However, they continued on, albeit a bit closer together than before, through the unknowns of level 6.


"A-a-a smiler." petra stopped causing everyone else to stop and frantically look around for the alleged smiler

Subaru: "where?!"

"R-right there" said petra supposably pointing somewhere.

Subaru moved his hands along her trembling arm to see which way she was pointing. But there was nothing.

Subaru: "I don't see anything."

"B-but it's right there" petra, trying to keep a low voice continued to point.

Subaru: "Petra, I think you might be hallucinating."

Petra: "hallucinating?"

"Seeing things that aren't there–it's probably because of the lack of light. You're not used to it so your mind is playing tricks on you. If you focus it might go away." Subaru explained, trying his best to comfort Petra while staying in contact with the others.

"Okay…" said petra after a moment, not clarifying whether or not it worked.

A while had passed and everyone was even closer together now, nearly bumping together as they walked. Everyone was even more on edge than before. Wanting to lighten the atmosphere once again Subaru tried to think of a topic to get a conversation going.

Subaru: "Petra, how did you get here exactly?"

"Oh" petra's tone seemed to lighten up a bit as she recalled what happened.

"me and frederica heard a commotion so we went to see what happened. Everyone looked like they were worried, and then I saw a table moving around inside of the floor. I knew you were supposed to have a meeting in that room but you were gone. Then I saw Louis jump into the table and fall through the floor, and I panicked and followed her." Petra told the story although slightly altering it at the end, knowing there was a good chance they would tell her off if she gave the full reason.

Subaru: "What was wrong with that table anyway? We were just talking and then the table just started spazzing out and we all fell through the floor."

"Do ya think it might'a been some sorta trap?" Anastasia interjected, her voice on louder side due to the lack of any outside noise, but it was leagues better than the deafening silence they had been putting up with till now.

Tivey: "but who could've done something like that?"

"Well I saw Roswaal with a weird look on his face." said petra letting a little bit of spite leak into her tone.

"But what reason would he have to do that? It doesn't make sense, even for roswaal." it didn't make sense to Subaru why roswaal would do that, it didn't align with his goal at all, at least from what he could see–in fact it seemed to go directly against it, not to mention this place's connection to earth.

"Yeah i don't see why roswaal would do that, considerin he is the sponsor fer'yer camp.'' Anastasia said with a slight bit of confusion.

"y-yeah maybe you're right." Petra wanted to argue but since Subaru also thought it wasn't him she decided to drop it for now.

"Could this place even be a trap? Or at least for us specifically? There are other people here. Man said he'd been here for years, and there are entire settlements of people." a shiver went down Otto's spine at the thought that this place could be naturally occurring, and that people could have been falling down here unnoticed for who knows how long.

Otto: "and that's just what we've seen so far there could be even more."

Julius: "I haven't heard any reports of something like this before, how could something like this go unnoticed?"

"Well with thing like the 3 great witchbeasts and the witch cult runnin around, people tend ta put less attention ta things like missing people." said anastasia with a sigh.

Subaru: "well if– when we get out of here we definitely have to do something about this."

Anastasia: "definitely"


Subaru: "hey petra are you ok? you're shaking."

Thanks to the conversation earlier everyone, while still on edge, seemed to have relaxed a bit. Well everyone except petra.

Despite what Subaru told her the hallucination didn't go away, in fact it's been slowly getting closer. She tried moving to get away from it but no matter where she went it didn't get further away. It was really close now. (imagine about 3-4 feet [a meter or so] away)

"Y-y-yeah i-i'm fine-ahhh!" petra was cut off by her own scream as she suddenly stopped.

"Petra!? What happened?!" Subaru let go of Otto's hand, which he had taken once louis had taken to hugging his waist, and reached out to petra, whom he knew was supposed to be in front of him.

"Huh? What's this?" before his hand could reach petra, they hit something cold and flat. Moving his hand down a bit he was able to find her.

"Are you okay? I think we hit a wall" Subaru took Petra's hand as the rest of the group gathered a bit closer to them.

"Y-yeah, i'm okay" petra took a few deep breaths to try and calm herself down.

Julius: "a wall? If you found a wall it could do us well to follow along it, it would at the very least give us some sense of direction."

"We should probably take an almond water break first" Subaru knew for a fact everybody was on edge, especially Petra with how she's been shaking and stuttering.

"I agree," Petra said with a sense of urgency. If almond water realty could help your sanity then she wanted to get some as soon as possible, before that smiler got any closer.

"Okay, let's just try not to spill any." Otto, who was carrying all the almond water, took out a bottle for everyone and handed it to them.

Anastasia: "if we found out how ta make this stuff we could make a fortune!"

"Really? I thought the same thing!" Petra said enthusiastically, the smiler now faded back into the darkness.

"Forget bein a maid then, you clearly have the eyes of a merchant." Anastasia Joked, the atmosphere having now taken up a more light-hearted tone.

Beatrice: "But you already have a fortune I suppose."

"Another fortune–and since we all discovered it, we'cn split it." Anastasia giggled, nearly forgetting her accent.

Otto: "that's if we can find out how to make it."

Tivey: "That's another thing to add to the list of things to look into."

"Well we won't be able to look at anything if we don't get out of here, so let's go!" Mimi, forgetting that everyone needed to hold hands, started to walk off. Luckily Julius managed to grab her before she could get past everyone.

"Please refrain from separating from the rest of us. Remember we can't see anything, including anyone else so if you get too far away we might not be able to find you." Julius reprimanded mimi, pulling her back to where she was before.

"Sorry…" Mimi's heart sank, as if she was just remembering where she was.

"I think we've had a long enough break. We should get going now. "Anastasia, now with a heightened sense of urgency as if the lighter atmosphere from before was snuffed out by the darkness of the level .


They had been walking along the wall for a while now, they were beginning to lose track of time at this point, not a good sign. but it was probably somewhere along the lines of maybe 2-3 hours.


"Did anyone see that?" Subaru made a weird sound and jumped in surprise as he saw a dark hand reach out to him, somehow darker than the darkness that surrounded it.

"You must be hallucinating, Betty thinks it has already been made clear that we can't see anything here I suppose." Beatrice, despite herself, quickened her pace along with everyone else, as they all were slightly closer together.


this is horrible tivey thought that this has to be the worst level so far. Forget level three at least they could see there! At least they could hear their surroundings there! At least they didn't have to deal with hallucinations there! he could feel everyone shaking.

Everyone is so close they might as well be hugging, and they're walking fast, but not too fast, if they walked too fast then they might start running again, and end up falling on top of eachother for a 3rd time.

Everyone had been silent for a very long time, much longer and they might start auditorily hallucinating as well.

"H-how are we going to get out of here?!" half-shouted Anastasia, having completely dropped her accent, the sound of desperation in her voice. Why didn't they read about it first? they should have read a few levels in advance, just in case! she began to cry silently.


Everyone had nearly resigned themselves at that point. They have been walking for ages and they had no idea how long they were there anymore.

"*sniff* Mimi see's something." Most of them had been crying for a while, mimi included, and some of them had even closed their eyes in an attempt for some relief from the pressure of the darkness.

Otto: "it's probably just another hallucination."

"N-no it can't be this one's different, look." Mimi placed her arm on the person in front of her, which happened to be Subaru's, shoulder and pointed her arm on it in an attempt to show direction.

Subaru decided to at least look, and to his surprise there was actually something there!

"There's actually something there!" Subaru quickly walked towards what Mimi saw, and with the confirmation of a second person, everyone followed with little hesitation.

"Finally something we can see!" Otto gawked at what they found themselves before. A bright, shiny hole in the floor, and their potential salvation.

"I don't even care if it's an exit or not, as long as it leads out of here!" Without even waiting for a reply, Subaru jumped into the shining hole, everyone else soon followed suit.