
ReLive Journey

Writer-Silver crown

Ch-7 Wheel of Order and Chaos

Jinn kept the first gift he received in this life. This pronghorn is a must for his meals so he hid it inside a tunnel covered by some creeping bushes.

When Night Eagle woke up he searched around to eat his prey which Jinn hid thoroughly.

Night eagle didn't give up easily he searched for half a day. He even tried to toss out Jinn, the eating machine, for devouring the whole meals.

Fortunately, mother Eagle came back at noon so Jinn wasn't pushed down from the cliff.

From his data deduction, Jinn now understood his standing in this Eagle family.

Even if the hypnotizing effect is still working, that couldn't change the perspective of the predator toward its prey.

Jinn is an unwanted ugly duckling in this nest. He needed to stay low-key in every possible way.

Since his milk was already secured that wouldn't be a problem.

Every day Jinn scouted an area he could move.

He found out there is a narrow river at the base. To climb down the growing vine, his hands or psychic energy wasn't steady enough.

He needs more time, resources, and strategies.

Seven days after Jinn's arrival, out of the four eggs inside the nest, three eggs started to crack.

The nest becomes lively with eaglets chirping. Jinn couldn't stay peacefully with these eaglets bothering him.

They started to pick a fight with him who looked weak. They wanted to push down Jinn so they could get more food.

Jinn now has milk teeth but he couldn't digest the raw meat eagle parents feeding them.

That doesn't prevent him from taking his share to make some ration for his long-distance trip.

He has a reference for curing meat in the index.

At first, the eaglet trio only make angry noise when he came to get some food.

They got bolder seeing their parents close one eye to their actions. They started to invade his workbench.

Jinn deployed a special protocol from the memory log which gave some hard physical therapy to their bird brains.

So they could reflect on who's the boss here. Jinn watched the eaglet trio run back to the nest.

Since troublemakers were gone, he went inside the secret place where he hid the pronghorn.

The Eaglet trio changed their target to an unhatched egg. They push down the egg to the edge but it rolled backward.

It rolled toward Jinn's secret cage and split in half.

When Jinn back from his meal, he saw a broken empty eggshell near the bone frame. His eyes landed on the trio.

Feeling his stare eaglets hurriedly shifted their heads to the other side.

He looked around the eggshell but he could find neither signs of evaporation nor a hole that would result in an empty eggshell.

Jinn became curious and looked inside the eggshell. He saw a complex diagram shining in cyan color on the bottom of the eggshell.

"What is this diagram?" Jinn said in a perplexed tone.

He searched for the answer inside his memory log and the index but couldn't find similar cases.

His homunculus memory logs are mostly filled with protocol and input data from mad Doctor. Where the index is still a jumble record of memories.

Jinn found some symbols linking up together forming a complex diagram inside the eggshell.

It was mysterious yet familiar so he studied it carefully.

He took a look at the shells of the trio, he'd collected. Although their shells have the same size and hardness, they didn't have a shining diagram.

Anyway, he could use this shell as a base material for a makeshift capsule in an emergency.

While Jinn was making his tools to survive his upcoming days, the Wheel of Order and Chaos started to rotate.

This wheel was a primordial artifact. It was left behind by the creator of this plane as a safeguard.

It would start rotating after sensing abnormality in the timeline.

Each rotation made a ripple in the river of destiny which creates fragments of order and chaos.

Order exists to eliminate threats that deviate from the future.

Where Chaos exists to make changes accordingly so that future events would not be exploited.

However, these fragments need their respective host preferably the victims who suffered from changes in the timeline. Or being with an extraordinary soul that could withstand the power and fortune of the fragments.

Those beings are called Order and Chaos apocalypses.

For example, the night eagle was a one-time harbinger. He was led by a fragment of order to prevent An Shi from abducting Jinn.

Wheel of Order and Chaos would consume primordial energy inside the artifact.

It will continue to rotate until the source of abnormality disappears or the future reconstructs into a completely new one by chaos fragments.

The wheel rotated eight times producing sixteen fragments. Then it disappeared from the plane.

The fragments drifted into a time loop and started to choose their harbingers.

One fragment directly sacrificed itself to prevent the action of An Shi from encountering Jinn early.

The other four order fragments became a guiding system for the two harbingers.

From the remaining three, two of the order fragments fuse into two harbingers making the couple come back in time.

The last order fragment made a candidate able to connect from a different world.

Chaos fragments made changes in their way.

The first fragment changed the fate of a beast whereas the second one changed the fate of a person.

The third allowed a monarch's soul to invade a dead person's body.

The fourth created a time intersection with a powerful person's timeline, and the host. Making the fourth chaos envoy learn from a guiding teacher.

The fifth is fused with a chosen providence bearer as an innate ability.

The sixth fragment didn't want to fuse with anyone so it made itself a spirit artifact and waited for the destined one.

The seventh fragment manipulated a group of people's fate making them entangled with another envoy and the last fragment summoned a new person that didn't exist in the original timeline.

Jinn didn't know the surging undercurrent after the deviation of his fate.

He was in trouble with his milk mother (pronghorn).

She had been here for two lunar months, giving him valuable milk to survive.

Living in an eagle nest with an antelope mother was surprisingly uneventful.

When two eagle parents went out hunting, they scouted around the cliff and searched for food and water.

In these two lunar months, they lived while helping each other facing thick and thin together.

Now antelope has become much shriveled and remained as a bag of bone. Even though she had vine leaves for consumption, she didn't have much water to drink in this high place.

Sap from the vine has much viscosity and couldn't give enough amount of water content to her.

Jinn tried to fetch some water but he couldn't climb up and down the canyon with his telekinesis ability.

In case they landed the base safely he didn't know what kind of danger lay inside the river. Dropping the eggshells for water didn't work.

Because of the high terrain, green mist covered the river from morning to night. The condensed miss only left a small amount of water inside the shell for them.

The only reason he knew a river is running at the base was because of two eagle parents. When they passed through the mist it created a hole in the mist screen.

Jinn looked at his milk-providing mother, the first gift he had ever received.

He felt emotion but he doesn't know how to describe it in a prefix.

His eyes began to wet with liquid whenever he look at her. Whenever he was checking what was wrong with his processing Algorithm, he found himself nestling near her.

Relying on a new function called instinct, he hugged her for the last time.

The pronghorn licked Jinn's hair and opened up a space for him.

The next day, he found she did not breathe anymore. With closed eyes, she lay there motionless. He felt some trace of water flow from his eyes unknowingly.

Thank you for your interest in the novel.

SilverCrowncreators' thoughts