
Re; Live Journey

Written by - Silver Crown

Ch-16 Searching solution for the bug

The formulas and theories written on the wall are different from Jinn's usual research. Currently, Jinn is exploring something significant for himself.

From the day that Jinn had that strange Lucid dream, something inside his algorithmic process kept bugging him. Since he had many missions to prioritize, like collecting tools and data, he couldn't address the bug adequately.

When Jinn tried to handle the bug with a solution, he found himself sinking into deeper problems. Today is Jinn's 73rd time trying to debug the problem.

The source of the problem is adding data called life goals in his research. Although Jinn has no problem appending new information to his research data, his program isn't accepting the data. Unlike An Shi and other people, Jinn has no Goals or dreams for his life.

This fact kept bugging Jinn's program from continuing his research. However, searching for an answer to his life goal is only the tip of the iceberg.

Jinn found many problems such as what is his purpose of living, what is his source or root, and many other neglected things about himself.

There is no definition of goals or meaning for living in his past lives. He was programmed to obey the command, and fulfill the mission.

He is a living weapon, a puppet made for killing and destruction by his creators. His sole purpose in life is to fight.

Finding the meaning of his life or living his dreams or Goals had never been an option for Jinn. However, this time is different. Something inside Jinn wants him to break free from the limitations of the program. If he could make it, he would be closer to evolving something he couldn't imagine in his past four lives.

The easiest way is to set a goal. But, It is the most arduous task for Jinn. He can't find something that he doesn't understand. So, Jinn approached the problem starting from the crux of the matter.

He needs to track down his roots. If he could locate his roots, he would be able to crack the root and obtain the administration's authority over the program. After that, he will suppress bugging into a specific problem to solve it later.

In this way, he can salvage his current algorithm from crashing.

The article he wrote on the front wall is a summary of his past lives. On the left side is how homunculus is made and the right side was code for cracking his root.

Jinn wrote them down to find some sort of clue about his root. There is a certain connection he found between his lives. That is his memory log, relayed from one life after another throughout his death.

There must be a method or a device used to transfer his memory log from one body to another. There must be something common in creating his bodies. Some sort of thing that can handle the memory log and program.

Jinn found two possible results

'DNA data or Alien gen'

These two have high possible chances from his analysis deduction on his past three lives. But there was a catch. Jinn could only examine whether he has an alien gen with his psychic power but can't do anything about DNA.


Jinn heard the sound of footsteps coming from a distance. He hurriedly threw a pile of dirt toward the wall and wiped off all his traces.

He climbed up the wall and jumped into a different alley. After looking around for a bit, he found it was almost dawn. Jinn decided to head back to his temporary shelter before the sun rise.

Each of Jinn's steps was heading to a black swampland. The swamp is located northwest of the city. Every time he takes his steps, he can hear an occasional noise of mud bubbling from the swamp.

The area was giving out a pungent smell. It is a burial ground for dumping dead people wrapped in bandages and giant ants. They also throw some larvae ants with deformities into this swamp.

Jinn covered his nose more tightly. Although he selected his temporary base near the swamp due to the proximity of natural resources, the smell is a different matter.

This swamp is Jinn's resource spot for collecting highly volatile and toxic gas throughout the day. The quantity becomes highest during the nighttime, giving a pungent smell.

The pungent gas is a byproduct formed by reactions between minerals and gases inside the swamp through electrolysis.

The reaction was caused by slimy creatures living inside the swamp. These creatures devour carcasses and things dumped into the swamp. They have an appearance of a worm and have a diameter a little bigger than a child's fist in this world. They are more proactive during the night.

As they digest food during the night, the content of oxygen inside the swamp begins to drop. In order to get more oxygen, these creatures discharge electricity from their body causing the reaction.

It was one of the reasons why Jinn came to the city and did his research on the wall of an alleyway at this nighttime.

People who lived in the Serb city called these creatures 'death's worms'. They don't like to eat these slimy creatures as they believe that eating these creatures will cause misfortune.

These death worms are very slippery. Coupled with a high voltage of electricity discharged from their bodies, they are extremely hard to capture.

Nevertheless, these slimy creatures become nutritious meals for Jinn. In the galactic era, humans are consuming bugs and soil as a delicacy. These slippery worms are not worth mentioning.

By using his psychic power, Jinn grabbed a dark worm out of the swamp. He finished it off by stabbing a spike in its brain. Carrying a dead worm in a bag, Jinn walked toward his base.

A big tree is growing beside the old run-down structure. Its branches were hovering over the ruin which only has a wall left.

Jinn entered the ruin and he cleared his footprints. He opened up a disguised door under the big tree that lead towards an underground tunnel. As he entered, a pair of big red insect eyes stared at him from the dark.


The unpleasant sound of an insect greeted Jinn from behind. It suddenly pounced on him.

"Beta get down" Jinn ordered.

"Screech" the insect stopped abruptly and sat behind Jinn as he ordered.

Jinn closed the door. He opened the bag and threw half of the dead worm toward the beta ant.

Beta is an ant thrown into the swamp due to its small size. Well, one man's trash is another man's treasure. Beta's small size is an optimum size for Jinn. Long story short, beta is a pet of Jinn.

Jinn and beta walked along the tunnel and reached their base. The room was illuminated by many moonstones embedded into the ceiling.

Jinn sat down on a chair. He closed his eyes and continued his current research for locating the roots of the program.