
Re;Live Journey

Written by Silver Crown

Chapter(4) - Butterfly's wings clap

When the little infant was about to die a strange energy flowed inside his body from something coiling around his body. He opened his drowsy eyes and saw a large snake with a small bump on its head slithering.

"Analyze creature by visual "

80℅ similarity - Serpentes

85% similarity - Pythonidae...

Case - on hold.

Established Priority mission

Investigate- Source of energy / Secure nutrients

He tried to use his psychic power trying to analyze more but he didn't have reserved energy.

The snake opens its mouth revealing two sharp fangs and a split tongue. This snake was trying to swallow him in a bite.

The snake was so focused on its prey that it didn't aware of the real predator coming from the night sky.

The predator was so quick that its talon instantly pierced the snake's head.

The blood of the snake gushed out and some enter the mouth of the infant.

The night eagle hooked his prey with his sharp talon and flew back to its nest. Both the dead snake and infant had been taken into the sky.

According to input data, creature blood could be used as a supplement for nutrition

Nutrient liquid registered.

Initiate follow-up protocol...

The infant was drinking dripping the snake blood along the way. After some time, the dead snake becomes limped, resulting in its coiling tail drop-down.

When the infant was about to fall out, the night eagle caught it with another claw.The eagle's talon was able to catch the infant on the neck.

Usually, that would kill or severely hurt the baby but an irregular bone shielded the baby from the impact and force of the grip.

Baby's wrapping together with snapped bone necklace dropped down to the ground.

No.1134 saw a night view of wilderness from high above the sky. His tummy felt a little full from drinking blood.

'Mission accomplished' he thought.

And then his belly rumbled.

Search - protocol for symptoms

The baby boy excreted some sprinkling and yellow matter to the ground and felt a lot more comfortable.

Analyze data

New bodily function discovered.

Log- check body's biological functions

Start sequel program no 5

He tested his senses first which were returned gradually.He enjoyed the night breeze greeting his little body which indicates his nervous system is still in function.


Hearing problem found

Check - Condition

Night eagle looked at his prey in his hand...cough, his talon, it saw an infant laughing with a weird face.Night eagle made a sharp screech to stop his prey from making noises.


The baby laughed again. Night eagle felt somewhat awkward.

This was the first time he got a prey that didn't stun and bled from ears after hearing its screech.

They continued to fly back to the nest while doing their respective jobs. It didn't take too long, they arrived at a rock protrusion on the steep canyon.

On the nest, (a bird with 80% similarity) an African eagle was giving her warmth to hatch four eggs. Night eagle attempt to show his affection by rubbing his neck on her.However, the eagle mother pecked his head and asked for food.

She was starving for a long time. She hadn't eaten anything from noon till now all because of her partner's uselessness in the daytime.

Night eagle quickly gave her a plump snake hanging on his talon. Then he picked up the infant to dissect.

The female eagle screeched and pulled the infant beside her. She was telling him to go find more food and make this prey reserved for her.

Mother eagle used her left wing and covers this strange little creature. Maybe she just wanted her dessert alive before eating.

She cut off the snake head and threw it to the corner. The remaining parts entered her stomach at a quick pace. She picked up the snake's head with her beak.

There a golden light flashed on two eagles' eyes from the snake's head.

Sometime later she throws the snake's head away.

No.1134 became drowsy and went to dreamland.

Inside the snakehead, a red pomegranate-colored gem with a golden speck in the middle dropped from the bulging.

It shined for an instant and dimmed down.

Night eagle which came because of the light stun at the position. He just flapped his wings and flew off as if nothing had happened.

In a certain place in the wilderness, a woman was crying. Her hands clench on a blood-stained hide that has once wrapped around her newborn son.

She was the woman who gave birth to a demon child. Even if that child would bring doom to the tribe she didn't care. All she cared about was her son, her firstborn child.

Her love outweighs the reasons. She wrote down an excuse that she wanted to say the last goodbye to her son.

After that, she quietly sneaked out and followed her father-in-law to the place where her son was going to be abandoned.

She stayed quite a distance away to make sure that her father-in-law doesn't notice her.

When she saw her father-in-law walking back to the tribe, she hid under a tree's shadow. She was about to step out but her father-in-law stopped and looked back to a tree.

There it is. My child was abandoned on that tree.

She waited till her father-in-law left. When she started to move silently to pick up her child, a dark and grey feathered eagle carried something from the acacia tree.

Her blood flowed reverse and followed the night eagle like a lunatic. She only got this blood-stained hide and broken bone necklace after following until her two feet become bloody.


There was a loud stepping sound behind her back. She turned around and saw her husband and her old grandmother coming toward her.

They noticed her absence and tracked her footsteps to bring back her. She hugged her last remains of her child and sobbed with sorrow.

This chain of events was triggered by an entity. The only reason to make this kind of manipulation and create a series of events is to change another person's destiny.

The entity wanted to hold its fate. It doesn't want to be a tool anymore. It wanted to live more than just survive in a forgotten corner.

It sacrificed most of its power and all accumulated karma to make this risky move. However, this reckless move made a ripple effect on the original line of Destiny ( Dao). A butterfly effect that would trigger tremendous changes in the later stages of the show.