
Re: Life - AKASHIN'S ADVENTURE Into The Other World

AKASHIN'S ADVENTURE Into The Other World In the other dimension, There's a world that is full of unknown creatures and full of magic. 8 Devined Gods were sent from the heavens, and this world has been cursed by the unknown God, even the 8 Devined Gods in the past generations failed and didn't break it. each God has its meaning, they symbolize Wisdom, Eternity, Freedom, Contracts, Love, War, Justice, and Hope. There's a human that came from the Earth and was accidentally sent into the world named Kintroies. This guy named Akashin Hizushi is a high schooler guy who was sent accidentally by the heavens, his goal is to go back to the Earth and with the help of his companions they will break the curse and have the freedom that they want. Are they gonna achieve their goal? or will fail and die of their foolishness. Let's see and explore the world that has many monsters and creatures, let's know the secrets and story behind this world.

KlayYeurVyncxs · Komik
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7 Chs

CHAPTER V: Train! Train! Train!

Today Akashin is going to Forrest alone, he planned to practice and train last night because he realized that, being scared in this world will not change anything. His goal is to go back to Earth, and that is why he needs to be the strongest in this world.

After a few minutes of walking, he saw a big tree that had long roots.

Akashin: This tree is huge...alright I guess this will be my dummy

If this tree is down, his training in the wilderness is done... but let us see if this thing will be easy for him.

Akashin hits the trunk of the tree with his dagger, but not even any big scratch can be seen on the trunk of it.

After a half hour of slashing the trunk of the tree, he's tired but still doesn't have a big scratch that can be found on its trunk.

Akashin: argh!..this tree...

Until sunset, he keeps hitting the trunk and he still doesn't even give it a little damage...

suddenly the black-haired guy appeared

Black-haired guy: uh-huh?.. someone's here...

Akashin: *sigh* you're the one who summoned the huge snake, right?

Black-haired guy: so what?..

The haired guy saw the trunk with many cuts, and then he tried to chant a spell using his katana

Dark slash that can be only used in katana that hit the back of the tree

the tree is still standing but the black-haired guy planned not to cut it off... and then he leashed his katana back

Akashin: Hey you! What's your name?

He said that loudly to him

The black-haired guy looks at him

he said: Kuro.. Kuro Sanzashi

Akashin: Then from now on you are my rival!

Kuro smiled a bit and walked away


This day is a really good chance to let our main character be the strongest, but this is the day that everything is going to change...

At the Locunkory (The Dark Territory)

???: My highest, our military is almost ready.. but there's a big problem..

???(highest): Huh..? what's the big problem?..

???: W-we detected a high-energy spell of summoning at the Warunkdom...

???(highest): I see.. so you're saying that our powerful military can't defeat those Humans..

???: M-my highest... I- I didn't mean to say that... I-i.. j-just want t-

his head got cut off by the highest

???(Highest): Hahahaha!... Let's see, What will that creature do...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

KlayYeurVyncxscreators' thoughts