
Re: Infinite attempts‎‏‏‎

[Original story by JLNIXA] I have reincarnated as the villainess of an otome game that I used to play, so I tried to be good and not disturb the protagonist (I died), I started again, I decided to take everything from the protagonist (I died), I started again, I decided to get away from the events of the game (I died again) and then I started again. I have died and revived so many times that now I'm indifferent to death, and now, with infinite attempts, I will reach my happy ending, no matter what I have to sacrifice. [The cover isn't mine, I'll remove it if asked]

Mavier · Fantasi
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48 Chs


At his wife's statement, the viscount practically spat the food out of his mouth, and small pieces of Hazzf flew across the table.

(Viscount) Bashira, we hadn't yet...

The woman only raised a finger in the direction of her husband keeping him quiet.

(Bashira) I have considered it for some time, and I know that you and my daughter have a good relationship, but my question is, do you really love her?

I looked at Aisha out of the corner of my eye, who was surprisingly calmed, and replied.

(Leonora) she is my friend.

(Bashira) yes, that's the thing, you may be good friends, but there is no love between the two of you. I would hate it if my little girl is trapped in a loveless marriage.

With the last statement, I noticed how Aisha clenched her fists under the table.

(Bashira) that´s why I decided to cancel her engagement, so that my little daughter, will not feel any pressure and can better evaluate her options.

Aisha clenched her fists tighter.

(Aisha) and tell me mother, what are those options that I should consider?

(Bashira) ohh, my little one, you shouldn't be so modest, you know who I mean, it's not the first time that boy has asked for your hand in marriage, and lately he has been especially insistent.

(Aisha) you well know my opinion about that person.

(Bashira) honey, you shouldn't be so rude, that boy has fallen in front of your charms, you should at least consider his feelings a little.

I know that you know who you are talking about, and therefore it is not necessary to mention him, but I don't know, would you please leave the mysteries and tell me his name?

(Aisha) and I guess his family's status had nothing to do with your decision, eh mother?

(Bashira) ohh my little girl, you well know that I only want the best for you, I wouldn't care if he was a nobody, the point is that he loves you, and you don't know how I wish my little girl could know true love.

Aisha continued to clench her fists, now biting her tongue as well.

Bashira looked back at me, and said.

(Bashira) that's why, I hope you understand my motives, and I sincerely hope that our families will continue with a good relationship as they have had so far.

(Leonora) I understand, but by the same token, I hope you understand that I will not stand idly by.

(Bashira) two young men fighting for the love of my little daughter, that will be an interesting spectacle.

Bashira stands up and urges her husband to join her.

(Bashira) well, I'll leave you two alone for now, I think there are things you would like to discuss, and the last thing I want is for you to stop being such good friends.

The viscount leaves the room, giving me an apologetic look, and his wife follows him closely, while Aisha gets up and cuts her mother off.

At her daughter's look of hatred, Bashira just hugs her and speaks tenderly in her ear.

(Bashira) my little one, you know well that everything I do is for your sake, you know better than anyone how much I love you.

Aisha restrains herself as best as she can, clenching her fists so hard that a small trickle of blood falls from them.

That woman leaves the room, and I just put my hand on Aisha's shoulder, the ability she was born with, coupled with her own mother, it is obvious why Aisha hates lies.

He escorted Aisha back to the great hall, we sat on the couches and I had Aisha show me her hands.

I took my handkerchief, cut it in half and used it to wrap it around his injured palms.

During those minutes we both remained completely silent until Aisha finally spoke.

(Aisha) I don't want to get married Leo, that life is not for me, I don't see myself sitting at a desk all day attending to the needs of a household, let alone attending dances and tea parties.

I remained silent as she finished bandaging her hands, but listened closely.

(Aisha) there are so many places I would like to visit, and so many things I would like to do, and being a boring wife is not one of them.

I finally finished bandaging her hands, but did not release them from mine.

(Aisha) and thanks to the time I have spent with you, I have finally figured out what I would like to do with my life.

Aisha sighed and separated her hands from mine.

(Aisha) that's why I don't want you to get involved, I will fix this problem alone.

(Leonora) no.

(Aisha) this is not your problem Leonora, it's mine, you don't have to help me in this.

(Leonora) you are my friend Aisha.

(Aisha) Really? I think you have misunderstood things, we have an agreement and that's it, I will be with you as long as things are interesting, but as soon as things are dangerous or even worse, boring, don't even think I won't turn my back on you.

(Leonora) I will help you if I see that you are in danger.

(Aisha) it is not necessary, you can leave now, I have things to do.

Aisha got up and left the room, leaving me all alone, I sighed and got up from the couch, as I saw the door through Aisha left.

Unlike her, I don't need a skill to know she was lying.


I was about to get into my carriage to return home, but at the sound of a shout, someone stopped me.

(Viscount) Leon, booooy!!!

At the door of the mansion stood the viscount, I got out of the carriage again and approached him.

(Viscount) Leon, I'm very sorry for what has just happened, I ask you to please forgive me.

The viscount lowered his head and I asked him to raise it again.

(Leonora) don't wory, I have understood the viscountess's reasons.

(Viscount) Leon, then it's true what my wife said? That you don't feel love for my daughter.

(Leonora) I repeat, Aisha is my friend, what she decides to do with her life is her decision, but if she is in trouble, don't doubt that I will come to her aid.

The viscount puts his hand on my shoulder and continues.

(Viscount) you are a good boy Leon, no matter what happens, you can always count on my support for whatever you need.

I said goodbye to the viscount and left, on the way I thought to myself: "I never asked who Aisha's supposed other fiancé was"


Upon returning home I found a peculiar scene in the main courtyard.

Red was on her knees panting, completely exhausted, and bathed in sweat, in front of her was Irma, looking at her with disdain and fresh as a rose.

When Irma saw me arrive, she walked towards me and bowed.

(Irma) welcome back young master.

(Leonora) Thank you Irma, how were things in my absence?

(Irma) master was not absent for long, so there is nothing relevant to report.

I was hoping she would tell me the reason why Red was kneeling at her feet, but Irma can be a little hard headed from time to time.

(Leonora) I mean what happened to her.

I pointed to Red who was trying her best to get up, but her legs didn't seem to be responding.

(Irma) ohh, she... She said she wanted to work here, and applied for the position of young master's bodyguard, unfortunately she showed a total incompetence for that particular position, but with a little training, she could be a minimally decent maid, that's why I've decided to hire her.

I looked at Red and couldn't help but feel sorry for her, she was still on her knees short of breath, I know first hand how demanding Irma can be, even more considering I told her she could be a little rough with her.

(Leonora) give her one of the servants' quarters, and begin her training at once.

But considering what Red and her people have done to me, I can't really feel sorry for them.

(Irma) as you command young master.

Irma returned with Red while I continued my way inside the mansion, as soon as I entered, little Camille greeted me.

(Camille) Good afternoon Mr. Leon.

(Leonora) Good afternoon Camille, do you have a problem?

Camille looked quite nervous, as she played with her fingers.

(Camille) ehh Mr. Leon, I don't know how to tell you this, but I have a problem with the room.

Hmm, that's odd, in the mansion there are plenty of simple rooms for the servants, consisting of little more than a bed, a closet and a trunk for their belongings, but I had ordered Irma to give Camille a guest room, which are way larger, perhaps not as large as the room in the castle, but of a similar standard to what was in the Croiss mansion in my day.

I don't know what problem she would might have with the room, could Irma have misunderstood my orders?

(Camille) Mr. Leon, I think there is a mistake, the room I was given is too big.

Ahh, well, that explains it.

(Leonora) There is no mistake Camille, I ordered you to be given that room, now if you will excuse me.

I didn't want to continue this conversation, or I would end up admitting something I might regret, but Camille plucked up her courage and grabbed my arm.

(Camille) Mr. Leon, I wait, I... I... I don't feel comfortable accepting so many things from you, especially when I haven't given you anything in return.

I look at Camille straight into her tender eyes, it hurts me, it really hurts me, I don't want to keep lying, I want to tell her the truth, I want to tell her who I really am, I want to tell her that we are sisters, I want to tell her that she deserves everything and even more, I want to tell her so many things, but I can't.

Because there is a truth, and just thinking about it breaks my heart, Camille is an anomaly.

That is why, to protect myself, I must continue to lie.

(Leonora) you are an investment for the future Camille, when the time comes you will have to pay me everything you owe me, and I want to make sure that the debt is large.

That cold comment was just what Camille needed, she let go of my arm and left with a slight smile on her lips.

I went on my way, went to my room and threw myself on the bed.

Definitely a crappy day, I just got back and now I have more problems than I could have imagined.

My mind went back to Camille. Having her makes me want a quiet life, and just enjoy and stay away from problems and complicated plans.

But originally, I had intended to use this life to make a couple of inquiries, but so many variables have gotten mixed up, also I have the ground ready to conduct some experiments that I have long wanted to conduct, experiments that Camille herself may come to have an important place in.

But for now, I should focus more on Aisha, bad and hasty decisions and Aisha, they go hand in hand, maybe I can let the 20 year old Aisha solve this alone, but the 13 year old Aisha is too immature, and I'm afraid she might hurt someone.

Or worse, hurt herself.

And on the other hand is Red, I know exactly what to do with her, first, I will gain her trust, then I will get all the information I can from the previous inquisitor, and finally... I guess I have plans.

But for now, with regard to the previous inquisitor, perhaps it is time to ask Eris for a small favor.

That is why I am writing a letter to invite her for a cup of coffee.

When I finish the letter, I stamp it and give it to a servant to send to his mansion in the capital.

Well, now it's just a matter of waiting, the letter will take at least 3 days to arrive, and knowing Eris, it's likely that she will come to visit me the same day, that's why I have a little less than 4 days to plan our meeting.

But only an hour after sending the letter, the doors of my office open wide, and a rather excited Eris bursts in.

(Eris) Honey, you sent me an invitation to come to your house?

Honestly, a part of me knew this would happen.