
re: I'm a Futanari Orc(retired)

Our resident trap, Robin, is turned into a futanari orc by a twisted god! Who does that! The audacity. Well, at least he gets a second shot at life. Considering he died and all. And he's far more powerful. Let's observe his new life of debauchery & power starting from childhood!

Namesake_Of_Traps · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

His Wishes

In a void, there was a pair of chairs around a table. In those chairs sat one very handsome man, and adjacent to it, sat out very protagonist. They seem to have been talking for quite a while already.

"How unfortunate. Cancer at the age of 22? Just when my life turned around for the best huh?" Robin said to the self-proclaimed god of reincarnation.

"It is truly unfortunate. If only you humans found out earlier that the ingredients used in that dick growth pill that suddenly appeared on the market caused cancer to develop."

"That still doesn't explain why you chose to reincarnate me." Robin said, still confused.

"Well young one, whenever things like this happen, I usually feel so much pity that I feel obliged reincarnate the people that died these tragic deaths into a better life. But that was when I was young. Now that I'm old and jaded. I hadn't felt like that in millenia. That is, until I saw you." The god said.

"That's bs." Robin said.

The god was speechless at being called out and replied, "Ah… Well, that's… True. Absolute bullshit. Truth of the matter is. I have a crippling trap fetish. But what I enjoy even more than traps is turning traps into futa's."

"You're sick." Robin said, appalled. The entire appeal of traps was the fact that they didn't have either breast or a vagina! Or atleast that's how he felt.

"Yes! There we go! The best part." The god said, drool flowing down his lips.

"I don't want to give birth man! And what about the menustrel cycle thingy! That's torture!" Robin said calmly.

"What? Ew? Who the hell likes to see futanari's giving birth? No no no. I'm not letting you waste away my entertainment for nine entire months because of a well placed shot! I'll give you a few abilties to minimize this. So yeah. Any requests for your next life?" The god explained.

"Yo- *sigh*. What's even the point in arguing? Fine, what's the limits?" Robin said, tired of dealing with this god already.

"Limits?" The god said, confused.

"Yeah, like a numerical limit to three… A power limit, wish type limit like no system or no wishing to not be a futanari… No wishing for power stealing abilties. The type seen in fanfictions and stuff or genies." Robin explain, confused at the god's confusion.

"There is no set limit, who the hell thought that was smart. Sure, the no wishing to be a futanari thing is a limit, but that other stuff is stupid. Well, maybe not the power limit. It would be boring if you wished to be a god huh? No lemons for me… So there you go, shot yourself in the foot. Now, proceed with the wishes." The god said, mostly to himself.

"Wha? Yo- no… *sigh* You are so annoying. I've only been here for like ten minutes(Off screen), but I'm already done with you." Robin said almost depressed.

"If you say your wishes faster, you leave faster." The god said.

"Fine. I want to be like super illogically strong. Of course, I can see you ugly little mischievous smirk. So ill nerf it myself, screw you. I want to slowly gain my increased strength as I grow older, work out, eat different things, and all and all experience different stuff. Not just instant, boom, you're now herakles. I want the amount of strength gainable virtually infinite since there an infinite amount of things to experience, with it multiplying my strength, not adding to it." Robin said instantly, as a weeb he had like 10 wishes in his back pocket for a situation like this.

"Also, I want to be hung. But no doujin hung where it's like 3 feet long. Just, be reasonable please. I want… Hmm. You know Beru right? Something I've seen in a fanfic before, just read my mind for Beru in MHA and Solo Leveling, but not just a blatant copy, to summarize. I want to be able to increase my physical and supernatural abilties based on what I eat. I also want to have a super strong immune system and and insanely strong stomach acid with an efficient digestive system for things aren't usually edible. I also want to have immortality. I don't care how bad you nerf it, I just want to live for an insanely long time. Hmm, let's see. Don't make my breast and ass annoyingly large? I'd hate to hear a clap every time I move the wrong way. Uhh, let's see. I have the power wishes down. Uh, ohh, I want to be good looking obviously. And uhm. You said you'd take care of the natural bad things about having female reproductive organs yeah? Alright. Then, uh, can I ask for like photosynthesis? I dunno how you'd implement but you're a god right? I feel like having all of that strength AND immortality would take a lot of nutrients. Nutrients that I don't have. So having photosynthesis would help. I'd also like to be able to Photosynthesize with even the weak reflection of sunlight from the moon and even stars. Ooh, since you're obviously going for a sex build, can I get tasty semen? And uh, I'd appreciate it if my hole doesn't become Mariana's trench after using it too much, I've seen one pornstar like that. Absolutely not good. So yeah, stretchy, permanent tight holes sound good. Hmm, maybe sharp teeth, specifically the front ones, incisor teeth I believe the name is. I mean having sharp molars defeats the purpose of them ya know?" Robin said with pauses inbetween wishes, finally finishing

And after waiting a few seconds to make sure that Robin was indeed done, the god replied with "I'm glad that you're finally done, what I'm not glad with is the fact that you ruined the fun of nerfing the shit out of badly asked wishes. You have a few vague ones, but they don't even matter that much! Fine you fucker. See if I care." The god said.

Robin only had a smug smirk on his face "Alright. I'm fucking with your powers anyways for that smug smirk! I'll even be kind enough to explain them to you, as well as how your wishes will be implemented. For your wish of infinite strength. I'll agree with it. I'm still upset that you don't want a horse cock. But I'll be reasonable. Maybe around 9 inches, depends on your diet while you're young really. That Beru derived wish is kind of problematic. So I will say that it won't be anything crazy. But repeated eating, or high quality foods will give you the best results. I can give you a good immune system and digestive tract. For your immortality… Hmm, let's see, I'll give you an extended lifespan for your race. But to increase it more, you have to take facials, cream pies and get healthy amounts of sunlight. You're obviously going to be good looking. And as for your photosynthesis. It'll be easy to implement. You'll understand when you're reborn. Tasty semen? And odd wish, but considering all of the bitter cum you've swallowed it's understandable. And obviously that Mariana's Trench reference was unnecessary and out of pocket. But done. And as for sharp teeth? You're just begging for it huh? Well. Good luck. I'll give you some plot armor to at least not get raped when you're young. But that's it. If you die or fight a stupid battle it's over for you." The god said, listing down his answers.

It took a minute to understand what answers went to what wishes. But eventually he got it down.

But Robin was getting a little antsy. He had one more request, but he didn't know if the god would allow it.

The god noticed this after a while and said "Just spit it out, I don't have a shyness fetish, it's not going to help you with your next wish or in your next world."

At that, Robin could only sigh at this god's behavior before just forcing it out. He said "I just wanted to know if you'd do the same for Paul. Reincarnate him I mean. Not, turning him into a futa…"

"Hm? Well, he'd have to die for that. By the time he's died you'll have probably already forgotten about him." The god explained.

"So can I get eidetic memory?" Robin said, suddenly remembering to boost his intelligence.

"Absolutely not. You're going to get 107 IQ points and you're going to like it." The god said.

"Not even 169?" Robin said hopefully

The god paused and grimaced for a minute, thoroughly trying to think about his choice, before ultimately deciding to decline.

"No, my choice is final. Now that's all. Time to be reincarnated. Be sure to give me ample lemon. Not that I'm going to always watch. I have others to watch. Now hurry on, Herald is about to fuck his mom, I cannot miss this." The god said, resulting in Robin disappearing from the void he was once in.

And with that. Our Protagonist was on his way.

He found himself being assaulted by a bright light. And so, he raised his little baby hand to shield his eyes. Only to find that his hand was now small and green.


Alright, since this is an original work, I'll be taking requests of any kind. On that note, if I get three unique ideas/requests from three unique people, I'll post an extra chapter.

Also, heads up, the first chapter was only that long because of the lemon scene. I always write at the bare minimum of 800 non lemon words each chap and I average 1.3k. Lemon scenes won't shorten chapters, I hate that. The only time I'll write less than 800 non-lemon related words is if it is a continuation of a prior lemon chapter and the next chapter will also be lemon.

Anyways, sorry for the tangent, I just posted an extra chapter because only one chapter didn't look very good. Eat up.