
Chapter 1


The sound of my metal armored heels striking the marble floor echoed. I felt many pairs of eyes since I returned back to Asgard after what felt like a third of a millennia.

At my back, my entire legion of Valkyries strode from atop their flying steads. As for myself, I trotted along while my own armored black wolf followed at my side.

Yes, the one and only 'Fenrir' had become my mount after I beat it to submission one day when I found her.

She's really stubborn back then but she tempered off as we have grown close over the years.

In any event, I soon approached the royal palace where the guards didn't even attempt to stop me as they instead knelt as I climbed up and left my Valkyries behind.


As I pushed the massive golden doors to the palace open, I was immediately struck with the sight of two young boys running around while the palace maids chased after them.

I watched them go as they didn't seem to notice me and I strode forward as I headed toward the central audience chamber where my old man was likely waiting to receive me.

The c*nt. I arrived at the chamber room and walked inside as my name was called. If it wasn't known already, it was now. Pressing forward, I then walked until I arrived before the throne and then proceeded to raise my armored hands to my helmet and slowly took it off.

My long jet-black hair flowed downward as I then opened my eyes and openly glared at the man sitting on the throne as he held Gungnir in his hand.

"Welcome back, daughter." The way he said it sent shivers down my back.

"Have you finally grown senile old man-" I was immediately hit with a wave of force as my armor crackled but I held my gaze even as my veins were bursting at the seams due to the intense gravity that was my father's doing.

But it then vanished and he then began.

"Still as crass as ever." He said with an exhausted sigh as in my eyes, this man was just a shell of his former self when he was waging wars close to a millenia ago. "Have you heard of your brother's coronation?"

"Yes. So what? It's not like I want your stupid throne or whatever. I don't even like being back here in Asgard. Much less in the same room as you, old man." I said curtly without any fear as the guards, I could smell fury and fear at the same time wafting from them where they stood. "Tell me why you summoned me back here. I'll get it done so hurry up so I can go before-"


"Hela!" I sighed as it was too late. Turning my head, I looked at my mother, Frigga as she approached… with my eyes setting on her full belly under her royal robes. "It is good to see you again, dear."

"Mother." I softly spoke as I held immense love for the woman who treated my wounds and reset my bones as well as reattached my limbs whenever I did some new trianing regiment. Aaah, good times. "I see you are with child. Congratulations!"

"Thank you, Hela. It came as a surprise to both your father and I. But a welcome one nonetheless." She held a warm smile as she gently rubbed her protruding stomach. "Will you stay for long? I can have the royal chefs prepare a feast for your return."

She spoke softly and with a calm and refined manner befitting a mother rather than a queen.

"N-No. I am only here to really father's orders." I threw the old man under the bus as these were the few instances where I called the decrepit old man my 'father' so mother won't worry. "Besides, I have to get back to patrolling the nine realms. Father knows how much trouble will stir when criminals learn that I had returned to Asgard."

"Oh, that is worrisome. Do make sure to tell me in advance whenever you want a welcoming ceremony, Hela." She smiled and I smiled as I then heard Odin clear his throat and I turned while inwardly rolling my eyes as I then heard Odin speak.

"Hela, I order you to head to Midgaurd and investigate the recent intruders that have taken to influencing the mortal's culture for the past 200 years." I tilted my head towards that and all I could recall when he said that was the Eternals.

Wait, wait just a second… wasn't one of the Eternals played by Angelina Jolie?

"Consider it done." I said with utmost seriousness as I even knelt and surprised not just my father, but even my mother as there was rarely anything that got me serious.

"Husband, will it be dangerous?" Frigga spoke as Odin had stepped down the throne to hold the hand of his beloved wife as I saw them off and turned my back as I put my helmet back on and left the audience room.

"Who's to say." I heard Odin say but I was more worried about how my rizz is after a millennia since my reincarnation.

Now that I think about it, I think I may have grown desentized to beauty after being surrounded by world-shattering armor-wilding and beautiful warrior women for most of my new life.

Sh*t! Was I losing touch with my dating life? I mean, I never once had a stray thought about the Valkyries as I saw them as one would their siblings.

Yet, at the thought of meeting Angelina Jolie or rather, her fictional counterpart, I was already getting hot-and-bothered?

For real? What the hel is wrong with me?

Outside, I soon stood and watched as my legion got into order.


I inwardly nodded and stood at the forefront as I then addressed my army.

"We have new orders from the big man upstairs!" I said, sounding every-bit more like an overworked employee than a royal princess. "I am heading to Midgaurd! So I will only take two captains with me. Lady Sigfreid! Lady Egnid! You two are coming with me. Everyone else, you are to enjoy your stay in Asgard until my return! But make no mistake… I expect you all to sharpen your spears, harden your muscles, and firm your beliefs in Asgard. Look around and remember; this is our home. This is for what we train for. We are Asgard's elite. We are the last line of defense. We are… the 'Black Rose Legion'!"


There was loud stomping and armor rattling as the horses neighed as it became apparent that my legion was known for being the strictest and most dangerous bunch of warriors known throughout the nine realms.

For every one of us that we lost, we made sure to take ten of theirs, whoever so dared to bare their fangs or their blades at us, we would demolish whatever hit us with extreme prejudice.

My brutality knows no bounds as I understood psychological warfare as a principle and my Valkyries, all who represented Asgard's glory and strength, always stood at the forefront of every battle. As there was a hierarchy in my legion, the Black Roses were the ones that were the most brutal and just swinging one meant death in most cases… it was all legends and tales of my epics across the nine realms.

It made me and my legion sound pretty ominous and edgy. I quickly liked it.

While me and my ten captains I personally trained and had their armors changed to black, they followed me into the darkness that was always present in this reality.

"You are dismissed!" I said and the Valkyries then began to dissolve into their own groups and or wandered off alone into Asgard.

As they left, I then brushed Fenrir and told her to go into the forest and stay out of trouble.

With that done, I then went to the Bifrost with my two captians and then had Heimdall send us over to Midgaurd.

And once we arrived, the air smelled weak. Not a jab, it was just what it smelled like.

For the most-part, we soon began to travel to the closest city which was somewhere in old Scandinavia.

As we entered the settlement, we were soon approached by a pair of women. One old and one young.

"My liege." They seemed to know where we are from. Granted, we were intimidating as can be yet, I had no problem speaking and understanding old Norse.

"Has anyone come by claiming to be of the divine?" I asked just to ask as I knew the Eternal's messy trail passed through in Egypt at some point.

After getting a response that they hadn't, I nodded and then turned to my captains as we then took their mounts and I rode at the back of Lady Siegfreid as we then flew across the landscape in the direction where we felt fate would guide us toward.

It was iffy 50/50 at best but it was a right given to the divine as fate works in mysterious ways. Gods are no exception to that rule.
