

Chapter 140: Meeting Ji Yanran Again

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"You are a student?" Luo Xiangyang asked.

"Hello, I am Han Sen. I have just entered the Heavy Warframe Society. Are you also in our society? I have never met you. Your skills are amazing. Could you teach me when you have time?" Han Sen said with a smile.

"You just entered the Heavy Warframe Society? You are a freshman?" Luo Xiangyang could not believe that he was just sparring with a freshman.

"Yes, I joined our society seven or eight days ago," replied Han Sen.

"Have you ever driven a heavy warframe before?"

"No. Before I was using the training warframes at school to practice and only had the opportunity to use a heavy warframe after I joined the society. It is much harder than using a training warframe and I have not made much progress. You on the other hand are so much better. I had to shapeshift using a beast soul to hang in there," explained Han Sen.

Although in Han's view, this schoolmate seemed a bit older, Han Sen had to admit that he was skilled.

Luo Xiangyang's thought sullenly, "You only touched a heavy warframe for the first time a few days ago and now you can fight me! If you are calling this not much progress, then everyone in my society should probably kill themselves."

"What is your department? How did you join the Heavy Warframe Society?" Luo Xiangyang believed if he could poach this guy and get him to join Warframe Society instead, then Warframe Society could probably be in the top 10, no, top 5 in the Alliance.

"I am in the Department of Archery and a friend introduced me to join our society," Han Sen said.

"Archery Department?" Luo Xiangyang regretted so much that he had never looked into that department full of specially enrolled students. Had he looked, he would have never let a talent go somewhere like Heavy Warframe Society.

When Luo Xiangyang was thinking about how to persuade Han Sen to quit Heavy Warframe Society and join Warframe Society, Han's comlink rang.

Han Sen only thought Luo Xiangyang was a senior, so he answered the call.

"Brother, I need to run now. Let's have another go next time," Han Sen hung up and said, waving to Luo.

Not having had the time to start his persuasion before Han Sen took off, Luo thought to himself, "Anyway, now that I know who he is, I can always come back later."

Looking at the three heavy warframes, Luo Xiangyang did not intend to move them away any more. Since Han Sen was still here, he will let Han use them and move these warframes when Han transferred to Warframe Society.

Luo Xiangyang was really glad when he left the 7th warehouse, celebrating the fact that he had found such a genius. No longer discontent about the fact that Principal Wei gave the warehouse to someone else, he was focused on the idea of getting Han Sen to join Warframe Society. As a freshman, Han Sen still had years left in Blackhawk. Maybe in these years, he could build a champion team in the Alliance.

After coming out of the 7th warehouse, Han Sen went to a cafeteria. His roommates asked him to bring them some snacks and Han Sen was also hungry himself after his warframe fight.

This cafeteria was very close to their dormitory and had great fruit juices. Han Sen almost had a juice here every day.

But the juices were particularly sought-after and always sold out early. Han Sen forgot about the time when fighting Luo Xiangyang and only came after being reminded by his roommates.

When he arrived at the place, he was surprised to see there was only one bottle of juice left and quickly swiped to pay for it.

But when he finished the payment and was reaching for the bottle of juice, another hand grabbed the bottle.

Han Sen quickly looked up and saw that person looking back at him.

"You!" the two called out almost at the same time.

Han Sen saw the sweet face in front of him and was slightly surprised, not expecting to see Ji Yanran here.

Apparently, Ji Yanran was also surprised to see him. She frowned and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I am a Blackhawk student, and have, of course, come here to eat," Han Sen replied.

"Didn't think you would be admitted." Ji Yanran curled her lips and looked at Han Sen's hand on the bottle. "Let go."

"You are the one who should let go. I paid first," said Han Sen.

Ji Yanran gave him a glance full of disdain. "Your pickup line is too old. Let go, or I will yell."

"What do you mean by pickup line? Why do I need that? Have you seen anyone using a pickup line on his girlfriend?" Han Sen said.

Ji Yanran disagreed, "You have the nerve to mention that, cheater."

"Who cheated?" Han Sen frowned.

"If you did not cheat, why didn't you come to find me?" Ji Yanran had identified Han Sen as a cheater because he did not dare to come to her.

"I did not have time," said Han Sen.

"Oh, save it please." Ji Yanran rolled her pretty eyes.

"Suit yourself, but I really did pay first for the juice." Han Sen did not bother to explain.

"I grabbed it first, and I paid as well. Please come early next time." Ji Yanran said with a smile.

Looking at Ji Yanran, Han Sen suddenly bowed his head, stretched out his tongue and pretended to lick her hand on the bottle.

Ji Yanran screamed and cringed.

"Please come early next time." Han Sen grabbed the bottle, waved his hand at her and walked away with a grin.

"What a shameless guy." Ji Yanran bit her lips and saw Han Sen taking the juice away sullenly.

When she saw Han Sen go away to buy other things, she had an idea, so she took a detour and approached him from another side. When he put the juice down to reach for something else, she grabbed the bottle and turned away.

"Hey, how can you do that?" Han Sen was carrying his roommates' snacks with both hands and had to look at Ji Yanran who was already away.

"A tooth for a tooth." Ji Yanran stuck out her little pink tongue and made a face before she happily walked away.

Chapter 141: A Date

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"I did not expect that a cheater could actually be admitted to Blackhawk. Has the school lowered its standards?" Ji Yanran thought as she walked and made no connection between Han Sen and My-Girlfriend-Is-Ji-Yanran.

In her mind, Han Sen was a cheater and nowhere near a master.

Soon, Ji Yanran saw Han Sen was behind her, so she turned around and frowned at him. "What do you want?"

"I'm going back to my dorm. You think I'm following you?" Han Sen rolled his eyes.

"Which department are you in? Where is your dorm?" Ji Yanran refused to believe him.

"Archery Department, Building E10 Room 304." Han Sen smiled at her.

Ji Yanran paused, for Han Sen's dormitory was really this way. And the building where Han Sen lived was right behind her building.

"Archery Department, no wonder you can be admitted to Blackhawk. Cheater in games and cheater in the entrance exam," Ji Yanran said.

"Why are you treating your boyfriend like this?" said Han Sen helplessly.

"You can save that comment when you could beat me, cheater," Ji Yanran said.

"Piece of cake. I can do it now if you wish." Han Sen was a little annoyed by being called a cheater.

"Want to cheat again?" Ji Yanran said with disdain.

Hansen was speechless. "You said I cheated, and refused to let me prove it to you. What do you want?"

"If you really have what it takes, we could have a match on the professional holographic training machine tomorrow," Ji Yanran said confidently.

"Well, give me your comlink number. I'll contact you tomorrow," Han Sen smiled and said.

Ji Yanran rolled her eyes, "Don't try to get my number. Tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock, I will wait for you in Building E16 Room 138."

"Well, I will go. Wait to become my girlfriend." Han Sen laughed.

Ji Yanran did not talk to him again and walked away.

The next afternoon, when Han Sen was ready to go, Qin Xuan suddenly gave him an order to go back to Steel Armor Shelter for an important task.

Han Sen had to give up the plan to meet Ji Yanran and teleported to Steel Armor Shelter.

Although he would like to inform Ji Yanran, she did not tell him her number, so he had no way to do it.

Ji Yanran went there at three o'clock and waited, but saw no one there. She was even more convinced that he was a cheater.

Han Sen came back after two days, and there was still no way to contact Ji Yanran. He did not worry about it too much and continued to study according to his own plan.

"Everyone, I have something to say." Fatty cleared his throat and said, holding a stack of paper in his hand.

"President, we can hear you," replied Shi as he was training on a holographic machine.

Other people were also doing their own thing. Feeling helpless, Fatty said, "In a few days, Starry Cup will begin and as a society of warframe, we must register for some warframe items. Let's see which ones we should go for."

"You are the president. You decide," Lu Meng had nothing to contribute.

Zhang Yang was zealous, "Of course all of them."

"The number of our members would not even cover all the items." Wang Mengmeng blinked her eyes and said.

"We are the Heavy Warframe Society, so we will fall short to the Warframe Society in many items," Li Zhenzhen said.

Wang Chun added, "For the items in combat, we will not do well. And we haven't even practiced the five-on-five team combat and will be much worse than the Warframe Society."

"That is challenging, but as long as we unite as one, we will be able to win." Zhang Yang was full of self-confidence.

Fatty looked to Wang Mengmeng, "Which ones should we apply for?"

Wang Mengmeng looked at Han Sen who was reading, "Brother Han, what do you say?"

"That Starry Cup, what is in it for the champion?" Han Sen pondered and asked.

Skinny quickly said, "Of course. The prize depends on the item and all top 3 will get something. Of course, the champion's prize is the best. For example, all members of the champion team of the five-on-five combat will gain a warframe of the Starbeast series, which was worth more than a million each. The champion of the single combat will win the lastest warframe of the King series, which has a value of nearly ten million."

"There are prizes for the top 3 of all items. We should try our best. Even if we don't win anything, it would be a great opportunity for us to practice," Fatty said.

"Let's register for all then." Han Sen heard there were so many awards paid by Starry Group and decided to try.

"For real?" Fatty looked to Wang Mengmeng again.

"If Brother Han says so." Wang Mengmeng thought about it and asked, "It there any overlaps between these items? Can one show up in all of them?"

Fatty checked the schedule and said, "There is no problem other than one item, which is a single item, so one of us could go for that."

"Well then. Our president will take care of the registration." Wang Mengmeng said with a smile.

"Mengmeng, will this work? Our society has so few people, and almost all of us are freshmen. Would it look too bad if we lost in everything?" Li Zhenzhen said with some concern.

"It does not matter. With Brother Han here, we will not lose." Wang Mengmeng had blind trust in Han Sen.

Li Zhenzhen and Wang Chun cast an odd look to Han Sen. They could not tell what was so special about this freshman that Wang worshiped him so much.

They had also asked Wang Mengmeng about it and Wang simply said she had known him all her life and he had always been an impressive person.

But Li Zhenzhen and Wang Chun were quite skeptical about it, since they had not seen any excellent performance from him.

And Han Sen had been practicing on heavy warframes instead of combat warframes these days, so it would be unrealistic to say he would get any prize.

Chapter 142: The Invitation from Luo Xiangyang

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Luo Xiangyang originally wanted to persuade Han Sen to join the Warframe Society, but was delayed by something else. When he had finished his other business on this day, he returned to school and immediately came to the Heavy Warframe Society.

When Luo Xiangyang arrived at the Heavy Warframe Society, the society members just decided on their application in the upcoming Starry Cup.

"Han Sen," Luo Xiangyang walked into the 7th warehouse and called.

"Brother, you just came?" Han Sen got up and greeted Luo.

"Who is this man?" Li Zhenzhen felt puzzled and asked. Other people also looked at Han Sen. Apparently, they did not know who he was either.

However, Fatty and Skinny were surprised because they knew who Luo Xiangyang was—the coach of Warframe Society, but they did not understand why Han Sen called him brother.

"Isn't he a member here?" Han Sen hesitated. He never asked anyone about this and assumed that Luo was a member student.

Hearing the words of Han Sen, Fatty and Skinny almost choked. Luo was a coach at Warframe Society, how could he be a student?

Luo Xinyang smiled and patted Han Sen on the shoulder. "Han Sen, your warframe operation skills are great. Are you interested in joining the Warframe Society? Oh, I forgot to tell you that I am the coach at Warframe Society and I promise you will be able to get the best training, use the best training equipment in school, and get the best guidance."

Luo Xiangyang's words shocked everyone but Wang Mengmeng. They could not imagine that a coach of Warframe Society would personally invite Han Sen to join them.

Warframe Society and Martial Arts Society were the two most popular societies. Many talented students took the initiative to join them each year, and these two societies never needed to recruit any members. Those who wanted to join even needed to go through their selection.

These two societies carved up more than 60% of the talented students of Blackhawk. Different from Heavy Warframe Society, they never lacked talents.

But then the dignified coach of Warframe Society even personally went to poach someone from Heavy Warframe Society and made such a promise, which was quite shocking.

Fatty and Skinny had their mouths wide open but could not make a sound. They were familiar with Luo, because the only reason they were here was that they had failed to enter the Warframe Society in the first place.

They were surprised that someone that Luo Xiangyang would personally invite was in their society.

"I am sorry Coach Luo, but I have joined the Heavy Warframe Society already," Han Sen declined.

The reason Han Sen had promised to join Heavy Warframe Society was two-fold. First, he did it for Wang Mengmeng. Second, he valued the freedom here. He could come and go as he wanted and did not need to worry about anything. This way he could take tasks as he wanted any time or go to God's Sanctuary to hunt.

He would not quite like it if he had to practice on a warframe every single day.

Luo Xiangyang did not give up and continued to persuade him, "With your talent and ability, it would be a waste if you stayed here. Give me two or three years and I can get you into the top 3 in the entire Alliance. The championship is not impossible either, which is exactly my goal."

The rest were dumbfounded and regarded Han Sen, since they had never seen anything special about him that deserved these words from Luo.

"Sorry Coach Luo. I cannot take your offer," Han Sen once again refused.

"Do not rush to refuse. Think about it. If you become a champion in the warframe contest in the Alliance during your study, your final rating will be a lot higher." Luo Xiangyang added, "I will also try my best to give you the best rating possible. When you figure it out, you can come to me at Warframe Society. I will always welcome you to join."

After Luo Xiangyang left, the rest were still staring at Han Sen.

"Coach Luo offered you such conditions, and you actually refused him?" Fatty could not believe what had happened and asked Han Sen, "Don't you know what higher final rating means?"

"I certainly do," Han Sen said with a smile.

The higher the final rating, the bigger the chance to get a better position and rank when one served.

"And you turned him down?" Li Zhenzhen said with a disbelieving look.

"If I wanted those extra points, I would not have chosen to join our society." Han Sen shrugged.

His goal was his own perfect evolution, rather than a certain expertise. Although he was interested in warframe operation, it was just a hobby. He would not put everything in it or waste too much time on it.

If he could become a sacred-blood aristocrat, it would be much more useful than getting the highest final rating, Level S.

In addition, he was confident that he would be rated Level S with or without any extra points.

The rest looked at Han Sen as if he was an alien, not believing he had given up such a great opportunity to get a better final rating.

His roommates were not too surprised. With Han Sen's skill in Hand of God, he could beat Li Yufeng by 20 points. Had he joined Hand of God Society, he could have gotten the extra points a long time ago. Why would he wait for Luo Xiangyang to invite him?

"I said that we would be great in the contest with Brother Han here. Now do you believe me?" Wang Mengmeng said proudly.

Fatty thought of Starry Cup and became thrilled. With Han Sen, whom Luo Xiangyang had invited personally in their society, maybe Heavy Warframe Society could get somewhere this time.

Even if they could not win the championship, some third places were enough to give them a reputation.

Obviously Fatty was still underestimating Han Sen. Had he known that Han Sen had fought Luo Xiangyang for an hour without losing, he would have set his goal higher.

Han Sen was once again the last one to leave the 7th warehouse. He made a habitual visit to the cafeteria and found the juices were all gone again. Then it chanced that he saw Ji Yanran sitting there eating her meal.

Chapter 143: Not under This Cup

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Ji Yanran had been preparing for Starry Cup recently as well and had spent long hours practicing every day. She did not expect to see Han Sen here again.

She saw Han Sen and said nothing. Since he did not show up, it meant he had admitted he was not good enough and she did not want to rub it in.

Han Sen sat across her and said, "Last time I was delayed by something else. Without your number, I was not able to inform you, and I am so sorry about it."

"Why do men always have so many excuses?" Ji Yanran said.

Han Sen opened his mouth and felt it was hard to explain. He had failed to show up indeed, so no explanation seemed good enough.

"Shall we have a match tomorrow?" Han Sen thought for a moment and decided he could only prove himself with his ability.

"Forget it, I do not want to be played again." Ji Yanran had clearly identified Han Sen as a cheater and did not intend to indulge him.

When Han Sen wanted to explain, a few students came to them. One of them saw Han Sen and asked Ji Yanran, "Yanran, who is he?"

"A freshman, I don't know his name." Ji Yanran did not tell Li Yufeng about Han Sen, afraid that Li might look for trouble.

Li Yufeng nodded and asked Han Sen, "Which department are you in?"

"Archery," replied Han Sen casually.

A thin man sat next to Han Sen, threw one arm around Han's shoulder and said while squinting, "Brother, if you want to get yourself a girl, you need to be smarter. Now this is our president. How dare you?"

"Anyone could chase after a pretty girl. Why can't I?" Han Sen seemed very naive.

The thin man grinned, put a spitball on the table, and took a cup to cover the spitball.

Taking two extra cups, he put them upside down and began to move the three cups around so swiftly that it was bedazzling.

After a while, the thin man smiled and said to Han Sen, "If you can tell under which cup the spitball is, you can go out with anyone you choose. If not, get lost and do not show your face in front of our president again."

Ji Yanran did not stop the thin man, because she was interested to know Han Sen's reply. The thin man had a speed that was among the top 3 in the Hand of God Society. It was not that easy to tell.

Han Sen looked at the thin man, and put his hand on a cup with a smile. The thin man was overjoyed.

But Han Sen smiled and said, "There's nothing under this cup."

Then Han Sen lifted the cup and there was nothing underneath.

Han Sen put his hand on the next a cup, stroked it and said, "Not under this one either."

The cup was again lifted by Han Sen, and there was nothing on the table.

Han Sen placed a finger on the last cup and said with a smile, "No need to tell you about this one."

The thin man and the rest were embarrassed and even Ji Yanran regarded Han Sen curiously, not expecting him to be so good.

"You are lucky today. Do not let me see you again," snapped the thin man.

"You think this is finished?" Han Sen looked at the thin man, smiling. He was not someone who would not fight back after being bullied.

"What do you want?" The thin man stared at Han Sen.

Without a word, Han Sen put the three cups upside down in front of him and covered the spitball with one cup like the thin man, then quickly moved the three cups around.

Ji Yiran, Li Yufeng and the thin man all knew what Han was trying to do, but felt he was trying to teach fish how to swim.

His speed was much lower than that of the thin man, so the latter even snorted.

Han Sen acted as if he had not heard it and continued to exchange the cups. Then he sat up and looked at the group of people. "As you said, if you could guess right, I don't care what you do. If not, then f*#k off and stay away from Ji Yanran."

The thin man sneered, reached out and was about to lift one of the cups. "You just don't understand your limit, do you?"

Han Sen blocked the thin man's hand, and the latter stared at Han angrily, "What are you doing?"

Han Sen looked at Li Yufeng, smiled and said, "I just want to know if you are sure that you could represent everyone here? If not, please get me someone who could."

The thin man suddenly looked at Li Yufeng. Although he was sure, he did not know whether he could represent Li Yufeng.

Li Yufeng said quietly, "Lift it."

Hearing Li Yufeng's approval, the thin man was bathed in pride. He said to Han Sen condescendingly, "Boy, I will now show you who the real master is. It's under this cup."

The thin man lifted the cup in the middle up, full of self-confidence.

But after the cup was lifted, all were stunned, and the thin man looked dreadful. There was nothing under that cup.

"Impossible, this is impossible!" The thin man widened his eyes and looked into the cup he was holding. There was nothing.

Ji Yanran was also puzzled, as she thought that the spitball should be under the middle cup. How could it disappear?

"In case you are not convinced, I will let you try one more time. Pick another one," Han Sen pointed to the two cups left on the table, and said to Li Yufeng.

Li Yufeng snorted and put his hand on one cup. "There is nothing here."

Li Yufeng had learned Han Sen's way. Since the spitball was not where it should be, and there was no way they were all wrong about where it was, the only possibility was that Han Sen used some method to hide the spitball. Therefore, the two cups left should also be empty.

But when Li Yufeng lifted the cup, he paused, as the spitball was under that cup.

The thin man and the rest were stunned. If Han Sen simply took the spitball away, they would not be surprised, because that was exactly what the thin man had done. And there should be nothing under all three cups. However, the spitball was indeed under a different cup, which appalled everyone.

Ji Yanran looked at Han Sen in surprise and did not know how he could have done that.

Chapter 144: Do You Want to Know

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Now you can disappear, right?" said Han Sen while drinking water.

"Boy, don't be too arrogant..." exclaimed the thin man.

"Go," Li Yufeng stood up and said.

Watching the group going away, Han Sen was then able to focus on his food.

"How did you do that?" Ji Yanran looked and Han Sen curiously and asked. She trusted her own judgment, and the spitball should be under the middle cup originally.

What she did not understand was when Han Sen retrieved the spitball from the middle cup and placed it in another cup. She did not see how he did it.

Han Sen just smiled at Ji Yanran and said faintly, "It's a secret."

"Big deal. You must have used some cheating method as well," Ji Yanran said, pouting.

"You show me how I cheated then," Han Sen blinked and said.

"I don't know how to cheat," Ji Yanran said, with her gaze on the three cups, wanting to know how Han Sen did it.

"If you really want to know, I can tell you on one condition," he said.

"What do you want me to do?" Ji Yanran looked at Han Sen vigilantly.

"Since you are my girlfriend, shall we go to dinner and movie sometime?" Han Sen suggested with a smile.

Ji Yanran stared at Han Sen and said, "Who is your girlfriend? If you say that again, I won't be polite anymore."

"So, you do not want to know?" Han Sen was not the least scared by the ferocious look on her sweet face.

Ji Yanran paused. She really wanted to know how Han Sen did it. The members of Hand of God Society were always playing this game, the key factors of which were speed and eyesight. If she could learn the method Han Sen had used, she would be invincible in this game.

"Just a meal and movie?" Ji Yanran blinked and asked.

"Yes." Han Sen laughed.

"Well, that's fine. Now tell me how you did it?" Ji Yanran hesitated and said.

"In fact, it is very simple. As long as your hand is fast enough, you can do it with some special gestures." Han Sen did not lie. He was simply using Sleeveblade.

But his hand was too fast and his movements too subtle, so Ji Yanran could not have seen how he had managed to do it.

"If you won't tell me the truth then forget it." Ji Yanran refused to take Han Sen's word for it, as she did not believe that he was that fast.

"If you do not believe me then there is nothing I could do. I've said all I could. Don't forget about the dinner and movie tomorrow," Han Sen shrugged and said.

"I promised you dinner and movie, but did not say when. In a hundred years, liar!" Ji Yanran spit out her tongue at him, chuckled and left.

Han Sen had intended to practice operating warframes before Starry Cup began. However, Lin Beifeng told him excitedly that he had discovered a nest full of mutant creatures, which Lin could not take care of alone and asked Han Sen to hunt with him.

"Sen, hurry. Teleport now and we could split the mutant creatures fifty fifty." Lin Beifeng did not dare to go alone and was reluctant to cooperate with any of the gangs. If he did that, he might not even be able to get 30 percent.

After all, he only provided a location, and in accordance with the rules, if he did not contribute anything else, all he could have was 30 percent.

"How long does it take?" Han Sen hesitated. The Starry Cup will begin in a few days. He had promised Fatty that he would go. It was also his idea to apply for all the items, so it would not make sense if he missed it.

"It's not far. Just in the southern mountains. With mounts, it would take us less than a day." Lin Beifeng quickly said.

"Fine, wait for me at the gate of Steel Armor Shelter. I will be there." Han Sen was very interested as he only had 52 mutant geno points and wished to gain more.

Han Sen used the school's teleport station to enter the shelter, and saw Lin Beifeng walking around the gate in circles, looking very anxious.

"My brother, you finally come. Let's go now." Lin Beifeng grabbed Han Sen the moment he saw Han.

The two summoned their mounts and marched into the southern mountains. Han Sen saw that Lin Beifeng was still riding a primitive mount and laughed, "Lin, why are you still riding a primitive mount?"

"Mutant mounts are very rare. I have been looking but no one was selling." Lin looked at the mutant three-eyed beast Han Sen was riding admiringly.

"I have one. Are you interested?" Han Sen was ready to sell the mutant horned sand fox mount since he had no use of it.

"You should have said so earlier. What kind of mount is it? Show me!" Lin quickly said.

Han Sen summoned the mutant horned sand fox. Lin fell in love with the strong white fox and said, "Sen. I will take it. Name your price."

"Do you have S-Class license of Saint Hall?" Han Sen asked.

"Those are hard to come by. My family had some, but we have used them up," Lin said helplessly.

"Alright, then I will take a larger share of the mutant creatures this time," Han Sen pondered and said.

"No problem, but they all seemed to be the same type of creatures and it does not do anything if you eat too many." Lin looked at Han puzzled, not understanding why he would want so much of the same kind of meat.

"I'm not eating them myself, but feeding a pet." Han Sen summoned his golden rock worm king.

"Feeding a pet with mutant meat... How extravagant!" Lin saw the golden little worm in Han's palm and asked, "It must be a mutant pet?"

"Guess again," Han Sen said with a smile.

Lin Beifeng suddenly widened his eyes. "This is a sacred-blood pet?"

"Why not?" Han Sen said.

"Wow, Sen, you are so awesome that even your pet is sacred-blood." Lin Benfeng thought about it and said, "So I will take this mutant beast soul mount. No matter how many mutant creatures we hunt, I will only take five and the rest are all yours."

"Cool," Han Sen agreed right away.

What Lin Beifeng found was a large nest of mutant creatures and it would not be a bad deal.

Chapter 145: Olympic-size Appetite

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

When Lin Beifeng arrived at a crevice of the mountain, Han Sen was shocked.

A crevice was cracked into the mountain for either an earthquake or other reasons. Many giant blue ants the size of mice were going in and out of the crevice. From afar, they could only see an ocean of blue lights, so there should be at least one or two hundred of them.

"Sen, these are the creatures. Their bodies are very hard, and there are too many of them. When I just found them, I tried to wield my mutant beast soul knife at one of them and was only able to leave a white mark on its shell."

Lin paused and then said, "Although they are small in size, they are very fast. In shorter distances, their speed was about the same as our mutant beast soul mounts. They couldn't keep that speed up though. After running for 100 feet, they will become slow. And each of them can lift a stone of 300 pounds easily."

When Lin Beifeng was explaining, Han Sen examined the giant ants that looked like they were made of blue crystal, and found that they were biting at the rocks and making the crevice wider and wider.

The rocks were like chocolate in their mouth, and it was hard to tell the rocks were hard just by watching.

"There are so many of them that the two of us would die there if we went inside," Han Sen said quietly.

"How should we hunt then?" Lin sounded anxious.

"It does not matter. I am an archer and we do not need to approach them." Han Sen looked around to find a suitable location, and summoned his horn bow and mutant black stinger arrow.

He then tied a high-tech load-bearing thread on the nock of his arrow. Although the thread was as thin as a hair, it could withstand the weight of 100 pounds. A big ant would be easy.

"Sen, is it too far from here? These creatures' shells are very hard and even mutant beast soul weapons could hardly hurt them." Lin Beifeng estimated that they were at least half a mile from those ants, and even if the arrow was a mutant beast soul, it probably still could not pierce their shells.

"If an archer could only shoot at the enemy's armor, then he would not be considered a competent archer," Han Sen said and aimed his arrow at the crevice.

"Not the armor? But these things are covered in shell and there is only a very narrow gap in their joints..." Lin Beifeng said and saw the arrow had left the string.


Half a mile away, the arrow flew as fast as electricity and went deep into the gap of a giant ant's shell.

That blue ant was killed almost instantly, which amazed Lin.

"Mutant phantom ant killed. No beast soul gained. Eat its meat to gain zero to ten mutant geno points randomly."

With the voice in Han Sen's mind, he saw the phantom ants nearby were all alarmed and looking around for traces of their enemy.

But after they covered the ground nearby, they found nothing and went back to the crevice and started to consume the rocks.

Han Sen used the thread to pull back the arrow and the dead phantom ant. Soon he made another shot and killed another ant.

Lin Beifeng admired Han Sen very much. From such a distance, Lin could not even tell what the ants looked like, and yet Han Sen could hit the small gaps in their shells each time. It was almost magical.

When Han Sen was hunting the ants, Lin Beifeng was treating their bodies. The ants looked big but the edible part was only a piece of jelly-like meat the size of an egg.

Lin Beifeng ate several and enjoyed the fun of mutant geno point growth.

But like any other creature, only the first few of the same kind worked. Lin Beifeng had stopped after eating five ants. According to people's general experience, five was the limit. If one continued to eat the same type of meat after the fifth creature, it might take a dozen creatures for one to gain another geno point.

The phantom ants killed by Han Sen afterwards were treated with salt by Lin. They would then bake the meat dry so that it would be easier to carry and store.

Han Sen also ate five ants himself and heard the voice telling him about the growth in his mutant geno points.

Han Sen's mutant geno points also rose from 52 points to 64 points. He had a relatively high number of mutant geno points, so in the future, even when he ate new meat, the effect would not be as good.

Han Sen summoned the golden rock worm king. The small worm almost devoured a phantom ant instantaneously. And even the shell of the ant was crunched down by the worm.

The worm king was not even as big as the ant, so Han Sen had no idea how it ate the ant up. Having consumed a dozen phantom ants, the worm king's body swelled up and became as big as a fist.

Han Sen told Lin not to treat the meat anymore and threw the ants' bodies directly at the worm king, which was still able to continue eating. After eating three dozen ants, the worm king grew as big as the phantom ant and had no other change.

"A sacred-blood pet is indeed impressive. It at least has an Olympic-size appetite." Lin Beifeng was already stunned. The worm king was basically eating gold.

Han Sen was not distressed at all. He could not put large quantity of mutant meat on the market anyway. So, he might as well feed it to his pet.

But Han Sen was not about to give it all the meat, as he needed to save some for Meowth.

In front of Lin Beifeng, Han Sen could not summon Meowth. It was a beast soul pet that Qin Xuan gave Dollar, so if he were to summon it, the secret might get out.

"Had I known that an archer could do so much, I should have learned archery." Lin cast an envious look toward Han Sen, who was hunting casually.

"It's not like every archer can do this," Han Sen said with a smile. If he had not practiced Jadeskin, without his sacred geno points, sacred-blood bow and mutant arrow, there was no way he could hunt phantom ants like this. An average person could not see the gaps in the ants' bodies from such a distance at all.

Han Sen suddenly heard a different voice when he killed another phantom ant.

"Mutant phantom ant killed. Beast soul of mutant phantom ant gained. Eat its meat to gain zero to ten mutant geno points randomly."

Chapter 146: Phantom Ant Beast Soul

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Type of beast soul of mutant phantom ant: armor.

Han Sen summoned the mutant beast soul armor and was suddenly covered in blue crystal. It had thorough protection like his black beetle armor and was even prettier.

Lin Beifeng was amazed. What a gorgeous suit of armor!

"If a woman wears it, it would be..." Lin was very eager to ask for the phantom ant armor, but did not know what to say.

He had just got a mutant beast soul mount from Han Sen and did not have the nerve to ask for something else.

"Ahem, Sen, would you use this beast soul? If not, I can double... no... triple the price of an ordinary mutant beast soul armor to buy it," asked Lin, obsessed with the look of this suit of armor.

"I don't need money now, but I would trade it for an S-Class license." Han Sen pondered and said. He did not really need this suit of armor, but could save it for later. He could sell it as well, but not just for money.

"My brother, I really do not have any S-Class license. The military control is strict. A-Class is fine but S-Class is really hard to get," Lin said bitterly.

"Isn't this beast soul hard to get?" Han Sen grinned and asked.

"Of course." Lin Beifeng frowned and thought for a moment, then said to Han, "Sen, I don't have S-Class licenses, but do have one thing that you might like. When we are back, I will show you and if you are interested, we could trade. If not, then forget it."

"What is it?" Han Sen asked curiously.

"A super biological warframe," Lin replied.

"I know about biological warframes, but why super?" Han Sen asked.

Lin Beifeng said, "The ones we usually see are semi-biological semi-mechanical. Although their appearance is almost like a creature, and they can complete many difficult actions like human bodies, after all, there are manny limitations to them."

"Super biological warframe is the product of the latest technology in the warframe industry. And it has not been sold in the Alliance yet. Now, only a few military labs have several prototypes. Because the military needs the rare metal our company produce, we have established a connection with the military. And this super biological warframe was a prototype I managed to get from them. It is super cool."

"What is the difference?" Han Sen was very interested in the warframe.

"This super biological warframe is perfect except that it could not be used in God's Sanctuary. An ordinary warframe must be at least 12 to 18 feet tall, not to mention the heavy warframes. Hence you could not bring them with you."

"A super biological warframe is different. It has adopted a particle restructure technology. I don't know for sure. But it can fit in a suitcase and once it's open, countless small particles of intelligence will wrap your body up to form a super biological warframe. Mine is a prototype and does not have a weapon system. It is a little more than 12 feet tall and very powerful, much better than the King series of Starry Group..." Lin Beifeng said passionately.

"It can fit into a suitcase?" Han Sen gestured the size and was very tempted.

"You can have a look later. I am sure you will like it," said Lin.

"OK, we will see," said Han Sen.

Lin Beifeng was filled with joy. He could always have another warframe, but had never seen a beast soul like this ever since he entered God's Sanctuary. It was so gorgeous that even sacred-blood armor was not its match in appearance.

While talking to Lin, Han Sen was seeking opportunities to shoot the phantom ants at the same time. There were less and less phantom ants left in the crevice. However, the golden rock worm king was eating very fast.

Han Sen had hunted hundreds of phantom ants, and most of them fell into the stomach of the golden rock worm king. It was never full and was constantly growing.

When the phantom ants were almost all gone, the body of the worm king had become the size of a pillow and its shell grew as hard as solid gold.

"Will it become as big as the original golden rock worm king?" Han Sen was full of hope.

Because he had been feeding Meowth, he had read a lot about beast soul pets, which might the only type of beast soul that could fight on their own.

Beast soul mounts needed to be controlled by riders and could not attack creatures themselves, so their main function was still transportation.

However, beast soul pets were different. Once they transformed, they would have the ability to hunt and fight, which was what made them important and unique.

That was the reason why Han Sen was willing to pay such a big effort to feed Meowth and golden rock worm king, although it had seemed a difficult task so far--not even Meowth had transformed.

Han Sen felt something wrong when he was thinking about his pets. With a glance, he saw a phantom ant the size of a pony climbing out of the crevice.

But the crevice was a bit narrow, and its body was stuck there. Using its sharp claws to break the rocks and gnawing at the rocks as if they were tofu, the ant was about to be able to come out.

Han Sen suddenly understood why the mutant phantom ants had been eating the rocks. It was not because they enjoyed the taste, but because they were trying to widen the crevice to allow this giant ant to pass.

"S*#t! It can't be a sacred-blood phantom ant, can it?" Lin Beifeng also saw it and exclaimed with his eyes wide.

Chapter 147: Treading upon Sharp Knives

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen drew the string of the horn bow to the fullest and aimed his black stinger arrow at the giant phantom ant. He paused for a second before shooting the arrow.


The black stinger arrow hit the ant in the head and fell, leaving nothing on its shell.

"S*#t! So hard. It's absolutely a sacred-blood creature," shouted Lin Beifeng.

In the blink of an eye, the giant phantom ant had come out of the crevice and rushed toward Han Sen and Lin Beifeng faster than a cheetah.

Han Sen took back the black stinger arrow, drew the string one more time and shot the arrow at the giant phantom ant.


The arrow once again ended up hitting its head and did nothing, while the ant had rushed forward more than six hundred feet in that moment.

"You go first." Han Sen once again summoned the black stinger arrow and shot it at the ant.

"Let's go together. The gap on its shell is so narrow that no arrow could fit in there!" Lin cried.

"I know what I'm doing. Go!" When Han Sen once again pulled the string, the formidable merely half a mile from them.

Lin Beifeng saw that Han Sen did not want to leave and had to go first. Lin knew his limit. He could not even withstand one blow from this giant ant and would become a burden of Han Sen's if he stayed.

Lin was constantly looking back as he ran, worried about Han Sen's safety.

Han Sen soon shot two more arrows, which were equally useless, while the giant phantom ant was only less than 600 feet from him. Lin Beifeng's heart was in his throat.

Han Sen was as stable as a rock. Suddenly, he had a suit of fiery red armor on his body and a ruby crown on his head. Even his hair turned blonde.

His scarlet eyes staring at the giant phantom ant, Han Sen paused.

Almost instantaneously, that giant phantom ant was less than nine feet from him. Throwing itself at Han Sen, the giant phantom ant waved its saw-like claws at his body.

Lin Beifeng's heart raced. He saw Han Sen suddenly took a step, which was incredibly fast. Han moved forward instead of backward and stayed very close to the giant phantom ant. He finally shot the arrow.


The distance between them was so short and Han Sen's arrow directly went into the giant phantom ant's mouth. The entire arrow disappeared there and the giant phantom ant made a painful hissing sound.

Han Sen took another step away from the giant phantom ant that was going on a rampage.

The giant phantom ant went after him at an incredible speed, making it impossible for Han Sen to pull away from it. When it was about to get him, Han Sen again stepped aside and perfectly dodged its deadly blow.

Watching from afar, Lin Beifeng was very nervous. The giant phantom ant was so fast that Han Sen was treading upon sharp knives. Once mistake and he would be dead.

But this fight also made Lin's blood hot, giving him the urge to go back and fight with Han Sen side by side.

Checking the speed of the giant phantom ant, Lin Beifeng gave up this stupid thought as once he went back, he would become an appetizer for the ant.

Lin Beifeng felt Han Sen's movements were odd after he looked for a while. although Han was not as fast as the giant phantom ant, he could always avoid its fatal blows. The steps he made in those critical moments were incredibly fast.

Obviously, it was not luck, but a certain footwork Han Sen was practicing. Even so, Lin's heart was still racing when seeing signs of danger everywhere.

Han Sen had practiced Sparticle for just a short amount of time, so his acceleration could not last more than one step. He must wait for a while before he made his second step.

And that was enough for Han Sen. As long as he could avoid the fatal attacks from the giant phantom ant, he still had time to seek opportunities.

The seemingly dangerous situation had become quite predictable for Han Sen since he had shapeshifted into the fairy queen. The movements of the giant phantom ant did not look too swift to him. And he had enough time to react. If it weren't for the fact that his speed was not as good as his reflexes, he would not even need Sparticle.

While dodging the attacks from the giant phantom ant, Han Sen was seeking opportunities to shoot his arrows. He had but one goal, which was the mouth of this ant.

The ant's shell was too hard and it did not even matter when the arrow hit the gap. He could only shoot the arrow directly inside its body.


Another arrow disappeared in its mouth, making the giant phantom ant roll around on the ground in pain. Han Sen took the chance to pull away from it.

When the giant phantom ant again threw itself at him, he had already pulled the string again.


Between his steps, Han Sen shot another arrow into the ant's mouth.

Lin Beifeng who was watching from afar was dumbfounded. It was the first time he had seen an archer like him. Han Sen was shooting the arrow from all kinds of weird angles without so much as a pause, and all his arrows hit the target. Han Sen's achievement should be attributed to his opponent at the contest, Lei Ban, who showed Han what a real archer should do. Shooting while moving was the key. Since then, Han Sen began to consciously train himself. Coupled with the training from Yang Manli and what he had learned at Blackhawk, Han Sen became very good at this.

But compared to Lei Ban, his accuracy was still lower. His fitness level and hyper geno arts made up for it though.

The giant phantom ant slowed down after taking six hits. Han Sen knew the toxins from his arrow were working. Although it was not fatal, the giant phantom ant was losing its strength.

Hit the iron when it is hot. Han Sen would never give up an opportunity like this and was looking for a chance to shoot his next arrow.

This giant phantom ant was not nearly as intelligent as the sacred-blood fox king. When it was injured badly already, it still did not have the sense to retreat.

Chapter 148: Super Biological Warframe

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Sacred-blood phantom ant killed. Beast soul of sacred-blood phantom ant gained. Eat its meat to gain zero to ten sacred geno points randomly."

The sacred-blood phantom ant finally collapsed in front of Han Sen. Hearing the voice in his mind, Han Sen just wanted to laugh out loud. Another sacred-blood beast soul, and it was an armor as good as his black beetle armor.

"Sen, awesome. Is it a sacred-blood creature?" Lin Beifeng trotted back and asked Han Sen.

"It sure is," Han Sen said with a smile.

"Sen, did you gain its beast soul?" Lin stared at Han Sen and asked.

"Yep." Han Sen did not lie. Since Lin had seen the mutant beast soul armor, he would recognize the sacred-blood version. There was no need to deny it.

"A sacred-blood beast soul! Honestly, did you sleep with Lady Luck?" Lin grabbed Han Sen's shoulder and shook him violently.

But Lin did not try to purchase the sacred-blood beast soul and meat. After Lin calmed down, Han Sen smiled and said to him, "Lin, I also need the sacred-blood beast soul and meat badly, so I can't share. You can take more meat of the mutant ants if you want."

Lin Beifeng rolled his eyes at Han Sen. "What do I need that for? Sell them? Do I look poor to you?"

"Maybe you can take it back to see if you could trade it for a mutant beast soul." Han Sen laughed.

Lin Beifeng said, "After I saw the mutant phantom ant beast soul armor, I don't want any other mutant beast soul now. I'm not necessarily able to trade it for a beast soul, even if I am, I am simply not in the mood."

Lin stared at Han Sen and said, "I don't want anything else. But if you want to sell that sacred-blood phantom ant armor, you must come to me first."

Lin Beifeng had considered this thoroughly. Han Sen would enter Second God's Sanctuary soon and by that time, he still had the opportunity to get the sacred-blood phantom ant armor.

"OK, this I promise you. If I want to sell it, I will ask you first," agreed Hen Sen readily.

"It's a deal." Lin reached out his hand and wanted to pinky swear.

"This is too childish, right?" Han Sen was embarrassed.

"I do not care." Lin entwined his little finger with Han's, while murmuring, "Whoever breaks the promise will have ten wives and no penis."

"S*#! That is devious." Han Sen quickly got rid of Lin's finger.

"That's what it takes." Lin laughed.

Then the two cleaned up the rest of the mutant phantom ants, which were about 500 in total. Most of them ended up in the worm king's belly, which was probably bottomless.

Han Sen dried and saved 100 phantom ants as Meowth's food. And all the rest was fed to the worm king.

In addition to the five he ate, Lin Beifeng was not the least interested in the mutant meat. Han Sen asked him to take some back, but he declined. Lin repeatedly begged Han Sen to inform him immediately once Han Sen wanted to sell the sacred-blood phantom ant armor.

Han Sen assured Lin that he would do that.

Lin Beifeng watched Han Sen ate a whole pot of sacred-blood phantom ant stew and drank the liquid up, feeling upset.

Another five sacred geno points gained. Han Sen had a staggering 45 sacred geno points, almost half of the max. And Han Sen had only entered First God's Sanctuary about a year ago.

To comfort Lin Beifeng, Han Sen gave him the mutant phantom ant armor first. So as soon as Lin was back in Steel Armor Shelter, he immediately brought the warframe he was talking about to Han Sen.

Sure enough, it was just a silver alloy box the size of a suitcase. Although heavy, it was still hard for one to imagine that it contained a warframe more than 12 feet tall.

In God's Sanctuary, there was no way to test this warframe, but Han Sen believed that Lin Beifeng would not deceive him for a mutant beast soul. Hence, he left God's Sanctuary with the case.

It was night when Han Sen teleported back to school. He paused and went to the 7th warehouse with the super biological warframe.

The warehouse was empty. Han Sen opened the case the way Lin Beifeng taught him.

A light beam was projected from the case and scanned Han Sen's body. "Scan completed. Analysis completed. Super biological warframe Silver Killer unlocked."

The moment the case was opened, liquid like mercury mixed with colorful particles flowed out of the case. The entire case then became part of the liquid and flowed toward Han Sen. Soon, he was covered in that liquid.

That feeling was hard to describe. It was like the Ironman putting his armor on, but a bit different in that all the parts were constructed by the particles.

Soon a silver humanoid warframe more than 12 feet tall appeared where Han Sen was standing and Han Sen was sitting in a tight cockpit.

Han Sen could only praise the great power of science and technology. A small case of less than one hundred pounds could become such a huge warframe. And its weight was also matching the tonnage of a regular warframe.

"Unfortunately, human science and technology are completely useless in God's Sanctuary. Or else human would have dominated God's Sanctuary already, and all the creatures would have been wiped out." Han Sen sighed.

In fact, the reason why Han Sen had this idea was that he was still in First God's Sanctuary. If he evolved and went to the higher phases, he would change his mind.

Han Sen tried to drive the Silver Killer, which was indeed powerful as Lin Beifeng said. Such a small warframe was actually more powerful than a heavy one like Builder, and of course much more flexible.

As long as the operational level was there, Silver Killer could perform all the movements a person could.

Like Lin Beifeng had said, except for the lack of weapon system, Silver Killer was perfect.

Of course, the more difficult the operation, the greater the burden on one's body. Most people would have a hard time controlling their own bodies on a rollercoaster. So, to operate a warframe at a high speed was not something anyone could to.

"After all, it was only a prototype from the military laboratory, so it was impossible to equip it with a weapon system. Or else they would not give it to Lin." Han Sen was content. Although there was no weapons system, Han Sen could install some individual weapons himself, such as laser sword, laser gun and particle gun.

In short, Han Sen was more than satisfied with Silver Killer. If it was not for Lin Beifeng, he could never have a warframe like this for a mutant beast soul.

Chapter 149: Weak Opponents

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Perhaps it was arranged by fate, Huaxing Station had designated Fang Mingquan to host the live broadcast of Starry Cup in Blackhawk Division.

"Contest Center" was, after all, only a temporary show and went off the air soon after the contest. It will resume until the contest next year.

Since Fang Minquan had no shows to host at this point, he chose to host the live broadcast of Starry Cup in Blackhawk Division when asked to choose his next show.

Fang Mingquan and Han Sen seemed to have been brought together by fate once again.

But Fang Mingquan did not know that Dollar was a student at Blackhawk.

At the moment, Fang was quite distressed because he did not know which items he should cover.

Because there were many items, some of them were arranged at the same time. As he had brought limited manpower, he had to pick and choose which ones to cover.

"Liu, what were the traditionally strong items of Blackhawk?" Fang Mingquan asked his assistant while checking some data.

Liu did some searching on his smart device and quickly replied, "Blackhawk's strongest item is men's singles in martial arts. In last year's Starry Cup, they got the third place in the final of the entire Alliance. The student who won is still studying here. His name is Ouyang Xiaosan, and he has also signed up this year."

"Any other strong item?" Fang Mingquan asked.

"Not much. Their Warframe Society and Hand of God Society had good performance, which was not that outstanding across the Alliance. They were both top 20 to top 10." Liu looked at the data and said with a smile, "But it is interesting that with a terrible record in archery, Blackhawk had recruited lots of students specialized in archery this year. I believe they will do much better than in previous years."

"Archery?" Fang Mingquan slightly frowned. Archery was, after all, an unpopular game. The popular ones in the Alliance were mainly related to aircraft, warframe or combat. Archery was quite peripheral, because most people were even more willing to see a game of firearm.

"Anchor, the only highlight in Blackhawk will be martial arts. We should cover Ouyang Xiaosan's games and throw in some warframe and Hand of God matches in between," suggested Liu.

"Still two days until the games start. We can decide after learning more about Blackhawk." Fang Mingquan looked at the time. "It's late. Let's call it a day. We have been working all night. Some snacks now would be a good idea."

Fang Mingquan and Liu left the room assigned to them by the school and went to a cafeteria.

It was midnight. The cafeteria was almost empty and food was still being sold at the smart machines.

Fang Mingquan looked inside the hall, and only one student was sitting in the corner, eating. Fang then took the food they just bought and sat opposite the student.

"Fellow, you are eating so late," Sitting opposite the student, Fang Mingquan said with a smile.

Fang believed that the student would recognize himself, because judging from his age, the student must be in First God's Sanctuary and should have watched Contest Center, of which Fang was the host.

Han Sen looked up and did not recognize Fang. He had read and appreciated "A King Marches in Loneliness" written by him, but he had no time to watch Contest center. That was why he had heard of Fang Mingquan, but had never seen his face, and thus could not have recognized him.

"Because I just finished training and felt a bit hungry." Han Sen looked at Fang Mingquan and Liu, wondering who they were, as they were a bit too old to be students.

Fang Mingquan was a little disappointed that Han Sen did not recognize him, but soon let it go. He asked casually while eating, "What is your name? And which department are you from?"

"Han Sen, Archery Department," Han Sen answered simply.

"Archery Department!" Fang Mingquan and Liu were surprised that they had met a specially enrolled student the first day they had arrived.

Fang Mingquan looked Han Sen up and down. "So you are from the Department of Archery. Have you applied for Starry Cup? Which items in archery did you sign up for?"

"None in archery." Han Sen smiled.

"What did you sign up for then?" Liu could not help but asked.

"Warframe," Han Sen said.

"So you are in the Warframe Society?" Liu asked.

"No, I'm in the Heavy Warframe Society." Han Sen laughed.

Liu knew what the Heavy Warframe Society was about since he had graduated from a military school as well. That society was most likely full of people who were just wasting their time.

Fang Mingquan said with a smile, "Heavy Warframe Society is also a society of warframe. Sen, you must be great at that then. Which items did you sign up for?"

"I have enrolled in all the items, with one exception due to a time conflict," Han Sen thought about it and said.

Liu was even more convinced that Han Sen was a dawdler. Although there were many warframe items, the differences between them were huge. Most people would focus on one to two items to strive for the best results possible.

"So, what kind of performance can we expect from you?" Fang Mingquan asked with a smile.

"I will try to get championship in all the items I have signed up for," Han Sen casually replied.

Liu almost choked on his drink when hearing his reply. After coughing for a while, Liu cast an odd gaze at Han, "Fellow, I think you should sign up for more items then, such as Hand of God. The more championships the better, right?"

"Hand of God is boring." Han Sen did not care about the irony in Liu's words.

"Why?" Fang Mingquan was quite curious.

"Because all the opponents are too weak," said Han Sen casually.

Liu regarded Han Sen, unable to believe what he had heard. Liu felt that students nowadays were so arrogant that they would say anything just to impress others.

Chapter 150: A Kiss

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Liu had checked Blackhawk's record in Hand of God, which was quite impressive. And Li Yufeng, among others, was in the top 50 in the Alliance.

However, he had never heard of Han Sen. From the data he had collected, Han Sen was not even in the Hand of God Society.

Liu looked at Han Sen and ridiculed, "So, you must be much stronger than Li Yufeng at Hand of God?"

"Not much, but I could beat him by 20 points," Han Sen said.

Liu thought this student was not making any sense at all and gave up talking to him.

Fang Mingquan, on the other hand, was intrigued by Han Sen. He said with a smile, "It's great that young people have confidence. When is your game? We will go cheer for you."

"I have not got the schedule yet, but I will be at almost all the warframe matches. You could come at any time." Han Sen swallowed the last bit of his food, stood up and said, "Please take your time. I will go back to rest now."

After Han Sen had walked away, Liu said, "The youth nowadays are really spoiled. He was just talking through his hat."

"I think it is a good thing. He has signed up for everything, which is much better than nothing," Fang Mingquan commented with a smile.

But Fang Mingquan did not take Han Sen's words seriously. Archery Department had low entrance requirements to begin with, so students in that department were generally lacking in fitness. As a freshman from Archery Department and member of the infamous Heavy Warframe Society, Han Sen was not likely to be the champion of any warframe item.

Han Sen left the cafeteria and walked toward his dormitory. By chance, he saw Ji Yanran, who was also walking back to her dormitory.

"Hey!" Han Sen walked up quickly to greet her, since she was his girlfriend, technically.

Ji Yanran saw Han Sen and glanced at him sharply. Then she suddenly had an idea and put on a smile. "You always wanted to prove that you did not cheat. So, you must have signed up for Hand of God in Starry Cup?"

Han Sen sighed, "I was going to register for Hand of God, but the members of my society have all signed up for warframe items, so it seems that there is no chance for me to prove myself."

"Save it." Ji Yanran despised Han Sen, believing that he simply did not dare to participate in Hand of God games.

"You are my girlfriend, so do you want to come and see my games?" Han Sen smiled and asked her.

"Enough with the nonsense," Ji Yanran said. "Which warframe items did you sign up for?"

"All of them, with one exception because of a time conflict."

"Why? You think this is like casting a net, the wider the better?" Ji Yanran was slightly curious.

"For the prizes. There are nearly ten items under the warframe category, which was the biggest of all. I could get several first places and easily earn ten million," Han Sen told the truth. He entered purely to get the rewards.

"Several first places? I don't think you could even make top 10, let alone top 3," Ji Yanran questioned him.

"You are underestimating me again," Han Sen said helplessly.

"That's called analyzing, not underestimating," Ji Yanran said with a smile.

"That's fine. Since you think I cannot get any prize, then shall we make a bet?" proposed Han Sen.

"You want to cheat again?" Ji Yanran felt a bit uncertain when it came to Han Sen, since she still had not figured out how he had beaten the thin man and Li Yufeng in the cup game.

Li Yufeng was equally clueless when he thought about it afterwards.

"Missy, this is a school-wide game. What can I possibly do?" Han Sen really did not know why she had this stubborn impression of him being a cheater. For heaven's sake, he had never cheated in front of Ji Yanran.

Ji Yanran suggested, "OK. I'm down. You just said you will take several first places in warframe items. I do not want to embarrass you, so if you can get five first places in those items, consider yourself winning the bet."

"What do I get if I win?" Han Sen grinned and asked.

"If you can be the champion in five items, then you will be able to prove yourself, and I will keep my promise to be your girlfriend," Ji Yanran said with a smile, not believing he could get a single championship.

"Not fair." Han Sen shook his head again and again.

"How so?" Ji Yanran was a bit annoyed.

"You are already my girlfriend, so the stake means nothing to me. You will have to kiss me if you lose, on the mouth, not cheeks." Han Sen then added, "It also must be completed within one day after the end of the game. The penalty for any delay is one kiss per extra day."

Ji Yanran was about to lose her temper before she suddenly smiled. "Alright. But if you are not champion in five items, then I will have to punish you as well. Do you disagree?"

"Any punishment you like. I will win anyway," said Han Sen confidently.

"Do not be so arrogant yet. We have to sign a contract, in case you deny it afterwards." Ji Yanran did not have pen or paper, so she said, "Come with me. We will print the contract out and both sign."

Ji Yanran led Han Sen to a self-service terminal and printed out two copies of the contract. She showed them to Han Sen. "Check if you agree with everything stated here. If you do, then sign it please."

Han Sen picked up the contract and carefully read it. It was a legally binding document and he was afraid she might set him up.

Fortunately, Ji Yanran did not think she would lose at all, so the contract was fair. If he lost, he just had to teach her how to do his trick in the cup game and make sure she can do it as well. Also, he would need to promise that he would never show up and talk to her without her permission.

After reading the contract, Han Sen hesitated because he was not sure if he could teach Sleeveblade to others, as it was from Gambler's family, and he could not leak it without his approval.

Ji Yanran saw Han Sen's hesitation and thought he got cold feet. She pouted and said, "You are scared now? Where did your arrogance go?"

Chapter 151: Fang Mingquan's Discovery

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"I cannot agree on this term. Can we use a different one?" Han Sen said frankly.

Although he was sure that he would not lose, but he would not bet with what belonged to others. It was a matter of principle.

"I know you will act this way." Ji Yanran looked like she had guessed this would happen. She said with disdain, "Well, it's fine if you do not teach me, but you will have to show me how it is done until I don't want to watch anymore. Deal?"

Han Sen pondered and thought that should be fine.

Ji Yanran provoked him, "Are you a man or not? You are so fussy."

"Right away." Han Sen signed both copies of the contract and scanned them with his comlink to approve with his personal code, which was key to the signature. None could imitate a signature since it was linked to one's comlink number and personal identity.

Ji Yanran was delighted and thought Han Sen was provoked to sign. She quickly did the same.

"This one is yours. I will check on your matches later. Don't be a dead beat." Ji Yanran proudly waved her copy of the contract.

"That's exactly what I wanted to say," Han Sen said with a smile.

The next morning, Fang Mingquan and his team started to prepare for the live broadcast. The main game to cover was Ouyang Xiaosan's martial art game, followed by warframe and Hand of God games.

Fang Mingquan took some time to browse the Blackhawk online community, for he believed that it was the best way to know the school better.

Soon Fang was attracted to one of the topics--many people were discussing who Ji Yanran's boyfriend was.

As someone working in media, Fang Mingquan had heard of the name Ji Yanran, and knew that she was the president of Hand of God Society and campus belle. However, she was not a star and who her boyfriend was did not catch his attention originally as it would not be interesting to the viewers.

But Fang Mingquan still read that through, and was shocked and enraptured by what he had read.

Ji Yanran's boyfriend had beaten Li Yufeng by 20 points in Hand of God. Such unexpected news thrilled Fang.

He was just worried that the live might be lackluster. If they simply showed Ouyang Xiaosan's game, their ratings could not be great.

And Fang had smelled something that had the potential to go viral about this topic of Ji Yanran's boyfriend.

"Liu, come and see this," called Fang Mingquan.

Liu read the title with some doubts, wondering why Fang would show him campus gossip, which seemed to be of little use to their show.

But after Liu read the entire discussion, he opened his mouth wide and said after a long while, "That is impossible. Someone who could beat Li Yifeng by 20 points would be in the top 10 of the whole Alliance. How is it possible that we never knew of such a person?"

"There were many witnesses, so it could not be fake. You can browse and see what others say," said Fang Mingquan.

Xiao Liu read some more and became more and more excited, "Fang, we should focus our live on the game of Hand of God. If we could get this master player on camera, our show will be a hit."

"Liu, you remember what the name of that student we met last night was?" Fang Mingquan suddenly asked.

"No. Why did you mention him?" Liu was puzzled.

"Don't you remember what he had said? He said he could easily beat Li Yufeng by 20 points," Fang Ming recalled.

"You think that student is Ji Yanran's boyfriend? That is unlikely. He is a freshman in the Archery Department, and a member of Heavy Warframe Society. All he signed up for was warframe items. How could he be Ji Yanran's boyfriend? If he is that good at Hand of God, why didn't he sign up for that?" Liu could not believe that Han Sen was Ji Yanran's boyfriend.

"That's what makes things interesting." Fang Mingquan smiled. "He did enroll in most of the warframe items. Go move our equipment now. We will cover all the warframe games."

"Fang, since we cannot be sure that he is Ji Yanran's boyfriend, isn't this too risky? And even if he is Ji Yanran's boyfriend and is great at Hand of God, it doesn't mean he would do well in warframe as well." Liu was worried.

"There are enough media covering Ouyang's game, so it doesn't matter if we do it as well. Just do as I just told you," Fang Mingquan said firmly.

Although he cannot be sure that Han Sen was Ji Yanran's boyfriend, Fang felt Han Sen was an interesting person. If he is not the strongest player, he will definitely be the most eye-catching one.

Fang Mingquan preferred taking the risk to following the crowd. It could turn out to be great. If not, there would not be too much loss.

Although Liu did not agree with Fang Mingquan's idea, and did not believe that Han Sen could be Ji Yanran's boyfriend, he had to follow Fang Mingquan's instructions.

Their media peers saw Huaxing Station removing the installed equipment and felt odd. When they asked if Huaxing was going after something big and found out Huaxing was going to cover the warframe items, they simply laughed.

Blackhawk was just okay in warframe items. They would sooner broadcast the Hand of God games, as there were at least the beauty Ji Yanran and the master Li Yufeng.

Huaxing Station had finally installed all their equipment at the site of the warframe games. They had to work overtime for that. Fang Mingquan continued to browse the campus online community.

Although there were a lot of equipment in the warframe game site, they were mostly just backups of other media in case they wanted to say something about the warframe items during the breaks of Ouyang's game.

Huaxing Station was the only one that had their full set of equipment at the warframe game site, since martial arts were Blackhawk's strong suit.

Chapter 152: A Star

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

On the day of the game, Han Sen drove Silver Killer out of the 7th warehouse, because it was allowed to use one's own warframe in the warframe items.

After all, all players were skilled in different types of warframes, and it was impossible to ask everyone to drive the same type.

For those who did not have their own warframe, the contest committee would even provide their warframes. Since Starry Group was the sponsor, the warframes provided were not bad, normally worth one million to several millions.

But many students were still using their own. Generally speaking, the advanced players would all bring the warframes they used every day. This way, they would be more familiar with the functions and parameters and able to eliminate errors.

The advanced players from the Warframe Society all had their own warframes, some of which were even worth a dozen million.

"Sen, I did not know you are rich! This warframe is gorgeous!" Shi stared at Silver Killer.

Among the Heavy Warframe Society members, Fatty, Skinny, Lu Meng and Wang Mengmeng all had their own warframes in addition to Han Sen.

Wang Mengmeng's was the most high-end one. Lu Meng's also looked quite expensive.

But when it came to the appearance, Silver Killer was the winner. The streamline shape and exquisite craftsmanship was simply beyond any mass-produced products. It was a true limited edition, and the only one in the laboratory.

All prototypes would be different as the design concept and technology changed. And Silver Killer was especially unique.

"It is just an ordinary warframe, and doesn't even have a weapon system," Han Sen told the truth about the only flaw of Silver Killer.

"With a weapon system, it would not look so fine," Lu Meng said.

The Heavy Warframe Society members went toward the match venue.

Silver Killer caught a lot of attention, but more people were attracted by Wang Mengmeng's warframe. Some people even shouted out, "Destroyer, someone is driving a Destroyer. Who is this player? Which master in the Warframe Society is it?"

More and more people were noticing the warframe Wang Mengmeng was driving. Destroyer had been discontinued a few years ago. As a classic luxury model, many warframe lovers took pride in owning a Destroyer. And it was so incredible to see it in the school-wide match.

Although the performance of Destroyer was just as good as the current ones, its value as a collective was over a hundred million. Who would drive it to a match!

Outside the venue, more and more people were paying attention to Destroyer, and many were inquiring about who the driver was.

Later, they were stunned by what they learned. The person driving Destroyer was not one of the advanced player in the Warframe Society, but a Heavy Warframe Society member. And they also learned that the driver was a girl in freshman year and her fellow society members were almost all freshmen.

"Heavy Warframe Society is in the match? Shouldn't they go participate in some moving contest?"

"Do not say that. There is at least 'warframe' in their name."

"It's a pity. Such a great warframe. It is the Destroyer!"


Naturally no one was optimistic about the Heavy Warframe Society's performance. After all, no matter how good a warframe was, the key was the player.

On the other hand, Fang Mingquan had started the live and focused the camera on the Heavy Warframe Society members. The holographic footage was being uploaded to the Skynet simultaneously. Many loyal fans had been waiting in front of their screens already. Most of them did not care too much about the content, but who the host was.

With Fang's reputation, the live started with several hundred thousand viewers.

"Wow, Destroyer! Starry Cup has some class," Many people could not help but praise when recognizing the Destroyer in the holographic image.

"Hello friends. This is your host Fang Mingquan. From today, I will be covering Starry Cup - Blackhawk Division for you. I will broadcast the warframe items live..."

The viewers who knew something about Starry Cup started to leave comments.

"Fang, why don't you broadcast Ouyang Xiaosan's martial arts match?"

"Why warframes? Blackhawk is just so-so in warframe items. Is there something shady going on here?"

"Fang must be marginalized in the station."


Fang Mingquan saw these comments and smiled. "Thank you, friends, for your concern. The reason I chose to broadcast live all the warframe matches is that I think this year there will be a most valuable player from Blackhawk who will be a star in the entire Alliance. So, this show will focus on all his matches. In addition, this player is in all the items of warframe except for one due to a time conflict. Let us wait and see his performance."

"Really? A star in the entire Alliance?"

"Last time he happened to be right and now he is trying his luck again. Nonsense. I graduated from Blackhawk and that school is lucky to be in the top 20 in warframe in the Alliance."

"Fang must be talking about the driver of the Destroyer?"

"Ha-ha, excited to see what will happen."

"Fang is so creative with his live show."

"Love you, Fang Mingquan."


Both the believers and nonbelievers gazed at the Destroyer.

"I will tell you something about this player briefly. He is a freshman in Blackhawk and majors in archery. As a member of the school's Heavy Warframe Society..."

His introduction left the audience confused. Freshman, archery and Heavy Warframe Society seemed to have nothing to do with a most valuable player.

"Fang Mingquan must be crazy," thought Wang Changqing who was also watching this live show.

Chapter 153: The Hilarious Destroyer

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In Blackhawk Military Academy, many students were also watching the live show hosted by Fang Mingquan. No one could be in all the match venues at the same time, so some students in other venues were watching warframe games through Fang's program.

But most of them watched because of the fame of Fang Mingquan. Military school students were mostly in First God's Sanctuary and all knew of Fang.

Ji Yanran was in the match venue of Hand of God, also watching warframe games through Fang Mingquan's live show.

"Fang Mingquan is so dramatic. A star? Our school does not have anyone like that," Qu Lili protested.

Ji Yanran smiled. "Journalists are all like that, and Fang Mingquan is no exception."

Ji Yanran then started to search Han Sen's figure in the frame, but Fang Mingquan's introduction caught her attention.

"Freshman, archery, Heavy Warframe Society... these all seem to fit that cheating guy. Fang couldn't be talking about him?" Ji Yanran felt a little uneasy.

But she did not find Han Sen in the image since she did not know which warframe Han Sen was in. And her gaze fell on the Destroyer like the rest.

With the intense discussion of the audience, the first match in warframe items had begun. It was the most straightforward 30,000-feet ring race.

All the warframes were at the starting point, awaiting the order to start.

Everyone thought Fang Mingquan's introduction was about the driver of the Destroyer. Ji Yanran also watched the Destroyer with her heart racing.

A whistle sounded, and under the crowd's watch, the Destroyer took the first step with the rest and all were waiting to see its performance.

But in the next moment, the Destroyer which was only one step away from the starting point fell to the ground with a thump. A strange silence fell on the venue.

"This is what Fang Mingquan calls MVP?"

"Is this supposed to be funny?"

"Ha-ha, hilarious!"

"Fang Mingquan, you should do standup comedy instead."

"It was a Destroyer!"


Ji Yanran could hardly believe her eyes. She had seen bad players, but not this bad. Tripping at the start point in a race. It was difficult to imagine that someone like this would dare to come to the competition.

"Ha-ha, this is what Fang Mingquan called a star! A star indeed, but a comedy star." Qu Lili laughed herself into a state of helplessness.

But suddenly they heard the smart machine announcing the results, "Warframe ring race, first place, No. 69, Han Sen from Archery Department and Heavy Warframe Society; second place... "

Everyone was shocked and found a gorgeous silver warframe standing on the finish line. When they were laughing at the funny Destroyer driver, the game had ended. And the champion was someone fitted Fang Mingquan's description.

Ji Yanran was also a little dumbfounded. She had clearly heard Han Sen was the champion of the Warframe ring race.

The Starry Cup covered a wide range of schools, and within the Blackhawk Division, the games were rather straightforward. The ring race, for example, did not involve any pre-finals.

"S*#t! So the driver of that silver warframe was whom Fang was talking about. I know that Fang would not joke like that."

"How did he win just now? I didn't even look."

"I do not know. I was just laughing too hard."

"Ha-ha, they are both in Heavy Warframe Society and are so different."

"This live is so interesting. Fang makes much better shows than others."

"Fang is the best host."

"Who is the driver of the silver warframe?"


Fang Mingquan clenched his fist and was so excited that he almost called out. Han Sen was even better than he had thought. It seemed that he had made the right bet again.

Everyone watched the silver warframe walking on the podium and raising the trophy and prize for the ring race champion.

The advanced players from the Warframe Society were rather mad. They thought that the only reason Han Sen could beat them was the performance of his warframe.

Looking at the Heavy Warframe Society cheering, some members in the Warframe Society sneered, "Lying back on his warframe isn't worth bragging about. We will see how he does in the items that test operational skills."

"Yes, the next one is hurdle race, and we will kill it."


Luo Xiangyang gazed at his students in silence. He did not mention Han Sen to them on purpose, to humble them so that they would focus more on improving their skills than bragging about themselves.

Soon the hurdle race began, which took place on the same ring, only with many obstacles. The players had to keep the speed while avoid the obstacles, which called for more than a strong engine.

When Silver Killer stood on the starting point again, all eyes were focused on it, and Fang Mingquan's live was gaining popularity.

More and more people had heard about Fang Mingquan's prediction and wanted to see for themselves the person Fang Ming had called a star in the alliance.

Ji Yanran was gazing nervously at the Silver Killer in the holographic image. She was a little scared because she could not imagine what she should do if Han Sen really got five championships.

The players from the Warframe Society vowed to show Han Sen their strength this time.

As the whistle sounded, all the warframes took off like arrows leaving the string, and that silver figure was obviously faster than the others by a body-length, pulling away from them.

"So fast!" Qu Lili could not help exclaiming.

"At this speed, he had no time to avoid the first obstacle wall." Ji Yanran slightly frowned. Han Sen's silver warframe was too powerful that it was now within 30 feet from the first obstacle wall. He had no time to run around the wall with such speed and distance.

Chapter 154: Brutal Force

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Warframe Society members were overjoyed to see this. They were slowing their warframes down to bypass the obstacle wall, while Han Sen could not do that at the speed he was going.

"What a fool! Doesn't matter if his warframe is good," thought the Warframe Society members contemptuously.


The silver warframe in leading position knocked out the obstacle wall and kept rushing forward at the same speed.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One wall after another was crushed by Silver Killer. Foot-thick concrete walls were like bubbles under the impact created by the silver warframe.

The viewers of the live show were in an uproar.

"S*#t! Is this a foul? Can you do it this way?"

"There is no provision that prohibits this either."

"That warframe's performance was so incredible that it could withstand such collisions and maintain the speed at the same time."

"Ha-ha, this is a man's way of driving!"


"This is not even a fair game. It's more like a test of warframe performance."

"Other players are almost bursting into tears. It is even faster than others after knocking out a wall. I don't recognize this warframe. Whose product is it?"

"What kind of warframe is that? I want one."

"Boring. You think you can bully people if you are rich? This game does not make any sense, it's only fair if they all use the same type of warframe."

"I did not see a star, only a rich bastard."

"Fang Mingquan actually supports such a person. Is he the same Fang Mingquan I used to know?"

"What are you talking about? Winning is winning. The warframe performance is a part of a warframe game. What is your problem?"

"Right. When you fight the Shuras, would you go off your warframes if they don't use any?"


Han Sen's approach caused a lot of controversy, while Ji Yanran was even more upset by his crushing wall after wall.

"He is a cheater indeed. With such a warframe, it is highly likely that he will win five championships." Ji Yanran regretted so much that she had signed a contract with this guy.

She could not believe that this guy had a way to cheat in an official match.

In the end, Silver Killer was the first to cross the finish line again and became the champion at the hurdle race. The Warframe Society members were shooting fiery gazes at him.

Due to Han Sen's highly controversial win, many students who were watching other games came to the warframe match venue.

Even the most popular martial arts games started to lose audience to the warframe matches.

People at the news stations were confused to see students abandoning even Ouyang Xiaosan's match.

When they learned from a few students what had happened, it was too late to move their equipment around. They had to use simple equipment to do the report of the warframe game, which was not comparable to Fang Mingquan's show.

On the Skynet, more and more people were watching Fang's live show. The number of the viewers had reached a million and continued to grow.

Although a million people were nothing compared to the entire Alliance, for the game in one division, this number was quite impressive.

After all, most people interested in Starry Cup would rather focus their attention on the schools that were potential champions. Despite the fact that Blackhawk was a famous school, it did not have one item that was outstanding. Therefore not many people would choose to watch this division.

Many people watched because it was Fang Mingquan who was doing the live show. Other stations that focused on Blackhawk Division had even less viewers, ten thousand tops.

Fang Mingquan's live show was also quickly gaining momentum. The viewers came for Fang's fame, but became more and more interested in Han Sen and Silver Killer later.

Han Sen beat all his opponents in one item after another, relying on the excellent performance of Silver Killer. When people believed that it was only because of the warframe that he won, they had ignored the importance of his operation.

Even in warframe shooting, Han Sen was using a mounted manual weapon system and achieved high accuracy, which was also considered to be one of the virtues of Silver Killer.

Everyone thought it was the performance of Silver Killer that led to Han Sen's success and started to discuss which company had produced it. Other discussions were focused on whether such a victory was meaningless. Most people ignored the driver of Silver Killer.

Ji Yanran's face darkened when seeing Han Sen winning again and again. Each time he won, she felt as if she was punched in the chest. When Han Sen won his fifth championship, she was about to cry.

The thought of having to kiss that brat, which would also be her first kiss, made Ji Yanran feel hopeless.

"What's the matter? You look pale," asked Qu Lili, concerned.

"I am fine." Ji Yanran continued to watch the game, absent-minded.

Han Sen kept winning, which made Ji more and more upset. She was distracted when it was her turn to compete in Hand of God and only got the 13th place in the end, worse than her performance last year.

The thought of kissing that bastard made her uneasy.

Han Sen's winning streak was unstoppable. He had won all the games he was in, counting eight championships out of nine now. The Warframe Society won the only item he did not participate in.

There were now only two items left. One was single warframe combat, and the other was group warframe combat. The Warframe Society members could not wait to hit Han Sen hard in these two items, because they needed to vent after being sullen from the previous matches.