

Eithin (Mavet) was someone born with nothing and desired to change his circumstances. Although determined, his life seemed to be crumbling as he lived to simply survive—but is it the life he wanted? He closed his eyes and fell into his dreams. This dream was special, he couldn’t see, but he felt his memories and a sense of creativity and clarity he had never felt before. But all dreams eventually fade, and he awoke. “Where…the hell am I?” He wasn’t on his bed anymore; was this even his world? ———— Disclaimer - I don’t own the [Cover Image]. If you’re the Owner of the Image, just message me and I’ll take it down immediately after seeing your message. The [Warning] and [Harem] tag is due to myself being unsure of; If I wanna do it or not. [Currently InActive]

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6 Chs

Flowers n’ Frogs

Mt. Ebott, Year 20XX.

Inside a cavern, laying on a patch of dashes; a handsome youth slept. Their eyes fluttered open, momentarily filled with daze before panic filled in.

Eithin hurriedly sat up, he looked around and noticed that he was inside a cave. He couldn't have fallen into the cave so..

"Was I Isekai'd again?" What were the chances?

Eithin looked at his items and placed them into his inventory, his sword too.

Looking forward, he noticed a large gate in the distance of a hallway. Standing up from the patch of flowers, he walked toward the gate. "I wonder where I am...." He murmured softly, as he got closer he heard someone talking, but it was too faint to make it out clearly.

The gate was distinguishable now, he even noticed a symbol on the top of it; a circle with wings and three triangles below it. It resembled an angel somewhat to him.

Walking into the room past the gate, he saw a..flower? "-an't I reset?" The flower talked, talked!

"Hello?" Eithin interrupted, the flower turned mid-scowl. It wasn't as strange looking as Eithin first anticipated, but it did appear slightly singed.

The flower seemed quite surprised he was there. "Eh? Another human?" The flower was surprised as it hadn't really expected him, but it's surprise turned into a friendly smile quickly.


"Hi," He greeted back. "I'm Eithin, what's your name?" Did flowers even have a name? "I'm Flowey!" So they did, but it was uncreative names..

"Flowey, do you know where I am?" He knew he was underground, that much h- "You're in the underground!"

"This place was named 'The Underground'?" Eithin curiously asked, who had came up with these names?

"Yeah! It's an uncreative name, but the underground is our home nonetheless! Since you won't be familiar with some things down here, do you want me to teach you?" Flowey examined Eithin while asking.

Eithin was taller than the other human and had a different demeanor, so wasn't sure if they'd be as gullible or trusting. To see how he'd approach things, he threw in that question as a test of sorts.

Eithin considered the proposal and didn't really see anything wrong, so he agreed. "Sure, I'm a bit curious myself."

Flowey's smile seem to have deepened. "Well down here, everyone has magic!" That peaked Eithin's interest.

"Our magic comes from our souls! It's the accumulation of our being!" Eithin curiously asked Flowey, "Do humans have souls too?"

"Yes! Here!" Flowey..did something as Eithin felt a pull at his chest, looking down, he noticed swirling energy shaped like a heart. It illuminated crimson, but occasionally purple lightning arced off the heart.

"That's your soul, though yours' looks a bit..weird." Flowey looked at Eithin's soul with curiosity, he hadn't seen any any souls spark electricity.

'But it's certain that it's determination...' Flowey felt that it might be harder than he origanally thought.

"Is there something wrong with my soul?" Eithin asked with a raised brow, perhaps there's something strange with his soul because he came from another dimension?

Flowey shook his head, "Nothing, anyways! All souls start off weak, until they gain some LV!" "Levels?" "No, Love!" Eithin found that skeptical, the only way it would make sense was if he was in a romance game. He wasn't, was he?

"You gain LV though these-" Four white pellets appeared around Eithin. "Friendliness Pellets! Catch as much as you can!" Eithin saw that the pellets approaching him weren't that quick and seemed to be vibrating with energy. Watching them get closer, he wasn't sure if he should trust Flowey or not.

Flowey looked at Eithin curiously. Not long ago, Toriel had saved tha human, only for this one to come take their place.

Eithin moved and touched one of them while the others flew past him, "Gah!" Pain shot through his chest and spread throughout his body.

"Hahahahah!" Flowey laughed, another idiotic human! "You IDIOT!" Flowey's face deformed into a demonic visage, malicious intent filled his eyes.

"IN THIS WORLD! ITS KILL OR BE K-illed..?" Flowey expected their soul to be flickering due to the damage on the soul, but it appeared fine. In fact, he almost swore that it had gotten brighter.

"That...stung." There was anger beneath those words.

A momentary distortion in Eithin's hands before a golden-brown sword was inside his grasp. While this happened, Flowey simulated the magic inside him and used [Check], information was grasped by his magic.


* Eithin Mavet 20 ATK 10 DEF

* A gullible human who fe..


"Your stats are much higher than a normal human, but you'll still die!" His magic swirled densely into white bullets, they had greater vibrations and glow than the previous ones.

Eithin took a step, and that's when Flowey fired. The energy bullets shot forward, quickly almost reaching Eithin. The air distorted and an axe manifested in Eithin's hand, one of the bullets ricocheted against the axe and hit the wall and exploded into fragments. Eithin's hand moved back by the force of the bullet.

Flowey bared his teeth, the ground cracked open as roots began to reach out.

Reacting quickly as the bullets we're about to hit him, Eithin swung his hand and threw his axe, the bullets landed on his body and he felt a quick intense pain as they fragmented in an explosion of kinetic force.

Flowey had prepared to spear Eithin with roots when he found the edge of an axe grow nigh-instantly. With a great pull, he disappeared into the ground as the axe slammed into the grass.


Eithin borne through the pain with a wince and looked for Flowey, but he didn't find him. He inhaled with a hiss, the wounds stung. He waited a few seconds Flowey to come out but seeing as Flowey seemed to have left, he took a step and winced. He took a breath before continuing his walk over to the patch of grass and picked up his axe.

"So stupid..." How did he fall for such a stupid trick?

Eithin looked down at his chest, his soul seemed to have disappeared back to..wherever it usually was.

He moved his gaze to his axe, he checked one side then the other. On the other side of the axe's blade, he saw a dent. Moving his finger across the dent, he felt that it wasn't too deep, so sighed in relief before willing the axe into his inventory. "The damage gripping his sword, he walked toward the entrance past where Flowey had been. In the next room, Eithin noticed that just a bit further ahead, it was illuminated by ceiling lights.

He room was somewhat cold, the floor was made out the purple stone that had been worn by time. The walls were made of the same stone as the floor, except for the pillars which was made out of smooth grey stone.

Eithin walked further along.

There were rose petals forming a square in the middle of the room, past it were two two staircases that lead to the same door in the middle. In-between the staircases were rose-bushes, and something shines inside?

He went over and slightly pushed the stems away, in the rose bushes was a 'star.' It wasn't the 5-pointed star shape, but instead something that shined brightly. He moved his hand and tried to touch the star, the moment his finger touched it, a warm current washed away all the pain in his body.

Eithin pressed his hands against the areas where it used to hurt, indeed there wasn't any more stings. 'Is this magic?' It felt..good. Like he was as good as new, no, even better. There was a feeling inside him, an urge to continue unwavering, determination.

Eithin tried to take the star, but his fingers simply phased through. "It's incorporeal?" He stopped, if it was incorporeal..there wasn't a chance he'd take it. He stood away from the rose bushes, and moved up the stairs into the new room.

He noticed some pressure plates on the right that had activated. 'I guess someone had already come through here,' He moved onwards to the next room.

The next room was a hallway to his right, water poured down from small rectangular corner-holes that pooled into depressions underneath a pathway. He noticed levers on the left of the walls and holes at something metallic at the end of the hallway.

Moving further in, he noticed it was some sort of trap. It had holes and inside, he made out the silhouettes of spikes. 'They were turned off, not sure if it was recent or not.' He moved onwards into a room with a dummy, he looked at it for a second before moving on.

He was now in another hallway, so he moved down it. "This place is pretty big," He turned around the corner when he reacted to motion. His sword flashed, leaving a deep wound on a frog monster.

"Croaak-" It croaked in pain, Eithin felt glad that he had reacted in time. "Sorry," He didn't know why he said that, but his sword moved once more. The scent of dust filled the air, the monster had crumbled into ash.

There was a thumping in his chest, "What's.." On his chest was his soul, pulsating with light. As he looked at it, he received information about it.

[Soul Manifest LV1: The manifestation of your soul; the accumulation of your being. Burning with unyielding courage, you feel yourself filled with adventurous spirit!

+10% Health | +1 Damage(S)]

"This.." He realized to his surprise that his body was filled with much greater vigor than before, it was to such an extent that it was noticeable.

He immediately connected the death of the monster to this change, he was particularly interested in the 'LV 1' next to his soul.

"If I can continue to level it up..." This was immensely useful! Imagine how strong he'd become...

Eithin smiled.

Dice Rolled: 2 | So it’ll be Undertale.

Do y’all like longer or shorter chapters? I’m not really sure.

Second question, Toriel dies or no?

ListlessDaoistcreators' thoughts