

Eithin (Mavet) was someone born with nothing and desired to change his circumstances. Although determined, his life seemed to be crumbling as he lived to simply survive—but is it the life he wanted? He closed his eyes and fell into his dreams. This dream was special, he couldn’t see, but he felt his memories and a sense of creativity and clarity he had never felt before. But all dreams eventually fade, and he awoke. “Where…the hell am I?” He wasn’t on his bed anymore; was this even his world? ———— Disclaimer - I don’t own the [Cover Image]. If you’re the Owner of the Image, just message me and I’ll take it down immediately after seeing your message. The [Warning] and [Harem] tag is due to myself being unsure of; If I wanna do it or not. [Currently InActive]

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6 Chs

Beginning Tutoriel

Eithin sighed as he walked through the Ruins, his body and clothes soaked. 'It was a stupid puzzle,' he grumbled.

Although his clothes were wet and uncomfortable, he couldn't just take his clothes off. Although he was..wherever in the 'Underground,' he wasn't an exhibitionist. He was quite the opposite, he was the person who wore waterproof clothes to the beach.

His eyes glanced at a monster not far away from him that was approaching him, seeing his eyes, it seemed to shiver in fear. Eithin's gaze lasted only for a second or so before he walked away.

He wasn't in the mood to kill monsters..

If they turned to dust and got on him...

He remembered the feeling of wet sand on his body that one time, it wasn't pleasant and dust seemed finer than sand.

Eithin wandered the ruins. It was cold in the ruins and even more-so when wet, but Eithin didn't mind it. He was used to the cold, his room was always between 60°F and 64°F anyways, and his tolerance seemed to have increased recently.

"Probably due to the changes brought by synchronization," He hypothesized. It wasn't a confirmed hypothesis because there weren't much information besides what he sensed himself, perhaps a later task.

While thinking, he walked through the rooms and was once more attacked by a monster; it appeared to be like a carrot with a large smile on it's face.

Eithin dodged the carrot projectiles and swung his blade, it's eyes widened in an emotion of shock before its form faded to dust.

After that, he moved past the dust and turned to another room with a gap in the middle. Past it was a room with a large stone on the end of slide-marks with a pressure plate underneath, it seemed to have lowered those spike traps.

Eithin looked down the hole and noticed another room below, he noted this before jumping over it. The rooms beyond were the same; already solved puzzles and some monsters he soon slayed.

He leveled up after fighting a group comprised of; a slime, carrot, and imp thing.

[Soul Manifest LV2: The manifestation of your soul; the accumulation of your being. Your spirit is filled with determination, unyielding!

+20% Health | +2 Damage(S) | +1 Defense(S) ]

'The benefits are very good, but the dust is very annoying,' he brushed his hand against his arm and dust flaked off. He had killed quite a bit of monsters, and discovered some interesting information he noticed about monsters.

The amount of dust is proportional to the mass of the monster.

Were they composed of dust and live via magic? He wasn't sure and he didn't have the equipment to really diagnose the components of monsters, not yet anyways.

Another interesting note, the strength of the monster determined how hot their dust was. He wouldn't have discovered this if his senses weren't as keen as they were.

Eithin turned and walked into another hallway, half-way he saw that it lead to a large black tree and a house behind?

"Is someone living here?" He saw that it was lit inside, though he wasn't sure if he would be expecting human or monster company.

He looked down the hallway he was in and noticed that it seemed to lead somewhere else. It was either he walked to the house, or the end of the hallway.

He glanced at the house in the distance before walking down the hallway, it opened up to a railed ledge. Eithin saw massive stone buildings all around below, the walls were covered with moss and vines, while the ground covered in roses and other vegetation.

It was an abandoned city from what he saw. No monsters or human in sight.

Eithin looked around and didn't see any way to go down besides jumping off the ledge, which he didn't consider for more than a moment, he wasn't sure if he could take a fall that's at least 8 stories.

'Guess I should investigate the house,' he figured. Leaving the ledge, he went back and went to the house. He passed by the large black tree, and arrived at the front of the door.

Placing his sword in his inventory, he knocked on the door. He heard some noise from inside the house, he tried focusing on the sound.

"-the door." The voice was feminine and was soft, Eithin slightly relaxed. It sounded human enou-

The door opened, shocking Eithin momentarily. Instead of a human he was expecting, it was a tall bipedal goat who opened the door.

The more shocking thing was two massive beasts he also wasn't expecting! He took a moment to glance away.

"Another human! You must've been through so much! I'm sorry I wasn't there!" The..furry hugged Eithin tightly with remorse?

Eithin didn't expect a sudden hug and an invitation into the house..


'This..wasn't expected.' Frisk silently ate the slice of pie on the plate. The appearance of someone new and a human no less shouldn't have occurred, it's be-

"What. Did. You. Do?" There was a chill, to which she immediately knew it was; Chara, who was the soul of a human who had died in the past and was now 'possessing' her.

Frisk felt mixed feelings about Chara, she was a partner yet was sometimes her..enemy? It was a strange relationship between them, but Frisk considered them friends generally.

'I didn't do anything, I couldn't have.' There wasn't any way that she did anything to influence above ground.

Chara thought about it and seemed to agree, bringing her relief. "Well, then what could have caused it?"

'I don't know, it's not like I did anything different..' Frisk continued her mental conversation with her spirit, while they sat and ate.

"So, what's your name?" The guy asked, awkwardly, clear for even her to see. 'Perhaps he's introverted?'

"Another one?" Chara rolled her eyes.

'What do you mean by that?' Frisk asked mentally, she wasn't introverted..she initiated the conversations right?

While the mental talk continued, Frisk replied.

"My name is Frisk, it's nice to meet you!" After that, the conversation went well. Her social skills have improved a lot since her time in the underground.

The thought gave her a warm smile, before she grimaced.


Eithin dried himself off, it was nice that they had a bathroom. He had gotten dust and dirt on him from the ruins from his battles.

Ash, monsters turn into ash when they die. The sigh of Toriel had given him a slight thought about the previous monsters he killed, could they have had sentience?

'I'm glad that my clothes were already grey and dark along with being dirty..if Toriel saw...' He wasn't sure what her reaction would be, the thought made him speculate on monsters attitude to each other.

"I shouldn't be thinking too deep about it.." Plus, he had to go to bed soon. He had previously asked Toriel some questions but was replied with; "It's getting late, how about I tell you tomorrow my child?"

"I wonder what will happen if I sleep again?" He put on some clothes Toriel had prepared and opened the door.

He heard the creaking of Toriel's rocking chair.

"Toriel, I'm done." He didn't need to shout as the hallway as went too long.

"Alright, you should head to bed now my child." Her voice was soft as she spoke from the living room, audible for him but probably just barely for others.

He opened the knob on the door and entered the room. It was a normal looking room, with some toys laying around. A dresser was in the middle of the room beside the night table, with shelves filled with books.

Walking over to the bed, he laid down and read the titles of the books. They were apparently about heroes from the nature of the titles he read.

He closed his eyes.

And opened them again. 'So..I'm back..'

He saw through the door the rotting corpses that stood, slimes, skeletons, and other monsters.

"Will I ever get some real shut-eye?" He groaned, an axe appearing in his hand.

Damn it, just realized this wasn’t saved. Anyways, I’ll be on leave for a trip. I’ll work on the chapters offline and be hopefully mass release in a few days.

Love ^^

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