
RE Dragon: Burn With Me

[MATURE CONTENT WARNING] Mairin's a reincarnated gold dragon searching for her soulmate, Enkidu. Their love was cursed by a jealous god to end in fire and ash. They must fight against fate to be together. If it must end in flames- they'll burn together. "Of all the fires in this world, she is the only one that burns for me." For WPC #207 - Dragon Cover by Jeijandee Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3PIpbjmlcidLLKtfoKG7s7?si=c9c7e69e8cff4580 Wanna chat, or see my other projects? Check out my Discord: https://discord.gg/Y79vUr4mrf Ko-fi: https://www.ko-fi.com/studiohnh

Kim_Lei · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

It's Certainly Hot in Here

Mairin nodded, gathering her robe around herself self-consciously. Sam smiled, leaning over to pour water over the hot rocks in the center pedestal. A burst of steam sizzled, filling the room as Sam settled on the bench beside her. The oddness of the scenario dawned on Mairin. She was a recently graduated high schooler, survivor of a plane crash, reincarnated dragon of myth, and she was alone, naked under her robes beside a strange man. It should have felt more off-putting than it was.

The sensation Mairin felt when their hands brushed together that first time - a sense of uncomfortable familiarity. Who was this man to her? Was he anyone or was it just Mairin grasping at the chance to make an adult connection with a man?

They sat in to the soothing hiss of steam and smooth classical music over the speakers. Whatever her hesitation, Sam didn't press her to do anything. He had made an offer for company for a new experience but Mairin wasn't certain there wasn't anything else attached. She settled against the warm cedar slats, letting temperature seep into her skin and soothe her nerves. Mairin tried to remember the last time such temperatures made her feel safe.

"What do you think?" Sam's voice weaved through the steam and stillness like a note on a breeze, tickling Mairin's ear. She opened her eyes, unaware she'd closed them, looking over to the man. His expression was more relaxed than it was on the pool deck.

"It feels delightful," she replied with a dreamy smile, rolling her shoulders, leaning back against the wall. "The scent of the cedar makes me remember something from a dream." She admitted before realizing she'd vocalized it.

"Oh? How so if you don't mind sharing?" Sam's voice was soft, almost a whisper brushing against her ear though she knew he was giving her some space on the bench.

"I dream of a mountain lake surrounded by a cedar forest," Mairin easily admitted. "I can smell the crisp mountain air and the cedar, feel the cool breeze brush against my skin, hear the sounds of birdsong. It's the most vivid image, it feels so real. I've never been, but I feel like it's real. I feel safe there."

"Do you not feel safe otherwise?" Sam's voice carried a tone of concern. "I thought you lived with your parents?"

"Ah, it's not that." Mairin turned her face toward Sam, his eyes were almost a navy blue this time. Was it normal for hazel eyes to shift color like that? "Our neighborhood is safe. It's not that there is danger, it's just.... I dunno, I feel like that place is where I belong, does that make sense?"

Sam's fingers brushed against hers on the bench -a gentle physical reassurance without pressuring Mairin to do anything more. "It's good to know where your heart lives, but there's danger in wanting to live in your dreams." He smiled, gently stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. "You belong to the world. You'll be happier if you look outward."

The comment was strange. Mairin blinked as Sam withdrew, rising to stand, turning from her. "Ah, I'm sorry. This is delightful but I've got another appointment. I'll see you around, ya? How about I meet you after dinner? Do you like dancing?"

Mairin clutched the front of her robes as she thought about the offer. She didn't have anything better to do. Her parents wanted her to have fun. She wanted to have fun. When was the last time she'd been out dancing? The thrum of the music and the rumble of the crowd beneath pulsing lights was something she hadn't experienced in a long time. Her friends had chided her for spending more time working than partying. She nodded. "I do like dancing, meet you at the club at 8?" She counter offered.

Sam grinned, running a hand over his hair. "Until tonight then." He wiggled his fingers in a small wave at her, casting a quick glance back at her, before adjusting his robes, and slipped from the steam room.

Mairin rubbed her eyes with a yawn. She had a lot to think about. Why had she thought of Huwawa? Who was he trying to warn her of? She rose to her feet, and exited the room for the showers. The heat made her feel drowsy, she hoped that a shower would wake her up or signal to her that it was time for her to nap with her novel.

Hanging her robe on the hook, she stepped under a stream of hot water. It didn't feel hot enough despite the steam, so she increased the temperature but it didn't rise as much as she wanted. "I guess the heater isn't working right?" She mumbled, settling for the hottest she could and washing up. As she stepped out a young sunburned blonde woman in a purple bikini with a basketful of bottles and a towel over her shoulder was about to step into a neighboring stall. "Oh! I think the heater might be busted. I don't think the water is getting really hot."

"Thank you!" The blonde replied with a smile, slipping behind the shower stall doors as Mairin moved to dress. After a few moments, the woman yelped, calling out over the rush of water from the faucet. "I think it's working now! That's scalding!"

Mairin's eyes widened and she moved towards the mirror. Had the water been scalding? In her reflection there were the telltale redness of a sunburn, but she didn't have the lobster look of someone who'd been standing under scalding water. Her skin did look dry, probably from the hear. She rubbed at her cheeks, watching the dead skin peel away to reveal specks of glitter.

"That's odd." She rubbed at the glitter to only see more gold peeking through. She stepped back at the golden dusting across her cheeks that reminded her of overuse of a gold highlighter but she realized it was something else. "I have gold scales?"

Jet lag is awful. Still getting settled since Moving to the other side of the world. I went from -6 GMT to +3 GMT so it's been hard to shift my sleep schedule this week.

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