
Re : Child again.

Reincarnation, transmigration, time travel. A dream that most of us had once wished for, but never had a chance to actually experience. And as we grew older , this idea sounds more and more ridiculous, delusional, something that's very impossible to happen. Returning back to the past, being able to redo things, to be able to live your life for a second time. Those things can only happen in movies, in books, in dramas -------it's all fictional. But what if that wasn't the case at all? What if returning back to past wasn't just a mere fiction but an actual fact instead? Just how awesome can that be?? This is a story of a college student whom by some means unknown, had returned back to his childhood. He didn't die, he wasn't cornered or forced to jump on a cliff, no truck-kun intervention!! He simply wished for it randomly and it just happened. Let's see how a 20 years old man live his life for the second time. What decisions he'll make, what plans he'll concocts and what in hell was that voice speaking inside his head?? This is a story of action, adventure, romance and everyday life. A/N: The mc will start at five years old and will slowly grew up as the story progresses. The pacing of the story will be quite slow at the start to give time on building a solid foundation for the characters. For those who don't want this kind of thing then this novel probably wasn't for you. The cover photo wasn't mine. I got it from the internet. If you are the owner and want me to take it off then feel free to message me. For support : https://www.paypal.me/AuthorFishball Join us in discord. https://discord.gg/Q7Yzs3GrHy

Fishball_22 · perkotaan
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57 Chs

End of first day class.

" That... that's amazing! " Marlo exclaimed fanatically. He was really amazed by what Leon did just now and also wanted to do the same.

" That's right. So amazing! "

" Magician! Leon is a real magician! "

" Magic is real! "

" That's right! Mommy told me that magic was not real but now, Leon just did it! "

The other students also recovered from their temporary stunned state as they exclaimed excitedly. Some of them even stood up, jumping around the place while cheering.

" W... where's the bottle now Leon? " Meanwhile, Carla was staring at Leon curiously. Just like her classmates, she is also a huge fan of magic. Carla used to watch Magic shows together with her mother whenever she wasn't busy at her work and she enjoyed them a lot.

Hearing what she said, the other students also returned their focus to Leon waiting for him to answer. They are all curious where did Leon hid the water bottle and how will he make it reappear. Or can he even make it reappear again?

Even teacher Jennifer herself can't wait to see what Leon will do next. She keeps on scanning Leon's small body with her eyes but failed to find any possible place he might have possibly hidden the bottle of water.

Leon didn't answer Carla's question immediately. Instead he started walking towards her.

* Tip top * * Tip top *

Stopping just two steps in front of her. Leon looked at Carla straight in the eyes before smiling at her. " You want to know where did I put the bottle? "

" Yes. " Carla nodded seriously. " Please tell us, Leon. "

" It's over there. " Leon he pointed at a certain direction.

Carla, Marlo, Mark, and the other students followed the direction Leon was pointing at and it leads their sights towards the table. Yes. It was their teacher Jennifer's table.

On its surface, the water bottle was indeed there and it miraculously appeared exactly at the same place where it was before! This brought another wave of shock to all of the people inside the room aside from Leon.

Teacher Jennifer was the most surprised of all. She didn't know how did the bottle of water reappeared above her table because she didn't see Leon approaching or getting near it at all. Leon was more than a meter away so how did he do that??

" Amazing! You're so amazing Leon. Please teach me magic too! " Mark was clapping both of his hands in glee. The shy expression he had just awhile ago was gone. There's only excitement on his face as he looked at Leon in amazement.

" Me too. Me too! Teach me how to use magic too Leon. I also want to make things disappear. That is so cool! " Marlo added.

" That's right, us too! Please teach us magic too, Leon! "

" Can you tell us how did you do that, Leon? "

" Yes. Please tell us how did you do that! How did the bottle disappear?? "

The whole class once again erupted. The children began to speak at the same time making it quite noisy inside.

* Clap *

Teacher Jennifer was afraid that they might disturb the other classes so she clapped her hands in order get her students' attentions.

" Okay class. Please be quite and let's give Leon a chance to speak. " Teacher Jennifer said before looking at Leon whom had already returned to his seat. " What do you think, Leon? Will you explain how did you make the bottle of water disappear to your classmates? "

" No. A great magician will never tell his magic to others. " Leon replied another 'bull shit' in a flat tone.

The students was obviously disappointed hearing that.

" That's right. I also heard that line from the magician I saw in TV before. I'm sorry for asking about your secrets, Leon. " Marlo apologies after remembering a movie he had watched before.

The other students was confused at first but they also choose not to asked any further. Instead, they continue staring at Leon as if wanting him to show them more magic.

" Okay. That's enough, children. Let's give Leon a round of applause for his excellent introduction and performance. I know you still want to see more magic but we don't have enough time left so let's continue our introductions. Who wanted to introduce themselves next? Please raise your hand. "

" Me teacher. I want to go. " Marlo volunteered.

" Okay Marlo. Come here in front and introduce yourself. "

Marlo stood up and went in front of the class. " My name is Marlo. Marlo Ubando. I am 5 years old and... I... ermm.... what should I say next, teacher? " he asked looking at his teacher.

" Where you lived and what you wanted to be. " teacher Jennifer answered patiently.

" Oh. That's right. I lived in... I lived in.. I forgot our address hehe. "

"""""" Hahahaha. """"""

The whole class laughed after hearing that, but Marlo didn't mind them and continued. " I want to be a doctor someday, just like my father. But that was before. Now, I also wanted to become a magician when I grow up. The same with Leon. I also wanted to become cool! "

Teacher Jennifer didn't know whether to laugh or cry hearing that. It seems like Leon's performance really did get the hearts of his classmates.

" Very good. You also need to work hard for that, Marlo. Okay next. "

" My name is Ryan. I'm 5 years old. I also want to become a magician! "

" I'm Laurence, 5 years old. I also want to become a magician. "

Almost half of the class especially the boys now wanted to become a magician because of Leon.

" I'm Mark. I am 5 years old and I lived in a... big house. I don't want to be a magician but I want to be as cool as Leon. "

Mark said, his eyes are filled with determination.

Leon smiled hearing that. It seems like this boy had mistaken his house as his address. The other students also introduced themselves without telling their addresses. Perhaps only a few of them knows about their address considering how young they still are?

The class introductions continued like that until it's finally Carla's turn.

" I... My name is Carla. Carla De Guzman. I'm also 5 years old. I... I lived in Bonuan Gueset, Dagupan City. My.... my dream is to become a singer. " She's very nervous standing in front but seeing Leon encouraging her, she's still able to introduced herself quite well.

* clap * clap* clap *

Leon started clapping his hands to support this friend of his. Seeing that he was clapping, his classmates also did the same and also began clapping their hands.

" Th... thank you everyone. " said Carla before going back to her seat.

Seeing that all of the students was done introducing themselves, teacher Jennifer stood. " Okay class. Please be silent. Since we all know each other now, I am expecting that in the future, all of you will become friends. Is that possible? "

"""""" Yes teacher Jennifer!! """""" replied her students cheerfully.

" Okay. Let's take a break then. If you brought your food with you, then you can eat here. But make sure to properly throw your trashes in the trash bin okay? If you didn't bring food with you, then wait for your parents. I'm sure they will come soon. "

Finished saying that, teacher Jennifer went out of the room. Her students happily took out their snacks from their bags. Almost all of them brought their own snacks with them while a few of them was taken away by their parents to eat on the canteen.

Leon also did the same and took out the lunch box along with the snacks his mom had given him this morning. He opened it up and saw two pieces of sandwich inside. There are also some small chocolates and candies there. Leon was about to eat them when he noticed Carla sitting beside him still looking outside as if waiting for someone.

" Who are you waiting for, Carla? "

" I'm waiting for my mommy. Mommy said that she will come and see me today and pick me up after she was done working in our canteen. I..... I left my snacks at home. " Carla explained in a sad tone.

" Oh.. That's fine, Carla. I'm sure your mother will come later. But while we are waiting for her, you can have this first. It's a sandwich made by my mom. Here, take it. " Leon handed her one of his sandwich. Also, some chocolates and candies.

" But you must not forget to brush your teeth later when you returned home, you understand? " Leon didn't want to be the cause of Carla having toothaches so he make sure to remind her.

Carla felt very happy hearing what Leon said. She was a bit reluctant to receive the food but Leon already put them on her hand so she can only accept it. " Are... are you sure Leon? This is your food... "

" It's fine. We are friends now, aren't we? So just eat it. Here's some juice too. You can drink here when you feel thirsty. " Leon took out the bottle of juice and put it on the table so Carla can easily get it anytime.

" Thank you, Leon. You.. you're so kind to me. "

" Of course. We are friends after all. " Leon then took a bite on the sandwich in his hand. Carla did the same and also started.


The class resumed. Teacher Jennifer asked them to pair up and play a game along with their classmates. Leon of course chose Carla as her partner and although the two of them didn't win, they still enjoyed playing together like that. It was especially the cased for Carla. She always has a smile on her face the whole time.

At 11:30 am, the class finally ended. The parents once again returned to pick their children up and went home.

Leon and Carla stayed on their chairs conversing with each other while waiting for their parents to pick them up.

" Hello Ms. Jennifer. Is Carla still here? "

An old female voice arcane from outside. The two of them turned their small heads and saw an old woman in her late fifties there talking to their teacher.

" Yes. She's still insi-. "

" Grandma! " Carla called out as she wave her small hand to the old woman whom she referred to as 'grandma'.

" Thank you, Ms. Jenifer. " The old woman slightly bowed before looking at Carla. " Let's go, Carla. "

" I... I have to go now, Leon. See you tomorrow? " Carla reluctantly said her farewell.

" Sure. See you tomorrow. " Leon gently patted her head.

Only then did Carla left and went to her grandmother but not before giving Leon a small bear hug first before she left while giggling.

Leon just stared at her for awhile until he can't see her anymore. Not long after that, Christina also arrived to pick him up. Leon quickly went outside when he saw his mother.

" How's your day, Leon? Did you made new friends? " Christina asked as she help her son fix his hair.

" Mn. I made one. Her name was, Carla. It's a pity you didn't see her, mom. "

" Oh, so it's a girl? Now I'm more interested to meet her. "

" I will introduce you to her tomorrow, mom. I'm sure you will like her too. "

" Sure. It's a deal then. But before that, where do you want to eat your lunch today, Leon? You don't have a class anymore in the afternoon so let's just go home? That way, you can have your 'siesta' as well after you eat.

Leon nodded. " That's fine, mom. Your food is still better than others. "

Christina smiled hearing her son complimenting her cooking skills and it made her happy. She then grabbed Leon's hand and the two of them went home as well.
