
Sorrow And Suffering Was Felted Again.

Using the device he used to leave, Edian

came back to Earth with beautiful Luicy

by his side. The man was so nervous of

how the two wives would react when they

see him returning home with another

woman. Edian and Luicy was teleported

near the cave but as soon as the man

came in sight to the surrounding, the

heart almost stop to beat. Pulling Luicy

towards the cave in a hurry, a scene

made the whole person froze and tears

immediately fell like rain. The man down

on his knees and keep smashing those

fist on the ground while roaring these


*What do want from me!?

Do you need to take these

innocent women away. Do

you falking hate me that

much!? Ahhhhhh!!!

The man looked again to the three bodies

and can imagine the pain they felt before

they die. Three naked bodies was

crucified, full of scars and even defiled by

those animals. Edian's heart felt more

pain and hated the heavens to the point

that he want to destroy it.

*Khristeine,,, Aingelikca,,,

Arrianne... I'm sorry! I'm

sorry I left the three of you

alone. I'm so useless. I

deserve to die. Don't worry, I

will follow you to the afterlife

right now and ask the three of

you for your forgiveness. I will

end this falking bullsheet life

and be with you on the other


Edian was heartbroken and so was his

mind. Either he become a coward, afraid

to feel the pain again or become crazy

and choose to end his life. The man was determined and took a sharp dagger to

cut himself. The sharp blade was about

to slit when.

*Edian! Edian! Wake up!

Edian! What's happening to


Luicy's voice sounded trying to wake up

the man who's having his worse

nightmare.With the continues shaking

and loud worried voice of the celestial

beauty, Edian finally open his eyes. The

man was still in sorrow looking at Luicy,


*Edian! What's wrong with

you? Did you had a nightmare?

Holding the hands of the man, Luicy

asked him with great concern. Edian

heard the word nightmare and finally

understand the situation. The final tear

fell and the mood slowly return to normal.

Looking at the worried beauty, he went to


*Luicy, i'm sorry I made you

worry. I was so tired and find

this place for us to take a rest

but I didn't expect for me to

have a very bad dream. It's

good you woke up in the right

time and able to wake me. It

was really my worse nightmare

and I thought it was real.

Luicy can tell how bad the dream was by

just looking at the state of the man right

now. She was curious of the dream and


*Edian, what kind of dream

you had that made you so


The man heard this and thought about

the dream then suddenly want to go

home immediately.

*Luicy, I will explain it to you

when we get there. Come

on! Let's go.

Luicy who's still wearing a cloth sack

heard this and become embarrassed.

Edian notice this and asked.

*Luicy, is there something wrong?

You shouldn't hesitate to tell me

what's the problem is.

*Edian, it's just... I want to change

my clothes. I'm not embarrassed

to wear this in front of you but to

others, it's...

The sentence wasn't finish, Edian took

out an exquisite dress and handed it

over. Luicy quickly took it and change her

clothes in front of the man. Edian who's

a normal strong man can't help to have a

reaction but tried his best to control it.

Luicy who is naked right now notice this

and was a little embarrassed but she

already decided to follow this male being

and it's okay to be open in front of him.

*I'm done. We can go now.

Edian who is still fighting against himself

was awaken by the words and

remembered his urgencies. Hold Luicy's

hand and activate the device to teleport.

In just a few second, the surrounding

change and there's no question that the

two came to Earth. Edian who is in a

hurry carried the celestial beauty like a

princess and rush in the direction of

the cave. Luicy has many question

specially on how they came in this

unknown place but choose to keep

quiet and wait for the right time. A few

minutes later, Edian carrying Luicy like a

lover came to the inner most part of the

cave. The man immediately found three

women eating in a low mood and rush

towards them. Slowly put down Luicy and

quickly went to hugged Khristeine first.

Khristeine was startled by the sudden

hugged behind and scream on the top of

her lungs.

*Brother Edian! your finally back.

Arrianne who recognize the newcomer

and also scream louder that Khristeine.

She excitedly rush to get a hugged. Edian

of course can't ignore the little sister and

open his other arm to welcome the hug.

Khristeine who just realize the situation,

turn around and also hugged the man.

Aingelikca on the sideline saw this scene

and found out something that made her

heart to ache. Edian felt something is

lacking and suddenly remembered


*Aingelikca, what's wrong with you?

Are you not happy to see me. Can

I get a hug from you? I really miss

the three of you.

Aingelikca saw the man in red eyes

while saying this and the pain in her

chest disappeared completely. She then

rush and also hugged the man tightly.

Edian become emotional when he

thought of the dream and the big man

cried like a little girl. Three girl notice this

and become very worried on why this

man acting like this all of a sudden.

*Edian, what's wrong with you?

Why are you crying?

Aingelikca was the first to speak and said

these words. Two ladies also have the

same question and was waiting for the

answer. Edian with mix feeling right now

don't know how to answer but still able to


*Nothing,,, it's just I miss the

three of you so much that it

makes me cry.

Three women knew it's not the main

reason but didn't asked anymore instead

notice the another person in the cave.

*Brother Edian, did you brought

home another good sister?

Edian who is crying heard it and the heart

can't help to skip a beat. The man's tears immediately stopped and replace by cold

sweat. This kind of thing appeared again

that give him a headache on how to

explain. Six eyes staring at the man

waiting for an explanation made him to

sweat more. This time, no form can help

Edian and only him can help himself...