
Razel Maximilian

lolocube · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs


A six year old girl was sitting at the corner of the class and was looking out the window when she heard her name being called. It was Amy, the one person who never failed to make her day worse.

"looking at your imaginary boyfriend, Emma?" Amy asked. Every kid in the classroom started laughing at that.

" She's such a creep." " I hate her","why doesn't she act like a normal human being". Emma heard her classmates whisper to each other.

Ever since she was little she was able to see and hear things that normal human being couldn't but she didn't realise that it wasn't normal until she told her parents about it. The look her parents wore on their face that day was something she could never forget. It was the most terrible thing a four year old had to experience.

After that day her parents took her to different doctors and therapies and councellors but it never helped. little did they know that she was born and was meant to be that way. She never felt normal after that. Her parents, teachers, classmates and the people treated her differently and she hated it but she just couldn't do anything about it.

"Get your head out of your dreamland, creep" Amy said again.

At this point Emma was at the verge of crying. She decided to look down and lay her head on the desk so that her classmates wouldn't see her tears.

She layed low and placed her head on the desk, trying hard to control her tears but suddenly she heard a whisper. It came outside of the window. The whisper sent chills down her spine and her instinct told her not to look towards where the the whisper came but she couldn't help but look. The moment she raised her head towards the window, she regrets her action.

Emma was always able to see things that normal human beings couldn't see. The things that she saw always looked dead. They looked like the skeleton of human body and looked rotten. They even smelled rotten. They always looked at her as though they wanted to eat her whole and this always scared her. But these weird things never did anything to her, they never hurt her or more like they were not able to. They just looked at her and sometimes follows her for hours. They haunted her.

But this time it was different. This not only scare her but it made her speechless. She couldn't move. All the colours drained from her face and her heart starts beating frantically inside her chest.

There was man standing beside the window, looking at her with an intense stare and Emma wasn't able to look away. It was as though the man had compelled her to look at him. Yes it was a man but he wasn't human. She knew this because the man had dark and dangerous aura around him that was able make her feel suffocated. The man had long black hair, his face was pale and smooth as pocelian and looked young but old at the same time. He was also tall and slim but muscular at the same time. But the feature the stood out the most was his eyes. It was blood red and it was glowing.

The man stood closely near the window with a dark and predatory look on his face and he gave her and sinister smile. Then in a blink of an eye, darkness surrounded the man and it came towards her with a force. But before it could reach her, Emma moved her hands to cover her eyes. She then heard a painful scream, a scream that send chills down her spine. Then she realised that the scream was coming from her. She kept screaming her lungs out until she fell into darkness.