
ray of hope

what will happen when a doctor falls for his patients with his disturbed past can he be able to live her.

mi_ji_hi · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

chapter no 3

when death takes my hand

 I will hold you with the other

  and promise to find you in every lifetime


Isabel's POV

My dad entered the room with a huge smile dancing on his face I smiled back and sat down and opened my arms gesturing for him to hug me he fasten his pace and hugged me tightly as I snuggled into his chest while we stayed that way for an intense moment. We both pulled back followed by a knock on the door as came inside nodding toward me and smiling at dad. I smiled back as the dad did the same.

"Hello Mr.parker" Ivan greeted forwarding his hand to dad, my dad rose from the bed and shook hands with him.

"Hello, Dr. Ivan hopes you are doing well." My dad greeted back.

Ivan looked at me with hurt in his eyes which I found strange as he gestured at my dad and took him out of the room. Yesterday talk with him started flashing in my mind he might be talking about my disease to death. A thick lump started building in my throat while a strange kind of fearful sense crawled to my chest making it burn a little.

I don't know what they were going to talk but whatever it was it was way too much worst than we thought, although my family never shared my disease status with me.

I laid my head back and ran my hands through my dark brown hair making it messy which I wonder wasn't in good condition already. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. but the uncomfortableness was taking me in completely.

I rose from my place when I didn't succeed in sleeping and started pacing in the room from left to right as I stopped at the window I heard Ivan's stern voice talking to my father. I wasn't meant to listen to their talk but curiosity killed the cat I stood near the window as they were not able to see me but I was able to see them.

The timing was probably wrong Ivan took his leave while my dad's head fall in complete distress he looked towards the window and my breath caught in my throat as I saw tears rolling down his cheeks, people say a woman is strong but not until she sees her love one, her hero, her first love in tears.

A chain of tears started rolling down my eyes my father stood there helplessly while I saw tears falling onto the ground my mother came from another side of the corridor and stood inches away from my father and asked her something but I was too much numb to feel anything. My mother shook him but dad said nothing mom raised her voice when dad mouthed something which shattered my world and crumbled it up I put a hand on my mouth to kill the sound and saw my mother breaking up and falling on the ground while my dad holds her in her arms making her sit on the bench present there.

I made my way to the bed and sat on it facing the ground while tears fell down the door got clicked open and revealed my brother who was in such a good mood and didn't know anything. I saw his footsteps coming towards me and humming a song but suddenly paused while I just waited for his long slender arms to wrap around me. He sat beside me and leaned down to my face and saw me silently sobbing and in no time he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me, on the top of my head, I broke down completely in his arms and hugged him tightly and he ran his hand through my hairs as I snuggled into his chest.

"I won't ask you what happened" rayn smooth voice reached my ears. I pulled back and looked at his almond brown eyes which were reflecting my miserable visage I don't know how much time is left with me in this world and with mom dad and rayn but I'll try to spend it with happiness so that I won't regret it in the afterlife.

As my sobbing died down rayn took my face in his big hands and ran his thumb back and forth.

"Now tell me what happened who made my princess cry," he asked calmly and look into my eyes to find a glimpse of what happened a while ago when he wasn't around. I don't know how I'm going to tell him that I'm leaving this world and him behind. I wasn't sad about myself but yeah my parents and then my mother who gave birth to me and loved me with her whole heart attached her dreams and hopes with me but what I'm even giving her back. And my father I shrugged in my mind I can't count how many things I'm leaving behind unfulfilled and unfinished.

"I don't have enough time left if the attack happened again I won't survive," I said with a sore vice looking down and my parent halted their steps at the door as they heard my statement complete. I wonder if I never heard it would they be going to tell me or going to hide it from me till my very last breath?

I didn't dare to look up at either of them I rose from my place and ran out of the room crashing with my father but I wasn't in a condition to face them I just needed some time alone but I think it wasn't it my fate I bumped into someone masculine body and stumbled on my foot while he wrapped his around me all the paper he was carrying shattered on the ground. he held me tightly against him while his scant made it very obvious that it was Ivan He slowly took me to the chamber and sat me down on the couch placed in the corner of his room he went away and brought a glass of water I took it from him while he rubbed my tears softly and sat down beside me.

"It's okay" he soothed and rubbed my back. I looked at him with my puffy eyes and saw him gulping down, While he retreated his visage.


Ivan's pov.

I rubbed her back and put the glass on the table present beside me. I was scared to death asking her why she was crying as I swallowed the lump in my throat. Her small beautiful puffy eyes were triggering me I unknowingly saw visions of Amara in her. My head kept going back to the moments that happened when she was sick. My head hurt while my heartbeat went slow I wonder if it went slower I'll die at that very moment.

"It's okay you can share it with me" I hesitated but asked her at the end she was constantly staring at me.

"Will ill be not able to survive?" she asked while replacing her with Amara sick visage, numbness spread through my body, the similarities were killing me and eating me up inside. No doubt I said ill help her and I will but living everything all over again was making me sick to my stomach my heart wanted to help her and pull her out of the dark ages of her life but another selfish part of me wasn't ready to relive it all again.

Her question lingered in the air same as Amara's, but there wasn't any answer from me neither for her nor for Isabel I was helpless and answerless.

"Look even you don't know the answer" she laughed bitterly and stood from her place ready to leave. I grabbed her hand and stood in front of her and faced her down. as the tears already started building in the back of my eyes.

"The world Is built on hope Isabel," I said in an almost faded tone my voice wasn't coming out of my throat, i let go of her hand as the small tear was on the edge of her eye ready to fall. I removed it making her blink several times she looked at me up, and as I did the same and she ran out of my office. I might fail to help Amara but I won't let myself fail this time. After all the world is built on hope.
