
Raw, Wild & Savage: The Assassin's Tale of Love and Lust

"You just gave up your virginity to me last night, and you're so cool about it." "I'll lose it eventually; I was just caught off guard, and you're not awful." Not awful? Zach was shocked by her coolness and monotone voice. Very dissimilar from the raucous, obnoxious she-wolf he had in his bed the previous night. Although Simone may have an innocent, mysterious, and sweet exterior, there is a darker side to her. Her cold-blooded self is deadly, having executed numerous victims in a variety of heinous ways. She gave him her innocence in one passionate experience. She was interested in learning more about the world of pleasure once he first exposed her to it. Zach wanted to get to know her better, understand her better, and be cautious about accepting the truth about her. Zach is a sheep, and she is a gloomy wolf. She established an impenetrable wall to hide her cruel nature. What if the sheep and wolf worlds collide?

Suzzane_Belle · perkotaan
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9 Chs


Simone Primestone...

I trained myself to react instantly, even upon waking up, like jumping off the bed, and it became automatic. As soon as my eyes open, my instinct tries to do the routine, but the room is bright—actually, too bright. I closed my eyes again. I feel like I had intense training before I slept last night; my body is sore, especially my intimate parts.

Then I noticed that my room was not as bright as this one; my eyes flew open; I checked myself; shit! I am naked. I am sore, but not the normal soreness I get during training. "Crap!" I found my shirtdress and put it on in seconds. I can hear the shower in the bathroom. I need to get out of here. I can't find my underwear. Shit!

I've been in bad situations many times during my existence, but not walking in the hotel lobby with only my shirt and sandals and matching messy hair. Great! I was tired, and when my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep.I woke up at four in the afternoon for my physical routine. The routine is a regimen to stay efficient. The doorbell rings, and I open the door without checking, as I am expecting my dinner delivered to my room.

Face to face with Orlando Bloom again, he smirks as he scrutinizes my appearance. I'm wearing white boy shorts and a white sports bra, sweating all over. I stared at him, daring him. "Mind if I come in?" I opened the door for him, and his eyes travelled to my room, eyeing my yoga mat and pull-up bar station, which I requested from the hotel.

"You forgot something," I raise my brows, "this," he pulls my underwear out of his left pocket, and he grins. I hissed "pervert" loudly enough for him to hear, and he smiled widely. Damn! He is more gorgeous when he smiles. I did not try to get it from him, as I knew I would look stupid getting the pants while he would try to keep them away from me.

"Is that it? You can keep it or throw it away as if I cared... Now, if you don't mind, I want to be alone. "

"Whoa! Princess, how about dinner with me?"

"No," I said firmly. "I have a reservation at a restaurant here," he persisted. "No, I prefer to eat alone here in my room; I ordered dinner and it will be here anytime soon." He smirked at me and said, "Then I'll eat here." Damn dominance! The doorbell rings, and my food has arrived. He helps me set the table as he dismisses the hotel personnel.

"Are you sure you plan to eat alone?" eyeing the amount and variety of food on our table. "Yeah." I gave him plates and utensils from my kitchen. "I did not eat anything today," I said, though it sounded like a defensive tone. I feel like no matter what I say or do, he will plaster himself in my room.

He watches me while he eats slowly. "You are so damn cool, you just lost your virginity to me last night," he suddenly made remarks. I choked, damn him! I never choked in my entire life; I was always on guard, no matter what twisted people said. He gave me water while patiently waiting for my reply. I looked at him, then answered him and shrugged while spooning beef calderata.

"I will lose it somehow; I was caught in a moment, and you're not bad."

He didn't answer; he just stared at me. While he drank his wine, I observed that he did not eat much; he just tasted two dishes. Why? He asked me, "Why only now?" confirming the thought of his question. I did not answer; I just continued eating. He did not persist.

When we finished eating, or when I finished eating, I rose from my chair. "Well, thank you for joining me," he stood up and all of a sudden smashed his lips into mine. I am conscious; I did not take a shower after my physical routine as if I had time. Shit!! What am I thinking?

"You smell nice! I want to rectify your perception of me from "not bad" to "exceptional," he said, highlighting those words in between kisses. He is definitely great. He rectified it clearly, and I smiled, thinking of our rendezvous.

"What is your name? He asked, holding me in his arms and staring at the ceiling.

"Simone... my name is Simone."

"Simone means beautiful and reserved; it suits you," he said with a smile. I smiled by thinking of the classic novel by Jane Austen, "Emma," that there is safety in reserve but no attraction, and one cannot love a reserved person, not till the reserve ceases towards oneself and then the attraction may be greater." Safety is my refuge and when it comes to attraction I will enjoy it till it lasts.

"I got a birth control implant two years ago," I told him. "We were reckless; I didn't see you wear a condom last night," I said blatantly. "I am clean, and I, too, was caught in a moment," he sighed. "My recklessness rewards me with so much pleasure, baby, skin to skin with your too tight virgin pussy," he smirked.

My phone rings. I ignore it, but it keeps ringing. I raise my head, and he looks at me, arching his brows. I sat and answered the call, "What?" The man on the other side laughed, "Hey, hey, angel, how are you?"

"I'm okay," I replied quickly. "Please come back to us; we need you here." Lawrence and his sweet-to-the-point words asked. I sighed, "No, and no, and please don't bother to call me again," and I ended the call.

"Boyfriend?" he asked

"No," I said dismissively.

"How about moving to the penthouse?" He asked me like we'd known each other for a long time.

What? No! Why are you asking me something like that?"

He tried to be convincing: "It's practical; my room is the best here; I can give you privacy; and we can have sex as much as we want without getting tangled up by people for coming here and going there." He looked at me with the intensity of a salesperson attempting to sell an expensive car.

I gave him a straight-on stare.

He added "My offer still stands". I raised my brows at him.

"Not a chance, hottie," I said while walking naked to the bathroom.

"You are too tempting to ignore, princess," he said, coming to the bathroom seconds after I left him in bed. We both stare at each other through the mirror, his right hand caressing my breast while the other hand cups my sex. Lust is evident in our faces. I moan loudly when his hands slide deeper and his thumb rubs my clitoral area as he kisses my neck. I arch my back as he continues his ministry. My whimpers intensify when he slides two fingers and increases his speed. I gasp when I reach my orgasm, but then he slams his shaft fervently. I had no idea taking a shower could be so enjoyable.

I never asked for his name, and he did not offer to give it to me. After our delightful shower moments, he left me. He has important things to do.

"Bye," I said.

He turned to me and said, "this is not definitely goodbye, princess." My phone rang, and I immediately answered.

"My team will get you there now. We need you here." The line disconnects. Shit Sherlock!! Lawrence is persistent and efficient all the time. I gathered my personal things hastily, called the reception, and left two bundles of bills at the table, which is more than enough payment for my stay here.

When the elevator opens at the rooftop, a man in a black suit standing near the door examines me. Before I could utter a word, crap! I don't know his name; the man who called someone from the wall phone speaks in German, which I can fully understand, but did not give a hint. "Follow me, ma'am," he says as he opens the door that leads to the living room, but he does not stop there. He stops at the door, which looks like a bedroom, and knocks.

Someone said, "Come in." He turns the doorknob and signals me to come in. He's standing on the balcony, his back to me, his long and shiny blond hair tied. "Come here, princess," he said gently. I brought myself in front of him and readied my brightest smile for "hi." He smiled back. "I did not expect you to come here so soon; do you miss me that much?"

I shrugged off his joke and asked him, "Does your offer still stand?" I used my charm and seductive smile, like offering him the best product with lots of benefits.

"Of course, princess!" He kissed me tenderly, which led to another delightful moment in bed.

I stayed with Zach (I shyly asked his name on my first day in his nest) for two weeks in Boracay. I turned off my phone and stayed in the penthouse during those times; I read, exercised, and watched Netflix, and to my delight, the penthouse has a private gym. I started to like the slow pace of life with Zach. I want to escape from my reality for now, but for how long?

He wakes me up with his kisses. "Princess, let's go; we will fly to Thailand today."

I leaped from the bed, "What?" I asked in surprise.

"Whoa! That was quick, princess; do you want to stay here?" he asked cautiously. I immediately replied.

"No, I am coming with you," and he smiled, "then come and have breakfast with me before we pack our things."

I want to use him to my advantage; his resources will help me stay hidden from the life I ran from.