
flame frenzy

Wave never had such a memorable morning in ages. He and Jay sat distant from each other currently. Jay holding an ice pack to her cheek, pressing uninterested and unfocussed. Whereas, Wave used a cotton wipe to dab on the dried blood running through his jawline and neck from the already healed wound. Not like it would matter to him, but both of them seemed like the victim at that point. Jay stole occasional glances, mostly keeping to herself while Wave had his mixed emotional glare fixed at her. He was just a little annoyed with her ...probably!

"For the records….", he spoke with a sigh," …. that gift wasn't meant to use on me", he pointed at the blood laden dagger with white roses vine.

Jay didn't meet his eyes but strangely apologized by nodding," Sorry, I'm a little unstable this morning", she said," Must be from last night", a mumble for the last line.

Wave sighed.

"Explain", he ordered.


The morning was indeed classy for their second encounter in a row. Not a very common situation between Ravens and Rares after they had already sealed a contract, but Wave had a really strong suspicion about it.

Only, it was rather unexpected and sudden.

The Raven was exhausted and asleep for fuck's sake!!!

It wasn't even a full morning yet, and being a creature of the night, Wave had nocturnal tendencies to sleep till late morning. His bed time starts around 6-7 am in the morning itself. May be 8?

Unfortunately, he mistook the same for Jay as well.

She was in fact, but here was the mere difference.

The fucked up in the head female never slept at all!

Only a max of 2-3 hours during odd time of evening. And it was sufficient for her to pull through the whole day, night, dawn and noon.

The messed-up ash-blonde was trying to toss around on the open couch, when he felt himself being restricted. It was surprisingly hot for the Spring time and he kept feeling icky due to that. His mind was being invaded by haywire and not so decent dreams, as it was really heavy on his crotch area. Like someone was on top of the place. Silent moans were unintentionally escaping his mouth, half-asleep as some of his senses started to return. He felt being straddled as he grew sweaty every passing second coating his head and neck. Another wave of pleasure shot through him as his eyes immediately shock opened up!

Jay met directly those eyes, looking down with an unreadable expression on her face. Her lips letting out warm breaths. She had conquered his whole waist area, pressing down hard on his crotch and hardening him in the process.

Wave bit in another course of ecstasy running through his veins.

For a moment, he tried reading her and her emotion. But Jay seemed so out of focus that it got him nothing. He was confused at her, spacing out at him.

So, he tried his own approach.

Smiling up at her, he spoke with his heavy sleep voice," You could have said it last night", still no reaction," Riding me would surely be hot! You already look sinful enough on top of me like this".

Jay leaned back as a response.

Her feral self, calming a little.

Wave cocked up an eyebrow," Losing interest already? May be not much, but few humans surely swoon over my looks a lot, not your type I presume?"

But he doubted that himself, as he felt no emotion of lust coming from her. She had merely gone berserk as a forced situation. She wasn't in her right mind at all. Something surely caused this, and it might have happened after last night. Something must have driven her.

And then, Jay's next action indeed had his eyes widened.

This was what she was intending? Wave should have fucking known. He should have fucking figured the shit out already.

Jay had produced the white rose jarred vine dagger from behind her waist.

"Fuck!!", Wave cursed as the dagger came down swiftly at him with no hesitation.

With quick reflexes, he held on the back with the tip hanging right above his throat. His Adam's apple bobbed as he looked at Jay again.

This was no chronic or breakdown. This was a feral urge to kill the Raven, no matter what!!!

For a female, Jay had surprisingly hard strength. Or it must be the momentary burst of adrenaline rush.

Just holding her wrist in a pitiful fucking lying position wasn't any show of Wave's defense. The dagger had already shifted to the side of his damn throat, slicing into it. The warmth dripping down couldn't be anything less than blood.

"Fucking snap out of it, Jay!!!", Wave raised up his voice, only for the dagger to jab in more with a jerk. She was reacting to him.

"Damn it! Stop this!!", but he went unheard. The couch was drenching now. As the blade pierced its way further inside, Jay seemed to lose herself more and more. She wouldn't stop until Wave was dead and unresisting. He had move quick. Needless to mention if the undead would or not, but she can't be allowed the taste of death twice. Else she would continue her assaults further and on.

"That's it, for today!", saying Wave have had enough. He immediately let go of Jay's left hand which was desperately reaching for his already injured throat. As soon let free, it grabbed around his neck harshly cutting off all space for air supply. She was going all out.

Wave understood that defense won't work against her, it has to be offense!

He didn't waste another moment.

With a powerful swing, the Raven smacked across Jay's cheek with the back of his hand. He couldn't hold back and the effect had Jay throw from the couch and himself. He could tell that the impact was cruel enough to form a nice black bruise or even cut in.

He almost felt sorry when the amount of pain started gushing in through him, from Jay.

But judging his own amount of blood loss, he discarded the thought.

A groaning was heard from under the couch but no head popped up.

The impact must have been rougher than that.

"I had warned you", Wave complained rubbing his almost healing wound with his reddened tank shirt he had on," I was almost dead again due to you!".

Still no reply.

Wave minimized his voice but the accusations did not waver.

"You're unusually feisty for someone who just overcame a deadly chronic yesterday", he stated," Really greedy, aren't you!".

And then again when silence responded, Wave gulped a little. He must have underestimated himself and forgot to hold back his rage. Certainly, Jay wouldn't be much affected to have hit her head or something, would she? She did receive back her senses already or still in the ongoing daze. But if so, there should have been another simultaneous attack.

But however, the dagger had flung away from her reach, its white rose now red and dripping raw.

Wave dropped his hand from his throat and peaked over the couch. His jaw dropped too!

Jay was bent over her hands, her head falling and hiding inside, the floor keeping her on all fours. A mild hissing sound emerged as a trail of heavy saliva mixed with blood was hanging like a string. Drops of the red fluid decorated he floor as well as her palm backs.

Jay had regained her state in a shitty position, but Wave had lost his.

"Shit! Fuck!", Wave exclaimed.

In an instant, he was moving fast on his feet and reaching for the refrigerator. Fetching a soft cloth and a pack of dry ice in stock, he stood over Jay and bending down to her level carefully.

"Look up, let me see", he said," You just had to bring this on yourself", he ranted on.

Jay gagged another streak of blood mixed with saliva down on the floor. Wave expressed a perfect blend of hypocrisy, rubbing it off from spreading the mix all over herself and making a mess with a scrunch on his nose.

"What…. did you…do?", Jay spoke in a raspy voice between gaps and breaths.

"Yeah of course now", Wave was openly annoyed," You're the one, freaking maniac. Doing what I specifically forbade you to do. Up! Now!!!".

Jay finally lifted her hands off the messy floor and pulled up her face back.

Wave almost gaped at his own strength.

After all, his body would work far better than any human if he was even holding himself back enough just not to kill anyone.

The girl had her cheek swollen black in such a short notice, like she just got a tooth pulled out with a plus.

The blood wasn't from any physical injury, but pouring out from within her mouth. Must be another side effect from the impact and the broken trance.

Jay looked at him with slightly wet eyes, a drop escaping from her blank emotion.

Wave's eyes turned baby blue instantly.

"Did I go on a rampage?", she asked.

"Yeah…..on me".