
Chapter 1- into the school

"Ugh Damn headmistress forcing me into this damned school, why does she have to know my sister?" He mumbled under his breath walking down that hallway.

While walking down the hallway he hears whispers such as "is that a boy?", "Why is he here", and "how did he even get in here"

As he walks up to the head mistresses office and the door opens "a boy!" A blue haired girl yelps while casting a spell at him meant to freeze him

"Hm?" He mumbles seeing the bolt headed for him. He simply waves his hand and the bolt gets redirected. "That wasn't very nice" he says looking at the girl.

"B-b-but men can't use magic!" She yells along with the rest of the school

"Ugh so troublesome" he says this pushing the girl out of his way and walking into the headmistresses office "why did you call me here?" He asks shooting the headmistress a glare

"You're attending RavenRed High until you graduate" she says this nonchalantly

"WHAT! WHY!" He yells at her

"How dare you yell at the headmistress" a girl with brown hair says sending a volley of fiery arrows at him "you are so disrespectful!" She yells

"You call me disrespectful?" He says, with a simple wave of his hand, all the arrows disappear. He glares at her "you're the one who attacked me in the middle of a conversation"

The headmistress seems slightly scared for her student "Allan leave the poor girl alone, she was just trying to defend me" she says grabbing his wrist

"Fine" He said this pulling the cloak back around him "next time I won't be so merciful"

"Oh shut it you, don't make me call your sister" the headmistress threatens

"Fine" he says this sitting down looking mildly annoyed

The headmistress waves her hand making the cloak and bandanna disappear "stop wearing that stupid thing" She says throwing a pre-made male school uniform "go and change"

"Um headmistress is that a school uniform?" The girl asks "aren't girls the only people who can use magic?"

"That is and he is somehow able to use magic no one can explain why" she said this "he is very powerful" she says as he walks back out

"Ugh, as long as I have a place to sleep and eat I'll agree" he says rubbing the back of his head

"Agreed" she says this quickly "your room is 1153 on the 11th floor"

"Ok send me my schedule later I need to find my way to the dorm without getting killed" he says this quickly walking out "Ugh damned girls" He mumbles under his breath

"Ow ow ow" a girl yelps "I know my magic isn't as strong but that's no need to bully me"

"You address us as higher tiers" a different girl says

"Hey hey hey what's going on here?" The boy asks

"What's a useless boy doing here" the taller of the girls say

"Is He the new class servant?" Says the smaller girl "or is he a new training dummy?"

"I need some target practice anyway" the taller girl says flinging Multilple fireballs at him

"Ugh so weak" he mumbles as he gets hit by all nine of the fireballs smoke is coming off his body "freshman I'm guessing" he said walking out of the smoke unscathed

"H-h-How! He's a boy!" She yelled this surprised "he can't use magic"

"Ugh idiot" he mumbled this. By simply sticking out his hand the girl is covered in ice. "Now... weak girl. Head to your class I'll deal with these two" he had said this freezing the other

"Th- thank you" The girl said running away

"Now girls" he said turning towards them "I'm more powerful than most of the teachers here" He unfroze them "if I see you mess with anyone again just know I won't be so merciful" he then walks to his room and crawls into the bed "god damn, what's all the girls problem here"

There was a knock at his door

"Ugh who is it?!" He asked

"I'm here with your schedule" a girl outside says

"Ok" he opens the door his gaze piercing straight through her

"Eep" she squeals, throwing the papers at him then running

"Ugh! God damn girls" he picks everything up then lays back down

Later that day at about 8:45 pm

"WHAT THE HELL! WHY THE HELL DO I START TOMORROW?!" He yell whispered looking through his schedule "god damnit Clair. Ugh guess I'll go to sleep" he said as his vision went away

The next day

"Ugh" He mumbles rolling out of bed and putting on the clothes walking to his class and wait outside waiting for the teacher to call him In

"Today we have a new student, I know it's pretty late in the year... but they're different" the teacher said this slightly nervous

"The teacher is nervous" "who is this person" "they must be very powerful" and "I heard they walked through a volley of fireballs from the flame princess" these were only a few of the whispers going around the class

"Hey there" He says walking in

"THATS A BOY" all the girls yell at once

"Is that everyone's reaction to seeing me?" He looks over at the teacher and she just nods "Ugh well anyway my name is Allan Black-Angel nice to meet you" He says smiling

"This is a joke right?!?" A snobby sounding girl yells "I decline to be in a class with a weakling"

"What... did... you... call... me" Allan says this looking at the girl. A dark aura is coming off him

"Allan calm down" the teacher says very worried

"Dark grip!" He yells and a hand forms out of shadows grabs the girl and brings her towards him "never call me weak... dissipate" and with that the dark hand disappears

"Only rank SSS mages can use shadow magic!" The teacher yells

"didn't Clair tell you that I'm a X rank?"

"WAIT... WHAT?!?" The class screams

"Yeah... dark warp" a portal opens and he teleports to an opens seat in the back of the room "idiots..." he mumbles under his breath

"What was that?" A small white haired girl asked in monotone

"Nothing. Nothing" he says putting his head down

He seems to have fallen asleep and all the girls including the teacher are staring at him

The bell rings

He stands up and walks out

The white haired girl stares at him "did he just ignore me?" She whispers

"Whatcha thinking" a red haired girl asks her

"NOTHING!" She seems startled by the other girl

"Ok let's go shopping" the red haired girl said

Back to Allan

"Hey there newbie" a senior says

"What do you want?" He glares at them

"What did you say!" The senior shoots an ice spear at him

"Ha.. hahahahaha you actually scratched me" he walks up to the girl about to blow her up

"Allan stop that" Clair says

(A/N Clair is the headmistress)

"Ugh old hag" he walks towards Clair

"You can't just attack students anymore I will put a bodyguard with you if you do that again" Clair says

"Fine" he walks out and sits in the middle of the football field "Ugh" he lies down and looks at the sky

"Hey You!" A voice says from behind

This is a mature book with my fetishes

fearofparadisecreators' thoughts