
Chapter 1: The First Time We Met

It was 5 years ago when Mei Xing met Jun Hong during a basketball practice. That fateful day is still fresh in Mei Xing's memories. The day when Mei Xing slowly found her passion in life again because of someone (who is Jun Hong hehe) wished to proved to her that talent should not be wasted. Not when the less talented trained so hard just to keep up with those who effortlessly completed the intensive training.

In Tian Fu Academy, anyone who managed to pass the selection will be accepted in their chosen team sports , like basketball team, volleyball team, soccer team, swimming team and etc.

Normal students, students who are not involved in sports and usually spent their time studying, can't help but look up to the athletes. In this academy, in order to be eligible to take part in the sports selection, first the students must scored at least 80 marks in every paper.

Which means if a student get 79 marks in any one of his or her paper and wish to participate in the sports selection, he or she are not qualified to do so.

For many years, this rule was protested by many students, especially talented athletes but scored slightly below the required marks. However, the principal of Tian Fu Academy, Mr. Fu Sheng Li, said to all students during the first assembly of the year.

" I've probably said this almost every year during my welcoming speech to all new students. Tian Fu Academy is famous for encouraging students to excel both in academic and sports activities. However, this academy is also infamous for being... well perhaps a bit too selective in choosing our athletes to represent in many competitions.

That is why Tian Fu Academy is the only academy in this country that the athletes are also known as the smart ones. The teachers of Tian Fu Academy, are honored to be able to teach here because even the teachers are required to pass a "selection" before being hired. The system here encourages students to study hard in order to participate in their desired team sports selections.

We do not wish for the students to entirely focus in their sports and ended up neglecting their studies. Thus, this system was introduced by the founder of Tian Fu Academy, Mr. Fu Shing Ge. But do not worry, there are other activities with lower bench marks (65 and above) like culinary arts, indoor games, arts and others. Students who scored below 65 marks in any of their paper are required to focus entirely in their studies.

Now, if any of you students are still dissatisfied, feel free to quit Tian Fu Academy. You shouldn't have applied for this academy in the first place. Moreover, you won't be able it last here if you don't have the determination to aim higher and only knows how to complain. That's all from me. I wish you all a great day and welcome to Tian Fu Academy. "

Students of Tian Fu Academy : ... Weak round of applause.

A few months later...

It all started when Jia Li, who is Mei Xing's childhood friend, suddenly came looking for her during break and asked for a favor.

Jia Li : " Mei ah ~ so how's it going? I'm so glad you agreed to transfer to the same academy as me. For the last 3 years you've been studying in boarding school in the USA, I've missed you every day."

Mei Xing : I've missed you too. It was really tough over there. [ Not having anyone I could rely on ] Every single day, I've read your letters that you wrote to me. They were my source of strength. Feeling homesick, I've decided to come back after I completed my 10th Grade.

Jia Li : I'm so happy you're finally back. You look better now...

Mei Xing : You mean more beautiful?

Both of them laugh happily.

Jia Li : Oh, by the way.. Do you have plans tomorrow?

Mei Xing: Tomorrow? I'm planning to study so I guess I'm busy?

Jia Li : Oh come on! You ALWAYS study ever since you reach here.. You've already got. No. 1 in the previous exam. How come you never tried out for any sports activities or even club activities. Don't you have anything you would like to do besides studying???

Mei Xing : What can I say, there's nothing that interests me... *frowning as she remembered something unpleasant*

Jia Li : Liar! You're not like this when we were younger. You used to be soo passionate AND very good in many sports, especially basketball. What happen last time was not your fau..

Mei Xing glared at Jia Li as her voice was getting louder and her classmates started to look at them.

Jia Li : Ah.. I'm sorry for bringing it up...

But you shouldn't let your talent go to waste.

Mei Xing : Ah Jia... Did you come all the way here to lecture me?

Jia Li: Oh I almost forgot!

Ugh, now I'm not sure about this anymore. But then it's for her own sake... *mumbled to herself*

Mei Xing : Jia Li.. I can't hear you. Just spill it out already.. I haven't eaten and you're taking too much time.

Jia Li: Sorry sorry.. Fine, actually I wanted you to replace me in a basketball friendly match tomorrow against the... Before Jia Li could finish her sentence she already heard Mei Xing's answer


When Mei Xing was about to walk away Jia Li grab her hand and said " Come on, it's just a friendly match. I finally got into the basketball team and it's supposedly my first unofficial game but something urgent happen and my family needs me.

The moment Mei Xing heard Jia Li mentioned bout her family only then she look her in the eyes.

Jia Li understand that she was worried about her so she quickly explained, " My mom was admitted to hospital yesterday and no one is taking care of my siblings so.."

Growing up together, Mei Xing knew Jia Li's mother often admitted to hospital but she never dared to asked what kind of sickness she's suffering.

Jia Li always seems uncomfortable whenever she brings up this matter. Mei Xing sigh before asking for the details.

Knowing that Jia Li agree she hug her tightly and thank her. Mei Xing was startled for a short while and wonder why she's so happy. But she still hug her back. When Mei Xing left to buy food Jia Li just stood there and watch her leave.

I'm sorry Mei Xing..


Mei Xing arrived at the basketball court an hour earlier than the scheduled time. It's been awhile since she played a real game.

She thought " There's no turning back now. Might as well do some drills and some image training before the game start."

Mei Xing used to be the captain of basketball team during middle school. She is versatile as she could play different positions with ease. But being the centre is still the best for her.

That's cause she's taller than most girls on the team, strong, fast, lean but muscular and great at defense.

She would have went overseas to be trained to become a professional basketball player if that incident didn't happen.. Feeling gloomy Mei Xing grab the basketball and started shooting. All of her shoots went in cleanly.

Then she jog for 10 minutes, did some stretching, push ups and sit ups. Mei Xing is very flexible as she easily did a left and right split. Her flexibility helps alot in improving her reflex. Feeling warm enough, Mei Xing starts to do some lay ups, under basket, free throws and lastly 3 points shot.

Normally, it's not easy for for a 17 year old girl to shoot from 3 point line. But Mei Xing was gifted. After all, her father was a professional basketball player and her mother is a professional basketball trainer.

Although Mei Xing also excel in other sports, basketball is the one she used to enjoyed playing the most. And thanks to her strict parents, she also excel in her academics and great at socializing as she always had to attend official dinners with her parents.

She started dribble from side to side and jump to shoot. *Swosh* another clean shot without the need to hit the board.

When Mei Xing went to get ball she heard someone whistle and clap with 1 second gap.

As she turned around she saw a very tall guy, about 1.9 m wearing a basketball jersey No. 11.

It's obvious that he went to the gym cause of his muscular body. And his face looked like a Korean celebrity with small yet piercing eyes. He was just leaning against the wall yet he looked like a model, with his foot cross over another and basketball between his arm and waist. Then he started to walk towards Mei Xing.

Only then, Mei Xing started to realize it's almost time for game to start. But why is a guy doing here? As a referee? But he's wearing a jersey so could it be that the guy's team is having a friendly match today too? But shouldn't he come later? Unless... It's a friendly match between the girl's team and the boy's team... While wondering, she continues to dribble.. Acting as if the guy was not there.

Seeing the girl in front of him not showing any interest in him as she keep looking down at the floor while dribbling , he somehow felt annoyed. Normally girls should at least start a conversation with a hot looking guy like me. Yet this girl is ignoring him?!

However, he suddenly thought this girl looks familiar. For a girl, she's definitely tall, probably around 1.75m . She not wearing the official jersey but black short sleeve sports shirt that stick to her body due to her sweats and long tights. Thanks to that, he could tell that she has a nice figure and body proportions which seems ideal for any active athletes. She has lean muscles which makes her look tough and cool and the same time. Her hair tied into a high ponytail so her hair sway as she dribble.

But her face.. Seems abit scary... Ahh.. I wonder how she look if she smile... So wanting to grab her attention snatch away the basketball.

Caught by surprise, Mei Xing look towards the guy infront of her. He... Was fast enough to snatch the ball from me. Mei Xing thought. Or was I too busy thinking that my response was slower..

Just as Mei Xing wanted to ask for her ball back, the guy opened his mouth and said,

" Hello, I'm Jun Hong. What's your name?" while giving a seductive smile which shows his white teeth.

Mei Xing :" .... Um, Hello I'm Mei Xing. Could you give me back my ball..." This guy... He probably thinks every girl would fall for him after seeing a smile like that..

Jun Hong : *tch* She still cares more bout her ball even after I let her see my deadly smile. If that's the case.." You want your ball back? Come and get it. "

Mei Xing's first impression of Jun Hong..


But who would have thought that annoying guy could one day find the key to her heart and unlock it.