
Raptured Heart

Broken by tragedy, Isla is forced to move to Texas and live with her Aunt. Will her new school’s sexy hometown football hero be able to mend her raptured heart?

Hipsy_Dipsy · Masa Muda
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5 Chs


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Why is it a thing to be able to transfer schools?

JOLENE: Good morning, sweetheart.

ISLA: Good morning. Where's Reece? I was gonna go see if she wanted a ride for school but she wasn't in her room.

JOLENE: Holden dropped her off on his way to the church.

ISLA: Oh. I didn't know he was still helping out there.

JOLENE: He's actually the reverend now. He usually goes there in the mornings to practice his sermon for Sundays.

ISLA: Good for him.

JOLENE: He loves it.

ISLA: I should get going. I wouldn't make a good impression if I was late on my first day.

JOLENE: Alright. Try to have a good day.

ISLA: I will try my best. I'll see you later.

(Thinking) Here goes nothing.


The first thing I saw when I walked into school was four people blocking my locker. Two very tall, and handsome guys and two cheerleaders who were drop dead gorgeous. I'm not gonna lie, I'm quite intimidated to go up there and tell them to move. Unfortunately for me I need to get to my locker.

ISLA: Excuse me. Can I get pass you guys really quick? I gotta get to my locker.

CADENCE: Do I know you from somewhere?

ISLA: Not that I'm aware of.

CADENCE: No I totally do. You're the girl who fell in the store a few days ago! Are you okay?

ISLA: I'm alright. My leg was a little bruised. But besides that, it's all good.

CADENCE: I can't believe Sawyer did that. A total d**k move.

SAWYER: Hey guys.

FOSTER: I can't believe you knocked this girl over, dude.

SAWYER: What girl?

DUNCAN: The girl standing by Cadence.


SAWYER: Oh, hey darlin'. Alright I see we haven't moved past the accident. I'm sorry darlin'.

ISLA: It's fine I'm over it now.

SAWYER: So, does that mean I'm forgiven?

ISLA: I wouldn't go that far.

SAWYER: I'd be more than happy to try and make it up you in some way.

ISLA: If you really wanted to make it up to me, you could stay away from me.

SAWYER: Oh, ok.

ISLA: It's whatever.

SAWYEY: I guess see you around then.


CADENCE: Do you need help finding your class?

ISLA: If you don't mind.

CADENCE: Not at all! What class do you have?

ISLA: Physics with Mr. Diaz.

CADENCE: That's where I'm headed too! Let's go.

MR DIAZ: Are you the new student?

ISLA: Yes.

MR DIAZ: Eesluh, right?

ISLA: it's pronounced eye-luh.

MR DIAZ: My apologies. Please go take a seat next to Mr. Davenport.

ISLA: I don't know who that is.

MR DIAZ: Right. The tall gentleman in the varsity jacket, on the end.


SAWYER: Hey there, again.


SAWYER: So uh, I never got your name.

ISLA: Isla.

SAWYER: That's a beautiful name.

ISLA: Thanks.

SAWYER: I'm Sawyer.

ISLA: Cool.

SAWYER: Where are you from?

ISLA: Manhattan.

SAWYER: Is everyone from Manhattan this standoffish?

ISLA: Only when we don't want to be bothered.

SAWYER: Noted. So what brings you to Texas?

ISLA: You ask a lot of questions don't you?

SAWYER: Only when I find someone interesting.

ISLA: Yeah well, it really isn't any of your business so I would prefer if you don't.

SAWYER: Roger that...


CADENCE: I disagree! I think the guys are gonna do really well this season.

DAISY: But what would make this season any different from the last one?

CADENCE: Most of the guys the team are seniors this year. And college scouts are going to be coming to the games.

DAISY: They came to the games last year too, though.

CADENCE: That's true. But all of the bad players graduated as well. Since Sawyer is the QB this year, I think they're gonna do really well.

DAISY: I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

CADENCE: Hey, come over here. I just realized I never introduced myself. I'm Cadence and this is Daisy.

ISLA: I'm Isla.

CADENCE: Well it's nice to officially meet you.

DAISY: You can eat with us if you want. We won't bite. How have you been adjusting to the school?

ISLA: It's been alright.

DAISY: It'll get easier.

ISLA: I really hope so.

CADENCE: Have you made any friends yet?

ISLA: Not really. But wasn't really expecting to anyways. Senior year and all, everyone already has their cliques.

CADENCE: That's not true! You can totally be our friend.

DAISY: You could even try out for cheer squad if you want.

CADENCE: Daisy and I are both Co-captains and are always looking for fun people to join. You'd make tons of friends if you joined the squad. So what do you say Isla, want to be friends?

ISLA: I don't need friends right now.

DAISY: Ok, getting serious "can't-let-people in" vibes over here.

CADENCE: Somehow I don't believe it though...Everyone needs friends.

ISLA: I'm sorry. I just...Ever since my mom died it's been a little hard for me to open up to new people

DAISY: Oh, mija that's terrible.

CADENCE: I'm sorry to hear that Isla.

ISLA: It's still kind of fresh, sorry.

DAISY: Don't apologize girl.

ISLA: It's just so weird to start spilling my heart out to two complete strangers.

CADENCE: Girl, we're not strangers. We're your new friends.

DAISY: Yeah, so hit us up if you need some cheer. Or if you just wanna chat. Here give me your phone so we can share digits.

ISLA: Thanks.

CADENCE: Girl, we got you.

* * *

DUNCAN: So you and the new girl seemed pretty chatty this morning.

SAWYER: I guess. I think I was annoying her though.

FOSTER: That wouldn't be a surprise. So what was Cadence talking about with you knocking the girl over?

SAWYER: Her name is Isla.

FOSTER: Okay. When you knocked "Isla" over.

SAWYER: I was on my phone and didn't see her.

DUNCAN: How can you miss an entire person in front of you?

SAWYER: I don't know. I just wasn't paying attention.

DUNCAN: That's tough. She's kinda hot. I'd tap that!

FOSTER: What about Cadence?

DUNCAN: What about her?

FOSTER: Aren't you guys a thing?

DUNCAN: No. We've messed around a few times but it's nothing more than that.

SAWYER: Is she aware of that?

DUNCAN: Yes. Maybe. I don't know.

SAWYER: Well you better tell her before you lead her on more so than you already have.

DUNCAN: I will. Right now?

To be continued.....

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