[Target Of Misfortune: Rank SSS (Level: 1)] This skill changed my life. I, a poor nobody despised by others, had gained this opportunity. Using my skill of mine, I will rise to the top. And no one will stop me. https://discord.gg/wxxXFfDb7B
A week had passed, and the exam was now over. Reina and I spent quality time with each other for a week.
I had a call from Linsey, and she told me about the war between the IUC and the ZTF. The war ended with the ZTF being caught as the culprit for being the one to spread a deadly disease. They lost too much trust in the people and became irrelevant.
"Agnus. How are you doing?"
With the IUC being the winner, I would think Agnus would celebrate. Looking at him, I couldn't see that expression coming from him.
"I'm doing well. Thanks for asking. Let's immediately get to the main topic. Charles, your disease is starting to become a problem for our organization; is there a way to get rid of it? Those who tried to test it couldn't find anything."
"That's easy. All I have to do is undo, and it's done."